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白内障超声乳化手术使得广大糖尿病患者术后获得了良好视力,但作为一个特殊高危群体,手术后并发症不容忽视.本文结合以往我科临床经验,按照发生率的高低,就糖尿病患者白内障术后并发症的发生情况作一剖析,并参照相关文献,讨论分析其发生的危险因素,及在临床工作中如何预防或减低糖尿病患者白内障术后并发症的发生几率,以期警示临床进一步加强围手术期管理制度,针对患者具体情况,依据临床专业理论和经验,作出最优化临床决策.  相似文献   

自内障手术治疗的发展与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体。随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能。随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来。使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀。  相似文献   

白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体.随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能.随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来.使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀.  相似文献   

白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体。随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能。随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来。使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀。  相似文献   

论人工晶体手术的发展暨南大学医学院附属医院(广州510632)钟敬祥徐锦堂施月欢白内障是一种致盲的常见病,而目前临床上采用白内障摘除联合人工晶体植入使病人重见光明。人工晶体手术的发明给眼科领域带来了一次飞跃,它以良好的手术效果而确定其在医学领域的地位...  相似文献   

全球因白内障致失明者大约2 000万人,导致低视力者3倍于此数字,即6 000万.手术可使白内障失明者视力恢复正常或有用视力.每年每百万人口接受白内障手术的人数(白内障手术率)是在不同环境中衡量眼保健工作的有用尺度.白内障手术率在各国之间以及一个国家的不同地区都存在极大差异,最高者比利时16 000例/百万,2004年统计我国448.7例/百万,2005卫生部制定的2006~2010全国今后5年白内障手术率要达到700例/百万.这种差异是受所在国和地区及患者本人的经济和文化程度及其他社会因素所制约的,即使具备手术服务也很难予以利用.本文拟就防盲治盲20年间,辽宁省及大连市白内障复明手术开展情况进行回顾性分析,从制约国人白内障复明手术的社会因素进行讨论.  相似文献   

糖尿病患者围手术期血糖控制是临床糖尿病处理的一大难题,围手术期血糖控制状况对术后病死率及感染等并发症有重要影响。良好的血糖控制可以改善患者预后,但严格控制血糖也会增加低血糖和多项不良事件发生的风险。目前对围手术期血糖控制的目标尚无统一标准,缺乏充分的前瞻性对比研究和循证证据。本文作者对近几年关于围手术期血糖控制相关文献...  相似文献   

白内障手术中的适宜技术与诊疗最优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在临床工作中为避免过度医疗,普遍的原则是大力推行适宜技术、适度医疗,并努力实现诊疗的最优化。在我国现阶段,适宜技术是一个宽泛且较低的标准,白内障手术中的适宜技术并不能使患者获得最佳疗效,达不到最优化医疗的要求。相信随着我国医疗体制的健全,白内障患者可以享受到最优化医疗。  相似文献   

在临床工作中为避免过度医疗,普遍的原则是大力推行适宜技术、适度医疗,并努力实现诊疗的最优化.在我国现阶段,适宜技术是一个宽泛且较低的标准,白内障手术中的适宜技术并不能使患者获得最佳疗效,达不到最优化医疗的要求.相信随着我国医疗体制的健全,白内障患者可以享受到最优化医疗.  相似文献   

糖尿病患者围手术期血糖控制是临床糖尿病处理的一大难题,围手术期血糖控制状况对术后病死率及感染等并发症有重要影响.良好的血糖控制可以改善患者预后,但严格控制血糖也会增加低血糖和多项不良事件发生的风险.目前时围手术期血糖控制的目标尚无统一标准,缺乏充分的前瞻性对比研究和循证证据.本文作者对近几年关于围手术期血糖控制相关文献综合整理,结合相关临床经验,就围手术期血糖控制进行探讨.  相似文献   

The rapid drop in the cost of DNA sequencing led to the availability of multi-gene panels, which test 25 or more cancer susceptibility genes for a low cost. Clinicians and genetic counselors need a tool to interpret results, understand risk of various cancers, and advise on a management strategy. This is challenging as there are multiple studies regarding each gene, and it is not possible for clinicians and genetic counselors to be aware of all publications, nor to appreciate the relative accuracy and importance of each. Through an extensive literature review, we have identified reliable studies and derived estimates of absolute risk. We have also developed a systematic mechanism and informatics tools for (1) data curation, (2) the evaluation of quality of studies, and (3) the statistical analysis necessary to obtain risk. We produced the risk prediction clinical decision support tool ASK2ME (All Syndromes Known to Man Evaluator). It provides absolute cancer risk predictions for various hereditary cancer susceptibility genes. These predictions are specific to patients’ gene carrier status, age, and history of relevant prophylactic surgery. By allowing clinicians to enter patient information and receive patient-specific cancer risks, this tool aims to have a significant impact on the quality of precision cancer prevention and disease management activities relying on panel testing. It is important to note that this tool is dynamic and constantly being updated, and currently, some of its limitations include (1) for many gene-cancer associations risk estimates are based on one study rather than meta-analysis, (2) strong assumptions on prior cancers, (3) lack of uncertainty measures, and (4) risk estimates for a growing set of gene-cancer associations which are not always variant specific. All of these concerns are being addressed on an ongoing basis, aiming to make the tool even more accurate.  相似文献   

Few clinical practices are as important for simultaneously augmenting patient safety and mitigating legal risk as the judicious evaluation and stratification of a patient's risk for suicide, proportionate clinical actions based thereon taken by the healthcare provider, and contemporaneous documentation of the foregoing. In this article, we draw from our combined decades of multidisciplinary experience as a clinical psychologist, forensic psychiatrist, medical malpractice attorney, and clinical psychology trainee to discuss the documentation of suicide risk assessment and management as a conduit to patient safety and legal risk mitigation. We additionally highlight documentation as a core clinical competency across disciplines and note areas of improvement, such as increased training, to bolster documentation practices.  相似文献   

Transplantation continues to push the frontiers of medicine into domains that summon forth troublesome ethical questions. Looming on the frontier today is human facial transplantation. We develop criteria that, we maintain, must be satisfied in order to ethically undertake this as-yet-untried transplant procedure. We draw on the criteria advanced by Dr. Francis Moore in the late 1980s for introducing innovative procedures in transplant surgery. In addition to these we also insist that human face transplantation must meet all the ethical requirements usually applied to health care research. We summarize the achievements of transplant surgery to date, focusing in particular on the safety and efficacy of immunosuppressive medications. We also emphasize the importance of risk/benefit assessments that take into account the physical, aesthetic, psychological, and social dimensions of facial disfiguration, reconstruction, and transplantation. Finally, we maintain that the time has come to move facial transplantation research into the clinical phase.  相似文献   

活体肝移植术虽部分解决了供肝短缺问题,但需从活的供体身上切取部分肝脏,使其承担手术创伤甚至死亡的风险,故存在诸多伦理问题。本文应用质性研究,对7名与活体肝移植相关的不同领域专家及6名手术相关者进行访谈,采用 Nvivo9.0软件辅助对访谈资料进行了分析。探讨活体肝移植的伦理审查、供体选择及心理评估的相关伦理问题。结果显示,尽管活体肝移植手术仍在全国多家医院进行,目前政府对活体肝移植伦理审查和监管更加严格,伦理审查缺少对供体、受体的心理综合评估。因此,建议建立健全并推广死亡器官捐赠注册系统以增加肝源,减少活体肝移植对供体带来的健康风险,并开发适用的心理综合评估工具,评估结果应列入伦理审查范围。  相似文献   

Transplantation continues to push the frontiers of medicine into domains that summon forth troublesome ethical questions. Looming on the frontier today is human facial transplantation. We develop criteria that, we maintain, must be satisfied in order to ethically undertake this as-yet-untried transplant procedure. We draw on the criteria advanced by Dr. Francis Moore in the late 1980s for introducing innovative procedures in transplant surgery. In addition to these we also insist that human face transplantation must meet all the ethical requirements usually applied to health care research. We summarize the achievements of transplant surgery to date, focusing in particular on the safety and efficacy of immunosuppressive medications. We also emphasize the importance of risk/benefit assessments that take into account the physical, aesthetic, psychological, and social dimensions of facial disfiguration, reconstruction, and transplantation. Finally, we maintain that the time has come to move facial transplantation research into the clinical phase.  相似文献   

近年结肠癌NCCN指南变化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NCCN结肠癌临床实践指南是基于丰富循证医学证据建立的高水平、规范化治疗指南。近年来,随着临床证据的不断丰富和积累,指南对一些临床问题的处理进行了调整,有的原则发生了变化。本文通过对历年不同版本指南的比较,对手术方式及病理评估、术后辅助化疗、晚期治疗方案和分子靶向治疗等几方面指导意见的变化进行了初步探讨分析。  相似文献   

摆在现代外科医师面前的若干矛盾现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着自然和社会科学的进步,现代外科在得到了空前发展的同时,许多矛盾现象也摆在外科医师的面前,例如手术和非手术、手术扩大与缩小、手工操作和器械使用、手术实施和手术风险、经验主义和循证、临床治愈和健康之间的矛盾,如何正视和解决这些矛盾问题,关系到到现代外科学长远发展。  相似文献   

本文综述干细胞移植治疗糖尿病及外周血管病变研究进展,各国学者在该领域的经验及现状新途径等。关于干细胞移植治疗糖尿病的临床有效性及安全性等方面,各国学者仍然存在争议。总结目前临床应用研究中所存在的相关问题及经验教训,各国学者在开展后续临床研究时,应该避免重要的方案参数之间存在明显差异。更值得一提的是,干细胞移植的长期安全性尚待评估,其潜在的致瘤风险已受到关注。近期,中华医学会糖尿病学分会撰写了《中华医学会糖尿病学分会关于干细胞治疗糖尿病的立场声明》和《中华医学会糖尿病学分会关于干细胞治疗糖尿病外周血管病变的立场声明》,就是希望能够为阻止当前临床医生和患者在认识上和就医行为上的混乱局面发挥作用,使我国的干细胞临床研究和应用在健康的轨道上发展。  相似文献   

Despite its mandate on minimizing harms in clinical trials, the Common Rule provides little guidance as to how IRBs should evaluate risk. The Common Rule and derivative commentaries tend to conceptualize risk review as an expert-based endeavor aimed at an objective and universal evaluation of possible harm; they also have tended to locate risk in the research activity itself rather than in the context of research. These views of risk conflict with scholarship showing that risk evaluations are socially determined even among experts, that the context of harms can influence how persons evaluate risks, and that forums that approach risk assessment as a technical endeavor bracket from discussion the numerous values that ground risk judgments. Possible reforms are proposed for clinical trial risk review that would render it more inclusive of the different types of risk encountered and more attuned to the priorities of trial subjects.  相似文献   

医院的医学重点专科建设是医院发展的重要战略,如何认定某医院某专科为地方的重点专科,是一个系统工程。地方卫生行政主管部门如何把握评审认定标准,展示政府执政的公正公平,是十分敏感的问题,它蕴藏着很大的风险。在重点专科的评定过程中如何体现政府形象,规避行政风险,需要认真探讨。结合某市重点专科检查的实际情况进行分析,就此种争议及规避策略提出建议。  相似文献   

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