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The present paper examines the effects of memory contents and memory load in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) speeded tasks, trying to explain previous inconsistent results. We used a one target (Experiment 1) and a two-target (Experiment 2) RSVP task with a concurrent memory load of one or four items, in a dual-task paradigm. A relation between material in working memory and the target in the RSVP impaired the identification of the target. In Experiments 3 and 4, the single task was to determine whether any information in memory matched the target in the RSVP, while varying the memory load. A match was detected faster than a non-match, although only when there was some distance between targets in the RSVP (Experiment 4). The results suggest that memory contents automatically capture attention, slowing processing when the memory contents are irrelevant to the task, and speeding processing when they are relevant.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that emotional stimuli impair the identification of subsequently presented, briefly flashed stimuli. In the present study, we investigated whether emotional distractors (primes) impaired target processing when presentation of the target stimulus was not impoverished. In lexical decision, animacy decision, rhyme decision, and nonword naming, targets were presented in such a manner that they were clearly visible (i.e., targets were not masked and presented until participants responded). In all tasks taboo-sexual distractors caused a slowdown in responding to the subsequent neutral target. Our results indicate that the detrimental effects of emotional distractors are not confined to paradigms in which visibility of the target is limited. Moreover, impairments were obtained even when semantic processing of stimuli was not required.  相似文献   

A software system for the reliable detection of vocal response onset is described. The system was designed specifically for the measurement of vocal response times to speech stimuli presented aurally in a sound field in the presence of some background noise. The response time extraction method described here is robust to masking noise and extraneous sounds that may be included in the subject’s recorded response. In addition, the response words do not have to be limited to a small set because the system is able to differentiate the onset of any speech sounds, including low-energy fricatives. The method described here may be implemented with any computer sound system because it relies only on the sound conversion clock for timing accuracy and uses postprocessing of the signal after acquisition for response extraction. The response time extraction technique as currently implemented does not recognize subject’s responses but could be incorporated into an automatic speech recognition system.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the mechanisms underlying error detection in the error signaling response. The authors tested between a response monitoring account and a conflict monitoring account. By implementing each account within the neural network model of N. Yeung, M. M. Botvinick, and J. D. Cohen (2004), they demonstrated that both accounts make different predictions as to how error signaling performance is influenced by varying the participants' response criterion. These predictions were tested in an experiment using the Eriksen-flanker task. The qualitative pattern as well as a model fit favored the response monitoring account, which states that error detection is mediated by detecting internal error corrections.  相似文献   

Differences in performance with various stimulus-response mappings are among the most prevalent findings for binary choice reaction tasks. The authors show that perceptual or conceptual similarity is not necessary to obtain mapping effects; a type of structural similarity is sufficient. Specifically, stimulus and response alternatives are coded as positive and negative polarity along several dimensions, and polarity correspondence is sufficient to produce mapping effects. The authors make the case for this polarity correspondence principle using the literature on word-picture verification and then provide evidence that polarity correspondence is a determinant of mapping effects in orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility, numerical judgment, and implicit association tasks. The authors conclude by discussing implications of this principle for interpretation of results from binary choice tasks and future model development.  相似文献   

Inhibition is a widely used notion proposed to account for data obtained in choice reaction time (RT) tasks. However, this concept is weakly supported by empirical facts. In this paper, we review a series of experiments using Hoffman reflex, transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography to study inhibition in choice RT tasks. We provide empirical support for the idea that inhibition does occur during choice RT, and the implications of those findings for various classes of choice RT models are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence from functional neuroimaging and computational modeling studies indicates that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) detects the presence of response conflict and conveys this information to other brain regions, enabling subsequent adjustments in cognitive control. The present study examined previous empirical findings of increased ACC for low-frequency stimuli across three distinct speeded response tasks (two-alternative forced choice, go/no-go, and oddball). Simulations conducted in a neural network model incorporating sequential priming mechanisms (developed in Cho et al., 2002) confirmed that a computational measure of response conflict was higher on low-frequency trials across all three tasks. In addition, the model captured detailed aspects of behavioral reaction time and accuracy data, predicted the dynamics of ACC activity related to trial sequence effects, and provided evidence for the functional role of conflict information in performance monitoring and optimization. The results indicate that the conflict-monitoring hypothesis, augmented by mechanisms for encoding stimulus history, can explain key phenomena associated with performance in sequential speeded response tasks.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether a speeded coding task that used a computer-based mouse response (CBMR) format was a measure of general processing speed (Gs). By analyzing the task within a network of tasks representing both traditional Gs tests and reaction time tasks, it was shown that a CBMR test can be used to measure the same construct as traditional paper-and-pencil (PP) tests and that this response format does not introduce variance associated with psychomotor performance. Differences between PP and CBMR formats were observed, and it is argued that these may provide information on individual differences in performance not available from traditional coding tests.  相似文献   

One of the cornerstones of the human motor learning process is the ability to self-detect and self-correct movement errors. However, despite their importance, relatively little research has been done on these topics. One unanswered question is whether error detection is a general ability or one specific to the task to be learned. To investigate this issue, 66 college-age participants (49 women and 17 men) performed four motor learning tasks: an anticipation-timing task, a slow arm-positioning task, a rapid arm-movement task (400-msec. goal), and a tone-duration production task (400-msec. goal). 50 practice trials were provided on each task, 35 with knowledge of results (KR) and 15 without KR. Participants verbally estimated error on all trials before KR was given, except for the slow positioning task on which overall error in performance was the measure of error detection. Error detection was developed for each task but transfer of this ability only occurred when two tasks shared the same movement pattern. Men performed better on anticipation-timing than women, but men and women detected errors equally well on all tasks.  相似文献   

Tones were introduced into a serial reaction time (SRT) task to serve as redundant response effects. Experiment 1 showed that the tones improved serial learning with a 10-element stimulus sequence, but only if the tone effects were mapped onto the responses contingently. Experiment 2 demonstrated that switching to noncontingent response-effect mapping increased SRT only when participants had previously adapted to contingent response-effect mapping. In Experiment 3, the beneficial influence of contingent tone effects on serial learning occurred only when there was sufficient time between the response effects and the next imperative stimuli. The results are discussed in terms of the ideomotor principle. It is claimed that an internal representation of the to-be-produced tone effects develops and gains control over the execution of the response sequence.  相似文献   

It proved that the difference between mean latency for incorrect responses and mean latency for correct ones in signal detection situations can be used as a measure for the separation between SN and N distributions, provided that certain plausible conditions are met. The applicability of this method to various paradigms is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Wiener diffusion model (WDM) for 2-alternative tasks assumes that sensory information is integrated over time. Recent neurophysiological studies have found neural correlates of this integration process in certain neuronal populations. This paper analyses the properties of the WDM with two different boundary conditions in decision making tasks in which the time of response is indicated by a cue. A dual reflecting boundary mechanism is proposed and its performance is compared with a well-established absorbing boundary in the cases of the WDM, the WDM with extensions, and the WDM with prior probability. The two types of boundary influence the dynamics of the model and introduce differential weighting of evidence. Comparisons with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models are also done, and it is shown that the WDM with both types of boundary achieves similar performance and produces similar fits to existing behavioural data. Further studies are proposed to distinguish which boundary mechanism is more consistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

Van der Molen and Keuss, in 1979 and 1981, showed that paradoxically long reaction times occur with extremely strong auditory stimuli when the task is difficult, e.g., choice-by-location or Simon paradigm. It was argued that this paradoxical behavior of RT is due to active inhibition of an arousal-dependent bypassing mechanism to prevent false responses. As the peak force, i.e., maximal force exerted by participants on a response key, is considered to be related to immediate arousal, we predicted that for extremely loud stimuli and for difficult tasks, lengthening of RT should be associated with reduction of peak force. Moreover, these effects should be enhanced when emphasis is on accuracy rather than speed. Although the relation between RT and intensity depended on task difficulty, no increase in RT was found for the loudest tones. Moreover, peak force increased monotonically with loudness, showing no tendency to be suppressed for loudest tones and difficult tasks.  相似文献   

It is commonly claimed that conservative placement of the criterion in signal detection is due to the form of the utility function of money, to conservatism in the estimation of prior probabilities, or to probability matching tendencies. This article shows how conservatism could be caused by a systematic misconception of the shape of the underlying distributions. An experiment is described in which subjects were asked to make posterior probability judgments after performing numerical analogues of signal detection. The posterior probability judgments were radical, i.e., high posterior probabilities were overestimated and low posterior probabilities were underestimated; if this pattern of radical probability estimation reflects the subjects’ understanding of the underlying distributions, it would account for conservative criterion placement.  相似文献   

In two detection experiments, university students reported whether the second of two sequentially presented tones was longer or shorter than the first by responding to stimuli presented on a touch screen. Stimulus disparity and response disparity were manipulated to compare their effects on measures of discrimination and response bias when the reinforcement ratio for correct responses was asymmetric. Choice stimuli consisted of squares filled with different pixel densities. Response disparity was manipulated by varying the difference in density between the two choice stimuli. In both experiments, decreasing stimulus disparity reduced discrimination but had no consistent effect on bias. Decreasing response disparity also reduced discrimination in both experiments, and often reduced estimates of bias. The effects of response disparity on bias were most clear in Experiment 2, in which a greater overall level of response disparity was arranged. The data show that, like corresponding research with pigeons, detection performance of human subjects can be conceptualized as discriminated operants.  相似文献   

In serial choice reaction time (RT) tasks, performance in each trial critically depends on the sequence of preceding events. In this study, the authors specifically examined the mechanism underlying RT sequence effects at short response-stimulus intervals (RSIs), in which performance is impaired in the current trial N if events alternate rather than repeat from trial N-2 to trial N-1. Different accounts of this RT pattern in terms of perceptual noise, response-selection monitoring, and response conflict were tested in 4 experiments. Second-order RT costs were caused by the response sequence rather than the stimulus sequence. Manipulation of stimulus contrast, stimulus classification difficulty, and set-level compatibility did not modulate the response-related second-order RT effect, whereas this effect increased when spatially incompatible responses were demanded. These findings support a response conflict account of higher order sequential effects in short-RSI situations.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of predecisional information purchase indicate that humans are often seriously suboptimal in balancing the costs and benefits of the information they purchase. Underpurchase is reported in some tasks, over-purchase in others, but no convincing account has been offered of the mechanisms producing these patterns of error. The present paper attempts such an account. We first show by computer simulation that simple hill-climbing algorithms reliably reproduce patterns of over-and underpurchase found in earlier studies, and identify the task characteristics that drive this result. We then specify a novel task that should, by this account, yield a new pattern of purchase error and demonstrate that both simulated and real subjects do, in fact, show such error patterns. Implications are drawn both for research strategy in the area and for practical application.  相似文献   

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