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Recently, we derived a generalized model for isotropic as well as anisotropic crystal lattice systems of arbitrary Poisson's ratio within the framework of the continuum phase-field crystal (PFC) approach [R. Prieler, J. Hubert, D. Li, B. Verleye, R. Haberkern, H. Emmerich, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 (2009) p.464110] and showed how its parameters can be derived from classical density functional theory [M.A. Choudhary, D. Li, H. Emmerich and H. Löwen, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) p.265005]. Here, we present a general procedure to model anisotropic material systems of arbitrary Poisson's ratios. In that way we can for the first time identify PFC solutions of arbitrary Poisson's ratios and thereby extend the applicability of the PFC method to a larger class of material systems.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex is widely believed to play an important role in facilitating people's ability to switch performance between different tasks. We present a biologically‐based computational model of prefrontal cortex (PFC) that explains its role in task switching in terms of the greater flexibility conferred by activation‐based working memory representations in PFC, as compared with more slowly adapting weight‐based memory mechanisms. Specifically we show that PFC representations can be rapidly updated when a task switches via a dynamic gating mechanism based on a temporal‐differences reward‐prediction learning mechanism. Unlike prior models of this type, the present model develops all of its internal representations via learning mechanisms as shaped by the demands of continuous periodic task switching. This advance opens up a new domain of research into the interactions between working memory task demands and the representations that develop to meet them. Results on a version of the Wisconsin card sorting task are presented for the full model and a number of comparison networks that test the importance of various model features. Furthermore, we show that a lesioned model produces perseverative errors like those seen in frontal patients.  相似文献   

From both functional and biological considerations, it is widely believed that action production, planning, and goal-oriented behaviors supported by the frontal cortex are organized hierarchically [Fuster (1991); Koechlin, E., Ody, C., & Kouneiher, F. (2003). Neuroscience: The architecture of cognitive control in the human prefrontal cortex. Science, 424, 1181-1184; Miller, G. A., Galanter, E., & Pribram, K. H. (1960). Plans and the structure of behavior. New York: Holt]. However, the nature of the different levels of the hierarchy remains unclear, and little attention has been paid to the origins of such a hierarchy. We address these issues through biologically-inspired computational models that develop representations through reinforcement learning. We explore several different factors in these models that might plausibly give rise to a hierarchical organization of representations within the PFC, including an initial connectivity hierarchy within PFC, a hierarchical set of connections between PFC and subcortical structures controlling it, and differential synaptic plasticity schedules. Simulation results indicate that architectural constraints contribute to the segregation of different types of representations, and that this segregation facilitates learning. These findings are consistent with the idea that there is a functional hierarchy in PFC, as captured in our earlier computational models of PFC function and a growing body of empirical data.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive optimal designs for the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extended version of the (generalized) negative binomial counts model incorporating several binary predictors for the difficulty parameter. To efficiently estimate the regression coefficients of the predictors, locally D-optimal designs are developed. After an introduction to the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extension, we will specify these models as particular generalized linear models. Based on this embedding, optimal designs for both models including several binary explanatory variables will be presented. Therefore, we will derive conditions on the effect sizes for certain designs to be locally D-optimal. Finally, it is pointed out that the results derived for the Rasch Poisson models can be applied for more general Poisson regression models which should receive more attention in future psychological research.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a convergence in lesion and neuroimaging data in the identification of circuits underlying positive and negative emotion in the human brain. Emphasis is placed on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the amygdala as two key components of this circuitry. Emotion guides action and organizes behavior towards salient goals. To accomplish this, it is essential that the organism have a means of representing affect in the absence of immediate elicitors. It is proposed that the PFC plays a crucial role in affective working memory. The ventromedial sector of the PFC is most directly involved in the representation of elementary positive and negative emotional states while the dorsolateral PFC may be involved in the representation of the goal states towards which these elementary positive and negative states are directed. The amygdala has been consistently identified as playing a crucial role in both the perception of emotional cues and the production of emotional responses, with some evidence suggesting that it is particularly involved with fear-related negative affect. Individual differences in amygdala activation are implicated in dispositional affective styles and increased reactivity to negative incentives. The ventral striatum, anterior cingulate and insular cortex also provide unique contributions to emotional processing.  相似文献   

Conjunctive item response models are introduced such that (a) sufficient statistics for latent traits are not necessarily additive in item scores; (b) items are not necessarily locally independent; and (c) existing compensatory (additive) item response models including the binomial, Rasch, logistic, and general locally independent model are special cases. Simple estimates and hypothesis tests for conjunctive models are introduced and evaluated as well. Conjunctive models are also identified with cognitive models that assume the existence of several individually necessary component processes for a global ability. It is concluded that conjunctive models and methods may show promise for constructing improved tests and uncovering conjunctive cognitive structure. It is also concluded that conjunctive item response theory may help to clarify the relationships between local dependence, multidimensionality, and item response function form.I appreciate the many helpful suggestions that were given by the reviewers and Ivo Molenaar.  相似文献   

While it is acknowledged that species specific differences are an implicit condition of comparative studies, rodent models of prefrontal function serve a significant role in the acquisition of converging evidence on prefrontal function across levels of analysis and research techniques. The purpose of the present review is to examine whether the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in rats supports a variety of processes associated with executive function including working memory, temporal processing, planning (prospective coding), flexibility, rule learning, and decision making. Therefore, in this review we examined changes associated with working memory processes for spatial locations, visual objects, odors, tastes, and response domains or attributes, temporal processes including temporal order, sequence learning, prospective coding, behavioral flexibility associated with reversal learning and set shifting, paired associate learning, and decision making based on effort, time discounting, and uncertainty following damage to the PFC in rats. In addition, potential parallel processes of executive function in monkeys and humans based on several theories of subregional differentiation within the PFC will be presented. Specifically, theories based on domain or attribute specificity (Goldman-Rakic, 1996), level of processing (Petrides, 1996), rule learning based on complexity (Wise, Murray, & Gerfen, 1996), executive functions based on connectivity with other brain regions associated with top-down control (Miller & Cohen, 2001), are presented and applied to PFC function in rats with the aim of understanding subregional specificity in the rat PFC. The data suggest that there is subregional specificity within the PFC of rats, monkey and humans and there are parallel cognitive functions of the different subregions of the PFC in rats, monkeys and humans.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is known to play an important role not only in the regulation of emotion, but in the integration of affective states with appropriate modulation of autonomic and neuroendocrine stress regulatory systems. The present review highlights findings in the rat which helps to elucidate the complex nature of prefrontal involvement in emotion and stress regulation. The medial PFC is particularly important in this regard and while dorsomedial regions appear to play a suppressive role in such regulation, the ventromedial (particularly infralimbic) region appears to activate behavioral, neuroendocrine and sympathetic autonomic systems in response to stressful situations. This may be especially true of spontaneous stress-related behavior or physiological responses to relatively acute stressors. The role of the medial PFC is somewhat more complex in conditions involving learned adjustments to stressful situations, such as the extinction of conditioned fear responses, but it is clear that the medial PFC is important in incorporating stressful experience for future adaptive behavior. It is also suggested that mesocortical dopamine plays an important adaptive role in this region by preventing excessive behavioral and physiological stress reactivity. The rat brain shows substantial hemispheric specialization in many respects, and while the right PFC is normally dominant in the activation of stress-related systems, the left may play a role in countering this activation through processes of interhemispheric inhibition. This proposed basic template for the lateralization of stress regulatory systems is suggested to be associated with efficient stress and emotional self-regulation, and also to be shaped by both early postnatal experience and gender differences.  相似文献   

Cognitive theories of how people regulate their thoughts have suggested the involvement of two control processes that occur over different time courses. These cognitive accounts parallel recent neural models of executive control, which suggest that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) mediates sustained changes in the allocation of control processes, whereas the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) relays a transient need for additional control. Combining these cognitive and neural models of control, we used recently developed analysis techniques to distinguish transient from sustained changes in brain activation while subjects attempted to suppress an unwanted thought. Results were consistent with both models: Dorsolateral PFC demonstrated sustained increases in activation during attempts at thought suppression, whereas bilateral ACC demonstrated transient increases associated with occurrences of unwanted thoughts. These data support proposals regarding the different contributions made by the PFC and ACC to executive control and provide initial neuroimaging support for dual-process models of how individuals regulate their thoughts.  相似文献   

Sales research to date has focused on coping styles as measured by problem-focused coping (PFC) and emotion-focused coping (EFC), but it has excluded time management perceptions and behaviors as ways of coping with stress (Srivastava and Sager 1999; Strutton and Lumpkin 1993). This study examines a coping model that integrates EFC, PFC, and time management behaviors in the rubric of a profile. The profile allows for practice of several coping behaviors simultaneously. Using data gained from salespeople, four tentative coping strategy profiles are developed and examined relative to personal characteristics and job outcomes. Study results suggest that salespeople who are able to better handle stress use time management behaviors more often in addition to using high levels of PFC and low levels of EFC.  相似文献   

There are several views about the organization of memory functions in the human prefrontal cortex. One view assumes a process-specific brain lateralization according to different memory subprocesses, that is, encoding and retrieval. An alternative view emphasizes content-specific lateralization of brain systems involved in memory processes. This study addresses this apparent inconsistency between process- and content-specific lateralization of brain activity by investigating the effects of verbal and nonverbal encoding on prefrontal activations during encoding and retrieval of environmental novel sounds using fMRI. An intentional memory task was applied in which subjects were required either to judge the sounds' loudness (nonverbal encoding task) or to indicate whether or not a sound can be verbally described (verbal encoding task). Retrieval processes were examined in a subsequent yes/no recognition test. In the study phase the right posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) was activated in both tasks. During verbal encoding additional activation of the left dorsolateral PFC was obtained. Retrieval-related fMRI activity varied as a function of encoding task: For the nonverbal task we detected an activation focus in the right posterior dorsolateral PFC whereas an activation in the left dorsolateral PFC was observed for the verbal task. These findings indicate that the right dorsolateral PFC is engaged in encoding of auditory information irrespective of encoding task. The lateralization of PFC activity during retrieval was shown to depend on the availability of verbal codes, with left hemispheric involvement for verbally and right hemispheric activation for nonverbally coded information.  相似文献   

Experimental studies in nonhuman primates and functional imaging studies in humans have underlined the critical role played by the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in working memory. However, the precise organization of the frontal lobes with respect to the different types of information operated upon is a point of controversy, and several models of functional organizations have been proposed. One model, developed by Goldman-Rakic and colleagues, postulates a modular organization of working memory based on the type of information processing (the domain specificity hypothesis). Evidence to date has focused on the encoding of the locations of visual objects by the dorsolateral PFC, whereas the ventrolateral PFC is suggested to be involved in processing the features and identity of objects. In this model, domain should refer to any sensory modality that registers information relevant to that domain—for example, there would be visual and auditory input to a spatial information processing region and a feature analysis system. In support of this model, recent studies have described pathways from the posterior and anterior auditory association cortex that target dorsolateral spatial-processing regions and ventrolateral object-processing regions, respectively. In addition, physiological recordings from the ventrolateral PFC indicate that some cells in this region are responsive to the features of complex sounds. Finally, recordings in adjacent ventrolateral prefrontal regions have shown that the features of somatosensory stimuli can be discriminated and encoded by ventrolateral prefrontal neurons. These discoveries argue that two domains, differing with respect to the type of information being processed, and not with respect to the sensory modality of the information, are specifically localized to discrete regions of the PFC and embody the domain specificity hypothesis, first proposed by Patricia Goldman-Rakic.  相似文献   

The return to drug seeking, even after prolonged periods of abstinence, is a defining feature of cocaine addiction. The neural circuitry underlying relapse has been identified in neuropharmacological studies of experimental animals, typically rats, and supported in brain imaging studies of human addicts. Although the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), which has long been implicated in goal-directed behavior, plays a critical role in this circuit, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) appears to process the events that directly trigger relapse: exposure to acute stress, cues previously associated with the drug, and the drug itself. In this paper, we review animal models of relapse and what they have revealed about the mechanisms underlying the involvement of the NAcc and PFC in cocaine-seeking behavior. We also present electrophysiological data from PFC illustrating how the hedonic, motor, motivational, and reinforcing effects of cocaine can be analyzed at the neuronal level. Our preliminary findings suggest a role for PFC in processing information related to cocaine seeking but not the hedonic effects of the drug. Further use of this recording technology can help dissect the functions of PFC and other components of the neural circuitry underlying relapse.  相似文献   

PurposeThis large-scale, exploratory study sought to examine the associations between motor skill proficiency (MSP), perceived self-competence (PC), physical fitness (PF), and self-reported physical activity (PA) to assess the assumption that relationships among these variables found in childhood and adolescence persist into young-adulthood. Specifically, predictors of PF and PA were assessed. Additionally, the contributions body mass index (BMI) and gender made to these relationships, as well as that of process- versus product-oriented motor skills data, were studied. Finally, how these relationships differed by gender was explored.MethodsParticipants’ (n = 448) MSP was assessed using select measures from the TGMD-2 and the BOT-2, while PF was evaluated using the FitnessGram. Participants also completed surveys to assess PC (SPPCS), PA (past-week MAQ), and demographic information. Height and weight were collected to calculate BMI.ResultsModels predicting physical fitness had good fit to the observed data, with perceived athletic competence, locomotor skill, upper-limb coordination, BMI, and gender accounting for about 75% (R2 = 0.748) of aerobic PF variance and about 48% (R2 = 0.476) of variance in push-up performances. About 18% (R2 = 0.178) of variance in curl-up performances was predicted by perceived athletic competence, locomotor skill, upper-limb coordination, and PA. The PA model demonstrated weaker predictive power, with only about 10% (R2 = 0.097) of variance explained. When considering male and female models separately, female models demonstrated better fit when predicting all PF and PA outcome variables. BMI and gender operated as significant predictors to differing degrees across the various models.ConclusionsThere is compelling evidence to believe relationships found among MSP, PC, PF, and PA in childhood and adolescence also exist in early adulthood. However, differences in the roles of gender and physical fitness versus physical activity are likely to exist.  相似文献   

We aimed to elicit emotion in patients with surgically circumscribed lesions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in order to elucidate the precise functional roles in emotion processing of the discrete subregions comprising the ventromedial PFC, including the medial PFC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Three components of emotional reactivity were measured: subjective experience, behaviour, and physiological response. These included measures of self‐reported emotion, observer‐rated facial expression of emotion and measurements of heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) during film viewing, and a measure of subjective emotional change since surgery. Patients with lesions to the ventromedial PFC demonstrated significant differences compared with controls in HRV during the film clips, suggesting a shift to greater dominance of sympathetic input. In contrast, patients with lesions restricted to the OFC showed significant differences in HRV suggesting reduced sympathetic input. They also showed less facial expression of emotion during positive film clips, and reported more subjective emotional change since surgery compared with controls. This human lesion study is important for refining theoretical models of emotion processing by the ventromedial PFC, which until now have primarily been based on anatomical connectivity, animal lesion, and human functional neuroimaging research. Such theories have implications for the treatment of a wide variety of emotional disorders.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) utilizes working memory to guide behavior and to release the organism from dependence on environmental cues and is commonly disrupted in neuropsychiatric disorders, normal aging, or exposure to uncontrollable stress. This review posits that the PFC is very sensitive to changes in the neuromodulatory inputs it receives from norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) systems and that this sensitivity can lead to marked changes in the working-memory functions of the PFC. While NE and DA have important beneficial influences on processing in this area, very high levels of catecholamine release, for example, during exposure to uncontrollable stress, disrupt the cognitive functions of the PFC. This fresh understanding of the neurochemical influences on PFC function has led to new treatments for cognitive disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and may help to elucidate the prevalence of PFC dysfunction in other mental disorders.  相似文献   

The brain circuitry underlying emotion includes several territories of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the amygdala, hippocampus, anterior cingulate, and related structures. In general, the PFC represents emotion in the absence of immediately present incentives and thus plays a crucial role in the anticipation of the future affective consequences of action, as well as in the persistence of emotion following the offset of an elicitor. The functions of the other structures in this circuit are also considered. Individual differences in this circuitry are reviewed, with an emphasis on asymmetries within the PFC and activation of the amygdala as 2 key components of affective style. These individual differences are related to both behavioral and biological variables associated with affective style and emotion regulation. Plasticity in this circuitry and its implications for transforming emotion and cultivating positive affect and resilience are considered.  相似文献   

Access to behavior-analytic professionals who can implement interventions like discrete-trial instruction (DTI) may be limited for families living in rural communities. We trained four rural parents of children with autism to implement DTI accurately with a confederate using in vivo behavioral skills training. The DTI skills that parents demonstrated with a confederate generalized to working with their children. We then assessed whether periodic supervision during videoconferencing maintained parents’ DTI skills following training. Parents accurately implemented untrained DTI programs with their children and maintained accurate implementation over several months of remote supervision occurring twice a week, weekly, and biweekly. Videoconferencing may be an effective way for individuals responsible for direct implementation to maintain contact with behavior analysts who are not locally accessible.  相似文献   

The long-standing question of individual differences’ impact in influence research was addressed by examining the possibility that an individual’s level of Preference for Consistency (PFC) may account for some of the variability. Consistent with predictions, high and low PFC individuals did not differ in susceptibility to influence attempts when they did not hold an initial position on an issue. However, when an initial position was stated, high PFC individuals altered their position (from initial to final) significantly more than low PFC individuals, indicating that PFC may moderate the effects of influence. Discussion focuses on the salience of commitments made by participants as explanations for the pattern of results, and the implications of PFC for psychological research.  相似文献   

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