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Visual analysis is the primary method for detecting the presence of treatment effects in graphically displayed single-case data and it is often referred to as the “gold standard.” Although researchers have developed standards for the application of visual analysis (e.g., Horner et al., 2005), over- and underestimation of effect size magnitude is not uncommon among analysts. Several characteristics have been identified as potential contributors to these errors; however, researchers have largely focused on characteristics of the data itself (e.g., autocorrelation), paying less attention to characteristics of the graphic display which are largely in control of the analyst (e.g., ordinate scaling). The current study investigated the impact that differences in ordinate scaling, a graphic display characteristic, had on experts' accuracy in judgments regarding the magnitude of effect present in single-case percentage data. 32 participants were asked to evaluate eight ABAB data sets (2 each presenting null, small, moderate, and large effects) along with three iterations of each (32 graphs in total) in which only the ordinate scale was manipulated. Results suggest that raters are less accurate in their detection of treatment effects as the ordinate scale is constricted. Additionally, raters were more likely to overestimate the size of a treatment effect when the ordinate scale was constricted.  相似文献   

Scales constructed from paired-comparison designs under Thurstone's Case V model are discussed in relation to those derived from similarity data by means of the Unilateral Law of Comparative Judgment [3]. Factors inherent in the triadic similarity task are then considered with respect to scale invariance across experimental designs. Illustrative data, although revealing the influence of these factors upon similarity response consistency, indicate the similarity scale to be somewhat robust to their biasing effects.This research was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH-04439-05.  相似文献   

Dual scaling is a set of related techniques for the analysis of a wide assortment of categorical data types including contingency tables and multiple-choice, rank order, and paired comparison data. When applied to a contingency table, dual scaling also goes by the name "correspondence analysis," and when applied to multiple-choice data in which there are more than 2 items, "optimal scaling" and "multiple correspondence analysis. " Our aim of this article was to explain in nontechnical terms what dual scaling offers to an analysis of contingency table and multiple-choice data.  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling has recently been enhanced so that data defined at only the nominal level of measurement can be analyzed. The efficacy of ALSCAL, an individual differences multidimensional scaling program which can analyze data defined at the nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio levels of measurement, is the subject of this paper. A Monte Carlo study is presented which indicates that (a) if we know the correct level of measurement then ALSCAL can be used to recover the metric information presumed to underlie the data; and that (b) if we do not know the correct level of measurement then ALSCAL can be used to determine the correct level and to recover the underlying metric structure. This study also indicates, however, that with nominal data ALSCAL is quite likely to obtain solutions which are not globally optimal, and that in these cases the recovery of metric structure is quite poor. A second study is presented which isolates the potential cause of these problems and forms the basis for a suggested modification of the ALSCAL algorithm which should reduce the frequency of locally optimal solutions.  相似文献   

Probabilistic multidimensional scaling: Complete and incomplete data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple procedures are described for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the location and uncertainty parameters of the Hefner model. This model is a probabilistic, multidimensional scaling model, which assigns a multivariate normal distribution to each stimulus point. It is shown that for such a model, standard nonmetric and metric algorithms are not appropriate. A procedure is also described for constructing incomplete data sets, by taking into consideration the degree of familiarity the subject has for each stimulus. Maximum likelihood estimates are developed both for complete and incomplete data sets. This research was supported by National Science Grant No. SOC76-20517. The first author would especially like to express his gratitude to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study for its very substantial help with this research.  相似文献   

Three methods for dual scaling of successive categories data are formulated. They are mathematically equivalent, and provide an appropriate technique to determine stimulus values and category boundaries on a joint scale, a problem that Nishisato's method (1980a) failed to handle. This study was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Grant No. A7942) to S. Nishisato. Comments on the earlier draft from anonymous reviewers were most helpful and much appreciated.  相似文献   

Statistical methods are presented to facilitate a more complete analysis of results obtained when a scaling model is applied to data from two or more groups. These methods can be used to (a) compare the corresponding estimated latent distributions obtained using the scaling model applied to the different groups, (b) compare the corresponding estimated item reliabilities (or item response error rates) for the different groups, and (c) test whether the scaling model applied to the several groups can be replaced by a more parsimonious scaling model that includes various homogeneity constraints (i.e., constraints that describe which parameters in the model are the same for the several groups). Various kinds of scaling models are considered here in the multiple-group context.Support for this research was provided in part by the National Science Foundation, to Clogg by Grant No. SES-7823759 and to Goodman by Grant No. SES-8303838. Clogg and Goodman were Fellows at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences when part of the research was done, with financial support provided in part by National Science Foundation grant BNS-8011494 to the Center. The authors are indebted to Mark P. Becker and James W. Shockey for helpful comments.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of scaling ordinal categorical data observed over two or more sets of categories measuring a single characteristic. Scaling is obtained by solving a constrained entropy model which finds the most probable values of the scales given the data. A Kullback-Leibler statistic is generated which operationalizes a measure for the strength of consistency among the sets of categories. A variety of data of two and three sets of categories are analyzed using the entropy approach.This research was partially supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant AFOSR 83-0234. The support by the Air Force through grant AFOSR-83-0234 is gratefully acknowledged. The comments of the editor and referees have been most helpful in improving the paper, and in bringing several additional references to our attention.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for multidimensional scaling analysis of sorting data and hierarchical-sorting data is tested by applying it to facial expressions of emotion. We construct maps in “facial expression space” for two sets of still photographs: the I-FEEL series (expressions displayed spontaneously by infants and young children), and a subset of the Lightfoot series (posed expressions, all from one actress). The analysis avoids potential artefacts by fitting a map directly to the subject's judgments, rather than transforming the data into a matrix of estimated dissimilarities as an intermediate step. The results for both stimulus sets display an improvement in the extent to which they agree with existing maps. Some points emerge about the limitations of sorting data and the need for caution when interpreting MDS configurations derived from them.  相似文献   

The proposed method handles the classical method of reciprocal averages (MRA) in a piecewise (item-by-item) mode, whereby one can deal with smaller matrices and attain faster convergence to a solution than the MRA. A new concept the principle of constant proportionality is introduced to provide an interesting interpretation for scaling multiple-choice data a la Guttman. A small example is presented for discussion of the technique.This study was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada Grant (No. A4581) to S. Nishisato. The authors are indebted to reviewers for valuable comments.  相似文献   

Netscal: A network scaling algorithm for nonsymmetric proximity data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple property of networks is used as the basis for a scaling algorithm that represents nonsymmetric proximities as network distances. The algorithm determines which vertices are directly connected by an arc and estimates the length of each arc. Network distance, defined as the minimum pathlength between vertices, is assumed to be a generalized power function of the data. The derived network structure, however, is invariant across monotonic transformations of the data. A Monte Carlo simulation and applications to eight sets of proximity data support the practical utility of the algorithm.I am grateful to Roger Shepard and Amos Tversky for their helpful comments and guidance throughout this project. The work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BNS-75-02806 to Roger Shepard and a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to the author. Parts of this paper were drawn from a doctoral dissertation submitted to Stanford University (Hutchinson, 1981).  相似文献   

This paper develops a method of optimal scaling for multivariate ordinal data, in the framework of a generalized principal component analysis. This method yields a multidimensional configuration of items, a unidimensional scale of category weights for each item and, optionally, a multidimensional configuration of subjects. The computation is performed by alternately solving an eigenvalue problem and executing a quasi-Newton projection method. The algorithm is extended for analysis of data with mixed measurement levels or for analysis with a combined weighting of items. Numerical examples and simulations are provided. The algorithm is discussed and compared with some related methods.Earlier results of this research appeared in Saito and Otsu (1983). The authors would like to acknowledge the helpful comments and encouragement of the editor.  相似文献   

A reparameterization of a latent class model is presented to simultaneously classify and scale nominal and ordered categorical choice data. Latent class-specific probabilities are constrained to be equal to the preference probabilities from a probabilistic ideal-point or vector model that yields a graphical, multidimensional representation of the classification results. In addition, background variables can be incorporated as an aid to interpreting the latent class-specific response probabilities. The analyses of synthetic and real data sets illustrate the proposed method.The authors thank Yosiho Takane, the editor and referees for their valuable suggestions. Authors are listed in reverse alphabetical order.  相似文献   

The many degrees of freedom of the hand and arm afford the wide range and rich adaptability of human grip configurations in action. Several classification schemes of human grip configurations have been proposed, but none is based on scaling laws of physical biology, which are well established for other categorizations of fundamental physical activities such as locomotion. This study examined the preferred human grip configurations used to displace to a new location cubes that varied systematically in length (L), mass (M), and density (ML-3). The body-scaled equation K = log L + (log M)/h (where h refers to anthropometric measures of the hand) predicted the grip configurations used to displace objects. The findings suggest that information about the dynamic scaling relation is picked up visually and organizes the many degrees of freedom of the hand-arm complex in the coordination of prehensile grip configurations.  相似文献   

Variance analyses are presented for two data layouts—each corresponding to the class of all ordered pairs from a single finite set. The analysis of the dominance layout is in terms of a fixed effects linear model which includes parameters representing the scale values of the elements of the set, response bias, and pairwise interactions. A parallel parametrization is carried out for the composition layout for which corresponding point estimates and hypothesis tests are given. A joint treatment of concurrently observed dominance and composition layouts is suggested and illustrative data are presented.This research was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant MH-04439-06. The author would like to express his appreciation to Richard Beatty of the University of Toronto, James Baker and William Carroll of Oregon Research Institute, and J. E. Keith Smith of the University of Michigan, for their helpful comments concerning aspects of this work. Computing assistance was obtained from the Health Sciences Computing Facility, UCLA, sponsored by NIH Grant FR-3.  相似文献   

A method is discussed which extends principal components analysis to the situation where the variables may be measured at a variety of scale levels (nominal, ordinal or interval), and where they may be either continuous or discrete. There are no restrictions on the mix of measurement characteristics and there may be any pattern of missing observations. The method scales the observations on each variable within the restrictions imposed by the variable's measurement characteristics, so that the deviation from the principal components model for a specified number of components is minimized in the least squares sense. An alternating least squares algorithm is discussed. An illustrative example is given.Copies of this paper and of the associated PRINCIPALS program may be obtained by writing to Forrest W. Young, Psychometric Laboratory, Davie Hall 013-A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.  相似文献   

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