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Mental imagery is thought to share properties with perception. To what extent does the process of imagining a scene share neural circuits and computational mechanisms with actually perceiving the same scene? Here, we investigated whether mental imagery of motion in a particular direction recruits neural circuits tuned to the same direction of perceptual motion. To address this question we made use of a visual illusion, the motion aftereffect. We found that following prolonged imagery of motion in one direction, people are more likely to perceive real motion test probes as moving in the direction opposite to the direction of motion imagery. The transfer of adaptation from imagined to perceived motion provides evidence that motion imagery and motion perception recruit shared direction-selective neural circuitry. Even in the absence of any visual stimuli, people can selectively recruit specific low-level sensory neurons through mental imagery.  相似文献   

Naor-Raz G  Sekuler R 《Perception》2000,29(3):325-335
Fraser and Wilcox [1979 Nature (London) 281 565-566] devised a series of complex stationary patterns that provoked episodes of compelling illusory motion, but only in about two-thirds of people tested. Using simplified versions of their stimuli, we have confirmed their claim of perceptual dimorphism. We show that the strength of the illusory motion depends upon stimulus duration, eccentricity, and contrast. The illusory motion does not require fluctuations in accommodation, as has been suggested for some other forms of illusory motion. Finally, we consider the relation of Fraser-type motion to other forms of illusory motion.  相似文献   

Observers viewed monocular animations of rotating dihedral angles and were required to indicate their perceived structures by adjusting the magnitude and orientation of a stereoscopic dihedral angle. The motion displays were created by directly manipulating various aspects of the image velocity field, including the mean translation, the horizontal and vertical velocity gradients, and the manner in which these gradients changed over time. The adjusted orientation of each planar facet was decomposed into components of slant and tilt. Although the tilt component was estimated with a high degree of accuracy, the judgments of slant exhibited large systematic errors. The magnitude of perceived slant was determined primarily by the magnitude of the velocity gradient scaled by its direction. The results also indicate that higher order temporal derivatives of the moving elements had little effect on observers' judgments.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the ability of younger and older adults to recognize 3-D object shape from patterns of optical motion. In Experiment 1, participants were required to identify dotted surfaces that rotated in depth (i.e., surface structure portrayed using the kinetic depth effect). The task difficulty was manipulated by limiting the surface point lifetimes within the stimulus apparent motion sequences. In Experiment 2, the participants identified solid, naturally shaped objects (replicas of bell peppers, Capsicum annuum) that were defined by occlusion boundary contours, patterns of specular highlights, or combined optical patterns containing both boundary contours and specular highlights. Significant and adverse effects of increased age were found in both experiments. Despite the fact that previous research has found that increases in age do not reduce solid shape discrimination, our current results indicated that the same conclusion does not hold for shape identification. We demonstrated that aging results in a reduction in the ability to visually recognize 3-D shape independent of how the 3-D structure is defined (motions of isolated points, deformations of smooth optical fields containing specular highlights, etc.).  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated observers’ judgments of rigidity for different types of optical motion. The depicted structural deformations were of two types: (1) those with nonparallel image trajectories that are detectable from the first-order spatiotemporal relations between pairs of views; and (2) those with parallel image trajectories that can only be detected from higher order relations among three or more views. Patterns were composed of smooth flow fields in Experiments 1 and 3, and of wire frame figures in Experiments 2 and 4. For both types of display, the nonrigidity detectable from the first-order spatiotemporal structure of the motion sequence was much more salient than the deformation detectable only from the higher order spatiotemporal structure. These results indicate that observers’ judgments of rigidity are based primarily on a two-view analysis, but that some useful information can be obtained under appropriate circumstances from higher order spatiotemporal relations among three or more views.  相似文献   

Three studies relating perception of motion to stimulus uncertainty are reported. Generally, detectability declines when the observer is uncertain about the direction in which a target will move, but the visibility loss associated with direction uncertainty can be attenuated if the observer has adequate practice. This attenuation seems to depend upon the observer's ability to switch among directionally selective visual mechanisms in an adaptive fashion. The implications of these findings for models of motion detection are discussed.  相似文献   

Would a motion-picture film of a rotating spiral induce a spiral aftereffect? This question was studied in two experiments in which Ss viewed an animated film of circles collapsing to a point. The rate of apparent motion of the collapsing circles and the discontinuity of motion—the length of jump between successively projected circles—were varied independently. A visual aftereffect like the spiral aftereffect was created. The aftereffect increased in strength and duration with the rate of motion, but at all rates of motion it declined as discontinuity of motion increased. The results are taken as evidence that motion aftereffects are caused by selective fatigue of small, directionally sensitive motion-receptive fields.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Linke's pioneer observations made just fifty years ago on apparent visual motion conditioned by pairs of stimulus objects which differ in form, has been here experimentally elaborated and brought into relation with topology. Both deformations and connectivities have been studied. Topological limits of t-motion have been encountered in this investigation. Linke's concept of identity, which he regarded as the psychological key to seen movement, should now be replaced by the modern, powerful concept of invariance. Topology, with its biunique point-order structure, is inevitably brought into relation with the phenomena of apparent movement. There appears to be a substantial isomorphic relation between topological deformation in the stimulus objects and seen movement, although there are some topological inhibitors of motion. The perceptual contents of apparent motion do not evidence positional and form properties as separated parts: The contents are funded as an integrated kinematic whole.  相似文献   

How is the perception and processing of visual motion affected by attention? This review examines recent research in cognition, perception and neurophysiology that explores how ongoing behavioural tasks (and the attentional states they impose) modulate the processing of visual motion. Although traditional views hold that motion is processed in an obligatory, 'pre-attentive' manner, evidence for processing in a task-independent manner is scant. Recent studies of human perception that have measured motion priming, motion aftereffects, uncertainty effects, and motion-interaction effects indicate instead that even simple aspects of motion processing may be substantially affected by whether motion information in a task is used or ignored by the perceiver. Single-unit studies in brain areas sensitive to visual motion in monkeys, and functional imaging studies on humans, also indicate that task and attentional state affect activity levels in brain regions thought to be important in motion perception. This review brings together these converging findings of attentional modulation of motion perception and considers them in light of object-oriented theories of attention.  相似文献   

A series of four experiments was designed to investigate the minimal amounts of information required to perceive the structure of a smoothly curved surface from its pattern of projected motion. In Experiments 1 and 2, observers estimated the amplitudes of sinusoidally corrugated surfaces relative to their periods. Observers’ judgments varied linearly with the depicted surface amplitudes, but the amount of perceived relative depth was systematically overestimated by approximately 30%. The observers’ amplitude judgments were also influenced to a lesser extent by the amount of rotary displacement of a surface at each frame transition, and by increasing the length of the apparent motion sequences from two to eight frames. The latter effect of sequence length was quite small, however, accounting for less than 3% of the variance in the observers’ judgments. Experiments 3 and 4 examined observers’ discrimination thresholds for sinusoidally corrugated surfaces of variable amplitude and for ellipsoid surfaces of variable eccentricity. The results revealed that observers could reliably detect differences of surface structure as small as 5%. The length of the apparent motion sequences had no detectable effect on these tasks, although there were significant effects of angular displacement and surface orientation. These results are considered with respect to the analysis of affine structure from motion proposed by Todd and Bressan (1990).  相似文献   

Summary S-R compatibility and Simon effects were studied for real visual motion. In Experiment 1, two small stimulus lights were constantly visible, 5° to the left and right of fixation; after a random delay, one began to move at 2°/s. In Experiment 2, a single stimulus light moving at 2°/s suddenly appeared 5° to the left or right of fixation, i. e., motion onset and stimulus onset coincided. In both experiments, subjects responded by a key press with their left or right index finger as soon as they detected motion. In Condition A responses were made to the position (left or right) from which the motion started, irrespective of its direction (position compatibility); in Condition B responses were made to the direction of motion (leftward or rightward) irrespective of whether motion started to the left or to the right of fixation (direction compatibility). The results show strong compatibility effects for both position and direction of motion in both experiments. A Simon effect, however, occurred only when position was task irrelevant in Experiment 1; no Simon effect was found in Experiment 2. The data only partly confirm previous results obtained with apparent motion. The selective lack of a Simon effect supports the integrated model of Umiltá and Nicoletti (1992), which requires orienting of attention for the Simon effect to occur. It is specifically assumed that this attention-orienting is triggered only by the saccade program and does not extend to the pursuit program that is initiated by smooth stimulus motion.  相似文献   

If a curved line and a straight line are presented briefly, one above the other, in sequence to the eye, then, under appropriate conditions, visual apparent motion is obtained. Subjects report that the illusory figure moving and changing from the curved line to the straight line appears to overshoot the latter, gaining a small curvature in the opposite sense. Three experiments are described. In the first, the magnitude of this apparent curvature was quantified as a function of the delay between the onsets of the curved line and straight line (the stimulus onset asynchrony, SOA). It is shown that overshoot in curvature cannot be attributed to inappropriate patterns of eye fixations. In the second experiment, the stimulus configuration was modified to reveal the contribution to apparent curvature of classical curvature-contrast effects. Curvature overshoot due to apparent motion alone was thus estimated as a function of SOA. In the third experiment, an analogous position overshoot was measured for apparent motion elicited by two brief sequentially presented parallel line segments. It is argued that a combination of such position overshoots cannot explain curvature overshoot. Two schemes of a more general kind that might be used to interpret curvature overshoot are then outlined. One scheme is based on a neural-net model of apparent motion, and the other on a functional model of apparent motion that operates by laws analogous to those governing real physical motion.  相似文献   

Organisms navigating by path integration need to continuously measure their forward movement and their angular orientation with respect to an external reference. How they do it is little understood. Tethered flies at the flight simulator "navigate" in an artificial visual landscape without forward movement. They can return to a previously held orientation if the panorama provides a singularity (landmark) as reference. Surprisingly, in a regularly striped drum without singularities, they can use a temporal cue instead. In this experiment the arena is illuminated with only one color that is either green or blue. The arena is virtually divided into four quadrants. Whenever a quadrant boundary moves past an arbitrary point, the color of the arena light changes. When a fly is heated with one color it acquires a preference for the other one. Subsequently, it avoids the borders toward the potentially 'hot' quadrants even without touching them. The only way to achieve this is by turn integration, that is, by adding and subtracting all the turns it performs once it crosses the border. The color switch defining the border crossing resets the turn integrator, using the orientation of the arena at this moment as reference. In contrast, landmarks or, if it were available, the skylight compass enable the fly to establish by pattern learning any orientation as a reference. If the reference orientation coincides with the desired orientation, that is, if the animal stores the pattern while being oriented toward the goal, it can maintain its orientation without recourse to turn integration (which may be error prone).  相似文献   

The effect of full-field sinusoidal visual roll motion stimuli of various frequencies and peak velocities upon the orientation of subjective visual vertical (SV) was studied. The angle of the optokinetically induced displacement of SV was found to be a linear function of the logarithm of the stimulus oscillation angle. Interindividual slopes of this function varied between 2 and 9. The logarithmic function is independent of stimulus frequency within the range of .02 Hz to .5 Hz and of peak stimulus velocity from 7.5°/sec to 170°/sec. It holds for oscillation angles up to 100°–140°. With larger rotational angles, saturation is reached. With small stimulus angles, a surprisingly high threshold (5°-8°) was observed in our experiments. This may reflect the unphysiological combination of visual roll stimuli without corroborating vestibular and proprioceptive inputs normally present when body sway produces visual stimulation. Under natural conditions, the visual feedback about spontaneous sway stabilizes body posture by integrating rotational velocity over stimulus duration which is equal to rotational angle.  相似文献   

A series of four experiments was designed to investigate the minimal amounts of information required to perceive the structure of a smoothly curved surface from its pattern of projected motion. In Experiments 1 and 2, observers estimated the amplitudes of sinusoidally corrugated surfaces relative to their periods. Observers' judgments varied linearly with the depicted surface amplitudes, but the amount of perceived relative depth was systematically overestimated by approximately 30%. The observers' amplitude judgments were also influenced to a lesser extent by the amount of rotary displacement of a surface at each frame transition, and by increasing the length of the apparent motion sequences from two to eight frames. The latter effect of sequence length was quite small, however, accounting for less than 3% of the variance in the observers' judgments. Experiments 3 and 4 examined observers' discrimination thresholds for sinusoidally corrugated surfaces of variable amplitude and for ellipsoid surfaces of variable eccentricity. The results revealed that observers could reliably detect differences of surface structure as small as 5%. The length of the apparent motion sequences had no detectable effect on these tasks, although there were significant effects of angular displacement and surface orientation. These results are considered with respect to the analysis of affine structure from motion proposed by Todd and Bressan (1990).  相似文献   

Brain areas sensitive to coherent visual motion   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Detection of coherent motion versus noise is widely used as a measure of global visual-motion processing. To localise the human brain mechanisms involved in this performance, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to compare brain activation during viewing of coherently moving random dots with that during viewing spatially and temporally comparable dynamic noise. Rates of reversal of coherent motion and coherent-motion velocities (5 versus 20 deg s-1) were also compared. Differences in local activation between conditions were analysed by statistical parametric mapping. Greater activation by coherent motion compared to noise was found in V5 and putative V3A, but not in V1. In addition there were foci of activation on the occipital ventral surface, the intraparietal sulcus, and superior temporal sulcus. Thus, coherent-motion information has distinctive effects in a number of extrastriate visual brain areas. The rate of motion reversal showed only weak effects in motion-sensitive areas. V1 was better activated by noise than by coherent motion, possibly reflecting activation of neurons with a wider range of motion selectivities. This activation was at a more anterior location in the comparison of noise with the faster velocity, suggesting that 20 deg s-1 is beyond the velocity range of the V1 representation of central visual field. These results support the use of motion-coherence tests for extrastriate as opposed to V1 function. However, sensitivity to motion coherence is not confined to V5, and may extend beyond the classically defined dorsal stream.  相似文献   

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