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A visually reinforced operant procedure was employed to determine the behavioral thresholds of 6- to 7-month-old infants and adults for stimuli of various bandwidths and durations. Experiment 1 compared absolute thresholds for broadband and 1/3-octavefiltered clicks and 300-msec noise bursts. For adult subjects, the difference in threshold for clicks and noise bursts was -quite comparable in the two bandwidth conditions, but infants’ click-noise threshold differences were significantly larger for broadband than for 1/3-octave stimuli. In Experiment 2, 2-point threshold-duration functions were compared for 4-kHz tones and octave-band noise bursts presented in backgrounds of quiet and continuous noise. Infants’ threshold-duration function for octave-band noise bursts was significantly steeper than the comparable adult function in quiet, but not in masking noise. These results suggest that young infants may have particular difficulty detecting low intensity broadband sounds when durations are very short.  相似文献   

Behavioral thresholds of 6-month-old infants and adults were determined for 1/3-octave filtered clicks and 300-msec noise bursts with center frequencies ranging from .5 to 8 kHz. For noise bursts, differences between infant and adult thresholds were largest at low frequencies and smallest at 8 kHz. For clicks, infants’ thresholds were most like adults’ at 4 kHz, and age differences increased at both lower and higher frequencies. Differences between click and noise thresholds were significantly larger for infants than for adults at .5, 1, and 8 kHz, but not at 2 and 4 kHz. These results suggest that improvements in threshold for long-duration stimuli during infancy may not be accompanied by comparable changes in threshold at short durations. The delayed development of sensitivity to low- and high-frequency clicks appears consistent with maturational trends recently described for the auditory brainstem response.  相似文献   

Using a two-alternative temporal forced-choice technique, two binaural detection experiments were performed. In the first, the detectability of a 250-Hz 128-msec tonal signal masked by a gated 70-dB SPL tone of the same frequency and duration was measured as a function of the level of the signal, the phase angle at which the signal was added to the masker, and the interaural phase difference of the signal. In the second experiment, the signal was a wideband (100-3,000 Hz) 128-msec Gaussian noise masked by a continuous Gaussian noise of the same bandwidth and coherent with the signal. The detectability of this noise signal was measured as a function of the same variables investigated in the first experiment. In both experiments detectability was found to follow a simple energy- or power-detection model when the interaural phase difference was 0 deg. When the interaural phase difference was 180 deg, the function relating the signal level required for a constant level of performance to the signal-masker phase angle is such that neither the Webster-Jeffress hypothesis nor Durlach’s E-C model accounts for the data. The data are reasonably well fit by a model proposed by Hafter and Carrier.  相似文献   

When a pair of short, temporally spaced sound bursts is presented and the listeners are requested to match the loudness of a third, comparison burst to the overall loudness of the pair, a fundamentally different result is obtained than when they are instructed to match the loudness of the comparison burst to that of the second burst in the pair. Loudness-level changes occurring in the first situation are designated as loudness summation; those occurring in the second situation, as loudness enhancement. Some parameters of both phenomena are studied. The results lead to the suggestion of a principle of maximum similarity in stimulus matching and to a reinterpretation of some earlier data.  相似文献   

Localization responses to a 4,000-Hz octave-band noise in a background of broad-spectrum noise were obtained from infants, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, and adults. A two-alternative, forced-choice procedure was used to determine thresholds at each of two levels of masking noise, 42 and 60 dBC. Adults were also tested for their localization of pure tones in noise and their detection of octave-band noises with the more traditional two-interval, forced-choice task. Increasing the masking noise from 42 to 60 dBC resulted in comparable threshold shifts for all age groups. However, infant thresholds were 16–25 dB higher than those obtained for adults. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Detection of brief tones in noise by rats   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two rats were trained to detect brief 8000-Hz tones centered in a one-third octave band of noise. The procedure was analogous to the yes-no method of human psychophysics in that one response was defined as correct and reinforced if the tone were present in the noise, and another response was correct and reinforced if the tone were absent. The percentage of correct responses was determined principally by the energy in the tone for the range of durations studied (75 to 600 msec): if the tone's duration were halved, for example, its power had to be doubled to keep the percentage of correct responses about the same. The ratio of the energy in the tone to the power per cycle of the noise needed to maintain 75% correct responses was about 36 db for one animal and 41 db for the other. Although the two responses were similar, and their consequences equal, biases in responding were sometimes observed.  相似文献   

Normally hearing adults heard rapid alternations of a pair of band-limited noise bursts that had flat spectra (in terms of equal-loudness weighting of components) and sharp band edges. The bursts differed in center frequency (CF), but were matched on overall intensity, on bandwidth (BW) on a logfrequency scale, and (roughly) on pitch strength. Listeners judged the ease with which the sequence could be held together perceptually in a single auditory stream (vs. forming separate high and low streams). Involuntary segregation was examined as a function of the following measures of frequency separation of the alternating noise bands: (1) the closest band edges, (2) the most remote band edges, (3) the CFs of the bands on a logarithmic scale, and (4) the BWs. Segregation was best predicted from the separation of the two CFs on a log-frequency scale (very strong effect). Increasing the BWs of the two alternating bursts (the same size, in log frequency, for both bands) also led to greater segregation (very weak effect).  相似文献   

Normally hearing adults heard rapid alternations of a pair of band-limited noise bursts that had flat spectra (in terms of equal-loudness weighting of components) and sharp band edges. The bursts differed in center frequency (CF), but were matched on overall intensity, on bandwidth (BW) on a log frequency scale, and (roughly) on pitch strength. Listeners judged the ease with which the sequence could be held together perceptually in a single auditory stream (vs. forming separate high and low streams). Involuntary segregation was examined as a function of the following measures of frequency separation of the alternating noise bands: (1) the closest band edges, (2) the most remote band edges, (3) the CFs of the bands on a logarithmic scale, and (4) the BWs. Segregation was best predicted from the separation of the two CFs on a log-frequency scale (very strong effect). Increasing the BWs of the two alternating bursts (the same size, in log frequency, for both bands) also led to greater segregation (very weak effect).  相似文献   

In two previous papers (Parker & Schneider, 1980; Schneider & Parker, 1987), we developed a model, based on Fechner's assumption, which successfully predicted the relationship between loudness and intensity discrimination for tones presented in quiet and in notched noise. In the present paper, pure-tone intensity-increment thresholds and loudness matches were determined for several levels of a standard tone in the presence of a broadband masker whose spectrum level was set to 35 dB below that of the standard tone. The model was unable to relate loudness to intensity discrimination under these conditions. Thus, the spectral composition of the masker affects the relationship between loudness and intensity discrimination in ways that cannot be accounted for by the model.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested six predictions derived from the assumptions underlying the luminance summation-contrast reduction explanation for certain instances of forward and backward masking effects. The predictions concerned the circumstances under which masking would occur and also that forward masking would be more extensive than backward masking under specified luminance arrangements. All six predictions were confirmed.  相似文献   

Latency thresholds of pricking pain, using radiant thermal stimulation, were obtained. Ten Ss were tested for 10 sessions, and, in each session, single latency determinations were made at each of 10 stimulus intensities. Each intensity was administered to a different spot along the volar surface of S’s nonpreferred forearm. Thus, 10 latency thresholds were obtained from each S at. each intensity and each spot. Initial skin temperature was controlled so that a threshold determination was made when skin temperature measured 33.5° ± 0.5° C. Analysis of variance of the log10 t (seconds) values revealed a highly significant linearity of regression of log t on log intensity, thus confirming the hypothesized inverse and exponential relationship between latency and intensity. The parameters (slope and x-intercept) of the curve were discussed. The x-intercept may be interpreted as an index of an aversive threshold and could be used as a possible measure of the physiological component of pain.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made between monaural and binaural temporal integration of noise bursts at threshold. The data indicate partial integration, with approximately a 6 dB decrease in threshold per decade increase in noise burst duration for both conditions of stimulation (i.e., parallel functions) for durations ranging from 4 to 256 msec. When thresholds in dB are plotted as a function of log duration, the linear component accounts for 99% of the data indicating no essential change in the partial integration functions up to at least 256 msec. The intercept difference between the monaural and binaural integration functions is 2.5 dB.  相似文献   

In adult listeners, the signal-to-noise ratio at masked threshold remains constant with increases in masker level over a wide range of stimulus conditions. This relationship was examined in 7-month-old infants by obtaining masked thresholds for .5- and 4-kHz tones presented in four levels of continuous masking noise. Adults were also tested for comparison. Masker spectrum levels ranged from 5 to 35 dB/Hz for .5-kHz tones, and from -5 to 25 dB/Hz for 4-kHz stimuli. Thresholds were determined for stimuli of both 10 and 100 msec in duration. The results indicated that infants' performance was more adult-like for 4-kHz stimuli. Although mean thresholds for both 10- and 100-msec, 4-kHz tones were approximately 7 dB higher in infants than in adults, E/N0 at threshold remained essentially constant over the 30-dB range of maskers employed. By contrast, infants' thresholds for .5-kHz tones were exceptionally high at lower levels of the masker. Threshold E/N0 decreased significantly as masker level increased from 5 to 35 dB/Hz, and this decrease was significantly greater for 10- than for 100-msec stimuli. Temporal summation of .5-kHz tones, measured as the difference between thresholds obtained at the two signal durations, was greater for infants than for adults at low levels of the masker. However, because infants' thresholds improved more rapidly with level for 10- than for 100-msec tones, age differences in temporal summation were no longer significant when masker spectrum level was 35 dB/Hz. These results suggest that the relationship between signal-to-noise ratio at masked threshold and level of the masker is dependent on both signal frequency and duration during infancy.  相似文献   

Simple reaction time IRT) was measured as a function of stimulus intensity for a brief light pulse (1 msec) and a long one (300 msec). Target size, retinal position, and adapting luminance of the stimulus were varied parametrically, and the luminance value required to produce a RT of 50 msec greater than the asymptotic RT was calculated to obtain the critical duration or limit of time-intensity reciprocity. It was found that: the critical duration, even at the fovea, tends to increase with decreasing target size; the critical duration is shortest at the fovea and increases sharply with distance from the fovea; and as the adapting luminance increases, the critical duration decreases. These findings indicate that the RT technique is a sensitive measure for the stimulus conditions explored.  相似文献   

This article examines the perception of tones by non-tone-language-learning (non-tone-learning) infants between 5 and 18 months in a study that reveals infants’ initial sensitivity to tonal contrasts, deterioration yet plasticity of tonal sensitivity at the end of the first year, and a perceptual rebound in the second year. Dutch infants in five age groups were tested on their ability to discriminate a tonal contrast of Mandarin Chinese as well as a contracted tonal contrast. Infants are able to discriminate tonal contrasts at 5–6 months, and their tonal sensitivity deteriorates at around 9 months. However, the sensitivity rebound sat 17–18 months. Non-tone-learning infants’ tonal perception is elastic, as is shown by the influence of acoustic salience and distributional learning: (1) a salient contrast may remain discriminable throughout infancy whereas a less salient one does not; (2) a bimodal distribution in tonal exposure increases non-tone-learning infants’ discrimination ability during the trough in sensitivity to tonal contrasts at 11–12 months. These novel findings reveal non-tone-learning infants’ U-shaped pattern in tone perception, and display their perceptual flexibility.  相似文献   

This study explores the phenomenon of subjective simultaneity between multiple successive positions of a target, which consisted here of an illuminated radial line in both stepwise and continous rotation around a fixation point. In four experiments the span of phenomenal simultaneity (M) was measured under varying intensities of target and surround, and with two different estimation procedures. M was found to change as a power function of target intensity, with an exponent of -0.13 or -0.16, for both stroboscopic and continuous illumination of the target. Variation of surround intensity affected M only for 9 out of 15 subjects (Experiment III.) For these subjects M varied inversely with log I of the surround; for the remaining 6 subjects M remained approximately constant over a range of 5 log units of I. Auditory noise tended slightly to decrease M in the former group and to increase it in the latter. Under simultaneous continuous and stroboscopic illumination of the target a paradoxical, single-valued M was obtained (Experiment IV). Higher values of M were found when subjects attempted to estimate the number of apparently simultaneous radii (Experiment I). The function relating M to target intensity closely parallels that for the critical duration of temporal brightness summation. The possibility that both measures reflect the same underlying process is discussed.  相似文献   

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