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According to cognitive complexity and control (CCC) theory complexity depends on number of levels of a hierarchy of rules. According to relational complexity (RC) theory complexity is a function of the number of related variables in the task, and the most difficult tasks are those in which there is a constraint on decomposition into simpler subtasks. One hundred and twenty, 3–6-year old children were tested on the standard dimensional change card sort (DCCS) task, or a modified version, the DecompDCCS, in which the dimensions could be decomposed into subtasks. The standard version requires two levels of a hierarchy to be processed, and is ternary relational according to RC theory, whereas the subtasks of the DecompDCCS are binary relational. The DecompDCCS was easier than the DCCS for 3–4 year-olds, but all 5–6 year-olds succeeded on both. The results indicate that decomposability into simpler subtasks, as suggested by RC theory, is a factor in difficulty of DCCS. The role of decomposability in other tasks that are persistently difficult for young children is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the modified Dimensional Change Card Sort task, we examined the influence of positive affect on task switching by inspecting various markers for the costs, including restart cost, switch cost and mixing cost. Given that the executive-control processes that underlie switching performance—i.e., inhibition or shifting—are distinct from the component processes that underlie non-switching performance—i.e., stimulus evaluation, resource allocation or response execution—we hypothesised that if positive affect facilitates task switching via executive-control processes, rather than via component processes, positive affect would reduce both switch and restart costs, but not mixing cost, because both switch and restart costs rely on executive processes, while mixing cost imposes only minimal demands on executive processes. We found beneficial effects of positive affect on both restart and switch costs, but not on mixing costs. These results suggest that positive affect improves switching abilities via executive processes rather than via component processes.  相似文献   

张丽  辛自强 《心理科学》2007,30(1):120-122
Zelazo等人提出的认知复杂性和控制理论、意识水平模型认为可在问题解决框架内理解执行功能,且执行功能的变化可根据儿童形成和使用的最大规则复杂性的变化来描述,而规则复杂性的变化可根据儿童意识水平的变化来解释。Zelazo的理论提出后受到不少研究者的关注,但也存在一些问题和不足。  相似文献   

聋童执行功能发展:聋童与正常儿童的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用标准Dimensional Change Card Sort任务(DCCS),对76名智力正常的3~8岁聋童和78名3~5.5岁的正常儿童进行了对比测试,旨在考察聋童执行功能发展的年龄特征与发展水平。结果发现,3岁组的聋童和正常儿童在DCCS任务上的表现没有显著性差异,但正常儿童在4~4.5岁时进入一个迅速发展期,而聋童要在6岁时才有快速的发展,到7岁后才相当于正常儿童5岁的发展水平,大约滞后2年。研究认为,造成聋童执行功能发展滞后的原因主要有:(1)语言符号系统和聋童特有的符号系统之间可能存在的差异;(2)聋童可能存在计划和灵活性的缺陷;(3)聋童可能存在命名和标识策略上的困难和注意机制的缺陷。结合关于聋童心理理论发展滞后于正常儿童7年以上的报道,心理理论发展和执行功能发展在聋童身上表现出较大的不一致性。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by impaired inhibitory control. Response inhibition is a cognitive process required for one to cancel or suppress dominant but inappropriate responses. The present study examined response inhibition among non-treatment seeking individuals diagnosed with OCD and individuals with low levels of OCD symptoms using a computerized visual go/no-go task. Specifically, we sought to examine a prediction from the autogenous-reactive subtype model of obsessions (Lee, H.-J., & Kwon, S.-M. (2003). Two different types of obsession: autogenous obsessions and reactive obsessions. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41, 11-29; Lee, H.-J., & Telch, M. J. (2008). Autogenous obsessions and reactive obsessions. In J. Abramowitz, S. Taylor, & D. McKay (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: subtypes and spectrum conditions. New York: Elsevier., asserting that OCD individuals presenting with the autogenous subtype of obsessions will display greater difficulty in inhibitory control relative to individuals presenting with obsessions of the reactive subtype. Results showed that individuals with OCD of the autogenous subtype displayed more deficient inhibitory control on the visual go/no-go task as indexed by a longer response delay between the original stimuli set and the reversed stimuli set compared to individuals with OCD of the reactive subtype or individuals with low levels of OCD symptoms.  相似文献   

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