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Marked differences in detectability as a function of spatial location, a "detectability gradient," are observed when subjects are required to detect a briefly exposed target pattern of uncertain location in the presence of a number of nontarget patterns. Target detectability also is inversely related to the number of nontarget patterns which are present in this search paradigm. These previous findings provide strong evidence for a serial process in which increasing probability of error occurs during a scan of a rapidly degrading neural representation of the visual image following a brief exposure to the stimuli. It is not yet established whether this scan is attentional or perceptual in nature. The present experiments test the hypothesis of an attentional scan by presenting the target and nontarget patterns in spatially segregated groups. If the scan is attentional, then target detectability under these circumstances would be expected to exhibit the characteristic phenomenon of "group processing"--a close clustering of detection performance for targets located within a group and large differences in detectability across groups. As no evidence for group processing was observed, the results fail to support the view that the scan is attentional in nature but are fully consistent with a nonattentional scan.  相似文献   

In a series of previous reports we have described differences in detectability of a target in a background of nontarget patterns as a function of its spatial location. These differences, referred to as a "detectability gradient," have been attributed to target detection accomplished by a serial processing mechanism--a scan. The mathematical model of such a mechanism, developed in the previous report, is equally applicable to a series of attentional shifts or to a perceptual, i.e., a preattentive, mechanism. The present experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that this scan is attentional in nature. The results provide additional evidence for the scanning hypothesis but do not support the view that this scan represents a series of attentional shifts.  相似文献   

We used principal components analysis (PCA) to investigate variations in the dynamical structure of handball penalty shots as a factor of target location and phase of shot. Participants completed a total of 10 successful shots to each of four target locations in the handball goal. Three dimensional movement time series data were analyzed. Also, data were analyzed across three temporally distinct time windows in line with the evolving kinematic chain. Statistical analyses were undertaken to determine differences across target locations. There were no significant differences between dynamical structures as a factor of target or phase. Covariance between time evolutions as a factor of target reduced in line with the ranking of the component. When shots were analyzed as three distinct time windows, only the low time evolution covariances suggested differences between targets in any time window. Our findings show that the dynamical structure underpinning the handball penalty shot does not differ greatly across locations. However, the time evolution of principal components suggests there are some variations in dynamics which may differentiate shot direction.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedule of reinforcement. One component was then changed to a variation of a fixed-interval schedule in which the same rate of reinforcement was obtained as previously but the location of the reinforcer was fixed within the component. The effects of different temporal locations were compared. An increase in response rate for the unchanged variable-interval component (behavioral contrast) occurred when the reinforcer was located in the middle or at the end of the FI component, but response suppression occurred when it was located at the beginning of the component. The pattern of results cannot be explained by any previous theories of contrast. The overall response rates, and the pattern of local rates within the components, were consistent with the hypothesis that the major determinant of the contrast effect was the transition to a lower reinforcement rate following the unchanged component.  相似文献   

E Greene  G Pavlov 《Perception》1989,18(2):143-154
The Poggendorff effect is seen as misalignment of two obliques, or misprojection of one, when the obliques are placed outside a set of parallel lines. To understand better the mechanisms behind this effect, the orientation of the lines which are normally parallel was systematically manipulated. The results indicate that projection bias is affected by the orientation of either line, is at a minimum where the line is orthogonal to the oblique, and is maximal at small angles. This is in line with classic theories which attribute the illusion to misperception of angular size. However, such explanations presuppose that in order to be effective the induction line must be proximal to the oblique so that an angle can be formed. Results are reported which show that the angle formed by the oblique and a line placed at a distance from the oblique, serving as the target of the projection, follows an angular rule of effectiveness similar to what is seen when the line is placed directly in contact with the oblique. The underlying process is described as 'angular induction'.  相似文献   

Foveal and peripheral target detection were compared in young adults (M age = 22 years) and older adults (M age = 66 years) who were optically corrected for the viewing distance. In a two-alternative, forced-choice task, target letters were presented at 0 degree to 10.5 degrees from fixation. Targets were presented alone, flanked on each side by one noise element (i.e., nontarget letter), or embedded in a horizontal row of 19 noise elements. An Age X Noise Level X Location interaction was obtained, wherein age differences were largest for peripheral targets presented in noise. Slope analyses of latency data showed that the performance of young adults in the high-noise condition was most similar to that of older adults in the low-noise condition. At the functional level, results indicated that aging is associated with a restricted useful field of view. In addition, the data suggest that age differences in search can be described by a model in which older adults take smaller perceptual samples from the visual scene and scan these samples more slowly than do the young adults.  相似文献   

Thirty male and female undergraduates were run in same- and opposite-sex pairs to determine if the extent of experimentally sanctioned deceit would be influenced by sex pairings and potential for harm to another's self-esteem. Ss, who all believed they were playing the role of a teacher in a learning experiment, were instructed to provide false feedback (lie) at least three times during 30 trials to a learner, the other S. Consistent with hypotheses derived from a consideration of the potential harm to another's self-esteem and a suggested norm of white lying, perceived relative importance of male and female sex roles, and greater female concern for the social welfare of others, it was found that white lies occurred significantly more often than lies, that males were significantly more likely to give false feedback than females, that females were the target of false feedback significantly more often than males, and that the interaction between sex of S and sex of target person was also significant in that males lied to females more than any other sex pairing.This research was partially supported by the New Mexico Highlands University Institute of Scientific Research. A brief version of this report was presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association meeting, Denver, May, 1974.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were trained with food in one location (e.g., black alley) and water in another location (white alley) under hunger or thirst. Subsequently, either the locations of the rewards were reversed, or the drive was changed (from hunger to thirst or thirst to hunger). Reversal of instrumental responses took considerably longer when drive was changed and rewards remained in the same locations than when reward locations were reversed. These results were interpreted as indicating that the animal's internal representations of the rewards received in each location transfer when drive is changed. These internal-reward representations interfere with reversal learning by eliciting the responses which were conditioned to them in Phase 1. Because the values of food and water reverse when drive is changed from hunger to thirst or vice versa, it was suggested that the reward representations surviving the drive shift are cognitive representations of the specific events received (food or water), independent of the value of the rewards under either hunger or thirst.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to investigate the contribution of goal-driven modulation in saccadic target selection as a function of time. Observers were required to make an eye movement to a prespecified target that was concurrently presented with multiple nontargets and possibly one distractor. Target and distractor were defined in different dimensions (orientation dimension and colour dimension in Experiment 1), or were both defined in the same dimension (i.e., both defined in the orientation dimension in Experiment 2, or both defined in the colour dimension in Experiments 3 and 4). The identities of target and distractor were switched over conditions. Speed-accuracy functions were computed to examine the full time course of selection in each condition. There were three major results. First, the ability to exert goal-driven control increased as a function of response latency. Second, this ability depended on the specific target-distractor combination, yet was not a function of whether target and distractor were defined within or across dimensions. Third, goal-driven control was available earlier when target and distractor were dissimilar than when they were similar. It was concluded that the influence of goal-driven control in visual selection is not all or none, but is of a continuous nature.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to investigate the contribution of goal-driven modulation in saccadic target selection as a function of time. Observers were required to make an eye movement to a prespecified target that was concurrently presented with multiple nontargets and possibly one distractor. Target and distractor were defined in different dimensions (orientation dimension and colour dimension in Experiment 1), or were both defined in the same dimension (i.e., both defined in the orientation dimension in Experiment 2, or both defined in the colour dimension in Experiments 3 and 4). The identities of target and distractor were switched over conditions. Speed–accuracy functions were computed to examine the full time course of selection in each condition. There were three major results. First, the ability to exert goal-driven control increased as a function of response latency. Second, this ability depended on the specific target–distractor combination, yet was not a function of whether target and distractor were defined within or across dimensions. Third, goal-driven control was available earlier when target and distractor were dissimilar than when they were similar. It was concluded that the influence of goal-driven control in visual selection is not all or none, but is of a continuous nature.  相似文献   

Fins' law was found to hold for discrete movements executed by subjects controlling the velocity of a cursor with a control stick The slope of movement time versus index of difficulty was approximately twice as large as for a comparable position control system. Target uncertainty also increased the slope of total time versus index of difficulty, and this effect is interpreted in terms of adaptive tuning of the human movement system.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the correlational cuing effect (CE) between targets and correlated flankers is due to learning association between the flankers and their correlated responses. The present study challenges this view. Experiment 1 shows that the CE for targets composed of color is eliminated as soon as the correlation is removed. Experiment 2 shows that the CE during training is not due to association of the flankers with responses. Experiment 3 shows that at least some of the CE during training with the correlation is due to repetition priming of the display. Experiment 4 replicates the results of Experiment 1 for orientation targets. In Experiments 5-7, more typical tasks with letter targets are examined, and it is demonstrated that preexperimental similarity between targets and correlated flankers is crucial. The CE for correlated but dissimilar target-flanker pairs, similar to that for color and orientation targets, is confined to on-line processes that occur during training. The CE is transferred, however, for correlated and similar target-flanker pairs. We propose that, at least for the simple stimulus to response mapping used in our study, the CE is not due to learning at all. Instead it is due to (1) on-line processes, such as repetition priming, that occur during training with the correlation and (2) a regular flanker effect (see, e.g., B. A. Eriksen & C. W. Eriksen, 1974) that occurs for similar target-flanker pairs.  相似文献   

In two experiments induced movement of an object was produced to demonstrate that movement of the background influences the perceived localization of the object in space. The Roelofs (asymmetry) effect could be used to explain only part of the shift in localization in Experiment1. The asymmetry effect was excluded from Experiment2 by the procedure employed. It was concluded that the Roelofs effect is a sufficient, but not necessary, condition for the effects of induced movement to occur, and that relative displacement of the target and background plays an important part in the illusion. Furthermore, it was shown that the effects of induced movement can occur even when the border of the background remains stationary.  相似文献   

This study examined a potential confound in the inverse relationship between target duration and saccadic latency reported by Adam, Ketelaars, Kingma, and Hoek in 1993. Eight participants located a briefly flashed target by moving the eyes and the cursor toward its position in a (backward) mask condition and in a no-mask condition. Analysis showed similar saccadic latencies in both conditions, thereby refuting the potentially confounding role of the backward masking procedure. It is tenatively suggested that the longer saccadic latencies noted for shorter target durations may be associated with delayed accumulation of evidence for the detection of the target.  相似文献   

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