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The author presents an interesting version of the Narcissus myth which she combines with the legend of Peter Pan for a better understanding of the narcissistic personality in group therapy. A lively case is presented of a young man named Jeffrey, whose narcissistic defenses were dismantled during a three-year group participation. A particular encounter between Jeffrey and another client and a powerful intervention by the therapist is described. The therapeutic importance of the group therapist as a firm but protective parent for these clients is emphasized. Definitions of narcissistic are given and some generalizations about these personalities in group therapy are explored.She has completed a book entitledChange in the Context of Group Therapy to be published by Brunner/Mazel in 1984.  相似文献   

The concept of a curative fantasy includes patient's conscious and unconscious hopes and expectations of what is necessary for their relief of suffering. On entering group psychotherapy these elements emerge in the treatment matrix. This paper describes how patients with significant deficits in their intrapsychic organization express their curative fantasies through the development of selfobject transferences. The concept illuminates aspects of patients entering and forming a group as well as some elements in unanticipated terminations.  相似文献   

Combined therapy offers the practitioner a rich data field for observation and research. Seeing the same patient in the group and in individual analytic therapy raises certain questions such as how differently does the patient present him- or herself, what does the difference or lack of difference mean, and is it prognostically meaningful. Based on ego theory, the author hypothesized that different therapeutic environments ought to evoke different levels of response. This adaptive quality was thought to be prognostically significant and indicative of a greater possibility for structural change. A small clinical sample showed a tendency in that direction.  相似文献   

Sexuality is an underlying, but often unspoken and ignored issue in group psychotherapy. Within the context of how a group reacts to and uses sexuality, the authors focus on three relationship areas: client/client, client/therapist, and therapist/therapist. Some of the hazards of failing to deal with sexually laden conflicts and intimacy issues in these relationships are explored. Some of the advantages of an open and honest approach to uncovering sexrole related stereotypes and behaviors are proposed. The authors attempt to demonstrate that recognition of therapists' and group members' sexuality must be appreciated as an important element in the therapeutic process.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of the weekly written summary with patients in group psychotherapy. In an effort to stimulate group process and effect cotherapist communication, the authors instituted this group recording in an ongoing psychodynamically oriented mixed adult group. While the utilization of this device did, in fact, stimulate the group process and became an important part of the group's life, the therapists additionally saw significant effects upon their working alliance. These included increased focused dialogue upon group dynamics, more purposeful planning for group interventions, and heightened awareness of the significance of interventions in the group.Ms. Bosman-Clark is formerly Clinical Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine.  相似文献   

The single most common referral problem in middle childhood and adolescence is academic underachievement and learning failure. Yet, the term “learning disorder” lacks specificity as a diagnostic entity and offers no guidelines for psychotherapy. An appreciation of the developmental processes by which the undifferentiated, unstructured, self-less and objectless newborn becomes a more fully developed, self-sufficient individual, capable of adaptive functioning and formal academic learning is encompassed in contemporary psychoanalytic conceptions of the separation-individuation process. This theory provides an organizing, theoretical base for diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders. Based on these conceptions, we discuss therapeutic techniques which are appropriate to the level of developmental arrest at each of the phases of the separation-individuation process.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to up-date our understanding of countertransference in the therapy group setting. After a brief review of some of the psychoanalytic and the group psychotherapy literature dealing with countertransference, the paper points out the vulnerability of the group therapist and presents examples of possible countertransferential situations, such as stereotyped roles, reactions to external aspects of patients, and therapists' insecurities. It concludes by suggesting ways in which group therapists can become more sensitive to their countertransferences.  相似文献   

To run a psychodynamic group therapeutically, the leader must understand the meanings and functions of hostility. Fundamental to this task is the leader's awareness of his or her bias toward hostility as a constructive or destructive feeling and willingness to serve as a lightening rod for it. This paper discusses the sources of hostility during different stages of group development. The therapeutic handling of hostility is discussed under the following topics: theoretical considerations, defensive functions, and communicative functions. Case examples illustrate the proper handling of contractual violations, scapegoating, and narcissistic injury. Countertransference reactions to anger and rage in the group are discussed.  相似文献   

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