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Positive and negative religious coping are related to positive and negative psychological adjustment, respectively. The current study examined the relation between religious coping and PTSD, major depression, quality of life, and substance use among residents residing in Mississippi at the time of Hurricane Katrina. Results indicated that negative religious coping was positively associated with major depression and poorer quality of life and positive religious coping was negatively associated with PTSD, depression, poorer quality of life, and increased alcohol use. These results suggest that mental health providers should be mindful of the role of religious coping after traumatic events such as natural disasters.  相似文献   

Emergency medical workers’ distress and recovery patterns after a mass shooting were related to their coping behaviors and routine daily activities. This longitudinal repeated measures study assessed 31 emergency medical workers’ psychological and psychosomatic symptoms self-rated for the weeks before, those just after, and one full month after the shooting. Coping behaviors and time in creative activities were related to increased acute distress; recovery was related to more time in constructive activities. Thinking about the incident was related to higher acute distress but better recovery on several SCL9OR scales. Exercise predicted recovery on Obsessive-Compulsive and Hostility scales. Studies evaluating emergency workers’ reactions to and recovery from critical incidents should use repeated measures designs, should assess short-term recovery, and should distinguish among symptoms.  相似文献   

Emergency medical workers’ distress and recovery patterns after a mass shooting were related to their coping behaviors and routine daily activities. This longitudinal repeated measures study assessed 31 emergency medical workers’ psychological and psychosomatic symptoms self-rated for the weeks before, those just after, and one full month after the shooting. Coping behaviors and time in creative activities were related to increased acute distress; recovery was related to more time in constructive activities. Thinking about the incident was related to higher acute distress but better recovery on several SCL9OR scales. Exercise predicted recovery on Obsessive-Compulsive and Hostility scales. Studies evaluating emergency workers’ reactions to and recovery from critical incidents should use repeated measures designs, should assess short-term recovery, and should distinguish among symptoms.  相似文献   

The relationship between psychological distress and intrapersonal, family, and socioecological variables was examined in 77 caregivers of adults actively receiving cancer treatment. Results indicated that a sizable minority (29%) of caregivers was experiencing clinically significant psychological distress. Furthermore, family disturbances and maladaptive coping strategies were most predictive of psychological distress in this sample. The clinical implications of these findings in relation to the assessment and treatment of both patients and caregivers are discussed.  相似文献   


Universities provide a range of problem-focused social support services to help students who are experiencing personal difficulties. The current study examines how the effectiveness of students' (N = 131) problem-coping style, experience of personal difficulty and psychological distress are associated with actual use of support services in the academic setting. Results indicate that students who experienced a personal difficulty and who had a more reflective problem-coping style were more likely to use student support services. In addition, students with less effective problem-focused coping styles (more reactive and suppressive, less reflective) reported greater psychological distress. The potential personal, psychological and academic benefits of the reflective problem-coping style are discussed.  相似文献   

People are rarely passive, and battered women are no exception. This study investigated the types of coping strategies women of Japanese descent (both Japan-born and U.S.-born) chose and their perceived effectiveness in dealing with their partners' violence. Japan-born respondents were significantly less likely to use active strategies and perceived them to be less effective than did U.S.-born respondents. For the Japan-born, the more effective they perceived active strategies, the higher their psychological distress, whereas the more effective they perceived passive strategies, the lower their psychological distress. In contrast, for the U.S.-born, the higher the perceived effectiveness of active strategies, the lower their psychological distress, and the perceived effectiveness of passive strategies had little effect on their psychological distress. The complex relationship between individuals' country of birth, the choice and perceived effectiveness of coping strategies, and psychological distress calls for increased attention to the role of culture in studies of coping and domestic violence.  相似文献   

吴国宏  刘丝纬  张莹  胡其图 《心理科学》2006,29(1):181-184,123
城市灾难在给现代城市带来巨大破坏和影响的同时,对人们心理的冲击也是巨大的。本文分析了现代城市灾难的结构、阶段以及与之相对应的群体心理特征,以近年来国内外发生的城市危机案例为佐证,说明了心理干预在灾难应对中的重要作用,并提出3点启示:(1)政府部门要建立一套权威信息预警、发布机制;(2)增强民众素质,减少盲目从众心理;(3)重视社会力量在心理干预中的作用。  相似文献   

Objective: While the mental health of university students is recognised internationally as an important public health issue, more epidemiological data are needed that allows benchmarking with general population data. Methods: All enrolled students from two large Australian universities were invited to complete a web‐based survey. Anxiety‐mood disorders were assessed using the Kessler 10. A total of 6,479 students participated in the study with sociodemographics generally consistent with the university population. Results: The estimated prevalence for mental health problems was 19.2% with 67.4% reporting subsyndromal symptoms. These rates were significantly higher than the general population. Psychological distress was associated with disability and lower academic achievement. Predictors of distress included: full‐time status, financial stress, being aged between and 18 and 34 years, being female, and in a subsequent undergraduate year of their degree. Conclusions: The extremely high prevalence of mental health problems in university students provides evidence for this being an at‐risk population. Implications: The results highlight the need for universal early interventions to prevent the development of severe mental illness in university students.  相似文献   

Night Eating Syndrome has been shown to be associated with various negative physical and psychological consequences. This study explored the relationship between neuroticism and night eating, which had not been studied before. We also examined the possible mediating roles of psychological distress and maladaptive coping for the relationship between neuroticism and night eating. A sample of 578 Chinese college students were assessed on several measures: The Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Short Scale, the Night Eating Questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire. Results indicated that neuroticism was significantly and positively related to night eating (r = .38, p < .01), and the relationship between neuroticism and night eating was partially mediated by psychological distress, but not by maladaptive coping. The results not only revealed a medium-sized relationship between neuroticism and night eating, but also pointed out the importance of psychological distress as related to the relationship between neuroticism and night eating. Unlike neuroticism, which is a personality trait, psychological distress is an emotional state, and it is much more malleable through appropriate intervention. The treatment and intervention for night eating may benefit from our attention to the psychological distress.  相似文献   

Nonengaged youth (NEY) are those who have neither been working nor studying for a prolonged period of time. They are at risk of psychoactive substance use, but relevant studies are scarce. Based on a population‐based telephone survey and referrals, we anonymously interviewed 479 Hong Kong Chinese NEY aged 15–24 years. Of them, 14.8–23.7% reported moderate to severe depression, anxiety, and stress. Moreover, one fourth of the participants (24.8%; n = 119) had used psychoactive substances. Adjusted analyses showed that these three psychological distress variables were positively associated with, while resilience was negatively associated with, both ever‐use of psychoactive substances and intention to use such substances in the next 12 months. Loneliness was associated only with intention to use psychoactive substances. The mediating role of psychological distress was shown: Anxiety significantly mediated the association between resilience and ever‐use of psychoactive substances, whereas depression mediated that between resilience and behavioural intention. Resilience was not a significant moderator on the relationship between psychological distress and ever‐use of psychoactive substance use or behavioural intention to use those substances. The findings suggest that anti‐drug interventions should outreach NEY and should include mental health support as well as building up resilience, as NEY are prone to psychological distress that increases risk of substance use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine interaction effects of healthcare professionals' coping orientation (i.e., engagement versus disengagement) and appraisal of coping acceptability (ACA) on psychological distress, taking into account the individuals' job specificity and the psychological climate in their work environment. A cross‐sectional survey was conducted, and Japanese healthcare professionals (N = 189; 117 female; mean age: 40.1 ± 11.2 years) reported the coping strategies that they employed for task‐related or interpersonal stressors, their cognitive appraisal of the stressors, their ACA, and the psychological distress evoked by the stressors. The results showed that adding consideration of the ACA to the variable of coping orientation significantly improved predictions of psychological distress for both task and interpersonal stressors. There was no significant interaction between the coping orientation and the use of coping strategies that incorporated the ACA. These results suggest that considering the ACA, in addition to the coping orientation, would be useful for understanding individual differences in the mediators of healthcare professionals' coping in stressful situations.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the head and neck cancer with the greatest impact on patients’ quality of life. The aim of this explorative study is to investigate the psychological distress, coping strategies and quality of life of NPC patients in the post-treatment observation period. Twenty-one patients disease-free for at least two years were assessed with a medical and a psycho-oncological evaluation. Clinically relevant depressive symptoms (CRD) were present in 23.8% of patients and 33.3% reported clinically relevant anxiety symptoms (CRA). Patients with CRD and CRA showed a significantly higher score in the use of hopelessness/helplessness and anxious preoccupation coping strategies and a worse quality of life. Even in the post-treatment period, about a quarter of patients showed CRD and CRA. Results showed that patients with high anxiety or depressive symptoms seem to use dysfunctional coping strategies, such as hopelessness and anxious preoccupation, more than patients with lower levels of anxiety and depression. The use of these styles of coping thus seems to be associated to a higher presence of CRA or CRD symptomatology and to a worse quality of life.  相似文献   

The increased use of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) to treat a variety of cancers has led researchers to study psychological functioning of BMT patients. The majority of studies conducted, however, has focused on adjustment after transplantation. Cancer patients' use of coping strategies before undergoing this procedure may also relate to levels of psychological distress. Our aims were (1) to provide normative coping data, controlling for situation-specific variables with a homogeneous sample, targeted stressor, and fixed time point, using the Ways of Coping Questionnaire; and (2) to identify coping strategies associated with distress before high-dose chemotherapy. Subjects were 49 patients scheduled to receive high-dose chemotherapy and an autologous bone marrow transplant. Consistent with previous coping research, we found that escape-avoidance was related to psychological distress on several measures. Item endorsement analyses of the escape-avoidance subscale suggest that patients may have used more passive than active avoidance strategies. Subsequent participation in a longitudinal study was not affected by initial levels of avoidant coping.  相似文献   

This study examined correlates of psychological well-being and distress among women in Accra, Ghana. A total of 200 women between 18 and 65 years completed measures of psychological well-being and distress. Independent t-test and One-way ANOVA F-test analysis of the data suggested differences among the women in their psychological well-being and distress levels by their religiosity, education, and monthly income. Christian women reported higher psychological well-being compared to non-Christians. Religiosity, higher education, and income appear to be protective resources against psychological distress among Ghanaian women.  相似文献   

Objective: The relationship between migraine and psychological distress has been consistently reported in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. We hypothesised that a stable tendency to perseverative thoughts such as rumination would mediate the relationship between migraine and psychological distress.

Design and Main Outcomes Measures: Self-report questionnaires measuring depressive rumination, current psychological distress and migraine symptoms in two independent European population cohorts, recruited from Budapest (N = 1139) and Manchester (N = 2004), were used. Structural regression analysis within structural equation modelling was applied to test the mediational role of brooding and reflection, the components of rumination, between migraine and psychological distress. Sex, age and lifetime depression were controlled for in the analysis.

Results: Migraine predicted higher brooding and reflection scores, and brooding proved to be a mediator between migraine and psychological distress in both samples, while reflection mediated the relationship significantly only in the Budapest sample.

Conclusions: Elevated psychological distress in migraine is partially attributed to ruminative response style. Further studies are needed to expand our findings to clinical samples and to examine how rumination links to the adjustment to migraine.  相似文献   


No studies investigating the relationship of herpesviruses and psychological distress in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection are available in the literature. Antibody titers for Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr (EBV) and Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) were assessed from sera drawn at the lime of psychological testing for one hundred HIV seropositive subjects. Increased psychological distress was correlated with increased titers of antibody to HSV, but not to CMV or EBV. Psychological distress may play a role in the devastating HSV infections experienced by immune deficient individuals. A stress mediated reactivation/potentiation hypothesis is discussed, where distress reactivates latent HSV which in turn potentiates HIV replication. These results may have implications for treatment of individuals co-infected with HIV and HSV.  相似文献   

Gay men face a greater risk of psychological distress than heterosexual men, yet research on protective factors among gay men has been limited. This prospective cohort study investigated whether a sense of coherence (SOC), as a form of coping, helps to protect against psychological distress among middle-aged and older gay men. A nationwide online survey was conducted among a baseline sample of 1135 Australian gay-identified men aged 40 years and older, with a follow-up survey 12 months later. SOC was measured using the 13-item SOC Scale. Psychological distress was measured using the K10 Psychological Distress Scale. Hierarchical regressions were conducted, with analyses controlling for several potential risk factors for distress. Over half of participants had moderate or high psychological distress. However, baseline distress was significantly lower among those with stronger baseline SOC. In addition, baseline SOC significantly predicted distress 12 months later. This predictive effect of SOC was independent of baseline distress levels and occurred despite a strong correlation between baseline and follow-up distress. With SOC appearing to be a protective factor, strategies among middle-aged and older gay men that strengthen SOC may assist in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and other psychological distress in this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

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