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High and low self-monitoring women sampled and evaluated either a relatively pleasant-smelling perfume or a relatively less pleasant-smelling one. Some women were complimented as they sampled the perfume. Others were not given any feedback. The evaluations of high self-monitoring women were influenced only by the presence or absence of the compliment. Regardless of its actual smell, high self-monitoring women evaluated the aroma and quality of the perfume higher when they had been complimented than when they had not. The evaluations of low self-monitors were similarly influenced by the presence or absence of the compliment. In addition, however, their evaluations were significantly influenced by the actual smell of the perfume.  相似文献   

High and low serf-monitors tasted and evaluated a sample of cheese. Some participants were led to believe that the cheese was made in France, whereas others were led to believe that it was made in Kansas. In addition, the taste of the cheese was varied. For some, the cheese was relatively pleasant tasting; for others, it was less so. High self-monitors' evaluations were a function of country of origin. Regardless of its actual taste, high self-monitors evaluated the cheese more favorably when they believed it came from France than when they believed it was made in Kansas. In contrast, the evaluations of low self-monitors were a function of the cheese's actual taste. They evaluated the pleasant-tasting cheese more favorably than the less pleasant-tasting cheese regardless of its purported country of origin.  相似文献   

Barbara Abbott 《Topoi》2016,35(1):9-21
Within the relevant semantics and pragmatics literature the terms “presupposition” and “conventional implicature” are used in a variety of different, but frequently overlapping, ways. The overlaps are perhaps not surprising, given that the two categories of conveyed meaning share the property of remaining constant in the scope of other operators—the property (Tonhauser et al. in Language 89:66–109, 2013) usefully characterize as projectivity. One of my purposes in this paper will be to try to clarify these different usages. In addition to that we will explore two additional properties which are shared by some of these projective contents—strong contextual felicity (Tonhauser et al. in Language 89:66–109, 2013), and neutralizability (Abbott in Drawing the boundaries of meaning: Neo-Gricean studies in pragmatics and semantics in honor of Laurence R. Horn. John Benjamins, Philadelphia, 2006). The idea is to try to explain all three properties by taking into account information packaging.  相似文献   

近年来对工作记忆的研究开始关注个体差异的理论分析。经典的工作记忆模型得到了发展,引入情境缓冲系统作为多成分模型的一部分,这是对个体经验的重视。传统衡量个体差异的主要指标短时记忆容量(组块)、智力(g)等逐步被工作记忆指标发展替代:如执行性注意控制、工作记忆广度等。工作记忆的个体差异本质上是否与智力的差异具有同构性的焦点引起了广泛关注。在今后的研究中,关于领域一般性与特殊性的及神经生理学等方向可能是厘清工作记忆个体差异的主流趋势。  相似文献   

智力差异是心理学领域智力研究和个体差异研究的一项重要内容。近年来,研究者对智力个体差异的内在机制从不同角度提出了解释,随着认知领域相应研究的发展,陆续出现了4种研究取向:因素取向、参数取向、策略取向和适应性取向。文章在简要介绍4种取向的内涵、产生的历史背景的基础上,综述了各个取向相关的研究成果,特别是最新进展。已有研究表明,四种取向在解释个体智力差异本质方面都还存在着一定问题,未来的研究需要努力构建比较全面的智力差异理论;从认知加工和神经机制研究相结合的角度恰当解释智力差异;同时加强对非认知因素的关注  相似文献   

认知能力的毕生发展及其分离性和个体差异性研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
李德明  陈天勇  李贵芸  刘昌 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1288-1290
研究认知能力毕生发展过程及其分离性和个体差异性的变化。被试 1 993名 (1 0 - 90岁 ) ,完成加工速度、工作记忆、心算、空间表象和记忆再认等认知测验。结果表明 :1 )认知能力发展的发展在 1 6 - 1 9岁组达到高峰 ,2 0岁后随增龄而逐渐下降 ,不同认知能力发展的分离性在 60岁后明显增大 ;2 )几乎所有测验的个体差异性在 2 0岁之前随增龄而减小 ,在 2 0岁之后随增龄而增大 ;3)教育因素对认知能力老化过程的分离性和个体差异性有明显影响。  相似文献   

This research advances an evolution-based model of the function and content of investment in romantic relationships. In developing this model, theory testing has proceeded concurrently with the validation of a multidimensional measure of partner-specific investment (PSI). Ten strategies of investment were identified through factor analysis and scaled to form the PSI Inventory. These scales form a diverse set of investment measures that are reasonably independent, internally consistent, and reliable across raters. Both gender and sociosexual orientation predict use of specific PSI strategies. Overall PSI scores correlate positively with partner's feelings of love and felt security in the relationship, correlate negatively with degree of sexualizing of others by partner, and do not correlate with the self's performance of mate retention behaviors. It is concluded that the PSI Inventory possesses adequate psychometric properties and satisfactory convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity, thus suggesting that it constitutes a viable means of assessing individual differences in investment. These investigations show how a multidimensional, adaptationist approach to investment can further our understanding of these individual differences.  相似文献   

Gestalt therapy is described as a comprehensive framework of theory and techniques for experiential family therapy. Like other experientially oriented therapies, it is systems-oriented, immediate-experience-oriented, and affect-oriented. Unlike others, this method regards the client system's emergent processes as the central focus, and it emphasizes that growth occurs as the family and its members are helped to greater self-awareness and responsibility for their own functioning.  相似文献   

Participants observed a perfume advertisement in which either a physically attractive or relatively unattractive spokesperson promoted a new perfume using relatively strong or relatively weak arguments. Additionally, before observing the ad, some participants sampled the perfume. As expected, those participants who sampled the perfume were influenced more by the spokeswoman's attractiveness than by the strength of the arguments and participants not exposed to the perfume were more influenced by the strength of the arguments than by the spokesperson's attractiveness. An analysis of cognitive responses further suggested that participants not exposed to the perfume may have been systematically processing the advertisement and participants exposed to the perfume may have been more heuristically processing the message.  相似文献   

This study examined individual difference and social factors in moderating the effects of media images on women's body satisfaction. Participants heard a conversation wherein 2 people either were judgmental about a mutual friend's weight gain or discussed their friend's recent move. Participants then viewed slides which were either neutral or depicted "ideal" images of women. Results underscored the importance of individual differences. When exposed to ideal images, thinner women more positively evaluated their sexual attractiveness, while heavier women reported more negative self-evaluations. Compared to low self-monitors, high self-monitors who were exposed to ideal images were more positive about their physical condition. The findings demonstrate that media images do not similarly affect all women's body esteem.  相似文献   

Each day, thousands of televised images of the workplace fill the airwaves through programs such as Law and Order, ER, and The Simpsons. Although communications research has suggested that the social reality of television is often accepted by high‐level viewers ( Perry & Roesch, 2004 ; Potter, 1994 ), management researchers have been slow to examine television as work socialization. This paper addresses possible concerns of scale and theoretical rigor through development of reliable scales based on televised content and the testing of relationships through an interdisciplinary framework. Regression results indicate that heavy television exposure may influence viewer perceptions regarding access to managers and resources. The results also indicate that non‐media work information can moderate this effect. Practical implications for managers are provided.  相似文献   

More must be learned of color and its possible relationships with the Rorschach before its interpretation may be taken with assurance. Twenty Ss were administered the Rorschach and a Color Battery of four tasks chosen to tap color preference. Preferences were analyzed for use of the color on the Rorschach plates; color response scores and form-level scores; relationship with color meaning for the subject. Significances were found between: (1) preference and use of color; (2) preference and CF and C scores; (3) plus form-level and preferences. Color meanings varied with each subject. Color preference may influence the subject's use of color on the Rorschach, as well as scores, regardless of what the preferred color may be or the amount available. Generalizations are not warranted on the basis of color or color use, especially as regards differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Individuals often report experiences that conform to objective definitions of sexual harassment, but rarely report the subjective perception that they have been sexually harassed. The present research proposed that individual difference factors may mediate this commonly observed discrepancy. It was hypothesized that erotophobia, sexual inexperience, youth, sex role traditionality, repressing defensive style, and need for social approval have a weak inhibitory effect on reports of objectively defined experiences of sexual harassment, but a strong inhibitory effect on subjective perceptions that one has been sexually harassed. Results showed that individual difference factors including erotophobia, repressing defenses, and need for social approval were associated with fewer reported objective experiences of sexual harassment, while the base rate of subjective perception that one had been sexually harassed was very low, and this subjective perception was generally unassociated with individual difference factors. Discussion focuses on individual difference characteristics and motivation to ignore or to fail to report objective experiences of sexual harassment, and on suggestions for further research into the very high base rate of objectively defined experiences of sexual harassment and the very low base rate of perceived sexual harassment.  相似文献   

即便在相同的情形中, 每个人所做的决策也有千差万别, 导致决策个体差异的因素之一就是数学能力。文章综述了算术能力、数量表征、概率推理能力以及数学认知启发式对各种决策的影响。目前这方面的研究或者采用相关范式将数学能力作为决策的外部关联因素, 或者采用成分范式确定决策过程所需要的特定数学认知成分; 观点上的主要争论在于是一般认知能力还是数学能力在预测决策表现, 以及数学能力是否总是对决策有积极作用; 此外, 双系统模型和模糊痕迹理论有望为决策的个体差异提供理论解释。今后研究应该澄清上述争论, 确定合适的研究范式和结果解释框架, 并探讨更多提高决策能力的措施。  相似文献   

Empirical literature relating to the use of product owner manual information is sparse, despite the fact that the topic holds important marketplace safety implications. This study employed a survey methodology to explore manual-specific psychographic as well as demographic variables. Discriminant analysis found prior experience and time considerations to be among the most important variables in differentiating between nonreaders and readers of manuals. Results are discussed within the context of Russo's (1988) cost-benefit framework related to information usage. Following this perspective, we offer some initial ideas for programs aimed at increasing nonreaders' utilization of manuals.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning has existed for some time, and instructional methods have been developed, such as cooperative learning, team learning, and problem‐based learning. The purpose of this study is to observe students in learning teams and how their observations of their team and team members are reflected in peer evaluations. We examine pre‐ and post‐team history elements, such as basic demographics, personality factors, exam scores, and observations of team process and team goal attainment. Pre‐ and post‐team history factors correlate with peer evaluations and are discussed. In our analyses, we take into account intraclass correlations and individual and group effects. Suggestions are given for future research.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we examined the extent to which people use information concerning product form (e.g., appearance) and product function (e.g., reliability) to evaluate the quality of consumer products. One week after receiving both types of information, high self-monitors responded more favorably to the product with the more attractive appearance, judging it to be of higher quality. By contrast, low self-monitors assigned higher quality ratings to the less attractive product. Implications of these findings for implicit consumer theories about the relations between product form and product function, as well as implications for consumer decision-making processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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