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Many exciting findings have been reported in the 15 years since monkeys were first demonstrated to have the capacity to perform computerized tasks. The present data indicate that albino rats can also learn to respond to computer-generated stimuli by manipulating a joystick. Although the rat's control of the cursor is not as skillful as has been reported for primate species, it is clearly better than chance and suggests the great potential for comparative investigation afforded by use of the computer test system.  相似文献   

For many students the demands of a university course, often coupled with financial and relationship difficulties, create circumstances where counselling or specialist psychiatric support are needed. Few published studies exist of these services. A follow-up study of new users of the University of Cambridge Counselling Service during the course of the 1993/94 academic year is reported. The study aimed to describe morbidity levels and to identify the determinants of change in students' mental health status. Data were obtained from two initial questionnaires: one completed by each student at the time of their initial consultation; the second by the counsellor completing an assessment consultation. About one year following their first assessment, students were asked to complete a further questionnaire. The clear demonstration in this study of depression and anxiety symptoms, as dominant features for many students at their assessment consultation, suggests that training to improve counsellor recognition of such symptoms and of their knowledge of the effectiveness of available therapeutic approaches would be valuable. Such training should also provide guidance on when to refer students to other professionals.  相似文献   

A short questionnaire was distributed to a subset of the computer users connected with the National Conference on the Use of On-Line Computers in Psychology to determine the type of computer equipment used by psychologists and the current uses of that equipment. The results of this pilot study are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

An inexpensive way to produce continuous variation in the luminance of a computer-controlled CRT display is described. One application of that system to the study of motion-analyzers in human vision is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The authors investigated a method for assessing body image satisfaction based on computer manipulation of a digitized image of self using a sample of 56 female students aged 17 to 22 years. The total percentage change when re-sizing the actual image to the ideal by the computer adjustment method was significantly correlated with the figural/silhouette discrepancy method. Both of these measures were correlated significantly with body part satisfaction and body mass index but not with social physique anxiety. Although for this sample the 2 methods yielded similar results, the computer adjustment method addresses several limitations of the figural/silhouette method, such as scale coarseness and the accuracy of proportional change between figural/silhouettes. Furthermore, by using the individual's actual image, potential confounds associated with stylized figure drawings that are typically based on Caucasian physical features are removed. Finally, this method also takes into account the importance of various body parts for determining body image satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether people could learn to control a computer using a biofeedback interface that integrated their galvanic skin response (GSR), heart rate, and temperature. Twenty participants played a computer game using the biofeedback device, both individually and in pairs. Results indicated that most people learned to control the game after a single training session. The GSR measure was the most sensitive means of control. Pairs of participants controlled the device more effectively than single individuals did.  相似文献   

A computer system for generation of auditory stimuli is described. The system produces natural-speech or software-generated stimuli for monaural, binaural, or dichotic presentation. Stimuli have been generated for experiments run both on-line and off-line.  相似文献   

In this paper, I describe some of the institutional and curricular implications of 100% student access to personal computing. I then explore the new perspective which these conditions create on the availability of courseware, on the process of courseware development, and on future directions in courseware development.  相似文献   

Computer graphics of digital human models can be used to display human motions as visual stimuli. This study presents our technique for manipulating human motion with a forward kinematics calculation without violating anatomical constraints. A motion modulation of the upper extremity was conducted by proportionally modulating the anatomical joint angular velocity calculated by motion analysis. The effect of this manipulation was examined in a tennis situation--that is, the receiver's performance of predicting ball direction when viewing a digital model of the server's motion derived by modulating the angular velocities of the forearm or that of the elbow during the forward swing. The results showed that the faster the server's forearm pronated, the more the receiver's anticipation of the ball direction tended to the left side of the serve box. In contrast, the faster the server's elbow extended, the more the receiver's anticipation of the ball direction tended to the right. This suggests that tennis players are sensitive to the motion modulation of their opponent's racket-arm.  相似文献   

This paper describes outlines of the TYMES software system designed and developed to control complicated experiments in the behavior laboratory. A versatile programming language is adopted to perform a wide range of real-time data manipulations and interactive controls based on a PDP-11 small computer.  相似文献   

Previous research on the contribution of top-down control to saccadic target selection has suggested that eye movements, especially short-latency saccades, are primarily salience driven. The present study was designed to systematically examine top-down influences as a function of time and relative salience difference between target and distractor. Observers performed a saccadic selection task, requiring them to make an eye movement to an orientation-defined target, while ignoring a color-defined distractor. The salience of the distractor was varied (five levels), permitting the percentage of target and distractor fixations to be analyzed as a function of the salience difference between the target and distractor. This analysis revealed the same pattern of results for both the overall and the short-latency saccades: When the target and distractor were of comparable salience, the vast majority of saccades went directly to the target; even distractors somewhat more salient than the target led to significantly fewer distractor, as compared with target, fixations. To quantify the amount of top-down control applied, we estimated the point of equal selection probability for the target and distractor. Analyses of these estimates revealed that, to be selected with equal probability to the target, a distractor had to have a considerably greater bottom-up salience, as compared with the target. This difference suggests a strong contribution of top-down control to saccadic target selection—even for the earliest saccades.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is described for the effect of the organizational properties of dotted visual forms on visual form detection. The model assumes that a human observer functions more as an organization detector than as a feature detector. It is supported by a wide variety of experimental studies of human perception.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated the advantages of using interactive voice response (IVR) technology to collect self-report data from research participants and recipients of psychological/medical services. IVR allows participants to phone a computer and respond to recorded questions by pressing the appropriate touch-tone keys on their telephone. Because this technology offers substantial benefits in terms of cost and efficiency, it is surprising that it has not been more widely utilized by researchers and practitioners. Along with the automation of the administration and scoring of tests or surveys, IVR provides for questioning to be adapted to the participants’ responses. One possible explanation for the failure to exploit this technology is the absence of easy-to-use software that does not require programming knowledge. This article describes IVR Test & Survey, a program to facilitate the administration, scoring, and analysis of information collected with the use of IVR technology.  相似文献   

This is an outline of some solutions to problems in using a relatively slow computer, without expensive peripheral apparatus, for control of psychoacoustic experiments. Major concerns were accurate timing and the ability to change from one experiment to another without extended reading of programs from paper tape.  相似文献   

A computer system consisting of a 6809 single-board computer in conjunction with an IBM-compatible Personal Computer (PC) is described for the control of behavioral experiments. The single-board computer uses the C programming language to program experimental events. Each component of the system (the single-board computer, a digital interface, the PC, and the software) is outlined with its capabilities and drawbacks noted.  相似文献   

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