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A number of models for categorical item response data have been proposed in recent years. The models appear to be quite different. However, they may usefully be organized as members of only three distinct classes, within which the models are distinguished only by assumptions and constraints on their parameters. “Difference models” are appropriate for ordered responses, “divide-by-total” models may be used for either ordered or nominal responses, and “left-side added” models are used for multiple-choice responses with guessing. The details of the taxonomy and the models are described in this paper. The present study was supported in part by two postdoctoral fellowships awarded to Lynne Steinberg: an Educational Testing Service Postdoctoral Fellowship at ETS, Princeton, NJ and an NIMH Individual National Research Service Award at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Helpful comments by the editor and three anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A monotone relationship between a true score (τ) and a latent trait level (θ) has been a key assumption for many psychometric applications. The monotonicity property in dichotomous response models is evident as a result of a transformation via a test characteristic curve. Monotonicity in polytomous models, in contrast, is not immediately obvious because item response functions are determined by a set of response category curves, which are conceivably non-monotonic in θ. The purpose of the present note is to demonstrate strict monotonicity in ordered polytomous item response models. Five models that are widely used in operational assessments are considered for proof: the generalized partial credit model (Muraki, 1992, Applied Psychological Measurement, 16, 159), the nominal model (Bock, 1972, Psychometrika, 37, 29), the partial credit model (Masters, 1982, Psychometrika, 47, 147), the rating scale model (Andrich, 1978, Psychometrika, 43, 561), and the graded response model (Samejima, 1972, A general model for free-response data (Psychometric Monograph no. 18). Psychometric Society, Richmond). The study asserts that the item response functions in these models strictly increase in θ and thus there exists strict monotonicity between τ and θ under certain specified conditions. This conclusion validates the practice of customarily using τ in place of θ in applied settings and provides theoretical grounds for one-to-one transformations between the two scales.  相似文献   

Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models for response style (e.g., Bolt, Lu, & Kim, 2014, Psychological Methods, 19, 528; Falk & Cai, 2016, Psychological Methods, 21, 328) provide flexibility in accommodating various response styles, but often present difficulty in isolating the effects of response style(s) from the intended substantive trait(s). In the presence of such measurement limitations, we consider several ways in which MIRT models are nevertheless useful in lending insight into how response styles may interfere with measurement for a given test instrument. Such a study can also inform whether alternative design considerations (e.g., anchoring vignettes, self-report items of heterogeneous content) that seek to control for response style effects may be helpful. We illustrate several aspects of an MIRT approach using real and simulated analyses.  相似文献   

Bayes modal estimation in item response models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes a Bayesian framework for estimation in item response models, with two-stage prior distributions on both item and examinee populations. Strategies for point and interval estimation are discussed, and a general procedure based on the EM algorithm is presented. Details are given for implementation under one-, two-, and three-parameter binary logistic IRT models. Novel features include minimally restrictive assumptions about examinee distributions and the exploitation of dependence among item parameters in a population of interest. Improved estimation in a moderately small sample is demonstrated with simulated data.This research was supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation, Chicago, IL. Comments and suggestions on earlier drafts by Charles Lewis, Frederic Lord, Rosenbaum, James Ramsey, Hiroshi Watanabe, the editor, and two anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

An IRT model based on the Rasch model is proposed for composite tasks, that is, tasks that are decomposed into subtasks of different kinds. There is one subtask for each component that is discerned in the composite tasks. A component is a generic kind of subtask of which the subtasks resulting from the decomposition are specific instantiations with respect to the particular composite tasks under study. The proposed model constrains the difficulties of the composite tasks to be linear combinations of the difficulties of the corresponding subtask items, which are estimated together with the weights used in the linear combinations, one weight for each kind of subtask. Although the model does not belong to the exponential family, its parameters can be estimated using conditional maximum likelihood estimation. The approach is demonstrated with an application to spelling tasks. We thank Eric Maris for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

解释性项目反应理论模型(Explanatory Item Response Theory Models, EIRTM)是指基于广义线性混合模型和非线性混合模型构建的项目反应理论(Item Response Theory, IRT)模型。EIRTM能在IRT模型的基础上直接加入预测变量, 从而解决各类测量问题。首先介绍EIRTM的相关概念和参数估计方法, 然后展示如何使用EIRTM处理题目位置效应、测验模式效应、题目功能差异、局部被试依赖和局部题目依赖, 接着提供实例对EIRTM的使用进行说明, 最后对EIRTM的不足之处和应用前景进行讨论。  相似文献   

Personality constructs, attitudes and other non-cognitive variables are often measured using rating or Likert-type scales, which does not come without problems. Especially in low-stakes assessments, respondents may produce biased responses due to response styles (RS) that reduce the validity and comparability of the measurement. Detecting and correcting RS is not always straightforward because not all respondents show RS and the ones who do may not do so to the same extent or in the same direction. The present study proposes the combination of a multidimensional IRTree model with a mixture distribution item response theory model and illustrates the application of the approach using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). This joint approach allows for the differentiation between different latent classes of respondents who show different RS behaviours and respondents who show RS versus respondents who give (largely) unbiased responses. We illustrate the application of the approach by examining extreme RS and show how the resulting latent classes can be further examined using external variables and process data from computer-based assessments to develop a better understanding of response behaviour and RS.  相似文献   

The item response function (IRF) for a polytomously scored item is defined as a weighted sum of the item category response functions (ICRF, the probability of getting a particular score for a randomly sampled examinee of ability ). This paper establishes the correspondence between an IRF and a unique set of ICRFs for two of the most commonly used polytomous IRT models (the partial credit models and the graded response model). Specifically, a proof of the following assertion is provided for these models: If two items have the same IRF, then they must have the same number of categories; moreover, they must consist of the same ICRFs. As a corollary, for the Rasch dichotomous model, if two tests have the same test characteristic function (TCF), then they must have the same number of items. Moreover, for each item in one of the tests, an item in the other test with an identical IRF must exist. Theoretical as well as practical implications of these results are discussed.This research was supported by Educational Testing Service Allocation Projects No. 79409 and No. 79413. The authors wish to thank John Donoghue, Ming-Mei Wang, Rebecca Zwick, and Zhiliang Ying for their useful comments and discussions. The authors also wish to thank three anonymous reviewers for their comments.  相似文献   

It is often considered desirable to have the same ordering of the items by difficulty across different levels of the trait or ability. Such an ordering is an invariant item ordering (IIO). An IIO facilitates the interpretation of test results. For dichotomously scored items, earlier research surveyed the theory and methods of an invariant ordering in a nonparametric IRT context. Here the focus is on polytomously scored items, and both nonparametric and parametric IRT models are considered.The absence of the IIO property in twononparametric polytomous IRT models is discussed, and two nonparametric models are discussed that imply an IIO. A method is proposed that can be used to investigate whether empirical data imply an IIO. Furthermore, only twoparametric polytomous IRT models are found to imply an IIO. These are the rating scale model (Andrich, 1978) and a restricted rating scale version of the graded response model (Muraki, 1990). Well-known models, such as the partial credit model (Masters, 1982) and the graded response model (Samejima, 1969), do no imply an IIO.  相似文献   

The identifiability of item response models with nonparametrically specified item characteristic curves is considered. Strict identifiability is achieved, with a fixed latent trait distribution, when only a single set of item characteristic curves can possibly generate the manifest distribution of the item responses. When item characteristic curves belong to a very general class, this property cannot be achieved. However, for assessments with many items, it is shown that all models for the manifest distribution have item characteristic curves that are very near one another and pointwise differences between them converge to zero at all values of the latent trait as the number of items increases. An upper bound for the rate at which this convergence takes place is given. The main result provides theoretical support to the practice of nonparametric item response modeling, by showing that models for long assessments have the property of asymptotic identifiability. The research was partially supported by the National Institute of Health grant R01 CA81068-01.  相似文献   

Various different item response theory (IRT) models can be used in educational and psychological measurement to analyze test data. One of the major drawbacks of these models is that efficient parameter estimation can only be achieved with very large data sets. Therefore, it is often worthwhile to search for designs of the test data that in some way will optimize the parameter estimates. The results from the statistical theory on optimal design can be applied for efficient estimation of the parameters.A major problem in finding an optimal design for IRT models is that the designs are only optimal for a given set of parameters, that is, they are locally optimal. Locally optimal designs can be constructed with a sequential design procedure. In this paper minimax designs are proposed for IRT models to overcome the problem of local optimality. Minimax designs are compared to sequentially constructed designs for the two parameter logistic model and the results show that minimax design can be nearly as efficient as sequentially constructed designs.  相似文献   

The non-response model in Knott et al. (1991, Statistician, 40, 217) can be represented as a tree model with one branch for response/non-response and another branch for correct/incorrect response, and each branch probability is characterized by an item response theory model. In the model, it is assumed that there is only one source of non-responses. However, in questionnaires or educational tests, non-responses might come from different sources, such as test speededness, inability to answer, lack of motivation, and sensitive questions. To better accommodate such more realistic underlying mechanisms, we propose a a tree model with four end nodes, not all distinct, for non-response modelling. The Laplace-approximated maximum likelihood estimation for the proposed model is suggested. The validation of the proposed estimation procedure and the advantage of the proposed model over traditional methods are demonstrated in simulations. For illustration, the methodologies are applied to data from the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The analysis shows that the proposed tree model has a better fit to PISA data than other existing models, providing a useful tool to distinguish the sources of non-responses.  相似文献   

Wendy M. Yen 《Psychometrika》1985,50(4):399-410
When the three-parameter logistic model is applied to tests covering a broad range of difficulty, there frequently is an increase in mean item discrimination and a decrease in variance of item difficulties and traits as the tests become more difficult. To examine the hypothesis that this unexpected scale shrinkage effect occurs because the items increase in complexity as they increase in difficulty, an approximate relationship is derived between the unidimensional model used in data analysis and a multidimensional model hypothesized to be generating the item responses. Scale shrinkage is successfully predicted for several sets of simulated data.The author is grateful to Robert Mislevy for kindly providing a copy of his computer program, RESOLVE.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of diagnostic classification models (e.g., Rupp et al., 2010, Diagnostic measurement: theory, methods, and applications, Guilford Press, New York, NY) in educational and psychological measurement, methods for testing their absolute goodness of fit to real data remain relatively underdeveloped. For tests of reasonable length and for realistic sample size, full‐information test statistics such as Pearson's X2 and the likelihood ratio statistic G2 suffer from sparseness in the underlying contingency table from which they are computed. Recently, limited‐information fit statistics such as Maydeu‐Olivares and Joe's (2006, Psychometrika, 71, 713) M2 have been found to be quite useful in testing the overall goodness of fit of item response theory models. In this study, we applied Maydeu‐Olivares and Joe's (2006, Psychometrika, 71, 713) M2 statistic to diagnostic classification models. Through a series of simulation studies, we found that M2 is well calibrated across a wide range of diagnostic model structures and was sensitive to certain misspecifications of the item model (e.g., fitting disjunctive models to data generated according to a conjunctive model), errors in the Q‐matrix (adding or omitting paths, omitting a latent variable), and violations of local item independence due to unmodelled testlet effects. On the other hand, M2 was largely insensitive to misspecifications in the distribution of higher‐order latent dimensions and to the specification of an extraneous attribute. To complement the analyses of the overall model goodness of fit using M2, we investigated the utility of the Chen and Thissen (1997, J. Educ. Behav. Stat., 22, 265) local dependence statistic X LD 2 for characterizing sources of misfit, an important aspect of model appraisal often overlooked in favour of overall statements. The X LD 2 statistic was found to be slightly conservative (with Type I error rates consistently below the nominal level) but still useful in pinpointing the sources of misfit. Patterns of local dependence arising due to specific model misspecifications are illustrated. Finally, we used the M2 and X LD 2 statistics to evaluate a diagnostic model fit to data from the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study, drawing upon analyses previously conducted by Lee et al., (2011, IJT, 11, 144).  相似文献   

Items that are clustered according to shared content may violate the principle of conditional independence commonly used in item response theory. This paper investigates the capabilities of a logistic item response model in relation to locally dependent item responses. The model includes main effect and interaction parameters that are computed as linear functions of the latent trait. The paper explains the interpretation of the parameters, the maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, the information matrix and some results concerning parameter identifiability. The problem of over-fitting the data is addressed in a simulation study, and two real data examples are described to illustrate the approach, one from the context of a sample survey and the other from ability testing using testlets.  相似文献   

Reliability of scores from psychological or educational assessments provides important information regarding the precision of measurement. The reliability of scores is however population dependent and may vary across groups. In item response theory, this population dependence can be attributed to differential item functioning or to differences in the latent distributions between groups and needs to be accounted for when estimating the reliability of scores for different groups. Here, we introduce group-specific and overall reliability coefficients for sum scores and maximum likelihood ability estimates defined by a multiple group item response theory model. We derive confidence intervals using asymptotic theory and evaluate the empirical properties of estimators and the confidence intervals in a simulation study. The results show that the estimators are largely unbiased and that the confidence intervals are accurate with moderately large sample sizes. We exemplify the approach with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in two groups defined by education level and give recommendations for applied work.  相似文献   

The Dutch Identity: A new tool for the study of item response models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dutch Identity is a useful way to reexpress the basic equations of item response models that relate the manifest probabilities to the item response functions (IRFs) and the latent trait distribution. The identity may be exploited in several ways. For example: (a) to suggest how item response models behave for large numbers of items—they are approximate submodels of second-order loglinear models for 2 J tables; (b) to suggest new ways to assess the dimensionality of the latent trait—principle components analysis of matrices composed of second-order interactions from loglinear models; (c) to give insight into the structure of latent class models; and (d) to illuminate the problem of identifying the IRFs and the latent trait distribution from sample data.This research was supported in part by contract number N00014-87-K-0730 from the Cognitive Science Program of the Office of Naval Research. I realized the usefulness of the identity in Theorem 1 while lecturing in the Netherlands during October, 1986. Because this was in no small part due to the stimulating psychometric atmosphere there, I call the result the Dutch Identity.  相似文献   

Applications of signal detection theory (SDT) often involve presentations of different items on each trial, such as slides in a medical imaging study or words in a memory study. If factors particular to the items themselves, apart from being a signal or noise, affect observers’ responses, then ‘item effects’ are present. One way to model these effects is to use a latent continuous variable as an item ‘factor’, such as item ‘difficulty’. Details of SDT models with item effects are clarified via derivations of their implied conditional means, variances, and covariances. Intra-item correlations are defined and suggested as measures of the magnitude of item effects. The SDT-item models are simple random coefficient models and can be fit with standard software. More general models, such as item models with mixing and/or with random observer effects, are also considered.  相似文献   

The semi‐parametric proportional hazards model with crossed random effects has two important characteristics: it avoids explicit specification of the response time distribution by using semi‐parametric models, and it captures heterogeneity that is due to subjects and items. The proposed model has a proportionality parameter for the speed of each test taker, for the time intensity of each item, and for subject or item characteristics of interest. It is shown how all these parameters can be estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (Gibbs sampling). The performance of the estimation procedure is assessed with simulations and the model is further illustrated with the analysis of response times from a visual recognition task.  相似文献   

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