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Analysis of the available data and that of the author disclosed the peculiarities of motor reaction when used as a conditioned stimulus. The author’s data showed that if signal value is attributed to a motor reaction (passive movement or movement evoked by the direct stimulation of the motor cortex), the changes of excitability in the motor cortex representation of the dog’s leg depend on the biological sign of the reinforcing stimulus during classic conditioning. They also remained the same during instrumental conditioning and were opposite in sign, showed increased excitability in the food situation, and decreased excitability in the defense situation. Using the movement as a conditional stimulus, we managed to uncover the commonality between classic and instrumental conditioning. This enabled us to answer questions, discussed by Pavlov and Guthrie, which, it seems to us, had not been convincingly answered during their time.  相似文献   


An n-body Ni-Ti potential is derived and applied in a molecular dynamics simulation to study the maximum supersaturated solubility of the terminal solid solutions and solid-state reaction in a Ni/Ti bilayer. It reveals that during interfacial reaction of the Ni/Ti bilayer the Ti lattice reaches its maximum solubility by dissolving Ni earlier than Ni does through dissolution of Ti, which results in a sequential disordering of first Ti and then Ni, although Ti has a higher melting point than Ni. In the Ni-Zr, Ni-Mo and Ni-Ta systems, however, the Ni lattice collapses more rapidly because it reaches a maximum solubility earlier than its partners, which have higher melting points than Ni. A solubility criterion is thus relevant for all the above cases; the lower the maximum solid solubility the less stable is the lattice of the metal upon solid-state reaction.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of contingent muscular tension on a choice reaction task, and especially, the effects various amounts of muscular tension have on the information processing of choice reaction time. The reactive movement task included a choice reaction task. Ten right-handed healthy men (ages 18 to 19 years) underwent trials with stimulus presentation probabilities of 50% and 20% on the muscular tension task and choice reaction tasks. The conditions for the muscular tension tasks were divided into seven different conditions: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% of maximum voluntary contraction. On these tasks, subjects performed isometric contraction of the biceps brachii. The choice reaction task was a rapid extension of the left or right knee as a choice reaction. Measures were choice reaction time, movement time, and total reaction time. Analysis indicated that shortening choice reaction time of the left and right feet was observed under 10% muscular tension of maximum strength. Muscular tension appreciably influenced information processing, including choice reaction time. Muscular tension did not affect movement time. Results are discussed with respect to previous research and the optimal muscular tension for best performance.  相似文献   

汽车驾驶行为的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫国利  田宏杰  张仙峰 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1211-1213
对汽车驾驶行为的眼动研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文重点介绍了不同路况下的驾驶行为及影响其行为的心理和生理因素的眼动研究.分析了用眼动分析方法研究交通心理学的特点.并对了该领域今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Understanding perceptions of safety and comfort (PSC) while walking or cycling is essential to accommodating and encouraging active travel, but current measures of PSC, primarily surveys, suffer from validity and reliability issues. Physiological markers of stress like electrodermal activity and heart rate variability have been proposed as alternative, objective measures of PSC. This paper presents a literature summary and conceptual framework examining the use of physiological stress markers during walking and cycling. The existing studies of active traveller stress markers report inconsistent findings and account for limited controls. We propose a comprehensive conceptual framework to describe the array of dynamic stimuli experienced during active travel, with complex appraisals and multidimensional stress responses that feedback to travel behaviour and stimuli exposure, and culminate in a set of physiological outcomes triggered by activation of the autonomic nervous system – all moderated by numerous personal and trip-related factors. The key challenge of inferring traffic-related fear or discomfort from physiological markers measured on-road is potential confounding effects of: (1) non-traffic factors that induce or modify stress responses, (2) traffic factors that induce stress responses not associated with safety or comfort, and (3) personal and environmental factors that directly influence physiological measurements outside of a stress response. No physiological stress marker has yet been shown to be reliable for on-road active travellers, particularly not for inter-subject comparisons. Physiological markers have the potential to provide high-resolution, objective information about pedestrian and cyclist PSC, but further research, particularly controlled experiments, and more precise study framing are needed to ensure validity and address moderating and confounding factors.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional approach was used to replicate and examine developmental flexibility in eye-hand relationships during alternate tapping performance. A group of 68 male subjects, 34 younger (mean 75.6 months) and 34 older (mean 128.9 months) practiced 12 5-sec trials of alternate tapping in one of three accuracy conditions. Trials 2 and 11 were filmed to determine the eye movement index (EMI), a fraction relating eye movements (numerator) to alternate taps (denominator). Fractional EMI values close to 1 were labelled discontinuity and values closer to 0 (1/N) continuity. Accuracy variation tested the flexibility of EMI. for developmental change, revealing that EMIs for older subjects were more continuous than for younger subjects at trial 11, but not at trial 2. Level of EMI was related to age and condition, while change in EMI due to practice was related to age. The data showed EMI strategy flexibility increased with age, and that faster tapping was afforded by less direct visual monitoring of the hand.  相似文献   

Achilles tendon reflexes were evoked bilaterally during and shortly after an interstimulus-interval (ISI) of 4 s and expressed as percentages of an averaged control reflex. Surface EMG of the soleus muscles was recorded continuously during the ISI, and expressed as percentages of a control EMG level. Three types of tasks were introduced, according to a between subjects design. Condition I consisted of a guessing task, involving anticipation of the second stimulus (S2) and not requiring a motor response. Conditions II and III were a warned choice and simple RT task respectively, the motor response to S2 being a plantar flexion of either the left or right foot in Condition II, and a plantar flexion of the right foot in Condition III. The results can be stated as follows: 1. Anticipation of a stimulus is not sufficient for a reflex increase to occur during an ISI. Preparation for a movement seems to be a necessary condition.

2. The reflex increase during preparation is rather independent of the amount of selectivity in the preparatory process; simple and choice RT tasks yield similar results, although the mean RTs do differ.

3. A difference between the involved and non-involved legs in the simple RT task is not found in the present experiment, as opposed to other studies. The particular instruction given to the subjects could be of importance in producing this difference.

4. Reflex changes cannot simply be accounted for by changes in background EMG of the agonist, as the EMG time course shows no changes over time in either condition.


The relationship during a simple reaction time task between heart rate and four measures of task irrelevant somatic activity was evaluated in four age groups of children, i.e., 4-, 5-, 8-, and 10-year-olds and young adults, in order to evaluate further a hypothesized coupling of cardiac and somatic activity. At all age levels, phasic decreases in both heart rate and somatic activity coincident with performance were found with the magnitude of the effect increasing with age only on three somatic measures. However, tonic levels of both heart rate and somatic activity decreased with age. Performance on the reaction task was found to be inversely related to the age-related phasic somatic effects as well as age-related tonic heart rate and somatic activity.  相似文献   

Studies indicate that rapid sequential movements are preprogrammed and that preprogramming increases with complexity, but more complex sequences that require on-line programming have seldom been studied. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether on-line programming occurs in a 7-target sequence in which there is a unique target constraint and if so, to determine how different task constraints affect the distribution of additional programming. Subjects contacted seven targets with a hand-held stylus as quickly as possible while maintaining a 90% hit rate. Initiation- and execution-timing patterns and movement kinematics were measured to determine when the additional programming took place. Results indicated that additional programming occurred before initiation and during movement to the first target when the constraint required more spatial accuracy (small target). A different type of unique target (a triple hit of one target) caused the additional programming to occur on-line one or two segments before its execution. Different positions of the unique target also affected timing patterns. Results were discussed in terms of: (1) capacity of processing; (2) control of movement variance; and (3) mean velocity as a programmed parameter in sequential aiming movements.  相似文献   

There is ongoing theoretical debate regarding episodic memory and how it can be accurately measured, in particular if the focus should be content-based recall of episodic details or something more experiential involving the subjective capacity to mentally travel back in time and "re-live" aspects of the original event. The autonoetic subscale of the Episodic Autobiographical Memory Interview (EAMI) is presented here as a new test instrument that attempts to redress theoretical and methodological shortcomings in autobiographical memory assessment. The EAMI merges a phenomenological detail-based approach with an assessment of autonoetic consciousness, departing considerably from traditional Remember/Know paradigms used within this field. We present findings from an initial pilot study investigating the potential markers of autonoetic consciousness that may accompany episodic retrieval. Key behavioural indices of autonoetic consciousness, notably those of viewer perspective, visual imagery, and emotional re-experiencing, emerged as being inextricably bound with the level of phenomenological detail recalled and the overall re-living judgment. The autonoetic subscale of the EAMI permits conceptually refined assessment of episodic personal memories and the accompanying subjective experience of mental re-living, characteristic of episodic memory.  相似文献   

数困儿童在内源和外源注意条件下数字比较的眼动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋光远  吴燕  曹晓华 《心理科学》2006,29(3):583-587,549
运用内源和外源注意导向实验范式对三、六年级44名数学学习困难儿童和正常儿童的数字比较进行了眼动研究。结果表明:眼动指标的年级差异和组间差异显著,表现为低年级和数困组的注视时间更长、注视点数更多、瞳孔直径更大;正常组受内源性和外源性注意导向影响明显;各组被试均表现出显著的十位数距离效应和个位数距离效应;SNARC效应明显。实验结果支持数字比较的整体加工模型。  相似文献   

Human subjects performed simple flexion and extension movements about the elbow in a visual step-tracking paradigm. Movements were self-terminated. Subjects were instructed to increase movement velocity while maintaining end-point accuracy during practice. The effects of practice on the pattern and variability of EMG activity of the biceps and triceps muscles were studied. Initial movements were performed using reciprocal phasic activation of agonist and antagonist muscles as indicated by surface EMGs. With practice, increases in movement speed were associated with larger agonist and antagonist bursts and an earlier onset of the antagonist burst. Decreased duration of the premovement antagonist silence was also observed during practice. Decreases in variability of movements during practice were not accompanied by equivalent decreases in variability of the associated EMGs. Surprisingly, both agonist and antagonist EMGs were more variable in faster, practiced movements. The combined agonist-antagonist EMG variability depended on both movement speed and trajectory variability. Lower variability in movements in the presence of greater variability in the related EMGs occurred because of linked variations in agonist and antagonist muscle activities. Variations in the first agonist burst were often compensated for by associated variations in the antagonist and late agonist bursts. These linked variations maintained the limb trajectory relatively constant in spite of large variations in the first agonist burst. Modifications to impulse-variability models are therefore needed to explain compensations for variability in accelerative impulses (produced by the first agonist burst) by linked variations in impulses for deceleration (produced by the antagonist and late agonist bursts).  相似文献   

A cross-sectional approach was used to replicate and examine developmental flexibility in eye-hand relationships during alternate tapping performance. A group of 68 male subjects, 34 younger (mean 75.6 months) and 34 older (mean 128.9 months) practiced 12 5-sec trials of alternate tapping in one of three accuracy conditions. Trials 2 and 11 were filmed to determine the eye movement index (EMI), a fraction relating eye movements (numerator) to alternate taps (denominator). Fractional EMI values close to 1 were labelled discontinuity and values closer to 0 (1/N) continuity. Accuracy variation tested the flexibility of EMI for developmental change, revealing that EMIs for older subjects were more continuous than for younger subjects at trial 11, but not at trial 2. Level of EMI was related to age and condition, while change in EMI due to practice was related to age. The data showed EMI strategy flexibility increased with age, and that faster tapping was afforded by less direct visual monitoring of the hand.  相似文献   

Better to understand the relation of auditory to visual reaction time (RT) tasks during a long period (320 min.) as well as the evolution of these performances along time, 24 subjects were tested. RT tasks were delivered at 10-min. intervals for 320 min. Correlations between auditory and visual RTs and cross-correlation functions were calculated. Our results confirmed their association, which was maintained throughout the experiment. There were no significant differences in the mean RT by sex or time of day; however, differences were found for the trend slope between type of stimulus and sex.  相似文献   

Two types of theta activity are seen in the hippocampal formation of the rat. Type 1 theta which has a high overall frequency is related to movements, whereas Type 2 theta of lower frequency is related to immobility. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether Type 2 theta may occur in rats encountering novelty. To shed light on this issue rats were tested in a novelty test in which smell made up the novel aspect. Upon encountering a cheese spot on the novel object the rats displayed relatively high-frequency theta activity while all legs were immobile, and low level of EMG activity was seen in the nuchal muscle. It was not possible to test whether the "novelty theta" was sensitive to atropine, since administration of atropine sulphate abolished the rats' preference for novelty. The results are discussed in terms of Type 2 theta reflecting sensory processing.  相似文献   

After reviewing some classic contributions to the truly social social–psychological literature (Lewin, Horney, Festinger), this commentary outlines how and why Kelley's analysis extends and complements more traditional approaches to interdependence. Three strengths are emphasized, suggesting that Kelley's analysis (a) offers a much-needed situation-based taxonomy for different social orientations and interpersonal phenomena, (b) serves the ecological validity of social orientations, and (c) potentially helps us understand why classical dimensions of person judgment include not only goodness versus badness, but also movement-related orientations such as dominance versus submission, strength versus weakness, or activity versus passivity. Kelley's analysis can be extended by developing further domain-specific theory and methodology for examining the temporal and sequential aspects of social orientations, and by applying a means–end analysis to differing social orientations identified in Kelley's analysis. Finally, following Chuck McClintock (1972), it is argued that the field should reserve the concept of social value orientation to define allocational preferences relevant to valuing outcomes for self and others. This basic orientation should meaningfully ‘drive’ the ways in which we approach interdependent others, solve interdependence problems, and utilize interdependence opportunities. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Error-detection and error-correction experiments were conducted to examine the assumption that organizational processes play an important role in motor learning and control. During the initial phase of each experiment, the sensory aspects of five movements were held constant while the organizational structure (sequential vs. random) of the movements was varied. In the learning phase of both experiments, the effect of organization produced increased reproduction accuracy for the structured movement sequences compared to those that were random. This benefit of organization carried over into the error detection and correction parts of the experiments where it was shown that improved error detection and correction capabilities were assisted by the manner in which the movements were presented. The importance of cognitive processes is discussed in terms of past and contemporary accounts of motor learning and control.  相似文献   

Microstructural investigations were performed on the interfacial reactions between eutectic SnIn solder and Cu substrate during reflowing at 433?K and solid-state aging at 373?K. Cu2(In,Sn) was identified as the only intermetallic compound (IMC) at the interface, which consists of two sublayers with different morphology, a fine-grained sublayer at the Cu side and a coarse-grained sublayer at the solder side. During solid-state aging, voids were found between these two Cu2(In,Sn) sublayers but not at the substrate interface, which is also attributed to the Kirkendall effect considering the different diffusion fluxes of Sn or In and Cu atoms in different sublayers.  相似文献   

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