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Bernardo E. Brown 《Religion》2020,50(4):636-652

Catholic priests and advanced seminarians in Sri Lanka often describe their entrance to the seminary as the response to a strong spiritual calling that they could not ignore. Young seminarians offer more ambiguous narratives, where a combination of material anxieties, local cultural traditions and individual aspirations, encourage them to consider joining the clergy. This article examines how seminaries highlight aspects of religious formation where vocational discernment and the authenticity of one's calling are left for later stages of formation. Emphasizing aspects of career mobility, graduate studies overseas and missionary work, seminaries provide an attractive alternative for prospective priests in Sri Lanka. I argue that there is no contradiction between the spiritual dimensions of religious vocation and the material aspirations of seminarians. Although ethical dispositions emerge and replace the mundane impulses that initially attract young men to the seminary, material incentives are never completely eliminated from the vocational map of seminarians.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the past decade, critical scholars such as Ronald Grimes and Talal Asad stated that there is a need to recognize the cultural and spiritual dimensions of religion, especially in an age of pluralism. While they call for an increased knowledge and application of techniques from anthropology, ethnology, and performance studies, what actually happens when one teaches from this perspective? As a religious scholar with training in dance anthropology, I created a class on World Religions that was based on these principles. Taught at interfaith and ecumenical seminaries, as well as a California university, the results were interesting, varied, and insightful. This paper discusses the problems, questions, and positive results of these classes, offering a base model for teaching religion in a multicultural, pluralistic age.  相似文献   

Martha E. Stortz 《Dialog》2011,50(4):373-379
Abstract : In re‐imagining theological education for the twenty‐first century, Stortz examines two late‐twentieth‐century proposals for seminary education: ecumenical consortia and “clustering,” or merging seminaries within the same communion. Given the relative failure of such proposals, she explores a “back to the future” move—a return of seminaries to the church‐related colleges from which many of them sprung. The move might prove mutually beneficial on three fronts: helping the respective institutions with twin emphases on formation and professionalization, sorting through mission and identity issues, and facilitating a greater awareness of the global context which both theological and higher education serve.  相似文献   

This article proposes an approach to doing theology with and for the indigenous communities in the Philippines, specifically the Ygollotes/Igorots of the Cordillera region, in their struggle for identity and self‐determination. It proceeds from a protest ritual that is representative and celebrative of the culture and identity; the religious and spiritual resources; the emancipatory stories; the vision, hopes and struggles of these northern Philippines indigenous communities. The article focuses on rereading the land‐centred culture, spirituality, and life of indigenous communities in the context of their struggles for fullness of life, with the perspective of identifying several sources and resources for a liberative, ecumenical, and indigenous peoples' theology of struggle.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, which met in Karlsruhe, Germany, in August–September 2022. It sets out the context in which the assembly took place, the main issues discussed, and perspectives for the future. The article argues that the assembly in Karlsruhe demonstrated that the ecumenical movement still is alive and can offer enormous potential in a world at the brink of a new East–West divide, facing a significant weakening of multilateral structures of cooperation, and even the threat of nuclear war. Moreover, the Karlsruhe assembly demonstrated that on subjects such as the Middle East, peace ethics, and nationalism, and in the deep commitment and spiritual life of its participants, the ecumenical movement is vital and vibrant and represents a countercultural force against rigid nationalisms.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the role of spiritual music in Finnish young adults’ spirituality formation. The research data consist of interviews (2013, N = 10) and questionnaire answers (2011, N = 278). Spiritual music refers to music that the young adults themselves experienced supportive for their spirituality. The article indicates that the spiritual music enhanced young adults’ spirituality formation as the music was well related to the young adults’ current life questions and to experiences of early life span. According to the data, music offered tools for constructing personal world view and was experienced to strengthen confidence on higher power or life itself. As a mental resource, music had an important role in coping with life. As entertainment, spiritual music enhanced experiencing life as satisfying. As a part of public spiritual life, music advanced spiritual connection with other people. The role of spiritual music in spirituality formation was related to questions of spiritual well-being.  相似文献   

Issues of justice and peace have been at the centre of Asian ecumenical theology, which has developed within the context of the Asian reality of multi‐religiosity, on the one hand, and rampant poverty, on the other. This article examines how Asian ecumenical theological expressions, such as Dalit theology from India, Minjung theology from Korea, the many Asian womanist theologies, indigenous theologies, the theology of struggle from the Philippines, Burakumin theologies from Japan, and homeland theology from Taiwan, have sought to engage with these realities. It examines the impact of socio‐political movements on theological formation through a focus on the life and work of the Indian ecumenical leader M. M. Thomas, and offers a detailed examination of Dalit and Minjung theologies as expressions of the Asian ecumenical theological engagement with justice.  相似文献   

The Standards' ecumenical implications are critically assessedin view of the risks which their cross-denominational or cross-faithcooperation implications on the one hand, and, on the otherhand, their secular commitments to mutual learning, non-proselytizing,professionalism, and efficiency assessment might carry for chaplains'properly spiritual orientation. The problem posed by the ambiguityof language is raised as a warning that concepts like humandignity have a profoundly different meaning in secular and Christiancontexts. Invoking such concepts can be seriously misleading.  相似文献   

Older, second‐career and non‐traditional students in seminaries present challenges for theological curricula and teaching in situations where theological study and the actual practice of ministry are no longer sequential but simultaneous. The author proposes a threefold response to these challenges, combining scholarly excellence and compassionate pedagogy with an eye toward seamless integration of study, formation, and life. The axis connecting past and future within this trinity is compassionate pedagogy: an approach to teaching in which passionate mutual participation yields creative contextualizing of academics and practice, guiding students toward a comprehension of their lives and work as the central arena of theological inquiry.  相似文献   

Personal relationships between Muslims and Christians do not occupy a prominent place in the written history of Muslim-Christian relations. Nevertheless, their significance for mutual understanding and spiritual enrichment is important, as the example given in this article shows. During the last 25 years of his life Amadou Hampâté Bâ (d. 1991) came to be recognized internationally for his active religious tolerance. However, the beginnings of the formative process of his attitude of openness and ecumenical ideas have remained largely unexplored. This article draws on the material found in the generally unpublished letters which Hampâté Bâ wrote to Théodore Monod, the director of the Institut Français d'Afrique Noire in Dakar, in the 1940s and 1950s during the middle years of his life. It was within the context of rich friendship between these two men that Hampâté Bâ's desire to work for universal reconciliation started to attain a more definite outline.  相似文献   

This article looks at some aspects of the history of ecumenical theological formation. It emphasizes the need to strive for quality theological education. This should always be ecumenical and pluralistic, link the global and the local and be founded on community‐based ecclesiastical theory. It points out the need to continue questioning the epistemological fundamentals of theology in order to ensure the continuous strengthening of the relationship between theory and practice. Another essential aspect is the relationship between mission and ecumenical theological formation and our understanding that education and ecumenical training is aimed at transforming people and communities. This means that changes to our educational institutions are indispensable. They should promote ecumenical, pluralist, inter‐disciplinary and holistic policies and practices and a commitment to a radical interpretation of the Bible that leads us to seek justice and well‐being for all people, communities and groups, and oppose any beliefs, practices and interpretation of the Bible that lead to oppression and injustice.  相似文献   

Beliefs. Believing. Both are tested by different life experiences. This qualitative study of 15 older adults used a grounded theology methodology to develop a model of what influences the views of a range of Christian and agnostic subjects. The study identified two sources in life learning and spiritual learning that influence agnostic, more liberal, or conservative beliefs. This emergent model is contrasted with the approach of leading theologian Graham Ward.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article has three purposes. First, it makes the case for assessment as an educational practice that flows from the core concerns of a school, in this piece particularly seminaries and theological schools. Second, it describes practices that enable assessment to be a resource for achieving the quality everyone wants from an educational and formational program. Finally, it concludes with comments about building a “culture for assessment” so that it becomes a normative practice in how a school goes about the work of education and formation. This article will appear as a chapter in the forthcoming book Educating Leaders for Ministry, which is a collection of essays from the work of the 1996–2000 Keystone Conferences of Roman Catholic seminaries, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.  相似文献   

This paper serves first as an introduction to the essays gathered in this collection on "Rethinking Gregory of Nyssa". The critique of the so–called "de Régnon" paradigm for Nyssa's Trinitarianism is laid out, and the significance for a new ecumenical rapprochement between East and West indicated. Some new principles are then outlined for reading Nyssa's "spiritual" and exegetical corpus in tandem with his more polemical and apologetic writings on the Trinity, such that the Trinitarian themes in The Commentary on the Song of Songs , especially, along with their novel messages about "gender", become seen as an intrinsic part of Nyssa's contribution to Trinitarian theology.  相似文献   

This article explores God’s mission of reconciliation through the ecumenical efforts for peace, reconciliation, and reunification on the Korean Peninsula. It consists of three parts. The first section explores reconciliation as a means of overcoming the division system in Korea. The second section offers reconciliation as a peace process in the Korean context. The third section highlights the engagement in the reconciliation as a spiritual journey from the World Council of Churches’ global prayer campaign, which is a Christian pathway toward a peace system in the Korean Peninsula. In particular, this article demonstrates that prayer is not a strategy in our work of advocacy but a spiritual mandate and movement toward peace and justice cultivating reconciliation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Discussions on teaching and learning within theological seminaries often center on the question of student diversity, focused primarily upon issues of race, gender, and ethnicity. At the same time that seminaries are challenged to deal with a multitude of pedagogical suppositions emerging from increasingly diverse learning goals, seminaries must also pay attention to the ways their students challenge an institution's core mission to train ministers for service in churches and denominations. Based upon the author's experience teaching in a mainline Protestant seminary, the essay discusses three student cultures that often overlap among today's seminarians. These three student cultures, referred to here as “church seminarian,”“new paradigm seminarian,” and “vocational seminarian,” carry very different understandings of the seminary's role to prepare students for ministry. A critical discernment of these cultures might challenge seminary faculty to reevaluate their educational and missional suppositions amidst divergent student career objectives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to surface definitions for scholarly research employed in Association of Theological Schools seminaries, identify the application of scholarly research as a criteria for rank advancement, and form a scholarly research productivity reference point. The research revealed that while definitions of scholarly activity vary in ATS seminaries, common defining themes are evident; (1) promoting academic, professional, or public discourse and dissemination, (2) originality, (3) participation, or presentation in academic or professional societies, (4) professional esteem, and (5) the notion of work being verifiable. The concept of peer-reviewed publication is not widely held in the opinion of seminary faculty as essential to distinguish academic writing. University-connected seminaries often mirror the emphasis on empirical research in higher education of their institutions. The research surfaced the difficulty in forming an academic writing productivity benchmark.  相似文献   

This address to the Ecumenical Kirchentag in Germany in 2003 takes as its starting point the symbol of the church as the people of God on the way together to describe the ecumenical movement. This is a path that leads out of the security of structures, relying on the promise of God as a response to the call of the gospel to faith and the path of discipleship – the way of pilgrimage as it was described by the World Conference on Faith and Order in 1993 in Santiago de Compostela. After looking back at the milestones on the ecumenical journey toward communion in life, faith, and witness, the address highlights the significance of a mutual recognition of baptism by churches as representing a “Copernican revolution” in ecumenical dialogue, in which churches would commit themselves to mutual accountability in matters of faith and church order.  相似文献   

This article is a personal testimony of the encounter between Orthodox and Anglican traditions in the 20th and the 21st centuries. It offers an overview of more than 40 years of experience in ecumenical work with Orthodox churches, beginning with an experience of Orthodoxy in Serbia in 1974 and a meeting with Fr Justin Popovi?. It continues with an account of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, which has enabled Anglicans to meet and worship with Orthodox. It concludes with a discussion of the ways in which these relationships matured after the fall of communism with the creation of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge as an example of shared theological education. The article also highlights how traditions from the East of spiritual fatherhood, the Jesus Prayer, and icons have become familiar parts of Anglican church life.  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution to ecumenical dialogue of Ion Bria, an important Romanian theological and ecumenical personality. The value of his approaches is demonstrated by the fact that many contemporary authors start their research from his ideas, such as the concept of the “liturgy after the liturgy,” of which he was a significant proponent, and which are still relevant to ecumenical dialogue. At the time they were first proposed, they shifted ecumenical dialogue. Bria was also a good and careful observer of ecumenical and pan‐Orthodox reality. He presented with objectivity the reality from his home space and made valuable comparisons between his spirituality and other confessional approaches, offering new topics of dialogue and creating bridges between churches.  相似文献   

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