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The study reported here examined whether size perception based on monocular distance cues is computed automatically. Participants were presented with a picture containing distance cues, which was superimposed with a pair of digits differing in numerical value. One digit was presented so as to be perceived as closer than the other. The digits were of similar physical size but differed in their perceptual size. The participants’ task was to decide which digit was numerically larger. It was found that the decision took longer and resulted in more errors when the perceptual size of the numerically larger digit was smaller than the perceptual size of the numerically smaller digit. These results show that perceived size affects performance in a task that does not require size or distance computation. Hence, for the first time, there is empirical support for the working assumption of the visual perception approach that size perception based on monocular distance cues is computed automatically.  相似文献   

Experiments have recently been reported in which a decisive change in perceived lightness was produced by a change in perceived spatial position, with no important change in the retinal image. A number of previous studies had found little or no such effect. Experiments of the kind that produced these effects and of the kind that do not produce these effects are presented here. The main differences between these two kinds of experiments are discussed. One difference is whether the display allows the target to be part of one ratio in one spatial position but another in the other spatial position. Another difference concerns the range of luminances within the display. Also discussed are the implications of these findings for cognitive vs. S-R theories, the order of processing depth and lightness, laboratory data vs. experience, the role of lateral inhibition in lightness perception, and theories of lightness perception in general.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some perceptual cues carry information about the overall pattern of an object (holistic cues), whereas others carry information about the distinct parts of an object (part cues). Drawing on recent work on culture and cognition, the authors predicted that people with European‐American cultural backgrounds would be more capable of using part cues in perceptual inference than those with Asian backgrounds. No such cross‐cultural difference was expected for the ability to use holistic cues. In two studies, participants were presented with either one of the two types of cues and asked to infer the identity of the original objects. As predicted, in the part‐cue condition European‐American participants performed better than did Japanese (Study 1) and Asian‐American participants (Study 2). Also as predicted, there was no cultural difference in the holistic‐cue condition. The results were interpreted with reference to other related studies documenting reliable cross‐cultural differences in cognition.  相似文献   

Subjects estimated the size and distance of a single electroluminescent disc in the absence of distance cues and without the use of visual comparators. For different groups of Ss the disc subtended a visual angle of 1, 2, 4, or 8 deg. The size estimates varied directly with visual angle and the distance estimates varied inversely with visual angle. These results were considered in relation to the question of whether or not retinal size hasa direct correlate in perceived size.  相似文献   

We examined whether the testing effect generalizes to an auditory presentation modality. Five lists of unrelated words (Experiment 1) and related words (Experiment 2) were presented to participants, half of whom studied them visually and half studied them auditorily. Participants in the study-only condition performed a short distractor task following lists 1–4, whereas those in the testing condition completed a short distractor task and then attempted to recall each list. Both groups were subsequently tested on List 5 and on all five lists 30 min later. In both experiments, we found a testing effect for both List 5 and for the final cumulative recall test. However, the effect did not interact with study modality, despite the fact that proactive interference was greater following auditory study. These results have important implications for educational practice, suggesting that initial testing is important for materials presented in auditory as well as visual formats.  相似文献   

No study has investigated the link between vision and touch with respect to spatial abilities using a within-subjects design. With this design, we compared participants’ tactile and visual mental rotation abilities, as measured by the Mental Rotations Test (Vandenberg & Kuse, 1978). Participants in four groups completed two consecutive sessions under no-switch (visual-visual or tactile-tactile) or switch conditions (visual-tactile or tactile-visual) to determine whether mental rotation abilities assessed in Session 2 depend on previous sensory-specific experiences (Session 1). Analysis of response accuracy revealed that all groups improved their performance in Session 2. Analysis of response time showed an improvement in visual and tactile performance during Session 2 for participants who first performed the task with the same modality. No effect of task repetition appeared for participants who performed in two different sensory conditions. These results reveal that mental rotation ability partly depends on sensory-specific conditions and that ability developed in a sensory-specific condition does not necessarily transfer to another sensory condition.  相似文献   

In this individual-differences study, we evaluated the prevalent view that relocating information in a previously read text depends primarily on visuospatial abilities. Participants read a text, answered fillin-the-blank test questions, and identified which page and line in the original text contained the sentence in each question. They also completed a battery of verbal and visuospatial tasks. Performance on verbal tasks was highly predictive of the accuracy of both page and line identifications, and this correlation remained significant even after we controlled for performance on visuospatial tasks. In contrast, performance on visuospatial tasks was not predictive of either page or line identification accuracy, once verbal abilities were controlled for. These results suggest an important role for verbal abilities in relocation of text information and a lesser role for visuospatial abilities than has previously been assumed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships between perceived exertion (RPE) and plasma glucose concentrations or hunger feelings during a 1-hr. bicycle submaximal exercise after ingestion of pre-exercise test foods with a different glycemic index. Each of endurance-trained male triathletes ingested three different glycemic index (GI) foods (HighGI: glucose, LowGI: whole-wheat biscuit or water) throughout the 3 hr. before exercise at 80% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max). RPE values increased as a logarithmic function of time. This result is opposite to results obtained with longer exercise bouts up to 3 hr. duration. RPE and hunger ratings were not significantly different for the three test foods whatever the time. Moreover, RPE did not correlate with plasma glucose concentrations during exercise. Consequently, RPE did not depend on the GI of the pre-exercise test foods during a 1-hr. exercise at 80% VO2 max. Physiological and psychological factors other than glycemic index may have mediated the perceptual responses during a 1-hr. high-intensity exercise. It is possible that during endurance exercise of longer duration, the level of blood glucose mediates the intensity of peripheral exertional perceptions arising from active skeletal muscle during prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

In most models of vision, a stimulus is processed in a series of dedicated visual areas, leading to categorization of this stimulus, and possible decision, which subsequently may be mapped onto a motor-response. In these models, stimulus processing is thought to be independent of the response modality. However, in theories of event coding, common coding, and sensorimotor contingency, stimuli may be very specifically mapped onto certain motor-responses. Here, we compared performance in a shape localization task and used three different response modalities: manual, saccadic, and verbal. Meta-contrast masking was employed at various inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) to manipulate target visibility. Although we found major differences in reaction times for the three response modalities, accuracy remained at the same level for each response modality (and all ISIs). Our results support the view that stimulus-response (S-R) associations exist only for specific instances, such as reflexes or skills, but not for arbitrary S-R pairings.  相似文献   

This study investigated absolute estimation of size and distance for natural and artificial objects at viewing distances of 1.1–15.3 km (Experiments 1 and 2) and 0.4–5.0 m (Experiment 3). The main results were that, regardless of distance range, size and distance estimates (S′ andD′) were related to objective size and distance (S andD), respectively, by a power function with an exponent of unity, but great individual differences in exponent were obtained for the far objects. The ratioS′/D′ was reasonably represented byS′/D′ =Kθ n andS′/D′ = tan( +b), rather thanS′/D′ = tan θ, where θ is the visual angle. Partial correlations were obtained to examine whether (1) apparent size is determined by taking apparent distance into account or (2) both apparent size and apparent distance are determined directly by external stimuli. The combined data for the far objects and the data for the close objects showed that there were high correlations betweenS andS′ and betweenD andD′ and a low correlation betweenD′ andS′. The data of Experiment 2 showed that bothD′ andS′ were highly correlated withS D, and θ, and there was a high positive correlation betweenD′ andS′. It was suggested that the direct-perception model is valid under some situations, but the taking-into-account model is not supported in any set of data.  相似文献   

Response interference (or response conflict) refers to the phenomenon whereby response times to a target stimulus are longer in the presence of distractor stimuli that indicate contrary motor responses. Response interference has been observed even when the distractor stimuli cannot be discriminated above chance levels. These results raise the question of whether response interference might be driven automatically by the physical distractor stimuli, independently of one??s subjective perception of the distractors. Using a modified version of the Eriksen flanker task, we applied metacontrast masks to the flanker stimuli and measured their subjective visibility after each trial. We found converging lines of evidence that the subjective perception of flankers contributed to response interference, over and above the contribution of automatic processing of the stimulus itself. A factorial analysis revealed that the objective, physical congruency of target and flankers and the subjective, perceptual congruency of target and flankers make additive, noninteracting contributions to target response interference, suggesting that the two interference effects originate from independent levels or stages of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Gray R  Regan D 《Perception》1999,28(10):1257-1264
Motivated by the debate between indirect and direct theories of perception, a large number of researchers have attempted to determine whether judgments of time to collision are based on the ratio of perceived distance to perceived speed or on the ratio theta/(d theta/dt), i.e. tau. Despite the considerable research effort devoted to this question there seems to be no clear resolution. We used a staircase tracking procedure to estimate errors in estimating time to collision for a simulated approaching object. To investigate the role of perceived distance in the judgment of time to collision, we asked observers to alternate between two viewing distances (100 and 500 cm). For the 500 cm viewing distance, we magnified the visual display by a factor of five so that the retinal images [and the values of theta/(d theta/dt) through time] were identical for the two viewing distances. All visual cues to distance were available. There were no significant differences between estimates of time to collision made at the two viewing distances. We conclude that our observers ignored perceived distance when estimating time to collision and based their responses on theta/(d theta/dt). We concur with recent proposals that, in the future, time-to-collision research should move away from the either/or analysis of different information sources that has dominated previous studies towards investigations of how different information sources are integrated.  相似文献   

Milner AD  Ganel T  Goodale MA 《Trends in cognitive sciences》2012,16(5):256-7; discussion 258-9
A recently published study of grasping in patient D.F. challenges the well-known dissociation between vision-for-perception and vision-for-action, suggesting instead that D.F.'s preserved grip scaling depends entirely on haptic feedback. We argue that the results of the study are in fact fully consistent with the perception-action account.  相似文献   

Bennett DJ 《Perception》2007,36(3):375-390
In a number of studies reaction time has been found to increase with increases in size ratio on a same -different form-comparison task. Bennett and Warren (2002, Perception & Psychophysics 64 462-477) teased apart environmental and retinal size ratios by showing the forms along a (simulated) texture hallway, viewed monocularly, on a simultaneous form-comparison task; roughly equal effects of environmental and retinal size ratios were found. The current study enhanced scene-size information by showing the forms in simulated stereo and by adding texture to the forms themselves; special care was also taken to perceptually isolate the stimuli. In two experiments, with different kinds of forms, strong effects of environmental size ratio were found; no effect of retinal size ratio (same trials) was observed in either experiment. The results support the hypothesis that the (same-trial) form-size codings reflect 'all told' estimates of environmental size, and place constraints on modeling the functional architecture of the visual system.  相似文献   

The Consequence Argument has elicited various responses, ranging from acceptance as obviously right to rejection as obviously problematic in one way or another. Here we wish to focus on one specific response, according to which the Consequence Argument begs the question. This is a serious accusation that has not yet been adequately rebutted, and we aim to remedy that in what follows. We begin by giving a formulation of the Consequence Argument. We also offer some tentative proposals about the nature of begging the question. Although the charge of begging the question is frequently made in philosophy, it is surprisingly difficult to pin down the precise nature of this dialectical infelicity (or family of such infelicities). Thus we offer some new proposals about the nature of begging the question with an eye to understanding what is going on in central cases in which the charge is legitimately made. We then defend the Consequence Argument against the charge that it begs the question, so construed. We contend that, whatever the other liabilities of the argument may be, it does not beg the question against the compatibilist.  相似文献   

Little is known about the relationship of reading speed and early visual processes in normal readers. Here we examined the association of the early P1, N170 and late N1 component in visual event-related potentials (ERPs) with silent reading speed and a number of additional cognitive skills in a sample of 52 adult German readers utilizing a Lexical Decision Task (LDT) and a Face Decision Task (FDT). Amplitudes of the N170 component in the LDT but, interestingly, also in the FDT correlated with behavioral tests measuring silent reading speed. We suggest that reading speed performance can be at least partially accounted for by the extraction of essential structural information from visual stimuli, consisting of a domain-general and a domain-specific expertise-based portion.  相似文献   

《Visual cognition》2013,21(1):7-14
Recent studies have demonstrated the facilitation of responses to peripheral targets cued by the direction of the gaze of a face. However, in the absence of data from an eye tracker, it has been unclear to what extent these effects are due to the participants making small saccades in response to the cue that bring them closer to the congruent location of the cued targets. We used an eye tracker to show that while such cue-driven saccades occur, they do not account for the main cueing effects observed. Additionally, by using the same general paradigm as has previously been used with infants, we suggest that different mechanisms underlie eye gaze cueing effects in infants and adults.  相似文献   

Data from two kinds of experiments for extrasensory perception were retrospectively analysed for possible relationships with local geomagnetic activity (K-index). ESP scores from 70 Ganzfeld sessions (telepathy-clairvoyance) were found significantly related to high geomagnetic activity of the day prior to the experimental sessions (rs = 0.23, n = 70, P = 0.03, one-tailed) but not to the geomagnetic activity of day of the sessions (rs = 0.03, n = 70, n.s.). The same relationship was found in experiments which consisted mostly of 80 trials clairvoyance computer games per subject (rs = 0.10, n = 269, P = 0.05, one-tailed). The results partially confirm Persinger's earlier findings on three independent samples, i.e. that spontaneous paranormal experience tend to occur on a day of low geomagnetic activity which is preceded by days of high geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that people proactively gaze at the target of another's action by taking advantage of their own motor representation of that action. But just how selectively is one's own motor representation implicated in another's action processing? If people observe another's action while performing a compatible or an incompatible action themselves, will this impact on their gaze behaviour? We recorded proactive eye movements while participants observed an actor grasping small or large objects. The participants' right hand either freely rested on the table or held with a suitable grip a large or a small object, respectively. Proactivity of gaze behaviour significantly decreased when participants observed the actor reaching her target with a grip that was incompatible with respect to that used by them to hold the object in their own hand. This indicates that effective observation of action may depend on what one is actually doing, being actions observed best when the suitable motor representations may be readily recruited.  相似文献   

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