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This study analyzes relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic job characteristics and overall job satisfaction among men and women. Zeroorder correlation and multiple regression analyses ascertain the relationships between eight perceived job characteristics and job satisfaction among a national probability sample of 1,533 workers. The results reveal similar patterns of relationships between perceived job characteristics and job satisfaction for men and women indicating that they require similar job characteristics to be satisfied with their jobs.  相似文献   

工作满意度研究的特质取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章回顾了工作满意度的人格倾向研究。首先详细阐述了用不同理论和框架测量人格特质时人格与工作满意度关系的研究成果,接着介绍了人格影响工作满意度的机制,并对较新的研究领域——人格和工作满意度的动态关系进行了总结。未来的研究应尤其关注人格影响工作满意度的机制和人格与工作满意度的动态关系  相似文献   

Global competition has forced corporations to invest overseas in order to gain or maintain competitive advantage. International investment entails not only the movement of capital, machinery, and products but also the spread of corporate cultures to host countries. This is so because, to maintain managerial consistency among its branches, a multinational corporation (MNC) will attempt to transplant its management system to any country in which it invests.However, it is also recognized that cultural contexts differ markedly among nations, and that multinational firms must adjust their management practices to accommodate specific conditions in host-country environments.  相似文献   



Our purpose was to inductively examine how employees’ perceptions of stressor and resource work characteristics relate to nine distinct facets of job satisfaction, in accordance with the demand–control (–support) [JDC(S)] theory. Job satisfaction is a multidimensional construct composed of various facets that differ greatly from one other. However, most stress studies have examined job satisfaction at the global level. This may be problematic for managers looking to redesign the workplace to increase employee job satisfaction based on established recommendations from previous research.


Data were obtained from employees of a public sector human services organization that provides services to protect children from neglect and other forms of abuse (n = 343). A series of t tests for dependent correlations determined facet-level differences in satisfaction with demand and resource work characteristics.


We found different patterns of correlations across facets for all seven demand, control, and support workplace characteristics.


Those re-balancing types of demands, control, and support for workplace redesign should not presume consistent effects on all aspects of satisfaction with work. By doing so, expected positive outcomes may fail to materialize, perhaps to the detriment of workplace redesign as a whole in the minds of management. A more detailed approach to workplace redesign is recommended.


This is the first study which adopts the JDC(S) framework to examine job satisfaction at the facet level. Our findings shed new light on how workplace characteristics relate to different aspects of satisfaction.  相似文献   

This research examined three factors related to misrepresentations on job applications: the job relevance of the information, the effects of overt misrepresentation compared to omission, and the impact of human resource (HR) management experience. Dependent measures included the extent to which misrepresentations were perceived as lies and influenced hiring intentions. In general, higher job relevance and overt misrepresentations increased the perception of misrepresentations as lies and decreased the hiring intentions. Further, persons with HR management experience were less likely to see misrepresentations as lies and more likely to hire applicants. Implications for future research and managerial practice are discussed.
James M. SchmidtkeEmail:

企业员工组织支持感与工作满意度、离职意向的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对611名企业员工的调查,探讨组织支持感与工作满意度、离职意向之间的关系。结果表明:组织支持感与工作满意度存在显著的正相关;组织支持感与换岗意向、换职意向存在显著的负相关.但仅对换职意向具有负向预测作用;工作满意度与换岗意向、换职意向存在显著的负相关,并对二者都具有负向预测作用。  相似文献   

This study explores the moderating potential of positive affectivity (PA) and perceived collective efficacy (PCE) on the relationship between 3 dimensions of politics perceptions and job satisfaction. We hypothesized that high levels of PA and PCE, in unison, would buffer the harmful effects of perceived politics on job satisfaction. Regression analyses for the 3 dimensions (i.e., general politics, go along to get along, and pay and promotion) yielded a significant finding for the PA × PCE × Go Along to Get Along 3-way interaction only. Consistent with our expectations, low PA-low PCE individuals were less satisfied with their jobs when levels of go-along-to-get-along politics increased. Contrary to our hypothesis, however, high PA-high PCE individuals reported a significant inverse relationship between perceived politics and job satisfaction. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

认真性与下属工作满意感--变革型领导的中介作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孟慧 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1237-1239
对85名企业管理人员的认真性特质、变革型领导风格与下属工作满意感的关系进行了研究,多元回归分析的结果表明,我国企业管理人员的认真性特质能够有效地预测下属的工作满意感,其中下属知觉的变革型领导是管理者的认真性和下属工作满意感之间关系的中介变量,而这一中介效用主要是通过变革型领导的两个子维度——领导魅力和智力激发来实现的。  相似文献   

Moderated regression analyses are used to assess the degree to which indirect indicators of job importance moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The 1971 Quality of American Life Survey (N = 2,164) and the 1972-1973 Quality of Employment Survey (N = 1,496) provide two large nationwide probability sample data sets for these secondary analyses. It is hypothesized that the strength of the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship is positively related to job importance. Contrary to this hypothesis, respondents whose jobs were expected to be more important do not have substantially stronger job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationships than respondents whose jobs were expected to be less important. The zero-order job satisfaction–life satisfaction correlations in both samples are stronger than expected (r = .48 and r = .49). Discussion focuses on the conceptual implications of the failure to find substantial moderator effects. Locke's (1969) theory of the implicit role of importance in determining satisfaction is invoked to explain the obtained pattern of results.  相似文献   

The author reports the results of his study examining whether sex moderates the relationship between general job satisfaction or dissatisfaction and the 25 job satisfaction factors of the Triple Audit Opinion Survey (TAOS). The author conducted Hierarchical Multiple Regression Covariance Analysis to test the homogeneity of regression (intercepts and slopes) between males and females using the five orthogonal factors derived from the 25 job satisfaction components of the TAOS as the independent variables and the general job satisfaction scores of the TAOS as the dependent variable.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the levels of job satisfaction reported by older workers (aged 50–64) with and without disability by using an aggregating approach in which job satisfaction is seen as a combination of various job satisfaction domains (physical effort, time pressure, level of freedom, capability to develop new skills, support in the workplace, recognition of the work, salary, promotion prospect and job security). Using the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we estimate a two-layer model based on the interrelation between the different domains of job satisfaction and wherein the individual’s overall job satisfaction depends on each of these domains. The results show that the levels of satisfaction with the recognition of the work, support in difficult situations and physical effort have a significant effect on the overall job satisfaction reported by limited disabled workers. For this group, the trade-offs between the domains recognition with work and support and satisfaction with salary are especially high. These findings can help organizations, managers and policy makers to design or modify current jobs to make them more attractive in terms of satisfaction for limited disabled older workers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects that perceived child-rearing practices have on the sexually intimate relationship satisfaction of a sample of 130 male (n=62) and female (n=68) fourth year South African university students. Participants completed the Parenting Bonding Instrument (Parker, Tupling, & Brown, 1979), Stevens Relationship Questionnaire (Stevens & Stevens, 1994) and the Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire (Louw, 2000) to measure perceived parent-child attachment, respondents' sexually intimate relationships and level of sex education. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to investigate the influence of perceived child rearing practices on sexually intimate relationship satisfaction. The results suggest that parent-child attachment explained a significant percentage of the variance in intimate relationship in young adulthood.  相似文献   

Shared activity is often simply willed into existence by individuals. This poses a problem. Philosophical reflection suggests that shared activity involves a distinctive, interlocking structure of intentions. But it is not obvious how one can form the intention necessary for shared activity without settling what fellow participants will do and thereby compromising their agency and autonomy. One response to this problem suggests that an individual can have the requisite intention if she makes the appropriate predictions about fellow participants. I argue that implementing this predictive strategy risks derailing practical reasoning and preventing one from forming the intention. My alternative proposal for reconciling shared activity with autonomy appeals to the idea of acting directly on another's intention. In particular, I appeal to the entitlement one sometimes has to another's practical judgment, and the corresponding authority the other sometimes has to settle what one is to do.  相似文献   

The relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction is examined, using regression analyses which control the effects of satisfaction with domains other than the job and conditions associated with the workplace and with life away from work. Results from data analyses of two independent sets of survey data are used to elaborate and refine a multivariate framework for relating overall life satisfaction and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The current study examined the occupational stress-strain relationship among a sample of 109 white-collar employees in Singapore. Participants completed a survey that assessed the presence of 8 human resource practices (job training, communication, job redesign, promotional opportunities, employee involvement, family-friendly policies, pay systems, and individual-focused stress interventions [SMIs]), 2 major stressors (role overload and responsibility), 2 types of strain (vocational and interpersonal), and organizational commitment. Results indicate that human resource (HR) practices did not reduce the sources of stress (role overload and responsibility) within the workplace. However, there was a direct negative relationship between HR practices and interpersonal strain. In particular, family-friendly practices, job training, and SMIs reduced interpersonal strain. An examination of vocational strain showed that it was negatively associated with SMIs and job training. In addition, organizational commitment mediated the relationship between HR practices and vocational strain. It was concluded that HR practices may be effective as part of a symptom-directed approach to stress intervention and that further replication of these results in both Asian and Western samples is required.  相似文献   

Le Mode`le de Culture Fit explique la manie`re dont l'environnement socio‐culturel influence la culture interne au travail et les pratiques de la direction des ressources humaines. Ce mode`le a e´te´ teste´ sur 2003 salarie´s d'entreprises prive´es dans 10 pays. Les participants ont rempli un questionnaire de 57 items, destine´ a` mesurer les perceptions de la direction sur 4 dimensions socio‐culturelles, 6 dimensions de culture interne au travail, et les pratiques HRM (Management des Ressources Humaines) dans 3 zones territoiriales. Une analyse ponde´re´e par re´gressions multiples, au niveau individuel, a montre´ que les directeurs qui caracte´risaient leurs environnement socio‐culturel de fac¸on fataliste, supposaient aussi que les employe´s n'e´taient pas malle´ables par nature. Ces directeurs ne pratiquaient pas l'enrichissement des postes et donnaient tout pouvoir au contrôle et a` la re´mune´ration en fonction des performances. Les directeurs qui appre´ciaient une grande loyaute´ des employe´s supposaient qu'ils remplissent entre eux des obligations re´ciproques et s'engagaient dans la voie donnant pouvoir aux pratiques HRM. Les directeurs qui percevaient le paternalisme et une forte distance de l'autorite´ dans leur environnement socio‐culturel, supposaient une re´activite´ des employe´s, et en outre ne pourvoyaient pas a` l'enrichissement des postes et a` la de´le´gation. Des mode`les spe´cifiques a` la culture qui mettent en relation ces 3 groupes de variables ainsi que les applications de ces recherches pour la psychologie industrielles trans‐culturellesont e´te´ de´battus.  相似文献   

This paper examines the new concept of perceived job discrimination (PJD) and an associated model relating to applicant propensity to case initiation (APCI) in selection. The construct is explored and related concepts and avenues for future research are suggested. In particular we propose potential avenues for further theoretical development including the use of attribution theory and self‐serving bias, the theory of relational demography and we introduce the concept of ‘political validity’ to be considered when evaluating selection practices. We suggest a variety of research design approaches to consider in investigating the PJD construct and associated APCI further.  相似文献   

Pour examiner les variations de la satisfaction au travail dans une perspective transculturelle et interfonctions, des donées d'enquête d'une compagnie internationale auprès de 129,087 répondants de 39 pays ont été analysées. Des analyses à plusieurs niveaux ont montré que la satisfaction au travail est positivement liée au statut et au niveau de l'emploi exercé dans les pays individualistes sans que soit le cas dans les pays collectivistes. De plus, la relation positive entre la satisfaction au travail et le niveau de l'emploi exercé ne se marque que pour les emplois offrant l'opportunité d'exercer ses compétences dans les pays individualistes. Le niveau de l'emploi est même négativement liéà la satisfaction au travail pour des emplois offrant peu d'opportunité d'exercer ses compétences dans les pays collectivistes.
To examine cross-cultural and cross-occupational variations in job satisfaction, data from a multinational company survey with 129,087 respondents from 39 countries was analysed. Multilevel analyses showed that job level is positively related to job satisfaction in individualistic countries but not in collectivistic countries. Moreover, the positive relationship between job level and job satisfaction holds only for jobs with much opportunity to use one's skills and abilities, especially in individualistic countries. Job level is even negatively related to job satisfaction in jobs with little opportunity to use one's skills and abilities in collectivistic countries.  相似文献   

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