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Younger and older adults read narrative texts word by word for immediate recall. There were no age differences in recall performance, showing that older adults were effective in narrative memory. Analysis of reading times demonstrated the existence of interindividual variability in sensitivity to text demands, which was predictive of subsequent memory performance. Contrary to the view that older readers do not encode text analytically, for these naturalistic narratives both younger and older adults optimized memory through the allocation of processing resources to the construction of a proposition-based representation of content. Overall, attentiveness to narrative structure also facilitated narrative memory, but this relationship was more reliable among older readers.  相似文献   

Early poverty is associated with a cumulative load of family and community risk factors that can impact the development of self-regulatory abilities and result in socio-emotional and achievement gaps which begin early and persist across the lifespan. Ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among children living in poverty. The longitudinal trajectories of self-regulation are important to understand in this population, in order to best inform prevention efforts. This study examines patterns of self-regulation over time among young, ethnic minority children living in low income, urban households. A stratified, random sample of 555 children, ages 2 to 4 years, (46% Black, 46% Hispanic; 47% female) were followed over three waves (including 1 and 5 year follow-ups). Internalizing and externalizing behaviors at approximately age nine were predicted by children’s early self-regulation. Latent class analyses revealed low, medium, and high levels of self-regulatory abilities at wave 1 (mean age: 2.99, SD?=?.81) and low and high levels, 1 year later (mean age: 4.39 (SD?=?.94). A gender effect was found whereby girls were more likely than boys to be in the high self-regulation class relative to the low at both waves. Using Latent Transition Analysis, distal outcomes were examined approximately 5 years after the initial assessment (mean age: 8.83, SD?=?.93). Children who sustained a higher level of self-regulation over time had the lowest internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Transition to low self-regulation at wave 2, regardless of initial self-regulation status, was related to greater severity of internalizing symptoms. Implications for prevention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study the authors investigated associations among children's observed responses to failure in an analogue entry situation, their attention deployment patterns, and skills and processes associated with self-regulation. Participants were 54 kindergarten and first-grade students who were either aggressive-rejected or low aggressive-popular based on peer nominations. Inhibitory control predicted the tendency to respond to entry failure by stopping and watching the group's activity. Baseline vagal tone and other-directed attention predicted children's tendency to change entry strategies after failure. Parent-rated attention skills moderated the relation between children's attention deployment patterns during the entry task and their responses to entry failure. Children who engaged in more other-directed attention were less likely to turn to solitary play after entry failure but only if they had high or moderate levels of attentional control. Other-directed attention was related to repeating previous entry bids without modification after entry failure but only when children had high levels of attention problems.  相似文献   

Humor styles have been found to be associated with well-being, however, no study has addressed the distinct well-being associations of combinations of humor styles, that is, humor types, yet. The present study thus aimed at investigating which combinations of humor styles exist and to which extent these humor types are associated with well-being. In an online questionnaire, the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ, Martin et al. J Res Pers 37:48–75, 2003), self-regulatory strategies, self-esteem, and well-being instruments were administered to a German sample. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses replicated the underlying structure of the HSQ. With hierarchical clustering, we found evidence for three humor types (endorsers, humor deniers, and self-enhancers), which differed in group means for self-esteem, self-regulatory strategies, and well-being. Findings provide further evidence for the positive well-being correlates of self-enhancing humor, and distinctly address the positive correlates of aggressive and self-defeating humor being absent. It is discussed that humor styles cannot be conceptualized as beneficial or detrimental per se, but have to be regarded in context.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the relative impacts of implicit theories and the social construal of ability as either a fixed entity or an incremental skill on self-efficacy, affective reactions, self-set goals, and performance on a complex group-management task. It was also a novel task for participants. Participants who had an implicit theory that group-management ability is an incremental skill that can be acquired with experience developed stronger self-efficacy, maintained more positive affect, and set themselves more challenging goals across multiple trials. They also outperformed participants with a fixed-entity theory of group-management ability. Some of the motivational benefits of an incremental-skill conception were lost when the social construal of managerial ability emphasized a fixed-entity conception. However, the negative motivational effects of a fixed-entity theory of ability were not ameliorated by the social construal of managerial ability as an incremental skill. The effects of conceptions of ability were fully mediated by the self-regulatory responses of participants. The hypothesis that self-efficacy moderates the impact of ability conceptions on self-set goal challenges was not supported.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  In order to slow down the inexorable increase in spending on health care, the British government has implemented an initiative proposed by Griffiths. This initiative is designed to make doctors more accountable for the decisions they may take. In this essay I argue first, that the conflation of two decisions (financial and clinical) leads to unnecessary ethical dilemmas and secondly, that as psychologically it is difficult to take two decisions simultaneously, inevitably the clinician is forced to name either the financial or the clinical decision as the prior problem. To decide for the former inevitably strains the traditional doctor/patient relationship of mutual trust.  相似文献   

卫生资源配置与改善医患关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从基本卫生资源配置角度来探讨如何改善医患关系,认为基本卫生资源配置失衡是引起医患纠纷的重要因素,从而指出公平优先原则指导下的基本卫生资源配置有利于改变医患关系紧张的现状,并据此观点提出实现基本卫生资源配置公平优先的相关保障措施.  相似文献   

Time-sharing performance was evaluated as a function of the structural configurations of the time-shared tasks and strategic resource-allocation training. A secondary task technique was employed with five task pairs that varied in their structural similarity. The primary task difficulty was time-varying within a trial. Consistent with a common finding in the literature, the global performance measures showed that the degree of task interference increased as the degree of shared resources between the time-shared tasks increased. The moment-by-moment performance, however, revealed that small task interference did not necessarily indicate that the primary task performance was consistently protected against the time-varying difficulty changes. Subjects' failure in protecting the primary task performance was attributed to two possible causes: a skill limitation in the control of resource allocation and a structural limitation inherent in the dual task configuration. This distinction was reinforced by the finding that the strategy training was successful in improving resource allocation for the structurally identical task pair only. Our data demonstrated the role of multiple resource concepts in predicting time-sharing performance in a dynamic environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Sixty-six children between 4.5 and 6 years of age were tested in a resource-allocation game with three different recipients. When the recipient was a friend, children made equitable decisions and shared as much when there was a cost to themselves as when there was no cost. When the recipient was another familiar child who was not a friend, children were less likely to allocate resources to that child. When the recipient was a stranger, children allocated resources as much as with a friend and more than with a nonfriend when there was no cost to themselves. However, when there was a cost to themselves, children treated strangers like nonfriends. These results show that resource-allocation decisions made by young children depend on the recipient. Young children prefer equitable division of resources with friends, treat nonfriends less well, and make prosocial moves with strangers when the cost to self is not high.  相似文献   

意向性自我调节是指个体以增强个体功能或优化自我发展为目标, 积极协调情境中的要求、资源与个人目标之间关系的一系列行动过程, 其主要理论基础是SOC(选择、优化和补偿)理论。研究发现青少年期是意向性自我调节发展的关键时期, 意向性自我调节既能直接影响青少年发展, 又能与家庭、社区等情境因素以及活动经验等近端过程交互作用, 从而间接影响青少年发展。未来研究应该在意向性自我调节的测量方法、过程观的研究范式、发展规律和培养途径等方面进一步深入。  相似文献   

We review two studies examining task effects on eye guidance during reading. The first study investigated effects of reading perspective on eye behavior in reading. It demonstrated that both the initial encoding of words as well as the later integration stage of wrapping up the sentence meaning are influenced by the reading perspective. Early effects of reading perspective were observed both in saccadic programming and in fixation times and were primarily seen when reading a text of familiar content. In the second study, effects of reading task were examined by comparing eye movements between proofreading and reading for comprehension. Task effects appeared very early in the processing time line; both temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements were affected. Taking together, the two studies demonstrate that readers make a global adjustment to eye behavior on the basis of reading task or goal.  相似文献   

尽管区域治理具有多种类型,但区域发展的关键是区域治理应该依靠地方政府之间的合作。此外,如果认同21世纪的当代任务与多样性、和谐、和平相关联,那么很明显的是,为了促进区域认同,区域治理的类型应该采用分权方式。基于上述假定,可从短期和长期两个不同方面给出建议。从短期看,区域发展署/区域议会组合模式似乎在韩国更为可行。在这种模式下,区域发展署应采用分权方式组建,并负责制定区域发展计划和执行中央政策,而区域立法机构则负责质询、追踪和监管区域发展署的行为。正是因为区域议会或许无法有效地协调与统一各种地方意见和观点,从长远上看需要建立区域政府这种模式。通过废除上一层级地方政府的方式,很难组建区域政府。因此,作为一种长期选择,应该考虑区域发展署/区域政府组合模式。  相似文献   

自我调控泛指目标-导向行为, 是自我的核心功能之一。最近十几年有研究者将工作记忆能力(working memory capacity, WMC)的概念引入到对自我调控的研究中, 结果发现, 自我调控与WMC依赖的是共同的资源, WMC在注意调控、思维抑制、情绪调节以及冲动抑制等自我调控过程中发挥了重要作用。未来的研究应加强社会、认知和神经科学等不同学科之间的合作, 进一步探究自我调控的核心机制。  相似文献   

In the present paper, I aim to both contribute to a culture-based theory of self-regulation and clarify some mutually constitutive functions of psychological and sociocultural phenomena. I examine the relations between self and culture and the role of these relations in the development of self-regulation. Self-regulation is based on the intention to modify internal processes and behavior to reach one's goals. Because the development of self-regulation is embedded in a cultural context that gives priority to a specific model of agency, processes of self-regulation are assumed to differ cross-culturally. First, I give a brief overview on self-regulation research. Further, I discuss the contribution of a culture-informed perspective to the study of self-regulation and its development, taking into account interpersonal self-regulation. Finally, I present a 'Cultural Model of Agency and Self-Regulation,' which suggests how to link culture and individual agency.  相似文献   

李晓文 《心理科学》2000,23(6):664-668
本研究选取发展良好与适应不良的三—-五年级小学生为被试,用完成句子的形式进行投射测验,以比较分析被试对于句子呈现情境的主观意义感受特征。结果表明,两组被试在学习任务完成后的体验、集体的地位感和人际交往的亲和性与支持感等方面主观意义感受存在明显的差异。数项结果分析显示,适应不良的被试可能存在着两种类型的反应。  相似文献   

Data from two experiments were evaluated to test the widely held assumption that family process remains essentially constant regardless of the conditions under which it occurs. Significant differences and reversals in patterns of dominance between interacting husbands and wives were obtained under different task conditions. In general, stressful tasks and tasks with structured goals elicited paternal dominance, while maternal dominance of more equalitarian patterns resulted from tasks which involved discussion of feelings and opinions. These and other task dimensions were discussed. The findings of this study generate four conclusions: prior studies must be reviewed to evaluate task effects; future researchers must systematically investigate task characteristics; researchers must exercise care in the selection of tasks in future studies; and the relationship between role behaviors and task demands must be understood in order to help meet the increasing stress impinging upon the modern family system.  相似文献   

As subjects repeatedly track the same spatiotemporal pattern, they learn to anticipate the pattern and thereby to reduce their effective time delay. The successive organization of perception hypothesis suggests that subjects progress from an error-nulling mode to a pursuit mode, in which they respond to the estimated instantaneous input pattern, and then to a precognitive mode, in which they rely on memory of the input pattern or movement pattern. We used a transfer of training experiment involving position and rate control systems to distinguish among these strategies by determining the relative dominance of schemata for the input pattern, system dynamics, and movement pattern. Results indicated that subjects relied on a memorized movement pattern, which is characteristic of the precognitive mode. Adaptations of this transfer methodology may be useful in testing other theories that postulate multiple schemata for the control of perceptual-motor behavior.  相似文献   

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