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School counselors must integrate a primary prevention approach into their consultation experiences. Consultation strategies consistent with an effective primary prevention and developmental model are presented.  相似文献   

This study was designed to ascertain the perceptions of school counselors and school administrators of the school counselor's activities and the attributes necessary for him to be effective in his role. The findings were interpreted to suggest that differences that exist between the perceptions of counselors and administrators tend to be in the degree to which they view certain activities or attributes as important. Ranking of activities and the attributes by both groups tended to be similar but differences were found to exist between the mean scores of counselors and administrators in various areas. Sources of discrepancy were discussed as possibly relating to the need for counselors to establish clearer priorities for their activities and the administrators' perception of the counselor as fundamentally a quasi-administrator of guidance services.  相似文献   

Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Ingels, Pratt, Rogers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2004) to investigate how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college‐related variables influence students' college application rates. In addition to some college‐related variables, the number of school counselors and student contacts were significant predictors of college application rates. Implications for school counselors and counselor training are included.  相似文献   

In an urban sample of 5,595 students in Grades 7–12, the authors found that (a) personalized counseling services that were responsive to student needs enhanced school connectedness, (b) risk factors (e.g., poverty, mobility rates, limited English proficiency) were associated with lower school connectedness scores, and (c) responsive counseling services acted as a protective factor that reduced some of the negative effects of risk factors on school connectedness, and consequently, student success in academic and nonacademic areas.  相似文献   

The author describes important considerations when assessing students' threats made at schools. In a recent article, M. Reddy et al. (2001) presented 4 approaches to assessing the risk of school violence. They submitted important issues and problems with 3 commonly used approaches and suggested a 4th approach as an alternative. Implications for school counselors are explored.  相似文献   

A national survey of practicing school counselors was conducted to obtain information regarding (a) their accountability practices, (b) barriers to the collection of accountability data, (c) the relationship between involvement in accountability efforts and demographic variables, and (d) strategies for increasing activity in the area of accountability. Results indicated that 55% of the 239 respondents were collecting accountability data, often for the purpose of enhancing their professional growth and development. The 108 school counselors not involved in the collection of such data identified lack of familiarity with procedures and time constraints as major barriers. Respondents indicated a need for additional preservice and in-service training, as well as for dissemination of exemplary procedures.  相似文献   

School counselors are poised to play a significant role within comprehensive school counseling programs in addressing the needs of immigrant children in schools. The authors describe how school counselors can have a positive impact on the adjustment of immigrant students by building cross‐cultural bridges through the use of cross‐cultural simulations and activities. Los consejeros escolares se encuentran en una buena posición para jugar un papel significativo dentro de los programas exhaustivos de consejería escolar que tratan las necesidades de los niños inmigrantes en las escuelas. Los autores describen cómo los consejeros escolares pueden tener un impacto positivo en la adaptación de los alumnos inmigrantes por medio de la construcción de puentes interculturales a través del uso de simulaciones y actividades interculturales.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of legal issues and problems salient to school counselors who provide direct services to students or indirect services through consultation. Among legal issues addressed are privacy, confidentiality, and privilege—conceptually distinct topics that in practice often overlap. Also covered are legal duties pertaining to handling student records, conducting research projects, reporting child abuse, and testing and placing students. Among the legal liabilities discussed are those arising from contract, tort, and criminal law and from violations of federal constitutional and statutory rights.  相似文献   

Practicum ratings of 50 school counselors were examined in relation to administrators' subsequent on-the-job ratings of their performance. The relationship proved negligible. The practicum ratings did relate, however, to retention of cognitive material in guidance and counseling (scores on a comprehensive examination). Such a relationship did not exist between scores on the same comprehensive examination and the administrators' ratings. It was suggested that cognitive standards for counselors are probably best established and maintained by training institutions. Administrators seeking assurance of at least minimum cognitive competency in counselors ought to seek endorsement of candidates from those who observe their practicum performance.  相似文献   

School counselors were surveyed regarding their choice to join or not join their professional organization. Members and nonmembers differed on the following: whether participants' graduate program emphasized professional membership, membership status of colleagues, the belief that professional organizations advance the field, and the belief that being a professional means joining professional associations. A model is proposed that includes major themes in the decision‐making process identified in the qualitative comment data. Implications for professional counseling organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

A model based on self concept theory has been presented for the consideration of the vocational values of school counselors. A study of the hierarchy and congruence of their values is interpreted as demonstrating a high degree of self-awareness, a foundation for movement toward the ideal self, and a measure of strong satisfaction with their career identification.  相似文献   

Drawing on Sociometer Theory, the current study examined whether the tendency to focus on and worry about social rejection at the workplace can predict stress and burnout. Data were collected at two time points from 231 hotel employees. Prospective‐longitudinal design, structural equation modeling analyses revealed that participants' hypersensitivity to social rejection at the workplace predicted an increase in stress and in burnout across the 1 month of participation. Furthermore, the findings revealed that hypersensitivity to social rejection fully mediated the link between attachment anxiety and future stress and that hypersensitivity to social rejection and stress fully mediated the link between attachment anxiety and future burnout. Approximately 64 per cent of the variance in future burnout was explained by these variables. The results demonstrate the significant role social evaluative stressors play in the development of stress responses at the workplace. S’appuyant sur la sociometer theory, la présente étude examine si la tendance à se préoccuper et s’inquiéter du rejet social sur le lieu de travail peut prédire le stress et l’épuisement. Les données ont été collectées par deux fois auprès de 231 employés d’hôtellerie. Le traitement des études longitudinales par des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles révèle que l’hypersensibilité des sujets au rejet sur le lieu de travail contribue à une augmentation du stress et de l’épuisement au cours du mois de participation. Les conclusions soulignent que l’hypersensibilité au rejet social est totalement influencée par le lien entre anxiété, attachement et stress futur et que l’hypersensibilité au rejet social et au stress est totalement influencée par le lien entre anxiété, attachement et épuisement à venir. Approximativement 64% de la variance de l’épuisement à venir est expliqué par ces variables. Les résultats montrent le rôle significatif joué par des sources de stress liées au jugement social d’autrui dans le développement des réponses de stress sur le lieu de travail.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among the job satisfactions and job activities of 168 school counselors. An intercorrelational matrix was developed using personal data, 8 job-satisfaction dimensions, and 6 job-activity areas. Establishing and maintaining staff relationships and providing guidance services to individual students were the activities most related to the job-satisfaction dimensions. Promoting the general program was not significantly related with any job satisfaction. Some differences between men and women counselors were found in both job satisfactions and activities. The student-counselor ratio was relevant to the activities of the counselors but not related to their job satisfactions.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between job satisfaction and the effectiveness of the performance of first-year school counselors. Co-workers and administrators rated the counselors' effectiveness in 6 job activities, and clients rated the counselors in 3 aspects of the counseling interview. The performance ratings were correlated with the counselors' job satisfaction in 8 areas. Several job satisfaction dimensions were related to effective performance of selected activities by the co-workers, administrators, and clients. Satisfaction with their future and security in the job, relations with associates, involvement in the job, and training for the job were the dimensions most frequently related to job satisfaction. The nature of the relationships among the criteria of effective performance indicated that 3 groups had different perceptions of the counselor.  相似文献   

The influence and damage of work-related stress on employees from different cultures may well be the same, but the form of stressors may not be so. Stress is influenced by cultural and social variables such as values, attitudes, and perceptions. The collectivism-individualism construct was suggested to measure cultural variables and attempt to explain the differences of some social behaviors between Eastern and Western people. Eastern cultures like the Chinese and the Japanese are collectivistic, whereas Western cultures such as the American and Canadian are individualistic. As members of an Asian collectivistic society, Hong Kong Chinese workers tend to interpret and handle work-related stress differently from Westerners, despite the fact that they have been exposed to western business practices. Like Asian Americans, they are often caught between their collectivistic tradition and an increasingly competetive individualistic market place. Employment counselors should take cultural issues into consideration as they provide consultation or counseling services to people who are searching for satisfying work environments.  相似文献   

Negligent liability suits involving school counselors are not common, but such litigation seems to be increasing. In most of the cases cited, the defendant's alleged negligence emanated from his or her failure to provide reasonable care to individuals who were later injured or killed. Reasonable care is the standard of conduct that a reasonable and prudent person maintains in protecting those to whom he or she owes a duty of care from unreasonable risks. The author emphasizes the role that the element of foreseeability plays in determining the outcome of negligence cases and indicates those areas of responsibility that are most subject to litigation.  相似文献   

Giftedness can be both an asset and a burden when gifted students respond to developmental challenges. Characteristics associated with high intellectual ability likely affect how gifted students experience social, emotional, and career development, regardless of level of academic achievement. Counselors' lack of awareness of such qualitative differences, as well as positive and negative biases, may interfere with the therapeutic relationship. Characteristics related to giftedness, vulnerabilities, concerns, and counseling strategies are the focus of this article.  相似文献   

The present study investigated school counselors’ ratings of the importance of factors in deciding to report adolescent risk-taking behaviors to parents. Turkish school counselors (N = 346) were surveyed. Differences based on gender, years of experience, level of education, attendance of a counseling ethics course, and geographic region were investigated. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used in data analysis. Protecting the student was the highest rated factor. Women and those who took an ethics course rated protecting the student higher than others. Implications for counseling ethics training are discussed, and recommendations for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

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