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The goals for this investigation were to assess individuals' expectations for social support from genetic counselors, and to explore how these expectations influence perceptions of genetic counselor effectiveness. Two studies were conducted to address these goals. Results from the first study show that individuals most frequently expect genetic counselors to provide options and support following the disclosure of distressing test results, while data from the second study demonstrate that expectations play a significant role in individuals' assessment of genetic counselor effectiveness. These findings shed light on what individuals expect from genetic counselors following the disclosure of medically positive test results and inform how these expectations influence the success of genetic counseling sessions.  相似文献   

The structure of this discussion will be tripartite. First it will set out a way of distinguishing between rhetoric and strictly rational argumentation. Next it will consider some of the ramifications of this proposed way of looking at the matter – in particular what its implications are for rationality and for rhetoric, respectively. Finally it examines how this perspective bears on the project of philosophizing. The paper's ultimate aim, accordingly, is to consider what light such an analysis can shed upon philosophy and philosophizing.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence that the objectification of women by other women can be attenuated by drawing attention to their competence. Primarily European American female undergraduate participants (N?=?154) from the Midwestern part of the United States rated photographs of college-aged female models dressed provocatively a) standing against a plain background (control condition), b) showing athletic competence (standing near a swimming pool holding a trophy), and c) showing academic competence (solving a math problem on a whiteboard). Results showed that compared to the control condition, the models showing competence were rated lower on objectification variables and higher on capability variables regardless of their provocative manner of dress.  相似文献   

本研究以北京市2921名中小学生及其家长为调查对象,考察了家长教育期望对其子女学业倦怠的影响,以及家长投入的中介作用和家庭功能的调节作用。结果发现:(1)在控制年级、性别后,家长教育期望依然负向预测子女的学业倦怠;(2)家长投入在家长教育期望与学业倦怠之间起部分中介作用,即教育期望能够通过提升家长投入,进而降低子女的学业倦怠水平;(3)家庭功能在家长投入与学业倦怠的关系中起到调节作用,只有家庭功能良好时,家长投入才能显著降低子女的学业倦怠水平。这一结果对于家长如何科学有效地促进子女的学业发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

合成生物学以创造新型生物为目标,这一领域的飞速发展在给人类带来巨大福祉的同时,也陆续引发众多伦理问题。利用VOSviewer等科学计量工具对国内外合成生物学伦理领域2000年~2019年近20年的相关研究文献进行量化分析,通过对时间分布、地域分布、关键词共现、研究方向等数据的系统分析,进一步对国内外学者、专家的应用研究成果与伦理思考进行总结概括,并对合成生物学伦理问题的研究趋势提出展望,以图廓清国内外合成生物学伦理问题研究的发展态势。  相似文献   

The present study examines the congruence of individuals' minimum preferred amounts of voice with the prospect theory value function across nine countries. Accounting for previously ignored minimum preferred amounts of voice and actual voice amounts integral to testing the steepness of gain and loss functions explicated in prospect theory, we use curve fitting to show that ratings of procedural justice fit prospect theory's value function specifically. Further, we investigate the form of this function across nine countries that range in power distance. Results suggest that the form of the value function is congruent with prospect theory, showing an S‐shaped curve that is steeper in the loss than in the gain domain. Further, this pattern is similar across countries. Theoretical and practical implications of these results for both decision making and organizational justice are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Women have always been under-represented in United States’ law enforcement relative to the population, but women are successful law enforcement officers who bring important skills to the field. Thus, understanding work experiences and the barriers female law enforcement officers face is critical in retaining and promoting women in the field. However, law enforcement is also a masculine, male-dominated occupation causing even greater occupational stress to women through discrimination, exclusion, and harassment (Kakar 2002). The goal of this study was to analyze the relationships among gender role orientations (masculinity and femininity), sexual orientation, and mentoring for female sworn federal law enforcement officers throughout the United States. It was hypothesized that (1) masculine female officers would receive more mentoring, (2) low femininity would enhance masculinity’s effect, (3) sexual minorities would receive less mentoring, negating the beneficial effects of masculinity when the interaction is taken into account, and last, (4) the 3-way interaction between masculinity, femininity, and sexual orientation would uniquely impact mentoring. In the current sample, masculinity was found to positively relate to career mentoring and role modeling whereas sexual orientation was negatively related to career mentoring. The three-way interaction between masculinity, femininity, and sexual orientation also significantly related to career mentoring and role modeling; implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the way in which discourse and argumentation may vary depending on participants educational level and gender. Men and women from three different educational levels (literacy, advanced level and university students) participated in discussion groups that debated about women and work, the sharing of housework and the way in which girls and boys are educated. The results showed important differences depending on participants educational level and gender. In general, the main differences were related to educational level, while gender tended to interact with educational level, as a moderating factor.  相似文献   

Simoni  Jane M.  Walters  Karina L.  Nero  Dawn K. 《Sex roles》2000,42(7-8):691-708
Among 230 HIV+ women in New York City, 105 had been heterosexually active in the last 90 days and 54% of these reported unsafe sex. Contrary to our hypotheses based on relational theory, respondents with steady partners were more likely to have unprotected sex than nonpartnered women. However, among respondents with steady partners, the degree of commitment to the relationship was positively associated with condom use. The only other correlate of unprotected sex was current drug use. Almost all steady partners were aware of the woman's HIV status, and, contrary to our hypothesis, respondents were not more likely to have protected sex with HIV– than HIV+ steady partners. The discussion considers self-in-relation theory, culture, power, and contextualistic behaviorism.  相似文献   

Forbes  Gordon B.  Adams-Curtis  Leah E.  Rade  Brooke  Jaberg  Peter 《Sex roles》2001,44(7-8):461-484
Body dissatisfaction was studied in 589 predominately middle class, European American, college students, classified as masculine-typed, feminine-typed, androgynous, or undifferentiated using the Personal Attributes Questionnaire. Body dissatisfaction was defined as the discrepancy between a drawing selected as describing the individual's body and their selection of drawings representing: (1) their ideal body; (2) the body they believed members of their sex preferred; and (3) the body they believed members of the opposite sex preferred. Two separate studies found that women classified as feminine-typed or undifferentiated were more dissatisfied with their bodies than were women classified as masculine-typed or androgynous. Similar results were found for men. Both studies also found that women, regardless of gender-type, had thin ideals and greatly overestimated male preferences for slender female bodies. The theoretical implications of these results for gender schema theory and two other theories of gender typing were discussed. It was concluded that it is unnecessary to appeal to complex theories of gender-mediated socialization in order to explain differences in body dissatisfaction in women or men. Instead, these differences are most parsimoniously understood as the consequences of differences in global self-esteem.  相似文献   

Aging is characterized both by developmental maturity, as well as beliefs and ideas about growing older. This study examines relationships between successful aging, as defined by Rowe and Kahn (Science 237(4811):143–149, 1987), and two aspects of personality that are particularly salient in late midlife—generativity and concerns about aging—in three samples of college-educated women in their early sixties. Relationships between generativity and successful aging and concerns about aging and successful aging are assessed cross-sectionally and over time using multiple linear modeling. Concerns about aging and generativity are associated within time with successful aging; in addition, increased concerns about aging are associated with decreased successful aging, while increased generativity is associated with increased successful aging over time. Our findings highlight the value of examining changes in adult personality developmental preoccupations as a potential contributor to successful aging.  相似文献   

Self-objectification, which is the internalization of an observer’s perspective of the self, has been related to restrained and disordered eating patterns and depression. Because disordered eating and depression are known co-factors for smoking, we tested the possible involvement of trait self-objectification in the relationship between these mental health dimensions and smoking in a sample of 130 college women smokers and non-smokers. As hypothesized, we found that trait self-objectification mediated the relationship between smoking status and dieting and disordered eating behaviors. There were no significant differences in depression between smokers and non-smokers, which limited further exploration of the relationship. Implications for trait self-objectification as relevant to women’s weight-control smoking and the relevance of self-objectification to other health behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

Questionnaires on eight role-conflict categories (time management, relations with husband, household management, financial, child care, expectations for self, expectations of others, and guilt) were administered to 518 women. A role-conflict hierarchy was established, those areas centering around the woman's view of herself being the most stressful. Level of occupational status was found to be a significant variable in six of the categories. Professional women and housewives tended to give similar responses and to demonstrate the least amount of role conflict. Implications of this study for counselors were discussed.  相似文献   

E-mental health technologies are rapidly expanding the reach of psychological interventions around the globe. There is a growing evidence base supporting the potential benefits of these new technologies for psychological and behavioural health. Most of this evidence to date has focused on evaluating the feasibility and outcomes from such interventions, whilst limited research has begun to explore the change processes associated with their impact. In traditional psychological therapies the quality of common factors, including the therapeutic relationship, are widely held to be important for engagement and outcomes. E-mental health interventions present a challenge to the importance of these factors, as therapeutic interactions are typically remote, limited, or even absent in the case of fully automated e-mental health programmes. This paper explores the role of the therapeutic relationship in e-mental health. Where measured, it appears that the relationship is fairly robust to distance and limited contact, but may be less intimately associated with therapy outcomes than in traditional therapies. Where the intervention comprises little or no therapeutic contact, we explore how some of the variance in engagement and outcomes may still be accounted for by common and relational factors offered through a supportive frame or embedded within the technologies themselves. Implications for theory, research and practice are presented.  相似文献   

Allen  Myria W.  Reid  Margaret  Riemenschneider  Cynthia 《Sex roles》2004,50(3-4):177-189
Focus group discussions with 39 women in Information Technology positions in a large company were used to identify the barriers they faced, when group laughter occurred, and which theoretical perspective best explained the group laughter. The barriers mentioned included family responsibilities, politics, stress, discrimination, and the problematic attitudes of upper management, supervisors, and coworkers. Laughter occurred when respondents discussed external clients, internal politics, discrimination, respect, promotions, family responsibilities, gender differences, and when derogatory comments were made or reported. Superiority and incongruity theories were supported.  相似文献   

鉴于合成生物学发展的不确定性及其对人类社会带来的制度、伦理等方面的挑战,提出有效的治理框架至关重要。虽然各国在合成生物学研究领域的地位和预期可能对治理共识的形成造成巨大影响,但通过多主体协作治理,不断推进监管制度改革来应对包括合成生物学等新兴技术的发展问题,即适应性治理,已是国际共识。公共管理的TAPIC框架有助于对合成生物学等新兴领域治理的理解。分析结果表明,各国不同的治理制度、科技发展水平和愿景对其治理影响深刻,必须加强问责制,参与性和完整性因素,以提高各国对新兴技术发展的治理水平。  相似文献   

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