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传统CD-CAT通常选择一个认知诊断模型(cognitive diagnosis model, CDM)标定题库参数,但在实际应用中一个CDM很难完全拟合题库中所有的题目。G-DINA模型是一般化的饱和模型,可以通过Wald统计量检验在题目水平上,比较简约模型(DINA、DINO、ACDM、LLM和RRUM)是否能够代替饱和模型(G-DINA),并为每个题目选择一个相对最优的CDM,从而充分发挥各个CDM的优势,从而在一个题库中有的题目采用简约CDM,而有的题目采用饱和CDM,本文把这种思路称为混合模型(Mixed-CDMs)思路。基于此,本文探讨了基于混合模型的CD-CAT,并通过两个模拟研究及其应用研究验证了该方法的效果。研究结果表明基于混合模型建立的CD-CAT具有理想的效果,从而为CD-CAT在实际使用中提供了新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

为了考察入学过渡期高中新生主观社会地位(subjective social status, SSS)的变化轨迹及人格在其中的作用,本研究对546名高一新生进行了历时4个月的4次追踪测试。基于潜变量增长模型的分析结果显示:(1)SSS呈阶段化线性增长,且个体间差异显著;(2)人格中的外倾性、宜人性、责任心和开放性均能显著预测SSS的初始水平;(3)外倾性、宜人性和神经质对SSS的第一阶段变化速度有显著预测作用。结果表明,SSS会在新生入学后1个月内初步形成,且人格与其变化轨迹有关。  相似文献   

综述了近年来韵律句法解歧方面的一些研究。首先介绍了韵律特征及其作用;其次,简单介绍了句法歧义及其加工模型;然后从讲话者和听话者两个角度,分析了讲话者在自然的情境中是否自发稳定的生成韵律线索,以及听话者是否能够即时的使用韵律信息引导最初的句法分析两个问题,并简要地阐述了汉语韵律和句法的独特特点以及国内的相关研究;最后,初步探讨了进行汉语相应研究应该注意的问题  相似文献   

针对医疗纠纷越来越严重、越来越趋于恶化的现状,指出医疗责任鉴定制度不合理、鉴定程序不规范是重要原因之一。通过对我国现存医疗责任鉴定制度的剖析,同时借鉴国外有关司法鉴定的相关规定,提出建立统一的医疗责任鉴定制度的构想。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of color–digit synesthesia on numerical representation, we presented a synesthete, called SE, in the present study, and controls with mathematical equations for verification. In Experiment 1, SE verified addition equations made up of digits that either matched or mismatched her color–digit photisms or were in black. In Experiment 2A, the addends were presented in the different color conditions and the solution was presented in black, whereas in Experiment 2B the addends were presented in black and the solutions were presented in the different color conditions. In Experiment 3, multiplication and division equations were presented in the same color conditions as in Experiment 1. SE responded significantly faster to equations that matched her photisms than to those that did not; controls did not show this effect. These results suggest that photisms influence the processing of digits in arithmetic verification, replicating and extending previous findings.  相似文献   

本研究设计了两种基于汉语全拼输入的提示性软键盘:加粗加黑和颜色提示,并通过实证性研究验证了这两种提示性软键盘对汉字输入绩效的影响。结果表明,两种提示性软键盘均优于非提示性软键盘,在打字速度、使用方便程度、喜爱程度和总体评价上均更好,加粗加黑提示性软键盘还显著提升了输入正确率。该结果为基于汉字输入的提示性软键盘的研发和使用提供了科学依据和数据支持,也将为相关键盘的投入市场做出贡献。  相似文献   

关于小学儿童算术策略的理论及研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈英和  赵延芹  仲宁宁 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1422-1425
关于儿童算术策略的研究一直是国内外心理学家关心的热点.围绕着儿童算术认知策略的发现、选择和运行机制,心理学家提出了表征翻译理论和竞争淡判理论.同时心理学家还提出了几种算术认知策略的理论模型。进行儿童算术认知策略研究的经典方法主要是精密时计法和口语报告法,采用的研究任务范式主要是产生式任务和验证式任务。题目结构类型、工作记忆广度和数位概念等因素影响儿童算术策略的使用。近几年,有关小学儿童算术认知策略的研究得到了长足发展。  相似文献   

A corpus of phonological errors produced in narrative speech by a Wernicke's aphasic speaker (R.W.B.) was tested for context effects using two new methods for establishing chance baselines. A reliable anticipatory effect was found using the second method, which estimated chance from the distance between phoneme repeats in the speech sample containing the errors. Relative to this baseline, error-source distances were shorter than expected for anticipations, but not perseverations. R.W.B.'s anticipation/perseveration ratio measured intermediate between a nonaphasic error corpus and that of a more severe aphasic speaker (both reported in Schwartz et al., 1994), supporting the view that the anticipatory bias correlates to severity. Finally, R.W.B's anticipations favored word-initial segments, although errors and sources did not consistently share word or syllable position.  相似文献   

社会互动提取任务中,说者的选择性提取会造成听者对相关内容的遗忘,这被称为社会分享型提取诱发遗忘。本研究基于关系动机的视角,分别考察女性组合和男性组合条件下,听者社会分享型提取诱发遗忘的表现特点。结果表明,女性组合中的听者在同性别说者在场的条件下,出现了社会分享型提取诱发遗忘;而男性组合中的听者在同性别说者在场的条件下,无该现象出现。以上结果为关系动机影响社会分享型提取诱发遗忘提供了实证证据。  相似文献   

The aftermath of Caster Semenya’s resounding victory in the women’s 800?m at the 2009 Athletics World Championships in Berlin highlighted the ethical and scientific flaws of gender verification in women’s athletics. It has led the governing international body of professional athletics, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), to adopt new rules regarding athletes with differences of sexual developments (DSDs) in women’s competitions in 2011 (Regulations on Hyperandrogenism). The International Olympic Committee followed suit and adopted a similar set of rules in 2012. Locating the practice of gender verification in a history of sexist stereotyping of women athletes (in Section 1), I argue (in Section 2), following other critics, that the IAAF’s new rules suffer from the same ethical flaws as their predecessors; and specifically that they still invite and rely on qualitative measuring of an athlete’s femininity and masculinity. In the central section of this paper (Section 3), I relate the practice of gender verification to the vexing question of what constitutes an unfair advantage in sports. I suggest, first, that athletes with a DSD should be at liberty to exploit competitive advantages their conditions might confer on them, just as most athletes in most sports are at liberty to exploit their congenital traits (the only irrelevant difference being that DSDs are construed as gendered advantages). In a second step, I argue that gender segregation in sports and gender verification practices cannot both be defended by an appeal to fairness. If we want to preserve gender segregation, then we ought to give up gender verification; and if we are not prepared to give up regulation of gendered congenital advantages, then we ought to give up gender segregation in favor of a classification system that tracks genetic predisposition rather than gender.  相似文献   

首先编制了消费者自我概念量表,对高尔夫球会客人进行了消费者自我概念的测查,将高尔夫消费者划分为事业自我型、交际自我型、精明自我型、家庭自我型和表现自我型五大类,进而分析了这五类消费者在参与高尔夫球运动动机和购买高尔夫球会会籍动机方面的差异。结果表明,(1)锻炼身体是消费者参与高尔夫球运动的主要动机。不同自我概念消费者参与高尔夫运动的动机的差异表现在事业自我型消费者与其他群体的差异显著;(2)商务交往是消费者购买球会会籍动机的主要动机,不同自我概念消费者购买球会会籍动机的差异表现在家庭自我型消费者与交际自我型、表现自我型消费者之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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