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Nori R  Giusberti F 《Perception》2003,32(3):307-320
Previous studies on spatial memory have shown that, in judging direction, participants are more accurate and faster when a map is aligned with the perspective of the spatial layout they had learned (alignment effect). Rossano and Warren (1989 Perception 18 215-229) have shown that when participants have to do a contra-aligned judgment they can either answer correctly, or make alignment or mirror-image errors. We think that the kind of response depends on the different way in which people acquire environmental knowledge: landmark, route, and survey. We hypothesise that landmark and route participants show alignment effects and make, respectively, alignment errors and mirror-image errors, whereas survey participants do not show an alignment effect. An experiment is reported in which participants performed three tasks in order to distinguish their cognitive style. We selected thirty landmark, thirty route, and twenty-eight survey participants. They were then submitted to directional judgment tasks to verify whether the alignment effect was present and to observe the kind of responses. The results revealed that survey participants did not show an alignment effect, and that the kind of errors could depend on the directional judgment task participants had to do, and not only on the cognitive style.  相似文献   

In making judgments of health-related quality of life, respondents often compare the relative magnitude of two intervals between health states, such as the interval between normal health and blindness compared to that between normal health and death. We examined two ways of comparing such intervals: person-trade-off (PTO)—in which the judgment concerns matching numbers of people so that two changes are equivalent—and direct judgment of the ratio. Both measures showed ratio inconsistency (a ratio that should be the product of two other ratios is too high) and superadditivity (two ratios that should add to 1 are too high). Some responses in both methods implied that two intervals which should have been different (because they shared a top or bottom point, but differed on the other point) were nevertheless viewed by subjects as being of equal size. These equality responses were more common when death was the bottom (worse end) of both intervals being compared (e.g., the interval between death and blindness is perceived as being the same size as the interval between death and normal health) than when any other condition was at the bottom or when the condition common to the two intervals was at the top. A second experiment indicated that subjects really do consider the intervals to be equal. Our findings argue for giving subjects a chance to reflect on such apparent inconsistencies in practical utility elicitation.  相似文献   

The experimental method allowed false-positive as well as false-negative errors to be measured during visual search. Data were collected from eight Ss on four target-set size conditions on each of 25 days in order to determine whether the finding that search rate is independent of target-set size after practice might be attributable to a systematic variation in total error rate with set size. Even after practice, these Ss continued to search significantly faster for a single target than for target sets which were composed of five or more characters. Further, the incidence of total errors was much lower than in those studies in which search rate had been found to be independent of set size (i.e., parallel processing), even though these latter studies considered only the occurrence of false-negative errors. Additional analysis strongly suggests that: (1) attainment of parallel processing and a highly accurate performance are incompatible, and (2) verbal instructions alone are not sufficient to control the accuracy levels.  相似文献   

This study examines the view that response bias is the basis of the “click effect,” i.e., the influence of grammatical structure on subjects’ location of clicks sounded during the presentation of a sentence. It is argued that, since response bias is more likely to operate when one is unsure of one’s perception, if response bias generates the “click effect,” the effect should be weaker for certain than for uncertain responses. Subjects were asked to identify the location of the click and allowed to make more than one response if they were uncertain of their first choice. Using the number of locations selected as an index of uncertainty, it was found that when a subject was less certain, the click was less likely to be judged as having occurred in the major grammatical break. Further, performance was superior when the click had been in the break, and this effect, which was more pronounced for “certain” responses, was not eliminated by correcting for possible response bias. It is concluded that the "click effect" is not attributable solely to response bias.  相似文献   

Leadership implies power. We argue, from a social embodiment perspective, that thinking about power involves mental simulation of vertical location. Three studies tested whether judgments of leaders’ power and information on a vertical location are interrelated. In Studies 1a–1c, participants judged a leader’s power after being presented with, among other information, an organization chart containing either a long or a short vertical line. A longer vertical line increased judged power. Study 2 showed that this effect persists when longer (vs. shorter) vertical lines are presented in an independent priming task and not in an organization chart, and that horizontal lines do not have the same effect. Finally, Studies 3a and 3b showed the reverse causal effect: information about a leader’s power influenced participants’ vertical positioning of a leader’s box in an organization chart and of a leader picture into a team picture. Implications for leadership communication are discussed.  相似文献   

Five studies were conducted to examine the nature of life satisfaction judgments. When the category of “excitement” was made accessible experimentally, individuals based their life satisfaction judgments more heavily on the frequency of excitement, in comparison to a “peaceful” condition in Study 1 and to both “neutral priming” and “no-priming” conditions in Study 2. A 7-day diary study (Study 3) showed that as “excitement” became naturally more accessible on weekends, the correlations between excitement and daily satisfaction also increased significantly. Study 3 thus illustrated a systematic contextual shift in the bases of life satisfaction judgments. Study 4 showed that high sensation seekers, for whom “excitement” should be chronically accessible, based their life satisfaction judgments more heavily on the frequency of excitement than did low sensation seekers. Finally, Study 5 demonstrated that the chronic accessibility of “excitement” measured at Time 1 predicted the degree to which individuals based their life satisfaction judgments on the frequency of excitement at Time 2. Altogether, these five studies highlight the contextually sensitive, yet systematic nature of life satisfaction judgments.  相似文献   

O'Kane LM  Hibbard PB 《Perception》2007,36(5):696-702
Vertical binocular disparity provides a useful source of information allowing three-dimensional (3-D) shape to be recovered from horizontal binocular disparity. In order to influence metric shape judgments, a large field of view is required, suggesting that vertical disparity may play a limited role in the perception of objects projecting small retinal images. This limitation could be overcome if vertical disparity information could be pooled over wide areas of 3-D space. This was investigated by assessing the effect of vertical disparity scaling of a large surround surface on the perceived size and 3-D shape of a small, central object. Observers adjusted the size and shape of a virtual, binocularly defined ellipsoid to match those of a real, hand-held tennis ball. The virtual ball was presented at three distances (200, 325, and 450 mm). Vertical disparities in a large surround surface were manipulated to be consistent with a distance of 160 mm or infinity. Both shape and size settings were influenced by this manipulation. This effect did not depend on presenting the surround and target objects at the same distance. These results suggest that the influence of vertical disparity on the perceived distance to a surface also affects the estimated distance of other visible surfaces. Vertical disparities are therefore important in the perception of metric depth, even for objects that in themselves subtend only small retinal images.  相似文献   

The present experiment tested the hypothesis that unconscious reconstructive memory processing can lead to the breakdown of the relationship between memory confidence and memory accuracy. Participants heard deceptive schema-inference sentences and nondeceptive sentences and were tested with either simple or forced-choice recognition. The nondeceptive items showed a positive relation between confidence and accuracy in both simple and forced-choice recognition. However, the deceptive items showed a strong negative confidence/accuracy relationship in simple recognition and a low positive relationship in forced choice. The mean levels of confidence for erroneous responses for deceptive items were inappropriately high in simple recognition but lower in forced choice. These results suggest that unconscious reconstructive memory processes involved in memory for the deceptive schema-inference items led to inaccurate confidence judgments and that, when participants were made aware of the deceptive nature of the schema-inference items through the use of a forced-choice procedure, they adjusted their confidence accordingly.  相似文献   

A variation of the method of graded dichotomies was used to obtain judgments of interstimulus similarity for all pairings of 21 12-turn random shapes. Using the Tucker-Messick procedure, a six-dimensional spatial model, representing individual variation in performance on the task, was derived. Six “idealized individuals” (IIs) were isolated. A five-dimensional Euclidean spatial model was obtained for each II using the Shepard-Kruskal scaling technique. The resulting psychological dimensions of perceived form were related to two sets of physical measures on the forms: the factor space suggested by Brown and Owen and a set of more basic physical measures. These basic measures allowed interpretation of most of the psychological dimensions and revealed differences between IIs in patterns of cue utilization.  相似文献   

Summary In two experiments subjects were asked to report the identity of a position-cued critical letter in a linear array of letters. The identification errors made were classified either as intrusion (i.e., a report of a letter not in the array), or as location (i.e., a report of a noncritical or context letter from the array), and the arrays used were either unpronounceable non-words or words. In the first experiment all stimuli were four letters long and were presented in two parts: a leading array in which the information from two quadrants of a vertical by horizontal division of each letter was presented, and, after intervals of 40 and 160 ms, a trailing array of the complementary letter parts. The cue for the critical letter appeared either 80 ms before the initiation of the leading array or 320 ms after. The results showed a word advantage in all conditions, and an analysis of mislocations as proportions of total errors did not show that they differed significantly for non-words and for words. In the second experiment the stimuli were eight letters long and they were presented intact, followed after 140 ms by a patterned mask. The critical letter was again pre- and post-cued, and arrays subtended either 1.6° or 5° of visual angle. The results again showed a general word advantage and no difference in the proportions of mislocations for non-words and words. The results of both studies failed to provide support for the notion that the non-words probably required more attention than the words, and since this differential-attention hypothesis questioned the equality of encoding assumption of the Interactive Activation model of word perception, its rejection supported the latter proposition. It was concluded, therefore, that the encoding of the strings of letters in these studies was independent of their linguistic properties.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether absolute and relative judgments about global-scale locations and distances were generated from common representations. At the end of a 10-week class on the regional geography of the United States, participants estimated the latitudes of 16 North American cities and all possible pairwise distances between them. Although participants were relative experts, their latitude estimates revealed the presence of psychologically based regions with large gaps between them and a tendency to stretch North America southward toward the equator. The distance estimates revealed the same properties in the representation recovered via multidimensional scaling. Though the aggregated within- and between-regions distance estimates were fitted by Stevens's law (S. S. Stevens, 1957), this was an averaging artifact: The appropriateness of a power function to describe distance estimates depended on the regional membership of the cities. The authors conclude that plausible reasoning strategies, combined with regionalized representations and beliefs about the location of these relative to global landmarks, underlie global-scale latitude and distance judgments.  相似文献   

Six motor tests and six nonverbal tests were administered four times to the same subjects. Subjective reports of the subjects are discussed, changes in mean scores and in variability and score correlations from trial to trial are surveyed, and factor analyses of results on the first and fourth trials are presented and compared. Implications of the findings with respect to correction for attenuation are pointed out.Thanks are due to Mr. Searles and his staff at the Henry Ford Trade School, who gave both suggestions and aid in completing this work; to Dr. L. L. Thurstone, who gave suggestions for certain aspects of the analysis; and to L. R. Tucker and Robert Blakey, who made the final factorial analyses and suggested various conclusions.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the relationship between the attributions made for stereotype‐relevant behavior and stereotype‐based judgments. In Experiment 1 participants were presented with a short scenario describing a single stereotypic behavior and were given either a situational or a dispositional explanation for the behavior, before evaluating both the target and the group as a whole on stereotype‐based dimensions. As predicted, participants given a situational explanation for the stereotypic behavior described in the target and the group in less stereotype‐based terms than did baseline participants. In Experiment 2 and 3 participants were presented with a short scenario describing either a single stereotypic or counter‐stereotypic behavior but were asked to provide an explanation for the behavior, rather than being given one. As predicted, stereotypic behavior was attributed more strongly to dispositional than situational factors and counter‐stereotypic behavior more strongly to situational than dispositional factors. No overall moderation of group‐based beliefs relative to baseline was seen in either experiment. Correlations between the attributions and stereotypic‐based judgments did, however, show a relationship between the strength of the attributions made for the behaviors and stereotype‐based judgements. Implications for the moderation of stereotype‐based judgments are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In three experiments, aremember/know recognition test (Experiments 1–2) and an exclusion test (Experiments 2–3) were used to examine effects of repeated study presentations. An effect of study repetition was obtained for remember but not know judgments, similar to results reported by Gardiner, Kaminska, Dixon, and Java (1996). Experiment 2 demonstrated the similarity between know responses and exclusion errors; neither was affected by repeated study presentations. In Experiment 3, a response deadline procedure was used to show that exclusion errors are the product of two opposing processes—recollection and familiarity—both of which are influenced by repetition. The interpretation of exclusion errors and know responses is shown to require a dual-process model that includes an assumption about the relationship between processes.  相似文献   

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