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培训需求评价的研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王鹏  时勘 《心理科学进展》1998,16(4):36-385
本文对近年发展起来的培训需求评价的理论和方法进行了介绍和评述,强调了需求评价对培训整体设计和目标确定的特殊作用。对常用的评价工具和技术作了简单评述,并着重介绍了基于培训意图的评价方法,组织气氛、知识技能、个人特征评价等方面的研究新趋势和胜任特征分析方法的特殊意义。  相似文献   

中小学教师教学胜任特征模型的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分层对比专家、熟手及新手教师,利用验证性因素分析验证了先前提出的中小学教师工作胜任特征的结构.其中,任务导向模型包含4个一阶因子,即认知能力、教学监控力、职业动机、职业管理.关系导向模型包含1个二阶因子和4个一阶因子,即沟通合作、学生观、个人修养和个性特征.  相似文献   

基于胜任特征的结构化面试初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于胜任特征的结构化面试是对传统结构化面试的优化,有很高的信度和效度。本文从基于胜任特征的结构化面试的内涵、特点、程序以及实施过程中需要注意的问题几个方面进行了深入探讨,对于改善结构化面试的测评功能和深化胜任特征的应用有一定价值。  相似文献   

什么样的人具有资格担当心理健康服务人员, 这方面的研究属于心理健康服务人员胜任特征的问题。国外有关心理健康服务人员胜任特征的研究主要涉及: 核心胜任特征与特殊胜任特征、能力与胜任特征评估、胜任特征模型及其开发、心理健康服务不同具体领域的胜任特征研究, 这些研究对于改进心理健康服务人员的教育与培训、录用与管理有着重要指导作用。目前该领域研究的局限在于很少关注如何运用已确认的胜任特征去评价心理健康服务领域的学生以及从业人员。  相似文献   

基于胜任特征模型的人力资源开发   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
时勘 《心理科学进展》2006,14(4):586-595
基于胜任特征模型(CompetencyModel)的探索,建立新型的人力资源开发与管理体系,是上世纪70年代以来,组织行为学和人力资源管理理论研究的前沿课题之一。文章主要介绍作者及其领导的课题组自80年代以来,基于我国社会经济转型时期和文化背景的差异,在不同行业的胜任特征模型的建构、及其相关的领导行为研究方面的探索和发现。由于胜任特征模型也是人力资源开发和应用方面的热点问题,文章还介绍了胜任特征模型在国内人力资源开发、管理体系建设实践应用方面的进展。并对于未来开展本领域的理论研究和实践应用提出了建议  相似文献   

基于胜任特征的人才测评   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
该文总结了国内外有关胜任特征与测评方面的文献,阐述了胜任特征作为人才测评的标准的内涵,进而总结了胜任特征应用于人才测评的作用与意义,最后简要介绍了基于胜任特征的人才测评的技术方法。本文有助于胜任特征与人才测评课题的进一步研究,对于人才测评的实践具有很强的指导意义。  相似文献   

胜任特征模型理论在企业人力资源管理过程中应用越来越广泛。尤其是在人才招聘与选拔过程中的作用更为重要。本文以胜任特征模型为切入点,分析该模型的基本理论和特点、模型的构建过程以及在实际人才聘任与选拔过程中的应用,为企业人力资源管理者更好地实现人职匹配提供方法和依据,有助于企业人力资源得到合理配置,提高组织绩效,赢得竞争优势。  相似文献   

该研究通过关键事件访谈法和专家访谈法对14名心理学专业优秀导师以及博士生进行访谈,通过编码初步提取了心理学专业研究生的17项胜任特征。再根据上述胜任特征编制《心理学专业研究生胜任特征问卷》,并在全国范围内针对心理学专业导师、博士生以及硕士毕业生发放,最终建立心理学专业研究生的11项胜任特征模型。结果发现,心理学专业研究生的胜任特征模型包括:领悟能力、综合分析、坚持性、主动性、计划与组织、执行力、自我监控、道德与诚实、尽责性、团队合作和本领域的承诺。  相似文献   

为了探索团体心理咨询与治疗师的胜任力模型,本研究用行为事件访谈法对13位团体心理咨询与治疗师进行访谈,分析文献提取并整理成编码词表,并对访谈数据进行编码,统计各词条在访谈资料里的出现频次并排序。最终提炼出了团体心理咨询与治疗师的基准性胜任特征和鉴别性胜任特征,并整理得到了团体心理咨询与治疗师的胜任特征模型。研究表明,基准性胜任特征的存在表明团体心理咨询与治疗师具有共同的胜任特征,如专业知识、变化觉察、把握环境、判断力等;鉴别性胜任特征则反映了不同水平的团体心理咨询与治疗师在胜任特征上的差异,如专业知识、洞察力、观察力、分析性思维等。  相似文献   

高级营销经理胜任特征的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究采用胜任特征研究技术,对国内12个行业、20家企业的136名高级营销经理进行了研究,结果表明:1)我国高级营销经理胜任特征模型由成就导向、主动性、顾客服务导向、影响力、团队合作、团队领导、分析式思考、自信心、灵活性、组织承诺、关系建立等11项胜任特征组成。2)所建构的胜任特征模型对于我国的高级营销经理具有较好的通用性。3)《高级营销经理胜任特征调查问卷》与被试的工作业绩具有高相关,可预测其工作绩效,且具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

The Mission Essential Competency (MEC) approach to work and training needs analysis has been the focus of a multiyear research project of the United States Air Force. This article was written with the specific goal of reviewing the psychometric characteristics of the various measures that are used in this process. Using extensive survey data from different target populations, we show that the MEC measures are reliable and perform in a way that valid measures would be expected to perform, such as demonstrating appropriate expert/novice differences, expected relationships between general competencies and MECs, and reasonable relationships between job tenure and knowledge/skill.  相似文献   

Standards today position the research community on the eve of scientific breakthrough. Efficiency and warfighter competency are likely to improve greatly as a result of the feedback and research studies enabled by the use of common standards for defining competencies, assessing performance, and enabling technologies to collect data. Such standards make it possible to evaluate warfighter performance across sites and across time. Standards also make it possible to do rigorous comparisons in the lab, operational simulator settings, and even live exercises. The standardized methods and leveraging of common data will yield unprecedented scientific power and opportunity to rapidly transform training.  相似文献   

Bernard Frankel 《Group》2000,24(2-3):177-184
The decline of training programs using traditional methods in group psychotherapy training may correspond to a static growth in membership and certifications in the two recognized national group associations. In addition, the increasing distance of group therapy from family therapy, two modalities that utilize group principles, may further illustrate the isolation of group training from the reality of today's practice. New ideas are needed for training programs to combine the varieties of group practice and settings, and the various practitioners, with standards of competency. A three-tiered training model may serve as an example of a training model that moves in a much needed, new direction.  相似文献   

受到社会、组织及自身发展因素的影响, 美国临床心理学在不同时期存在着不同的培养模式。文章选取“科学家-实践者”模式、“实践者-学者”模式、“临床心理科学家”模式、“当下的临床科学家”模式及“循证实践者”模式等五种最具代表性的经典模式, 介绍了1949年以来美国临床心理学培养模式的特点及发展规律。认为“循证实践者”模式修正了前面四种培养模式的个体主义倾向, 将单个的“科学家-实践者”, 分化成“科学家”与“实践者”两个集团, 强调实践者遵循科学家提供的最佳证据, 考虑病人的特征、文化与价值观, 在管理者协调下开展实践。这种模式代表着当代临床心理学培养模式的发展方向。  相似文献   

内科专业型研究生主要来源是应届本科毕业生和住院医师,他们思维敏捷、思考活跃、独立思考能力强,但存在对专业知识储备相对较弱、临床基本技能差、科研能力薄弱等问题.按照专业研究生培养目标,我们要求研究生不但具有内科的基本技能和本专业的技能,而且具有团队合作、协同创新、医患沟通能力,同时还能结合临床实际,掌握临床科学研究的基本方法.因此,本文从专业研究生培养模式,探讨研究生培养的新途径,进一步提高研究生培养质量.  相似文献   

This article briefly discusses common themes concerning training transformation shared by articles in this special issue. Themes include: the continuing combat training center revolution, the interplay between theory and practice in military training programs, training as an engineering discipline, the role of training as a contributor to human performance in military operations, the use of training simulations to assess human performance, and data standards. The article emphasizes the need for researchers to better explain and articulate the value and return on investment of training in general and training transformation in particular. Meeting this need will better inform decisions and decision makers in allocating resources to training across the full range of defense requirements.  相似文献   

Directors from psychology internship programs across the United States were asked to participate in a survey regarding their sites’ provision of services to traumatized populations and didactic and supervisory training offered to interns. All totaled, 259 training directors completed the survey. Using a point system, an impact score of training saturation was determined based on the content and frequency of training offered in didactic, supervision, or combined formats. Of these, all reported at least one trauma training opportunity in either didactic or supervision format. More than half indicated that they offered at least 1 to 3 hours of didactics on trauma per week (62.2%) and slightly less offered supervision-specific training opportunities (54.5%). However, only 30.8% identified training opportunities in trauma/posttraumatic stress disorder that reached a high level of saturation in training, meaning they offered training activities above the median impact score. The most commonly reported barrier to offering trauma training was related to being busy meeting other specialty or program requirements. Findings provide a preliminary overview of current training practices that can be useful to students seeking trauma internship placements and administrators and faculty who are looking to revise their curriculum.  相似文献   

胜任特征模型评价的一致性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗正学  苗丹民  陈静  王伟 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1192-1194
本研究通过比较评价者内部和评价者之间对军事指挥院校学员胜任特征评价的一致性,探讨应用胜任特征模型进行评价时,其评价结果的一致性问题。结果表明:(1)应用胜任特征模型进行评价时,来自同一个评价源的评价者之间和来自不同评价源的评价者之间均具有较好的评价一致性;(2)同事评价者之间对胜任特征评价的一致性高于上级评价者之间评价的一致性;(3)评价者内部一致性越高,并不能改善评价者间的一致性;(4)胜任特征模型在不同的情景中应用时具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

对我院03级在校博士生和部分博士生导师的问卷调查显示,我院科研型生物医学博士培养目标明确并与学生毕业后期望去向基本一致.培养方式和培养质量尚存在一些问题,针对这些问题需要在培养方式上作些改进和调整,以优化培养模式,提高培养质量.  相似文献   

The scientist–practitioner (S–P) model of training has guided professional psychology in the United States for nearly six decades. However, since its inception, the model has been hotly debated and implementation of the model has been chronically problematic. One counseling psychologist who is working as both a faculty member and psychology training clinic director describes how scientific principles can be retained in a practice setting. He overviews the Boulder model of training, provides a brief review of the psychology training clinic (PTC), describes his current work setting and unique faculty appointment, and outlines five strategies for integrating science and practice in applied clinical settings. He also highlights how embracing the Boulder model has promoted a strong professional identity and presents the PTC as a model professional home for S–Ps.  相似文献   

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