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This paper presents two studies that explore the implications of subjective relational experiences (positive regard, mutuality and vitality) on employee engagement in innovative behaviors at work. Data collected at two points in time were used to test two mediation models that link subjective relational experiences and innovative behaviors. The results of Study 1 indicate that subjective relational experiences directly and indirectly, through affective commitment, are associated with employee engagement in innovative behaviors. The results of Study 2 indicate that subjective relational experiences are positively related to psychological availability, creative self-efficacy, and engagement in innovative behaviors. In addition, the findings of Study 2 indicate that creative self-efficacy fully mediates the relationship between psychological availability and engagement in innovative behaviors, and partially mediates the link between subjective relational experiences and employee engagement in innovative behaviors. The findings of both studies provide further support to the theoretical distinction between psychological state engagement and behavioral engagement at work.  相似文献   

Employees' innovative work behavior (IWB) is one of the key factors in improving organizational competitiveness. Previous studies show that challenge and hindrance stress can impact employees' IWB, but our understanding of the exact mechanism underlying the impact is still limited. The present study employed four scales (Challenge and Hindrance Stress Scale, Thriving at Work Scale, Chinese Emotional Exhaustion Scale, and Employee Innovative Behavior Scale) to collect questionnaire data from 789 employees in diverse organizations via an online platform. A two-path mediation model was constructed. The results show that: (a) challenge stress positively predicted thriving at work and IWB; (b) thriving at work played a partial mediation effect between challenge stress and IWB; (c) hindrance stress negatively predicted thriving at work and positively predicted emotional exhaustion; and (4) hindrance stress did not directly impact IWB while thriving at work and emotional exhaustion were main mediators in the relationship between hindrance stress and IWB. These findings suggest that employees should sensibly cope with different work stresses, while managers should plan work tasks scientifically and give employees adequate opportunities to learn and rest in order to keep them in a positive state to solve problems and work creatively.  相似文献   

Prior work on maladaptive behaviors has cited impulsivity as a risk factor. The concept of impulsivity, however, fails to address the potential role of negative affect in such behaviors. The UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale addresses this weakness by dividing impulsivity into four subscales: Urgency, Sensation Seeking, (lack of) Premeditation, and (lack of) Perseverance. We predicted that urgency, defined as the tendency, specifically in the face of negative affect, to act quickly and without planning, would predict elevations on three maladaptive behaviors—excessive reassurance seeking, drinking to cope, and bulimic symptoms as measured by the Eating Disorder Inventory—in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in an undergraduate sample (N=70). Participants were assessed at two time points, 3–4 weeks apart. Urgency significantly predicted all three outcome variables cross-sectionally at both Time 1 and Time 2. Time 1 urgency significantly predicted Time 2 excessive reassurance seeking. Changes in urgency from Time 1 to Time 2 predicted changes in all three outcome variables. Results indicate a clear cross-sectional relationship between urgency and certain maladaptive behaviors. Additionally, some form of longitudinal relationship may exist between these variables, although the use of residual change scores precluded distinction between true change and change due to error.  相似文献   

领导情感信任会促进员工表现创新行为,但员工个体的风险倾向与组织行为授权可能对其具有调节作用。结果显示(1)领导情感信任能正向预测员工创新行为;(2)领导情感信任、组织行为授权与风险倾向对员工创新行为预测存在三维交互作用,相对于其他条件,组织行为授权和风险倾向均处于高水平条件下,领导情感信任与员工创新行为的正相关程度更为明显。探讨领导情感信任、组织行为授权、风险倾向与员工创新行为的关系可以为甄别影响员工创新行为的个体和环境因素提供理论指导,此外,也可为企业和直接领导如何增加员工创新行为提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Across three studies, we investigated the moderating role of trait anger in the relationship between workplace stressors and counterproductive work behaviors (CWB). In Study 1, all the variables were measured using self‐reports. In Study 2, workplace stressors were measured using co‐worker reports, trait anger was measured using significant other reports, and CWB was measured using self‐reports. In Study 3, we measured workplace stressors at Time 1, trait anger at Time 2 (6 months later), and objective indicators of CWB at Time 3 (12 months after Time 2). Convergent results were obtained across the three studies, with positive associations between workplace stressors and CWB, trait anger and CWB, and with trait anger moderating the relationship between stressors and CWB.  相似文献   

Employees’ innovative work behaviour can help firms’ competitiveness. Existing research focuses on several factors, including HR policies, psychological empowerment as well as manager and co-worker support, to explain innovative work behaviour. However, much of this literature analyses just one of these, neglecting how they interact and limiting our understanding of the causes of innovative work behaviour. Synthesizing this work, we develop a novel and holistic framework that examines 1) how high-involvement HR systems are linked via the mediating role of psychological empowerment to innovative work behaviour and 2) how both manager and co-worker support moderate this relationship. Analysing software companies in Pakistan, we use hierarchical linear modelling to assess this framework. We draw on a unique dataset that captures HR policies at the organizational level as well as management and co-worker support, and supervisors’ assessments of individuals’ innovative work behaviour at the individual level. We analyse specific groups of HR practices. Psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between high-involvement HR systems and employees’ innovative work behaviour. Manager and co-worker support moderate the relationship between psychological empowerment and innovative work behaviour. Motivation-enhancing HR practices have a direct effect on innovative work behaviour, whereas ability- and opportunity-enhancing ones are mediated by psychological empowerment.  相似文献   

组织信任氛围对任务绩效的作用途径   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李宁  严进 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1111-1121
通过问卷调查与结构方程建模分析组织信任对于员工工作绩效的影响途径。203名被试和他们的上司参与了问卷调查。结果分析采用潜变量路径分析方法。我们构建多组模型与构思模型,通过两个阶段的检验,分析了组织信任的作用机制。结果表明:组织信任作用于心理安全感,而心理安全感通过两条独立途径影响工作绩效,分别是工作聚焦与工作改进。心理安全感能够促进员工针对工作的不断改进的行为和探索新工作方法的意愿,同时也有利于员工集中精力在工作上,从而提高个人工作业绩  相似文献   

目前普遍认为员工在职场中的真诚有助于该员工与同事建立良好的关系。本研究提出员工真诚对同事关系的影响很可能积极和消极并存, 其作用效果取决于员工与同事之间的共事时间。基于社会渗透理论并整合归因的文献, 本研究认为同事怀疑和同事信任是员工真诚影响同事关系的关键中介机制。为检验本研究理论模型假设, 采用轮询问卷法(round-robin survey)和实验法分别开展两个独立调研。结果发现:在共事时间较短的情况下, 员工真诚会引发同事怀疑降低同事信任, 减少人际帮助并增加人际排斥。在共事时间较长的情况下, 员工真诚则有助于打消同事怀疑增加同事信任, 增多人际帮助并减少人际排斥。通过引入共事时间作为调节变量, 本研究发现员工真诚对同事关系的影响由消极转化为积极需要经过足够长时间的共事才能实现。  相似文献   

工作旺盛感是个体在工作中同时体验到活力和学习的一种心理状态,是衡量个体成长与进步的标尺。旺盛感的社会嵌入模型和个人成长整合模型为旺盛感研究提供了理论框架,反映出个体的自我决定和自我适应机制,并揭示出旺盛感的重要前因和结果。影响工作旺盛感的前因变量包括情境特征和工作资源,而旺盛感结果变量则包括员工绩效、满意度、组织公民行为、健康、创新和适应行为等。开展工作旺盛感的研究有利于组织和个人的可持续发展,但由于该领域较新,其理论和实证研究亟待丰富和完善。  相似文献   

刘玉新  朱楠  陈晨  张建卫  王帅 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):2122-2132
工作旺盛感是个体在工作中同时感受活力和学习一种心理状态。组织情境中领导、组织支持和公平、工作特征和同伴均影响工作旺盛感。基于特质激活和自我决定理论, 构建“组织情境影响工作旺盛感的心理机制”模型:“全景式”和“离散式”组织情境能直接影响基本心理需求的满足, 或者先激活特质, 再影响基本心理需求满足, 进而影响工作旺盛感。未来应加强“全景式”组织情境及其中介机制研究, 开展个体和组织情境变量以及社会层和任务层等多层次整合研究, 并运用动态研究方法研究组织情境与工作旺盛感之间的联动变化规律, 预测工作旺盛感。  相似文献   

When business transactions take place between strangers, individuals rely on the cues during communication to determine whether they can trust others’ intentions. How that process occurs in the context of computer-mediated, video-mediated, and face-to-face interactions is still somewhat unknown. We examine how media richness influences both affective-based and cognitive-based trust in the context of two studies with two different social dilemma scenarios. Further, we explore how these two types of trust influence not only non-cooperative behavior (defection) but also lying (deception). Results from the first study suggest cognitive-based trust mediates the relationship between media richness and defection, while results from both studies suggest that affective-based trust mediates the relationship between media richness and deception. Video-mediated communication solves some, but not all, of the problems inherent when interacting via communication technology.  相似文献   

We integrated the unfolding model of turnover, job embeddedness theory and affective events theory to build and test a model specifying the relationship between negative shocks, on-the-job embeddedness and important employee behaviors. The results showed that embeddedness mediates the relationship between negative shocks and job search behaviors as well as counterproductive work behaviors. The study further examines the role of dispositional influences on reactions to negative workplace shocks and how these reactions affect organizational citizenship behavior, counterproductive work behavior and job search behavior. Results indicated a moderated-mediation effect of negative affectivity on each of these outcomes.  相似文献   

Trust in leadership and team performance: evidence from NCAA basketball   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This study empirically examined the relationship between trust, leadership, and team performance with 2 objectives. The 1st objective was to empirically examine an assumption found in several literatures--that a team's trust in its leader has a significant effect on the team's performance. The 2nd objective was to explore a more complex and dynamic relationship between trust and team performance whereby trust in leadership mediates the relationship between past team performance and future team performance. This relationship is derived by combining theories of trust with an attributional theory of leadership. Survey and archival data from a sample of men's college basketball teams provides support for both hypotheses, indicating that trust in leadership is both a product and a determinant of team performance.  相似文献   

Guided by Bradbury and Fincham's (1988) contextual model, the current study examined the influence of distal factors that reflect orientations toward relationships (relationship standards, attachment motivation, autonomy motivation) and proximal factors that reflect patterns of interaction (self-disclosure, socioemotional behaviors, conflict tactics) on satisfaction in romantic relationships. Although we expected both types of factors would be associated with satisfaction, we hypothesized that the daily interactional patterns would mediate the relationship between the individual factors and satisfaction. At Time 1, individual factors and satisfaction were measured via questionnaire, and interpersonal factors were measured via a 2-week daily interaction record. The results indicated the individual factors of attachment motivation and autonomy motivation, and the interpersonal factors of self-disclosure and positive socioemotional behaviors were related to satisfaction. Regression analysis indicated the proximal factors partially mediated the relationship between the distal factors and Satisfaction. At Time 2 (approximately 6 months later), slightly more than half of the original sample was contacted to assess respondents’relationship status; those respondents whose relationships were stable (continued over time) had significantly higher mean scores on attachment, positive behaviors, and self-disclosure at Time 1 than did respondents whose relationships had dissolved. Taken together, these results suggest that attachment and prosocial communications are central dimensions contributing to satisfaction and stability in dating relationships.  相似文献   

辱虐管理与员工表现:传统性与信任的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴隆增  刘军  刘刚 《心理学报》2009,41(6):510-518
研究辱虐管理对员工表现包括任务绩效和组织公民行为的影响,并探讨员工对主管的信任和员工传统性在以上影响过程中所起的中介及调节作用。以北京6家电子制造企业中匹配的283名员工和112名主管为研究对象,层级回归分析表明:辱虐管理会破坏员工对上级主管的信任,继而降低任务绩效水平和组织公民行为;传统员工对辱虐管理的耐受力更强,相对于非传统员工,传统员工较少因为上级主管的辱虐管理而降低其对主管的信任。  相似文献   

Organizational trust is an important element of an organization's long‐term success, as it is a central component of effective work relationships. This study examines the extent to which one's trust in the organization mediates the relationship between three drivers of social exchange relationships and three attitudinal outcomes. The results from a sample of 1,300 manufacturing employees revealed that trust in the organization partially mediated the relationship between perceived supervisor support and turnover intentions, affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and fully mediated the relationship between distributive justice and information receiving and these outcomes. This paper extends the empirical literature about the antecedents and consequences of trust in organization, giving special attention to the mediating role of trust in organizations.  相似文献   

Research on the determinants and implications of career success, and in particular on how they are related to health among Chinese workers is scarce. This research explores the impact and relevance of individual attitudes of trust and organizational citizenship behavior on objective and subjective career success, and their relevance to physical and mental health. Further, we explore the moderating role of a career system on the relationships between work attitudes and career success. Using a random sample of 10,372 people in China we used multi-level linear regression methodology to explore a mediation–moderation model based on organizational theories. We found support for the impact of organizational citizenship behaviors and trust, for both objective and subjective career success as mediators of mental and physical health, and for a career system as a moderator, with significant differences emerging between workers employed in the public and private sectors. The results are important as they shed light on the relationship between work and life attitudes on outcomes of high relevance at national level. The original contribution would be of interest to policy makers at both organizational and national level.  相似文献   

In this field study, we develop and test a theory regarding the role of trust in the work environment as a critical condition that determines the relationship between psychological ownership, territoriality, and being perceived as a team contributor. We argue that, dependent upon the context of trust in the work environment, psychological ownership may lead to territorial behaviors of claiming and anticipatory defending and that, dependent upon the context of trust, territorial behavior may lead coworkers to negatively judge the territorial employee as less of a team contributor. A sample of working adults reported on their psychological ownership and territorial behavior toward an important object at work, and a coworker of each provided evaluations on the level of trust in the work environment and rated the focal individual's contributions to the team. Findings suggest that a work environment of trust is a “double‐edged sword”: On the one hand, a high trust environment reduces the territorial behavior associated with psychological ownership; on the other hand, when territorial behavior does occur in high trust environments, coworkers rate the territorial employee's contributions to the team significantly lower. We discuss the nature and management of territorial behavior in light of these findings.  相似文献   

邓棉琳  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2016,39(3):679-685
本文探讨了上司的人际公平怎样影响员工工作满意度和人际层面组织公民行为,以及这种影响何时更强或更弱。通过对237名在职人员调查,结果发现:(1)员工的上司信任在人际公平与工作满意度、人际层面组织公民行为之间具有部分和完全中介作用;(2)上司权力对人际公平效应具有调节作用:当上司权力较高时,人际公平显著影响员工对他的信任,进而影响工作满意度和人际层面组织公民行为;而当其权力较低时,人际公平的影响不明显。  相似文献   

A national random sample of industrial salespeople was surveyed to examine the relationships among selling behaviors, trust, conflict, and sales outcomes, such as performance and anticipation of future interaction. Results indicate that trust mediates the effects of selling behaviors on sales outcomes, and conflict moderates this mediating effect. While salespeople could use customer-oriented selling as an antidote for the ill effects of dysfunctional conflict on trust, adaptive selling only serves to enhance salesperson trust in customers. Thus, the results of the study distinguish between the roles of customeroriented selling and adaptive selling in relationship marketing. Furthermore, when salespeople perceive that their sales managers are highly customer oriented and highly adaptive, they themselves become more customer oriented and more adaptive. Thus, as role models, supervisory selling behaviors contribute to salespeople’s ability to leverage their trust in customers. Based on these results, the managerial implications for selling organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

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