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We examined the relationship between several characteristics of parents' narrative productions and two measures of maladaptive parenting. The two maladaptive parenting variables, indiscriminate responding to children's behavior and parent compliance with child disobedience, were derived from in-home observation of parent-child interactions. These were investigated in relationship to several structural aspects of mother Thematic Apperception Test narratives. Results showed that expressions of personal inadequacy and difficulty remaining task-focused during storytelling were related to mothers' failure to remain firm in the face of child disobedience.  相似文献   

In the Hebrew Bible, hospitality creates social capital, forges alliances and marriages and is used as a literary tool to characterize both people and deities. Hospitality is also described as a high-risk, high-gain type of social practice because it renders both the guest and the host vulnerable to aggression and violence. This article explores the relationship between hospitality and violence in the Hebrew Bible, represented by the murder of Amnon at Absalom’s sheep-shearing feast in 2 Samuel 13 and the murder of Sisera in Judges 4. These texts seem to go directly against an ideal that is expressed elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible, namely that a guest is sacred and entitled to protection (e.g. Gen 18 and 19).  相似文献   


In order to identify relevant determinants of organ donor registration among Dutch adolescents, a school-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among 145 high school students. Fifty-one percent of respondents indicated they were willing to register as organ donors and 80% reported a positive general attitude towards registration. Various misconceptions about the registration and donation procedure were identified. On average only moderate knowledge levels related to organ donation were found. In order of strongest association, negative outcome expectancies, past behaviour and experience, positive outcome expectancies, and social outcome expectancies proved to be significant predictors of willingness to register as organ donors. Self-efficacy was indirectly associated with willingness via outcome expectancies. Knowledge about organ donation was not significantly associated with willingness. The results suggest that in order to persuade adolescents to register as organ donors, refutational messages will have to be developed to counterargue the prevailing negative outcome expectancies related to organ donation and registration as an organ donor.  相似文献   

Les interviewers décrivent couramment leur travail comme une tâche ďévaluation de la personnalité. Pourtant, on recense peu de recherches sur la façon dont la personnalité des candidats influence les jugements de ľinterviewer. Dans cette étude, des demandeurs de formation ont rempli la self-monitoring scale de Snyder, ľE.P.I. et une mesure de ľanxiété comportementale; ces données ont été corrélées avec les appréciations des interviewers. Conformé-ment aux hypothèses, on a trouvé que les extravertis étaient jugés plus positivement. Le névrotisme, bien que corrélé avec plusieurs appréciations ďinterviewers, ne semblait pas liéà la décision finale. Contrairement aux prédictions, les scores ďautonomie n'étaient pas corrélés avec les appréciations des interviewers.
Interviewers frequently see their task as being one of personality assessment, yet there is little research on how candidate personality influences interviewer assessments. In this study, applicants for places on a course completed Snyder's self-monitoring scale, the E.P.I, and a measure of state anxiety, and their scores were correlated with interviewers' ratings. As had been hypothesised, there was some indication that extraverts were judged to be more acceptable. Neuroti-cism, despite being correlated with several interviewer ratings, did not seem to be related to final acceptance decision. Contrary to prediction, self-monitoring scores did not correlate with the interviewers' assessments.  相似文献   

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science -  相似文献   

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