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申继亮   《心理科学进展》1988,6(1):9-253
五十年代以前,行为主义和精神分析主义在西方心理学,特别在美国心理学中占压倒的优势,但五十年代后,情况发生了深刻的变化,这种变化的一个重要标志就是行为主义的衰落和认知心理学的兴起。认知心理学有广义和狭义之分。广义认知心理学包括结构主义心理学、心理主义和信息加工心理学。狭义认知心理学即指信息加工心理学。在认知心理学产生初期,认知心理学家们用信息加工研究取代了行为主义的刺激反应模式,并强调信息加工的过程,用简单  相似文献   

将研究人类大脑的神经科学与研究人类心智的精神分析相结合的设想,源于精神分析心理学的创始人弗洛伊德,精神分析理论中一直隐含和贯穿着一种神经学或神经生理学的模式.弗洛伊德提出的这个神经学模式包括神经元和能量或数量两个元素,其工作原理是神经元的惯性原理.  相似文献   

具身社会认知:认知心理学的生态学转向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
薛灿灿  叶浩生 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1230-1235
具身社会认知是具身认知同社会认知对话的产物,这种对话从三个维度展开,即具身自我认知、具身人际认知、具身群体认知。本研究不仅论证了具身认知的视角提高了传统社会认知心理学的生态效度,而且从进化心理学、镜像神经元视角对具身社会认知的现象进行了探析。具身社会认知作为一种研究思潮,面临着许多挑战:(1)具身社会认知是对行为主义研究范式的回归;(2)具(体)身(体)是社会认知过程的一种附带现象。  相似文献   

将研究人类大脑的神经科学与研究人类心智的精神分析相结合的设想,源于精神分析心理学的创始人弗洛伊德,精神分析理论中一直隐含和贯穿着一种神经学或神经生理学的模式。弗洛伊德提出的这个神经学模式包括神经元和能量或数量两个元素,其工作原理是神经元的惯性原理。  相似文献   

认知表象的神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知表象的神经机制丁峻(宁夏社会科学院)0引言在跨世纪的脑研究领域,形成了若干种很有活力的交叉学科,诸如认知心理学、分子神经科学、心理生物学、认知神经科学、计算神经科学等等。当代心理学家和神经科学家对于心理表象的宏观和微观探索,提供了一批卓有成效的科...  相似文献   

今天,西方的人本主义心理学越来越多地为人们认识。人本心理学主张研究对人有意义的问题,强调人的利益、价值和个人的尊严与自由。它作为一种思潮,冲击着传统的心理学。尽管心理学界对它的评价莫衷一是,是否自成一派也没有取得一致的意见,但作为一种新的势力,一种有异于行为主义,精神分析的第三力量,却为西方心理学界广泛承认。我国的大百科全书心理学卷、心理学史部分也基本采用这一观点。①而人本心理学者更是旗帜鲜明地阐述自己不同于传统的立场:行为主义仅仅从外显行为来研究  相似文献   

王小英  车文博 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1261-1264,1271
综述了精神分析在日本的传入与发展。包括:(1)精神传入日本的历史轨迹,如心理学、精神医学、文化学视角的传播;(2)精神分析在日本的发展,如精神分析疗法的推广,精神分析理论的运用;(3)日本对精神分析的评价。  相似文献   

回溯失语症等一系列研究材料,可以发现弗洛伊德的精神分析理论构建在当时的生物学发展基础之上.随着当代认知神经科学的发现,尤其是从记忆存贮、梦以及联合型学习等方面对压抑机制的解释,使得精神分析与神经科学的整合成为一种可能.但二者的整合还需要在更多方面做出评估,同时重视精神分析理论蕴含的独特思想.  相似文献   

心理学作为一门独立学科于1879年诞生于德国的莱比锡大学,此后,在德国、美国、英国、奥地利、瑞士等国家获得长足的进步,出现了行为主义学派、精神分析学派、人本主义学派、皮亚杰学派、认知主义心理学等心理学流派。这样,仅就心理学这一学科而言,西方心理学在其中占有举足轻重的地位,这是不言而喻的。于是,适时总结西方心理学的最新研究成果,一向就成为中国理论心理学和心理学史研究者们的重要研究任务之一。  相似文献   

王绍坤 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1716-1721
神经精神分析学是一门试图将神经科学与精神分析学结合起来的学科, 作为一个新兴的领域, 在其成立的短短10年中, 已取得了丰硕的研究成果。为精神分析学这拥有一百年历史的学科带来了新的生机。对精神分析的基石——压抑的研究是神经精神分析学的热点。神经科学家试图从不同角度证明精神分析中压抑这一过程确实是存在的, 而且还存在相应的神经基础, 但是, 目前神经精神分析学的研究还存在一些局限。  相似文献   

The present research examined trends in the prominence of 4 widely recognized schools in scientific psychology: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. The results, which replicated across 3 measures of prominence, showed the following trends: (a) psychoanalytic research has been virtually ignored by mainstream scientific psychology over the past several decades; (b) behavioral psychology has declined in prominence and gave way to the ascension of cognitive psychology during the 1970s; (c) cognitive psychology has sustained a steady upward trajectory and continues to be the most prominent school; and (d) neuroscience has seen only a modest increase in prominence in mainstream psychology, despite evidence for its conspicuous growth in general. The authors use these findings as a springboard for discussing different views of scientific prominence and conclude that psychologists should evaluate trends in the field empirically, not intuitively.  相似文献   

This article examines utopian elements in Wilhelm Reich's writings in his American phase (1939-1957) in order to illustrate utopian sources of dynamic psychology. Although there are scholars who have used the term "psychological utopia" and applied it to individual thinkers (Reich, Marcuse, Fromm) and to specific psychological disciplines (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology), the term itself has remained elusive and vague. Furthermore, there have been few attempts to systematically examine utopian elements in twentieth-century psychology in general and the basic assumptions of psychological utopianism in particular. While pointing out that Reich's orgonomic theories have no scientific merit, this article argues for the relevancy of his ideas for understanding the nature of utopianism in dynamic psychology.  相似文献   

包开亮  霍涌泉 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1272-1279
从认知神经科学面临的三个挑战--(1)神经科学是“还原” 的,不能完全解释一个人的心理活动过程;(2)认知神经科学无法真正解释人的心理与行为;(3)认知神经科学只能揭示出神经事件与认知活动或行为活动的相关性--入手来讨论其心理学理论价值,阐明认知神经科学在心理学研究中的重要地位及主流趋势。同时指出,认知神经科学只是心理学学科门类中的一种,它能解决的问题也只限于特定的范围,对它要有科学理性的认识和定位。  相似文献   

Research findings and review articles in the neurosciences relevant to AD/HD are surveyed. Summaries of results in the areas of attention and executive control, learning, and neural plasticity and memory suggest that, as hypothesized, AD/HD is an apt field for the interdigitation of psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology. Two case reports of adult AD/HD patients demonstrate the intricacy of the clinical picture.  相似文献   

Before he invented behaviorism, John B. Watson considered learning one of the most important topics in psychology. Watson conducted excellent empirical research on animal learning. He developed behaviorism in part to promote research and elevate the status of learning in psychology. Watson was much less successful in the adequacy and originality of the mechanisms he proposed to explain learning. By assimilating the method of classical conditioning and adopting Pavlov's theory of stimulus substitution, Watson linked behaviorism with a new method that could compete with both Titchener's method of introspection and Freud's methods of psychoanalysis. Watson's interest in explaining psychopathology led to the discovery of conditioned emotional responses and a behavioristic explanation for the learning of phobic behavior. Watson established learning as a central topic for basic research and application in American psychology.  相似文献   

This paper compares Wundtian and cognitive psychology with respect to immediate and mediate experience, non-functionalism, and the status of the experiment. It is pointed out that the perspective of immediate experience, which can also be found in early American functionalism, has disappeared in the wake of behaviorism. Next cognitive psychology, which to some extent represents a correction of behaviorism, is compared with Wundt's system. It is concluded that in spite of certain similarities the Wundtian and the cognitive perspective are irreconcilably opposed.  相似文献   

ProblemThere has been a recent upsurge of research interest in cognitive sport psychology or the scientific study of mental processes (e.g., mental imagery) in athletes. Despite this interest, an important question has been neglected. Specifically, is research on cognitive processes in athletes influential outside sport psychology, in the “parent” field of cognitive psychology or in the newer discipline of cognitive neuroscience?ObjectivesThe purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical significance of research on expertise, attention and mental imagery in athletes from the perspective of cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience.MethodFollowing analysis of recent paradigm shifts in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, a narrative review is provided of key studies on expertise, attention and mental imagery in athletes.Results and conclusionsThis paper shows that cognitive sport psychology has contributed significantly to theoretical understanding of certain mental processes studied in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. It also shows that neuroscientific research on motor imagery can benefit from increased collaboration with cognitive sport psychology. Overall, I conclude that the domain of sport offers cognitive researchers a rich and dynamic natural laboratory in which to study how the mind works.  相似文献   

A central tenet of psychoanalysis, and arguably of any comprehensive theory of mind, is the existence of a psychological unconscious. Years of clinical investigation into the nature of unconscious processes have facilitated the development of psychoanalysis as a clinical method. Empirical investigations of unconscious mental processes, however, have lagged behind clinical inquiry. With few exceptions, attempts to understand unconscious processes using rigorous experimental controls have remained sequestered in scientific domains other than psychoanalysis, where they have proliferated recently. In view of this recent upsurge of research on unconscious processes outside of psychoanalysis, efforts to integrate such knowledge into general theories of psychopathology and clinical investigation are critical. In this paper, an interdisciplinary approach is taken to the study of one aspect of unconscious mental functioning--what Freud originally termed signal anxiety. Signal anxiety is examined using information from cognitive psychology and learning theory, psychophysiology, behavioral neuroscience, and psychoanalytic theory. Though the original concept of signal anxiety is supported by recent research, it is concluded that signal anxiety is probably best thought of not as the affect of anxiety but as a subset of unconscious mental processes that have a signal function of anticipating danger. Such unconscious anticipatory processes are a general feature of the mind that includes responses to both real and imagined (neurotic) appraisals of a situation. The neurophysiological structures and processes associated with unconscious anticipation in humans are just beginning to be understood.  相似文献   

Cognitive science is a child of the 1950s, the product of a time when psychology, anthropology and linguistics were redefining themselves and computer science and neuroscience as disciplines were coming into existence. Psychology could not participate in the cognitive revolution until it had freed itself from behaviorism, thus restoring cognition to scientific respectability. By then, it was becoming clear in several disciplines that the solution to some of their problems depended crucially on solving problems traditionally allocated to other disciplines. Collaboration was called for: this is a personal account of how it came about.  相似文献   

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