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大脑两半球功能不对称性与儿童学业成绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查了 3 1 8名小学一至三年级学生大脑两半球优势情况 ,然后对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩进行了比较。结果发现优势半球为右半球的学生人数较少 ,只有 3 .8% ,明显少于优势半球为左半球的学生 (χ2 =2 3 9.83 0 ,p<0 .0 0 1 )。对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩的比较 ,未发现两者有显著差异 (语文 :F=1 .1 3 0 ,p>0 .0 5 ;数学 :F=0 .5 75 ,p>0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

We tested predictions generated from an evolutionary account of self‐destructive motivation in two survey studies of 18–24‐year‐old university students. As hypothesized, hierarchical regressions showed that the positive relationship between perceived burden to family and suicide ideation was amplified for participants with low measured health and romantic relationship satisfaction, and for participants with relatively young mothers. The moderating effect of maternal age was also observed in logistic regressions of suicide attempts. These effects occurred independently of depression, hopelessness, and other relevant extraneous variables. Results have implications for understanding self‐destructive motivation, assessing suicide risk, and preventing suicidal thinking and behavior.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in whether and how sunk-cost effects for purely behavioral investments occur. In this article, we further discuss Cunha and Caldieraro's (2009) Behavioral Investment Sunk Cost (BISC) model and reconcile Otto's (2010) results with the BISC model predictions. We also report new data from two unpublished experiments that are consistent with the BISC model, and we discuss the conditions under which purely behavioral sunk-cost effects are likely to be observed.  相似文献   

王鹏飞  蔡厚德 《心理科学进展》2011,19(12):1759-1768
利手与语言功能偏侧化现象不仅具有跨文化一致性和发生、发展上的关联性, 还具有明显的生态学优势, 从遗传角度探讨它们的成因是必要的。早期遗传模型认为, 存在一对等位基因分别决定左、右利手。当代单基因模型则将语言功能偏侧化也纳入进来, 认为等位基因不仅可以决定具有方向性的偏侧化, 而且可以使偏侧化有一定几率向左或向右。在这个框架下形成了方向-随机等位基因模型、X-连锁隐性基因模型和右侧位移理论, 它们对等位基因的位置和功能有不同表述, 对利手的划分标准、性别差异以及遗传和环境的关系也有不同阐释。今后需加强对语言偏侧化的数据验证, 进一步阐明语言感知、理解与利手的关系, 并注重基因怎样决定表型、基因多效性和多基因合作等问题的研究。  相似文献   

This exploratory case study provides empirical support for three critical assumptions of empowerment theory. Many empowerment theorists have argued that empowerment takes on multiple forms across people, is contextually embedded, and shifts over time (Rappaport, 1984; Zimmerman, 1990, 1995). To better understand the implications of these assumptions for empowerment theory and the research and intervention methods we employ, the empowerment experiences of 49 employees within a large human service delivery organization were explored. A method well suited to investigate empowerment's assumptions of multiplicity and dynamism—a constructivist approach to inquiry—was employed. Content analyses of interview and observational data revealed that the process of empowerment may be more complex than originally conceived. Not only did multiple meanings and desires for empowerment emerge across employees and between employees and leaders, but several shifting ecologies impacted the employees' lives, causing the employees' empowerment experiences to fluctuate. Empowerment emerged as a dynamic, highly individualistic, contextually layered process. Multiple forms, contexts, and dynamics that influenced employee empowerment are described. Implications of these findings for empowerment research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to reconsider the links among immune disorders, testosterone, and left-handedness made originally by Geschwind and Behan (1982) and by Geschwind and Galaburda (1985). We demonstrate that an excess of testosterone in utero is not a prerequisite for immune disorders, because of its destructive action on thymus, and that allergy and autoimmune disorders are not primarily thyme-dependent but B-lymphocyte-dependent. We furthermore study the HLA proposed by Yeo and Gangestad (1993) and retained by Bryden, McManus, and Bulman-Fleming as a possible variable that could explain, in replacement of testosterone, the link among allergy, asthma, and ulcerative colitis. We conclude that the HLA of lefthanders and the meta-analysis of Bryden et al. do not fit together as well as hoped for.  相似文献   

蔡厚德 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1394-1397
采用半视野速示术对48名英语专业硕士研究生进行词汇判别的语义启动实验,检查中一英双语者词汇语义通达可能存在的大脑功能偏侧化与合作效应.结果提示:(1)相对熟练的中一英双语者L1(中文)和L2(英文)均可直接通达一个共同的词汇语义概念表征系统,但L1可以通过两半球,而L2可能主要依赖于大脑右半球;(2)跨语言条件出现了半球间语义通达的合作优势效应.  相似文献   


We propose an alternative approach aimed at relating cerebral asymmetry to reading ability: the joint consideration of language lateralization and hand preference. Specifically, we studied whether children with dominance for language and control of the preferred hand lateralized to the same hemisphere (convergent cerebral organization) were better readers than were children with these processes lateralized to different hemispheres (nonconvergent organization). Eighty children, selected on the basis of the combination of these factors, were assessed using a set of reading tasks. The main finding was that subjects with convergent cerebral organization were superior in reading speed, reading accuracy, and reading comprehension.  相似文献   

Differences in the perceived usefulness of five multiple-attribute decision support systems versus a basic spreadsheet are empirically assessed. Twenty-four college faculty members participated in a repeated measures experiment in which they used decision support software for personal computers to analyse semistructured multiple-attribute problems. The software packages employed were Criterium, Expert Choice, Logical Decision, VIMDA, VISA and the spreadsheet package Quattro Pro. A questionnaire was developed to assess user-friendliness of the software, confidence in the procedure implemented by the software, and users’ confidence in their results when employing the decision aids. Time to reach a decision was also measured. Significant differences were fund in the overall way users ranked these aids, in the perceived user-friendliness and the confidence in procedure among aids, and in the time it took to arrive at a result. Comments from users are also reported. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seven right handed volunteers were studied to determine cerebral lateralization patterns for a visually presented random letter task. The subjects participated in three conditions, which included resting baseline, passive fixation (nonlinguistic), and random letter (linguistic) tasks. Mean blood flow velocity (MBFV) was recorded using bilateral simultaneous transcranial Doppler measurements in the posterior cerebral arteries in these conditions. The experimental conditions produced an increase in MBFV during both tasks but the linguistic task showed a greater change. There was a tendency toward right lateralization with the linguistic compared to the nonlinguistic tasks. There is a physiological correlate of right hemisphere participation in the processing of the random letter task.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):385-400
This study explored relations between willingness to disclose in 5 psychotherapy scenarios and 2 independent variables (privilege condition and previous therapy experience). Scenarios involved suicidal, gravely disabled, physically abusive, and sexually abusive patients, and a police officer patient who shot a suspect. For each of the 5 scenarios, participants in the privilege condition had significantly higher willingness-to-disclose scores than participants in the no-privilege condition. There were no significant differences between willingness-to-disclose scores of participants with and without therapy experience; neither was there a significant interaction between privilege condition and therapy experience. Privilege condition was more predictive of willingness to disclose than personal characteristics or therapy experience. Results provide empirical support for the U.S. Supreme Court's recognition of the psychotherapist-patient privilege in Jaffee v. Redmond (1996).  相似文献   

This study investigated what effect a 30% oxygen administration had on visuospatial cognitive performance and cerebral activation and lateralization using fMRI. Eight college students were selected as the subjects for this study. An oxygen dispenser that provided 21% and 30% oxygen at a constant rate of 8L/min was developed. In order to measure the performance level of visuospatial cognition, two psychological tests were also developed. The experiment consisted of two runs, one for a visuospatial cognition task with normal air (21% oxygen) and the other for a visuospatial cognition task with hyperoxic air (30% oxygen). Functional brain images were taken with a 3T MRI using the single-shot EPI method. The results of the visuospatial behavioral analysis reveal that accuracy rates were enhanced with 30% oxygen administration when compared to 21% oxygen. There were more activations observed at the bilateral occipital, parietal, and frontal lobes with 30% oxygen administration. However, decreased cerebrum lateralization was observed with 30% oxygen administration in the same regions compared with 21% oxygen administration. Thus, it is concluded that the positive effect on the visuospatial cognitive performance level by the highly concentrated oxygen administration resulted from an increase of cerebrum activation and a decrease of cerebrum lateralization.  相似文献   

Stack  Steven 《Sex roles》2000,43(3-4):163-179
Research on the public's level of death penalty support (DPS) has neglected gender-specific models. While most previous work has shown that women have lower DPS than men, it is not clear whether traditional models of DPS will work for a sample restricted to women. The greater intolerance of the death penalty among women may overshadow or reduce the impact of traditional predictors of DPS among women. The present paper performs the first systematic gender-specific analysis of DPS. It uses national data from the 1990 General Social Survey. Measures of three variable sets were employed: symbolic orientations (e.g., political conservatism, authoritarianism); crime salience (e.g., victimization, fear); and demographic controls. The results of a stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that political conservatism has a direct effect on the DPS of both men and women. For women only, authoritarianism also had a direct effect on DPS. Further analysis showed that for women, six variables exert an indirect effect on DPS through political conservatism and five through authoritarianism. Only three indirect effects were found for men. However, none of the 16 variables analyzed had a significant gendered effect. Indicators of traditional models of DPS were found to work as well for women as they did for men.  相似文献   

The lack of conceptual frameworks available for integrating research on organizational computer-based communication technologies is documented. An integrated model for studying communication support phenomena in organizations is formalized from a knowledge management perspective using set-theoretic notation. Key constructs for understanding and exploring communication support systems are identified, such as knowledge workers, knowledge management activities, communicate-abilities, and knowledge management episodes. The implications associated with the identification and formalization of each of the foregoing constructs is discussed and further research avenues are explored. The model provides researchers and system developers with a means of studying both human and computer-based knowledge workers in organizations. Two types of communication support systems are defined.  相似文献   

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) renewed the commitment to provide positive behavioral support (PBS) for students that engage in persistent problem behavior. Behavior intervention plans (also known as PBS plans) serve as legal documents that help guide the implementation of intervention strategies to encourage more positive forms of behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the substantive adequacy of PBS plans developed for special education students. This was accomplished by documenting the content of plans developed by two different groups of educators using a rating instrument based on the key concepts of PBS planning. Results revealed that the majority of plans developed by teams without identified training and expertise in PBS were rated as substantively inadequate, lacking critical information related to effective behavioral support planning. The implications of the results for everyday practice in the schools and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study of the precedence effect in binaural hearing, subjects adjusted the interaural delay of a wideband acoustic pointer to match the perceived intracranial position of transient test stimuli presented over headphones. The test stimuli had leading and lagging components (either brief noise bursts or clicks), each with its own interaural delay. In some test conditions, the leading and lagging stimuli were coherent copies of one another, whereas in others, they were independent samples of noise. The duration of the stimuli and the delay from the leading component to the lagging component were also varied. All the stimulus conditions showed a moderate or strong precedence effect (i.e., covariation of perceived lateral position of the composite two-transient stimulus with the interaural delay of the leading component). Predictions of the lateralization data are presented for variants of models based on temporal weighting and/or bandpass correlation. In one model variant, the binaural stimuli are temporally weighted to emphasize the onset and then subjected to bandpass correlation analysis. In another variant, it is assumed that the onset mechanism provides a rough estimate of the initial interaural delay that guides a slower and more focused bandpass correlation analysis. The accuracies of these two model's predictions were equivalent and superior to those of models that either represent leading and lagging cues equally (bandpass correlation with no onset effect) or do not represent lagging cues at all (a complete precedence effect). The results of these analyses show the need for both a strong onset effect and for bandpass correlation analysis and suggest two modeling approaches for achieving that goal.  相似文献   

Hugdahl K 《Acta psychologica》2000,105(2-3):211-235
The lateralization of cognitive processes in the brain is discussed. The traditional view of a language-visuo/spatial dichotomy of function between the hemispheres has been replaced by more subtle distinctions. The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study brain morphology has resulted in a renewed focus on the relationship between structural and functional asymmetry. Focus has been on the role played by the planum temporale area in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus for language asymmetry, and the possible significance of the larger left planum. The dichotic listening technique is used to illustrate the difference between bottom-up, or stimulus-driven laterality versus top-down, or instruction-driven laterality. It is suggested that the hemispheric dominance observed at any time is the sum result of the dynamic interaction between bottom-up and top-down processing tendencies. Stimulus-driven laterality dominance is always monitored and modulated through top-down cognitive processes, like shifting of attention and changes in arousal. A model of top-down modulation of bottom-up laterality is presented with special reference to the understanding of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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