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关于宗教认同的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西方宗教的研究脉络中,多数学者认为,只有少数人的宗教信仰是在经过一番研究和慎思之后,通过有意识地追求而获得的,而大多数人基本的宗教认同是通过家庭的宗教社会化而获得的。本文通过实地调查研究发现:中国社会的宗教徒,其宗教认同是一个在自我发现和自我指导中不断建构的过程,其中,人际网络的导引是认同建立的初始媒介,个人特定的宗教体验则是认同建立的关键要素.  相似文献   

在人类的群体性划分中,民族是一个基础性概念;民族是人类生存的一般规则和普遍现象。任何民族的形成和发展都是通过内部认同和外部别异实现的,这使任何民族都具有认同性和别异性。纵观各民族的发展史,每个民族在实现内部认同和外部别异的过程中,宗教都发挥有重要的作用。就宗教而言,它自身也具有认同性和别异性。宗教在民族认同和别异中的作用,可以表述为宗教的认同性和别异性对民族认同和别异的神圣化。宗教的认同性和别异性是个"中性"的概念,普遍适用于每个民族,因此,它也具有了认识各民族社会发展的方法论价值。  相似文献   

宗教与族群之关系一直是中国民族宗教研究中的重要议题,我国民族宗教的复杂样态和多元面向往往使得二者的关系呈现错综复杂的状态。通过对族群认同与宗教关联的探讨,是有效厘清和深刻把握二者关系的重要途径。本文的研究对象诺苏是典型的基于血缘和祖源认同基础之上的族群,族籍血缘认同是诺苏族群认同的基础与核心。这种强调血缘根性的族群特性,塑造了以"血缘祖先"为崇拜核心的原生性宗教类型。本文通过对凉山彝族——诺苏的宗教与族群之关联探析,并与其他族群宗教进行对比探究,以呈现族群特性对宗教的型塑作用。  相似文献   

詹姆斯的宗教心理学思想新探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
詹姆斯对宗教心理的关注,与其浓厚的家庭宗教背景、青少年时代的心理冲突和晚年激进的经验主义倾向有密切关系。其主要特点是:强调从非理性的角度看待个人的宗教经验;主张按照实用性原则处理信徒的人格差异;力求通过个案比较促进研究方法的多样化。其贡献在于:开创了从个体人格差异角度剖析宗教经验的独特之路,开辟了依据心理学原理指导信徒日常生活的应用之路,开拓了引领宗教心理研究朝着多样化发展的探索之路;其历史局限表现在:忽略了群体宗教意识对个体宗教意识的制约作用,对个体宗教经验特别是神秘经验的解释含混不清,在宗教心理学理论构建方面缺乏严密的逻辑体系。  相似文献   

宗教认同研究的意义在于梳理宗教认同与其他身份认同的关系,减少由于单一身份标签导致的对多样身份存在的扭曲,探索构建社会和谐之路。在汉斯莫尔(Hans Mol)以宗教是身份的神圣化定位了宗教认同的基本内涵时,  相似文献   

本文通过对韩国佛教、儒家与其本土萨满教互动过程的分析,梳理萨满教本身从有形向无形提升的轨迹,指出韩国萨满教神灵系统的开放性和天然的狭隘性。在此基础上本文着重讨论韩国基督教的发展,揭示了韩国宗教认同的一个非常悖论式的特征:外来宗教文化无法进入其核心部分,而其核心部分却又非常空洞,必须附着外围宗教形态才能运转。  相似文献   

本文以无记名问卷方式抽样调查了大学生基督徒的宗教认同问题,包括大学生基督徒宗教认同的建构与维持、大学生基督徒宗教认同的面向与层次、大学生基督徒宗教认同的呈现与形塑。研究发现,中国大学生基督徒的宗教认同状况总体上支持西方宗教心理学的研究理论,大多数大学生基督徒基本的宗教认同都是从家庭中获得的,只有少数大学生基督徒的宗教信仰是在经过一番研究和慎思之后通过有意识的追求而获得的。  相似文献   

李向平 《天风》2007,(7):30-35
本文以“基督教在中国社会转型时期的文化功能”之课题为基础,侧重研究当今中国基督徒的伦理生活及其认同方式,以探索中国基督教的社会定义。因为,身份认同作为宗教体系的“行动单位”,是对付特殊环境,以从地位和功能层面上解决问题的工具,是执行宗教伦理的角色。所以,对于基督教徒社会身份及其认同方式的研究,对于认识其作为信教公民的权利。责任和义务十分重要,同时也是认识中国基督教在中国社会的定位和功能的最基本路径。本文从社会定义和身份认同的角度出发,论述了中国基督教徒的认同策略、秩序认同。双重资格认定等现象。文章认为,在中国宗教社会学研究中,可以基于中国宗教的实际经验,把对宗教制度,政教关系,宗教的社会功能及其定义等层面的研究,直接转向为信教公民作为宗教信仰者的身份认同、个人权责,精神权利,宗教组织等方面的认同研究。  相似文献   

本文以“基督教在中国社会转型时期的文化功能”之课题为基础,侧重研究当今中国基督徒的伦理生活及其认同方式,以探索中国基督教的社会定义。因为,身份认同作为宗教体系的“行动单位”,是对付特殊环境,以从地位和功能层面上解决问题的工具,是执行宗教伦理的角色。所以,对于基督教徒社会身份及其认同方式的研究,对于认识其作为信教公民的权利、责任和义务十分重要,同时也是认识中国基督教在中国社会的定位和功能的最基本路径。本文从社会定义和身份认同的角度出发,论述了中国基督教徒的认同策略、秩序认同、双重资格认定等现象。文章认为,在中国宗教社会学研究中,可以基于中国宗教的实际经验,把对宗教制度、政教关系、宗教的社会功能及其定义等层面的研究,直接转向为信教公民作为宗教信仰者的身份认同、个人权责、精神权利、宗教组织等方面的认同研究。  相似文献   

本文通过4个有关成长困境青少年的家庭社会工作案例,运用自我认同、精神分析和权力关系的理论,分析家庭关系类型对青少年身心健康的影响。本研究分析发现,所谓的问题青少年正是处于成长困境中的青少年,他们在父权制家庭关系中形成了矛盾的自我,并用消极反抗来表达自我。研究认为,青少年在强势父亲的客体化询唤下变成了服从式的主体;不在场的父权更具有隐藏性。沉默的母亲则产生了青少年否定性的自我。积极的家庭社会工作实践是通过重建家庭关系,树立青少年自主意识、自我尊严和自我承诺的积极自我。平权型家庭关系理念的推广对家庭和谐建设和青少年身心健康成长具有重要的积极作用。  相似文献   

For citizens of many countries around the world, religion is a necessary—though often contested—component of their national identity. From the vantage point of the symbolic boundaries approach, we argue that the Chinese government and various other social actors are in contestation to define “Chineseness” in religious terms. Using data from the 2007 Spiritual Life Study of Chinese Residents, this study explores the extent to which religion functions as a constitutive part of Chinese national identity. We find that the effectiveness of the Chinese government's demarcation of the symbolic boundaries around Chineseness related to religion varies across religious groups. Believers of each religion are likely to be strong advocates for their own religion's connection to Chinese national identity. Among the religions, traditional Chinese religions tend to demonstrate a stronger affinity with one another than with Christianity. Daoists are a particularly strong contestant in aligning Daoism with Chineseness, to the extent that they discredit the other religions’ suitability for the Chinese. We discuss the implications of these findings and point out directions for future research.  相似文献   

This article examines the issues raised by religious adherents’ wish to express their beliefs in the public domain through, for example, their modes of dress, their performance of public roles, and their response to homosexuality. It considers on what grounds religion might merit special treatment and how special that treatment should be. A common approach to these issues is through the notion of religious identity, but both the idea of religious identity and its use to ground claims against others prove deeply problematic. An alternative and more productive approach is through the notion of harm. People should enjoy the freedom to express their religious convictions subject to the harm principle, but harm should include the undermining of people’s status as free and equal citizens. The article concludes by considering the grounds upon which this alternative approach might recognize religion as special and might justify giving an overriding status to civic equality.  相似文献   

American civil religion (ACR) burst on to the scholarly scene in 1967, and has been periodically revived as a source of analytic insight and normative hope since that time. It posited a universalist, prophetic, nonsectarian faith, referenced on the nation, that served as both a source of unity for the American people and a discursive resource for political leaders and protest movements. Using recent political events as illustrative cases, I argue that ACR is not only a universalist, prophetic creed, it is also an expression of tribal identity that ascribes a particular character and purpose to the American people. In particular, this “tribal” civil religion has an often‐unstated assumption about the inseparability of religion, race, and national identitythat is, white, Christian, and American. Recent events have disrupted those implicit connections, leading to a vociferous reemphasis of their centrality to the national story. I maintain that neither ACR, nor recent politics involving immigration and Barack Obama's presidency, can be understood fully without considering the religion‐race‐national identity nexus.  相似文献   

Two theologians teaching religion at the same college engage in a dialogue about differences in their understandings of teaching religion in order to explore serious pedagogical and theological issues. Their reflections on their teaching touch on issues of learning goals, institutional identity, student freedom, faculty self‐revelation, and the liberal arts that most teachers of religion face. Along the way, they explore the relation of pedagogy to theological topics like grace and ecclesiology. We invite readers to join the conversation begun in this article by engaging Webb, Placher, and one another through the public discussion list we've created for this article on the Wabash Center Discussion Forum at http://ntweb.wabash.edu/wcdiscus/.  相似文献   

Religion is now firmly present in the Treaty of Lisbon. This article analyses whether the presence of religion in this Treaty is a reflection of the religious component of European identity and the successful campaign of the Christian churches. I compare the initial objectives of the churches with the results achieved and pay attention to the identity-related debates which took place when the provision for religion was elaborated and discussed. Although one cannot claim that the churches fully achieved their initial goals, it should be taken into account that they acted in a situation of strong secular resistance. Therefore, the text of the Treaty of Lisbon reflects the struggle between religious and secular actors; however, generally speaking, it provided better opportunities for the churches to exercise their influence on the supra-national European level and confirmed the strong presence of the religious component in European identity.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that the term ‘implicit religion’ provides an effective way to explore some of the philosophies and ideologies common to church, state, and society and to explain the mutual influence of traditional religion, civil religion, and folk religion in the creation of a national identity. Examples of church–state interactions from three continents are provided and variations in the definition of a national church are discussed. The effect of these variations on cross-cultural studies in religion, state, and society are assessed. The article concludes by examining the potential of the construct of implicit religion for bridging the different historical and cultural understandings of religion.  相似文献   

Because religion has been a constant source of social divisions and political conflicts, the role of Judaism in Israel is very often studied through the prism of a rigid religious–secular cleavage.Without denying the contentious character of religion in the political and social arenas, I suggest in this study that a closer look at the usages of religion in Israeli politics offers a more nuanced picture of the role of Judaism in Israel. In order to uphold this thesis, I identify the main usages of Judaism in the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) and scrutinise the extent to which these different mobilisations overlap or crosscut the secular–religious cleavage. This analysis leads to a typology of three usages of religion: religion as a source of authority, religion as a marker of identity and nation, and religion as a source of values. On this basis, I demonstrate that the role of religion in Israel and especially in the Israeli Parliament cannot be reduced to the divide between religious and secular groups. If in its first usage, the religious–secular cleavage indeed predominates, the use of religion as an identity marker does not necessarily lead to a conflict with secular members, while in its final form, religion is mobilised as a resource by members of both groups.  相似文献   

以往研究发现宗教信仰与亲社会行为之间存在显著的正相关, 据此研究者提出“信仰-亲社会假设”试图证实两者的因果关系。本文主要从研究方法、影响因素及心理机制三个方面对信仰影响亲社会行为的研究进展进行介绍和评述。在研究早期, 研究者主要考察宗教信仰的归属身份对个体亲社会行为的影响; 而近年来, 研究者则越来越关注信仰启动对亲社会行为的影响。信仰对亲社会行为的作用受到信仰程度、文化背景、信仰认知和信仰取向等多种因素的影响。未来研究需要有效控制宗教信仰身份对亲社会测量的影响, 明确宗教信仰的操作性定义并改进相关的测量指标, 关注精神性的作用机制、“信仰-亲社会假设”的跨文化效应以及信仰概念对非宗教信仰群体的影响。  相似文献   

Kevin J. Harrelson 《Sophia》2013,52(3):463-482
This essay deals with the impact of Hegel's philosophy of religion by examining his positions on religious identity and on the relationship between theology and history. I argue that his criterion for religious identity was socio-historical, and that his philosophical theology was historical rather than normative. These positions help explain some historical peculiarities regarding the effect of his philosophy of religion. Of particular concern is that although Hegel’s own aims were apologetic, his major influence on religious thought was in the development of various historical and critical approaches to religion.  相似文献   

Religious plurality can generate fears through identity destabilization. Religions offer ressources for coping with fears. On one side, production of stereotypes follows a defensive way. On the other side, claim to be universal help to cross boundaries and to cope with stigmatization, misrecognition and discrimination. Coping strategies combine at least five aspects: community, intimate relationship, rules, construction of identity, and worlview. This article shows how these aspects are intertwined.  相似文献   

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