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分析哲学是有其人文和社会的兴趣与关怀的。本文试图从批判理论的视角.运用哲学与生活世界相关联的解释学方法,分别解读了分析哲学创始人之一的罗素的逻辑分析哲学与他作为一个哲学家的社会批判兴趣之间的关系,以及前期维特根斯坦的逻辑语言分析哲学和后期的日常语言分析哲学与维特根斯坦所属的生活世界的关系。指出分析哲学由于没有建立在对现代性的科学一形而上学思维方式和生活方式的足够反思基础上,所以它对形而上学的批判兴趣最终仍然导致了一种非批判的形而上学。  相似文献   

为了分析方便,我们列举若干定义,由窄到宽排成一个序列,分析每一定义的指称和意义,从中寻找一个适度定义。这个适度定义就是:分析哲学是以应用语言分析,并且(尽可能地)应用逻辑分析来研究一切哲学问题的哲学。分析哲学在中国的传播和发展遭遇的重大困境主要是分析传统包括语言分析、逻辑分析的匮乏。而其意义和价值也在于消除这一匮乏。分析哲学某些特定形态必然消亡。但是分析哲学本身还在不断发展。分析精神不朽!  相似文献   

"爱欲哲学"肇始于柏拉图对古希腊爱若斯神话所进行的哲学化加工。柏拉图依据辩证法把爱欲主体分成灵魂和身体,把爱欲客体分成型相与具象,褒灵魂而贬身体,重型相而轻具象,并视"缺乏"为爱欲的结构性本质,标志着爱欲哲学的诞生。后世的西方形而上学亦步亦趋地继承了他的爱欲哲学。黑格尔和海德格尔以"缺乏"为原则组织自己的爱欲哲学,分别陷入了精神分析学所说的"哀悼"和"抑郁症"的魔咒。德勒兹重拾为柏拉图所贬抑的身体爱欲观,把欲望看作生产性的,彻底颠覆了柏拉图的爱欲哲学,根本反转了柏拉图所开创的理性欲望路线。  相似文献   

The essay shows the common ground between music and philosophy from the origin of Western philosophy to the crisis of metaphysical thinking, in particular with Nietzsche and Benjamin. At the beginning, the relationship between philosophy and music is marked by the hegemony of the word on the sound. This is the nature of the Platonic idea of music. With Nietzsche and Benjamin this hegemony is denied and a new vision of the relationship becomes possible. The sound is the origin both of language and of music. In thinking about this origin, philosophy shows that “thinking about music” is “thinking in music”, and that this thinking is the origin of philosophy itself.  相似文献   


Doing Plato     
Jones  Carol 《Res Publica》2002,8(3):295-299

今天的心理学是否仍然具有理论魅力和教化力量,心理学者是否真的在思考和创造,关键在于心理学研究的思维方式和话语方式是否发生真正的改变。中国心理学传统以关注人生命的完整性、目标的人本性和价值性以及方法论的关系化取向,在与科学心理学之间的关联与互动中,成为科学心理学高举"反思之刀"实现自救和新生的重要学术资源、创新资源和借鉴资源。  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review -  相似文献   

Plato links pleasure with illusion, and this link explains his rejection of the view that all desires are rational desires for the good. The Protagoras and Gorgias show connections between pleasure and illusion; the Republic develops these into a psychological theory. One part of the soul is not only prone to illusions, but also incapable of the kind of reasoning that can dispel them. Pleasure appears good; therefore this part of the soul (the appetitive part) desires pleasures qua good but ignores reasoning about what is really good. Hence the new moral psychology of the Republic , not all desires are rational, and thus virtue depends on bringing one's non-rational desires under the control of reason.  相似文献   

In the Timaeus, Plato makes a distinction between reason and necessity. This distinction is often accounted for as a distinction between two types of causation: purpose oriented causation and mechanistic causation. While reason is associated with the soul and taken to bring about its effects with the good and the beautiful as the end, necessity is understood in terms of a set of natural laws pertaining to material things. In this paper I shall suggest that there are reasons to reconsider the latter part of this account and argue for a non-mechanistic understanding of necessity. I will first outline how the notion of necessity is introduced in the dialogue. Next I will show how a mechanistic account of necessity fails to capture Plato's purpose of treating it as a causal factor; and, finally, I will argue that this purpose is better understood as an attempt, on Plato's part, to account for the causal origin of disorder and irrationality, an origin articulated in terms of a pre-cosmic situation and the notoriously difficult notion of the third kind.  相似文献   

十九世纪初,施莱尔马赫的柏拉图研究开启了西方柏拉图研究的一代新风,影响备及二十世纪;一个半世纪以后,施特劳斯的柏拉图研究也开启了西方柏拉图研究的一代新风,其影响之深远,现在还难以估量。令人感兴趣的问题是:施特劳斯如何看待施莱尔马赫的柏拉图研究。通过析读施特劳斯的一篇早年未刊文章《显白的教诲》中论及施莱尔马赫的小节,本文力图把握施特劳斯对学人道德的看法。  相似文献   

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