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The church has an opportunity not only to nurture and support persons in their marriage but also to minister to those whose marriage comes to an end. This ministry includes enabling these persons to work through their sense of grief and failure and to expereince forgiveness and reconciliation toward the possibility of another marriage in the future.Appreciation is expressed to Commonweal, Hamilton Publishing Company, Basic Books, Inc., Harper & Row, and Pilgrimage for permission to quote from their publications.  相似文献   

“树崇拜”是早期人类所信奉的原始崇拜习俗之一。世界各地不同的民族有着不同的“树崇拜”类型,有的认为树木是“精灵住所”,树上有神的使者;有的认为树是“家族名字的来源”,树与宗族有密不可分的关系;还有的认为树林是宗教崇拜的地方,是一个神圣的处所,“唯一的庙宇”①。中  相似文献   

The Emergency Psychiatry Nursing Assessment Report Framework (EP Nurse) is designed to guide the nurse through the interview-and-reporting process, and to produce a report of the nursing evaluation in emergency psychiatry in 5–10 min. Input includes identifying information, presenting complaints, substance-use history, medical history and vitals, psychiatric medications, treatment history, history of mental illness, last hospitalization, family history of mental illness, nursing diagnosis, and nursing intervention. EP Nurse is intended to be used by licensed nurses familiar with nursing assessment in emergency psychiatry. It is suitable for adult patients.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):173-178
This study proposes a simple methodology to improve the quality of life of residents in nursing homes. In the experimental condition, an intervention based on the feeling of control, the technique of touching and “you are free to…” was implemented. Assessment of the residents’ appropriation of their personal space and their morale was made one month later. Data showed a significant improvement in both parameters in the experimental condition, whereas values remained stable in the control group, which did not receive the intervention.  相似文献   

This project focused on employing a comprehensive advance directive, called Five Wishes, that is suited to a process-oriented approach emphasizing a discussion of personal, social, and emotional needs in end-of-life care. With findings of a limited number of advance directives completed, the traditional explanation of the 'onset o f progressive deterioration' a mong the residents is offered. Residents wi th low sense of self-efficacy is suggested as another explanation and one worthy of further research.  相似文献   

We intended to study unaddressed psychosocial and spiritual needs among older people (of at least 65 years of age) living in nine residential/nursing homes in Bavaria in Southern Germany. We conducted an anonymous cross-sectional study with standardised questionnaires (i.e., Spiritual Needs Questionnaire, Brief Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale, Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation, etc.). Religious needs were predicted best by residents’ religious trust. Existential needs and inner peace needs correlated moderately with grief, and were predicted best by family/social support needs. All members of an interdisciplinary team should be trained in the specific competence of recognising older people's unmet spiritual needs. When these needs are recognised, caregivers and relatives have the chance to react.  相似文献   

在一次关于人权的电视访谈节目中 ,采访者突然间说道 ,就他所理解 ,我正在建立哲学与酷刑之间的关联 ,并且问我这种关联是什么。我一时语塞。瞬刻间 ,我试图猜度他何以得出如此结论。我的回应是 :哲学与酷刑之间没有任何关联 ,并且 ,当你以哲学 伦理知识看待酷刑事实时 ,你可以认识到 ,正如通常接受的那样 ,酷刑既不伤害也不“侮辱”酷刑受害者的人的尊严 ,例如在构想《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚公约》这一标题时。酷刑对施以酷刑者的人的尊严造成伤害。我们保护或伤害人的尊严 ,特别是我们自己的人的尊严 ,在于我们…  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an argument that has been invoked in the stem cell debate: appeal to the Christian tradition. Bishop Richard Harries has put forward the claim that the Christian tradition offers precedent that would give ethical justification for experimenting on human embryos. In contrast, Pope John Paul II claimed that the tradition unwaveringly supported the protection of the human embryo from deliberate harm. In favour of Pope John Paul's reading of the Christian tradition is the fact that Christianity was notable from the outset for its wholehearted opposition to abortion. Bishop Harries can point to three elements in the tradition that seem to qualify the absolute prohibition on abortion: (1) variable penalties for abortion; (2) belief in delayed ensoulment; and (3) abortion to save the mother's life. Nevertheless, detailed consideration of the tradition shows that these apparent qualifications do not provide precedent for destructive experiments on human embryos.  相似文献   

Much attention has begun to focus on the quality of care for persons near the end of life. Palliative care, especially through hospice, has generated much discussion as possibly the most holistic care available. Consideration of how chronically ill older adults receive such care as a result of public policy can benefit from adopting a multidimensional perspective. This paper adopts Bronfenbrenner's ecological model to understand current end-of-life care for nursing home residents, followed by consideration of how each of these dimensions or levels of influence can be used to foster both research agendas and policy reforms to improve end-of-life care of nursing home residents. Specifically, the benefits of considering the influence of such policy initiatives as the Medicare hospice benefit and the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) on end-of-life care in nursing homes and the means through which policy can be informed by clinical research is emphasized.  相似文献   

86 high school students considering entering a health care profession indicated that they would not likely choose to work in a nursing home even though they found them in general to be more pleasant than expected.  相似文献   

Results from the 2001 population census suggest that nearly 72% of people in England and Wales may be identified as Christian. This figure is substantially higher than the proportion found by the British Social Attitudes survey and other national studies. Comparing the census with sample surveys and examining different parts of the UK raises two interesting questions. Why does the census produce a higher figure than recurrent surveys for nominal Christian identification? Why, when church attendance is higher in Scotland than in England and Wales, does the census show a higher proportion of nominal identifiers in the latter? It is argued that the answer to both questions is the same: anxiety about national identity. While the census results might be taken to mean that there are more Christians than expected, such an interpretation is probably mistaken.  相似文献   

众所周知,要治好病,得找医生,得靠“对症下药”。但是,在农村,尤其是文化落后的偏远山村,得了病,有些人首先想到的不是去医院,而是去求  相似文献   

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