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工作倦怠和工作投入的整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工作投入是近期组织心理学家引入的一个新概念,这是一种重视员工职业发展的积极心理学视角的工作追求,它与传统职业健康心理学工作倦怠的整合研究,越来越引起人们的关注。积极心理学研究取向推动了整合研究的实施;能量和认同量表为整合研究提供了测量工具;员工健康的积极和消极双过程模型是整合研究的主要模型;整合研究具有重要的理论和实践价值,更有利于提高员工的身心健康。今后的整合研究应当在研究方法上增加访谈研究、个案研究和追踪研究;在研究内容上多研究积极心理因素;在研究范围上加强跨文化的比较研究;在整合途径上进一步对现有的整合模型进行改进和创新。  相似文献   

工作投入研究的现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
工作投入指的是一种与工作相关的积极、完满的情绪与认知状态,具有持久性和弥散性的特点。工作投入对个体的工作绩效和某些工作态度及行为变量,以及顾客满意度、生产力、利润率和单位总体绩效等组织结果变量均具有一定的影响。工作投入的影响因素包括个体特征因素、与工作相关的因素以及与家庭相关的因素等3个方面。文章在对工作投入的相关研究进行全面述评的基础上,指出未来的研究有必要进一步加强对工作投入的干预机制等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

基于工作要求-资源理论,检验工作投入在专念与工作重塑之间的中介作用。以238名医务人员为研究对象,开展两阶段的追踪问卷调查。专念对工作重塑有积极的直接预测作用。另外,在横断数据中,工作投入在专念与工作重塑之间的中介作用显著。在纵向数据中,专念(T1)能正向预测工作投入(T2),进而影响工作重塑(T2),中介效应显著。专念(T1)能正向预测工作投入(T1),但工作投入(T1)不能显著正向预测两个月后的工作重塑(T2)。在一定的时间范围内,专念可以通过激发工作投入,进而促进工作重塑行为。  相似文献   

Proactive personality has been demonstrated to be positively correlated with individual’s job satisfaction in addition to big five traits. However, what is less clear are the intervening mechanisms underlying this relationship, the present study examined the mediating effects of self-efficacy and work engagement on the association between proactive personality and job satisfaction. Three hundred and fifty-two (194 females and 158 males) primary and middle school teachers completed the proactive personality scale, the teachers’ self-efficacy scale, the work engagement scale and the short-form Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire. Results revealed that proactive personality was positively related to teachers’ job satisfaction. In addition, mediation analyses showed that the relation between proactive personality and teachers’ job satisfaction was simple mediated by self-efficacy and work engagement and sequentially mediated by self-efficacy–work engagement. These findings contribute to the complex nature of the relationship between proactive personality and job satisfaction. The possible explanations and limitations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

胥兴春  张大均 《心理科学》2011,34(4):871-874
目的 探讨教师工作价值观与工作绩效的关系。方法 采用教师工作价值观量表和工作绩效量表,对645名中小学教师进行了测量,运用SPSS17.0对数据进行统计分析。结果 教师工作价值观与工作绩效间存在显著的正相关,但相关水平较低;利他奉献、安全稳定及声望地位维度是任务绩效、工作奉献及总体绩效的预测指标,利他奉献、安全稳定及人际关系维度是人际促进绩效的预测指标。结论 教师工作价值观能在一定程度上预测其工作绩效。  相似文献   


Drawing from conservation of resources theory, this study examines the curvilinear relationship between employees’ work engagement and their job performance; the authors also hypothesize that employees’ feedback-seeking behavior is a pertinent boundary condition that mitigates this curvilinear relationship. Personal resources likely mediate the work engagement–job performance relationship too. Data gathered from 190 employees and their supervisors in Ukraine (study 1) and from 171 employees and their supervisors in Pakistan (study 2) reveal that although work engagement enhances job performance, the effect occurs at a declining rate as work engagement increases. Feedback-seeking behavior moderates this curvilinear relationship, so the decline in the rate at which work engagement enhances job performance is mitigated by higher levels of feedback-seeking behavior. Furthermore, after controlling for the role of feedback-seeking behavior, the curvilinear effect of work engagement on job performance is mediated by personal resources (i.e., self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience). These findings have significant implications for research and practice.


张珊珊  张建新 《心理科学》2014,37(1):140-145
基于领导-团队匹配的视角,研究以133名领导和645名成员的团队配对数据,采用二次多项式回归与响应面分析对领导工作投入与团队投入氛围的一致性匹配和不一致性匹配,以及团队满意度氛围如何影响团队绩效进行了探讨。结果发现:领导工作投入与团队投入氛围一致与不一致相比,团队绩效较好;并且一致性匹配具有加强效应,即当领导工作投入与团队投入氛围一致时,团队绩效随着双方投入的增加而提高;同时,团队满意度氛围在领导-团队投入的一致性匹配与团队绩效的线性关系中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

This study tested the relation between perceived social impact, social worth, and work engagement in the military, and mediating effects of prosocial motivation. We tested hypotheses using structural equation modeling analysis in a field study with 322 officers and sergeants and 1,045 soldiers of the Portuguese Army. Results confirmed that perceived social impact and social worth were associated with work engagement. Furthermore, regardless of the rank category, perceived social impact was associated with higher prosocial motivation, which in turn was associated with higher work engagement. In the soldiers subsample, results further indicated that soldiers’ perceived social worth was associated with higher prosocial motivation, which in turn was related to higher work engagement. The direct effects of perceived social impact and social worth on work engagement, and the mediating role of prosocial motivation supported the hypothesis that perceptions of social impact and social worth may strengthen the motives to “do good” (prosocial motivation), leading to an upward spiral that cultivates work engagement among members of the military.  相似文献   



The 21st century work environment calls for team members to be more engaged in their work and exhibit more creativity in completing their job tasks. The purpose of this study was to examine whether team performance pressure and individual goal orientation would moderate the relationships between individual autonomy in teams and individual engagement and creativity.


A sample consisting of 209 team members and 45 team managers from 45 work teams in 14 companies completed survey measures. To test our hypotheses, we used multilevel modeling with random intercepts and slopes because the individual-level data were nested within the team-level data.


Hierarchical linear modeling showed that team-level performance pressure attenuated the positive relations between job autonomy and three dimensions of engagement. There were also 3-way interactions between job autonomy, psychological performance pressure, and learning goal orientation in predicting three dimensions of engagement and creativity.


This study highlights the importance of exploring the moderating effect of team-level task characteristics and individual differences on the relationships between job autonomy and individual engagement and creativity. Organizations need to carefully consider both individual learning goals and performance pressure when empowering team members with job autonomy.


This is one of the first studies to explore the association between individual job autonomy in teams and individual outcomes in a contingency model. We first introduced team performance pressure as a moderator of job autonomy and examined the 3-way interaction effects of performance pressure, individual job autonomy, and learning goal orientation.

影响员工工作投入的组织相关因素研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
以361名企事业员工为被试,采用问卷法和结构方程建模分析方法探讨了组织公平、角色压力、组织支持感和组织承诺对工作投入的影响及其途径。结果表明:角色压力、组织公平与组织支持感均对工作投入和组织承诺有较好的预测效力。经检验,组织公平和组织支持感对工作投入产生显著的间接影响,组织承诺则主要表现为直接影响;而角色压力对于工作投入既有直接影响,又存在间接影响。  相似文献   

Two investigations examined attributions for the outcomes of presidential elections. The first experiment examined attributions made by editorial writers for presidential elections from 1964 to 1984. The writers tended to make personal attributions for the causes of the election outcome a few days after the election, but shifted to primarily situational attributions 2 to 3 years later. Subjects in the second experiment were surveyed through a random-digit dialing procedure either a few days after the 1988 presidential election or 1 year later and asked why the election turned out the way it did. A shift toward more situational explanations over time was found, but not among those who had voted for the winning candidate. This latter finding illustrates a limitation of the situational shift effect.  相似文献   

The effects of automated computer monitoring under different conditions of performance standards and reward were examined in two studies conducted in a simulated organization. In the first study, 37 computer operators were divided into six groups who worked for a 2-week period under different levels of performance standards. Individual keystrokes per hour and productive time was monitored by the computers for all of the groups (one group was a control group which was monitored but was unaware of the monitoring). Four of the six groups were assigned work standards, and performance against standards was also monitored for these four groups. Feedback reports on the monitored performance were available on demand at the individual consoles for those groups which were informed of the monitoring. The results showed that computer monitoring and feedback led to increased key rate compared to the control group which was not aware of monitoring. There was little effect of monitoring on work quality, satisfaction, and stress. In the second study, 24 operators worked for a 9-week period under various performance standards and rewards. Individual keystrokes per hour, productive time, and performance against standards were monitored by the computers for all workers. Feedback reports on performance against standards and rewards earned were available on demand at the individual consoles. The results revealed that the feedback from different combinations of standards and rewards had varying effects on performance, satisfaction, and stress. These effects, and the results from the first study, are discussed in terms of goal setting and expectancy theory.  相似文献   


Literature provides mixed results on the effect of participatory practices on outcomes such as individual performance and job stressors. By examining these relationships via the mediation of job crafting behaviors, while considering the moderating effect of autonomy, we help clarifying the reasons behind the apparently ambiguous effects of participation. We surveyed 318 employees in an Italian mass retail company. On the one hand, we found a positive effect of participation on performance and a reduction of both role conflict and role overload thanks to increased job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking job resources. On the other hand, we also found that participation and autonomy may augment job stressors because of an associated increase of job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking challenging demands.  相似文献   

王婷  高博  刘君  孙鉴  甘怡群 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):148-154
目的:探讨在中国文化背景下公司内技术部门人员核心自我评价是否包括集体自尊的维度及其与工作投入、工作倦怠的关系。方法:在人力资源部门人员的指导下,301名公司技术部门人员填写了工作倦怠量表(MBI—GS)、工作投入量表(UWES)、经典核心自我评价4个分量表、集体自尊量表以及核心自我评价集成量表(CSES),并以密封信封方式提交。结果:(1)集体自尊对核心自我评价的载荷为0.68,是核心自我评价的重要因素。(2)加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠路径系数分别达到了0.79和-0.54。(3)采用集成核心自我评价量表测量也支持了这一结果,对工作投入和工作倦怠各维度的回归系数均达到了显著水平。结论:集体自尊是中国文化背景下技术部人员的核心自我评价重要成分,且加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠均有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

This study explores the associations among job insecurity, occupational self-efficacy, work engagement, job satisfaction and health and the mediation role of occupational self-efficacy. Two hundred and forty-one workers, were asked to fill in the Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Satisfaction Scale of Occupational Stress Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire. Mediation analysis was performed using the boot-strapping method. Job insecurity was negatively related to work engagement, job satisfaction and general health. Occupational self-efficacy mediated the relationship between job insecurity, work engagement, job satisfaction and health on employees in the private and public sectors. The originality of this work is that it shows the effect of job insecurity on engagement, satisfaction and health, and the mediational role of occupational self-efficacy. In a time of economic crisis, when it is not possible to guarantee permanent contracts, Human Resource managers might consider occupational self-efficacy as a resource when planning interventions.  相似文献   

The present study tests an integrative model that considers differential gender effects for the mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intentions in a predominantly Muslim country. Job insecurity was divided into two aspects: general concerns about losing one’s job and concerns about losing the privileges (such as career advancement, stimulating work, competence, and pay development) that come from one’s specific job. Data were collected from 309 private banking employees (107 women, 202 men, with a mean age of 33.58) in Marmara region, Turkey. The results of multi-group path analysis partially support the hypotheses. The differential gender effects for the mediating effect of work engagement were supported only on the concerns about losing job privileges→turnover intention linkage, but not on the concerns about losing the job itself→turnover intention linkage. Moreover, the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between concerns about losing job privileges and turnover intention was found to be stronger for women than for men. For men, work engagement acts only as a partial mediator, suggesting that concerns about the loss of job privileges exerts its effects on turnover intentions both directly and indirectly. Although the direct effect of concerns about losing the job itself on turnover intention is significant, the indirect effect through work engagement turns out to be nonsignificant for both genders. Our findings are discussed considering the business environment in Turkey as a Muslim country.  相似文献   

随着研究取向从静态到动态、从个体间到个体内部的转变, 工作投入的短期波动开始成为研究主流。针对国内尚未涉及工作投入波动研究的现状, 将引入状态性工作投入的概念, 并分析其波动的理论和构成来源。介绍了状态性工作投入的测量工具、日记研究和经验取样方法, 以及重复测量的多层线性模型。在分析现有工作投入波动理论、相关变量和边界条件的基础上, 构建了工作投入的研究框架, 总结了工作投入波动的形式。  相似文献   

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