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ABSTRACT: Using Census data covering the 29 year period starting in 1950 this, study tests the hypothesis that (1) female labor force participation may result in more married women committing suicide due to the strain of household and outside working responsibilities and that (2) female labor force participation may also be associated with higher rates of male suicide due to the fact that it represents apparent failure of the husband as sole breadwinner ( Stack, 1978 ). Results show that during the 1950's male suicide was not associated with growth in the female labor force, but female suicide was. During the 1960s male suicide was negatively associated with female labor force participation, but the opposite was true for females. It is argued that working women represented a weakening of norms concerning sex roles. Apparently as more and more women entered the labor force, role conflict did ensue, but contrary to the above hypothesis it only increased female suicide potential. These results are discussed in terms of different normative sex role contexts of the 1950s and the 1960s.  相似文献   

A component of the United Nations Development Programme Human Development Index which measures longevity was negatively associated -.55 with suicide rates in 37 nations for men; the correlation with the suicide sex ratio was also negative (r = -.59). Women's access to social, political, and economic power in a subsample of 26 nations, summarized in the UNDP's Gender Empowerment Measure, was positively correlated with suicide rates (r = .36 for both women and men). UNDP measures of attainment in literacy and income showed no individual relationship with suicide rates. In a multiple regression model, life expectancy was negatively related, and the Gender-related Development index was positively related, to suicide rates.  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated depression, self-defeating behaviors, and self-destructive behaviors in suicide ideation. The present research directly compared these three concepts as predictors of both males' (n = 51) and females' (n = 78) suicide ideation. Analysis confirmed sex differences, with depression and self-defeating behaviors predicting females' suicide ideation, and self-destructive behaviors predicting males' suicide ideation. These results suggest that suicide may be related to these subtle yet relevant factors which may not be easily detected by mental health workers.  相似文献   

The present study investigated reactions to the survivors of a family member's suicide. One hundred and twenty seven adults, members of a large urban Protestant church, responded to a newspaper account of a suicide in which the following factors were systematically varied: sex of the suicide, causal locus of the suicide, and whether the cause was prior or immediate to the suicide. The design was a 2 (sex of respondent) x 2 (sex of suicide) x 2 (locus of cause internal or external to the individual) x 2 (temporally remote cause or immediate cause). Results indicated a slight tendency for males to be somewhat more socially accepting of the surviving spouse of a suicide. There was also a significant interaction between sex of respondent x sex of the suicide, such that respondents indicated they would feel less tension in talking with the surviving family of a suicide of the same sex.  相似文献   

Kidd SA  Kral MJ 《Adolescence》2002,37(146):411-430
This study presents the results of a qualitative analysis of the narratives of 29 street youth in which they describe their experiences with, and understanding of, suicide. A history of attempted suicide was reported by 76% of the participants and the analysis revealed themes of isolation, rejection/betrayal, lack of control, and most centrally, low self-worth as forming the basis of their experiences concerning suicide. Additionally it was found that trading sex, in which most participants had been or were currently involved, was linked with their suicidal experiences and may account for the high attempt rate. Finally, variables related to suicide were found that have not been examined previously in the literature on street youth, including loss of control, assault during prostituted sex, drug abuse as a "slow suicide," and breakups in intimate relationships.  相似文献   

This analysis examined suicide rates by age, sex, and marital status in England and Wales for the period 1982-1996. Never married, widowed, and divorced people had higher rates of suicide than those who were married, for both sexes. Among the widowed ages 20-39 years, both sexes had the highest rate, and the rate decreased with age. The suicide rate for divorced people was similar to those who had never married, except for the younger group ages 20-29 years. The male:female ratios for the relative suicide risk for never married, widowed, and divorced to married for both sexes were statistically significantly different for older adults. The decrease in suicide rates observed for the period 1982-1996 in England and Wales was mainly attributable to the reduction of suicide rates among the widowed and divorced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An analysis of 90 cases of criminal homicide followed by suicide in North Carolina, 1972 to 1977. Homicidal victim-offender relationships were investigated in regard to age, sex, race and whether victim and offender were member of the same family, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. These results were compared with victim-offender relationships in 994 criminal homicide cases in North Carolina in which offenders did not commit suicide. Married white males over 30 years were much more involved in homicide-suicide than they were in homicide alone. In these homicide-suicide cases, the victim was usually the spouse. Except for marital status, characteristics of homicide offenders who killed themselves resembled those of suicide-only individuals much more than those of homicide-only offenders. In the homicide-suicide cases, the killing of someone in close relationship to the offender, often a wife, appeared to be part of the evolving process of suicide. This clearly has implications for intervention into marital strife and also for immediate treatment of homicide offenders who kill spouses and other family members.  相似文献   

Shah A 《Psychological reports》2008,102(3):887-892
A lower sex ratio (male to female) of elderly suicide rates in several Asian countries have been attributed to gender inequality on several parameters. The association of two proxy measures of gender equality (value of the gender empowerment measure and the gender-related development index) and the male to female sex ratio of suicide rates in the age bands 65-74 yr. and 75+ yr. was examined using multiple linear regression. The two proxy measures of gender equality did not account for significant variance in the male to female sex ratio of suicide rates in the age bands 65-74 yr. and 75+ yr. Association of gender equality with the male to female sex ratio of suicide rates requires further clarification in both cross-sectional studies across different countries and longitudinal studies within individual countries for all age bands. Such studies should, in addition to the GEM and the GDI, include other measures of gender equality including sex differences in educational attainment, income, poverty, housing, employment, access to healthcare and social welfare services, and urbanisation.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

The object of the present study was to estimate proportions and changes in the incidence of suicide attempts in Denmark. Case sheets concerning all admissions in 1976-1979 (total 6,650) at the Department of Psychiatry, Odense University Hospital (the catchment area of which provides a representative sample of the Danish population), were examined with a view to establishing the reasons for admission. Rates of suicide attempts by age and sex in 1976-1979 were calculated, and estimated rates of the suicide attempts in 1980 added. Trend analysis showed an increase in the mean rates from 1976 to 1979 of 48%, followed by a decrease in 1980 of 13%. There were high increases among the adolescents, but the increase was above all due to the fact that more and more men attempted suicide; the study suggests as a new phenomenon more male than female suicide attempters. We stress the fact that incidences calculated on the basis of hospital admissions only underestimate the real proportions of self-destructive behavior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The relationship of sex, race and region to methods of suicide are used to test the validity of two theories which attempt to explain the choice of methods among suicide victims. The two theories, lethality of intent and differential socialization with firearms, are briefly discussed. Data are collected from official death certificates in five cities during a three year period, 1969 through 1971. The findings provide little support for the lethality of intent theory. Although the differential socialization theory receives partial support, one can argue for a broader sociocultural perspective on methods of suicide which includes location in the social structure as well as regional socialization.  相似文献   

Despite condemnation of same‐sex attraction by certain religious groups, few studies have explored the relationship between religion, same‐sex attraction, and suicidality. This study examined the moderating effect of same‐sex attraction on the relationship between parent/adolescent religiosity and suicide ideation/attempts in a suicidal adolescent sample (= 129). Linear and negative binomial regressions tested the effects of a two‐way dichotomous (same‐sex attraction, yes/no) by continuous (religiosity) interaction on ideation and attempts, respectively. The interaction was not significant for ideation. However, high religiosity was associated with more attempts in youth reporting same‐sex attraction but fewer attempts in those reporting opposite‐sex attraction only.  相似文献   

Brevard, Lester, and Yang in 1990, studying Menninger's motives for suicide, reported more evidence for the wish to be killed (i.e., self-blame or self-punishment) in suicide notes for completed suicides than in parasuicide notes for attempted suicide; however, they did not control for age and sex. A comparison of notes written by completed and attempted suicides that controlled for age and sex showed no differences in the presence of content which reflected Menninger's three motives for suicide, including the wish to be killed.  相似文献   

Recent studies of people exposed to suicide point to a continuum of effects moderated by a perception of closeness to the deceased. We investigated the importance of perception of impact of the death on mental health outcomes of those exposed to suicide. Female sex, younger age, and multiple exposures to suicide were associated with greater risk for poorer outcomes. Suicide exposed with high impact was more likely to have depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, prolonged grief, and suicide ideation. Findings can help focus postvention resources for suicide‐exposed individuals.  相似文献   

Monthly suicide rates in Japan were analyzed for the period from 1976 to 1994 to clarify trends and recurring effects. The data were separated by sex, and the least-squares method was used. The major findings were (1) a significant positive correlation between unemployment rate and suicide rate for both sexes, (2) the suicide rate was highest in April for both sexes, and (3) an upsurge in male suicide mortality was noted from 1983 to 1990. These findings may well be associated with socioeconomic factors as well as neurobehavioral variables.  相似文献   

All suicides in persons under 20 years in Norway in the time period 1990-1992 (99 males, 30 females) were included in a postmortem case-control study with seven controls for each suicide, focusing on gender differences. Few sex differences between the suicide completers were evident, in spite of the difference in suicide rates (M/F rate ratio = 3.0). Females more often attempted suicide (p = .05), more often wrote farewell notes (p = .03), and used less violent suicide methods (ns). The adjusted risk for suicide related to affective disorders (Female OR = 22,1; Male OR = 24.0, both p = .000) and disruptive disorders (female OR = 14,7, ns; male OR = 5.0, p = .002) differed little, as did the effect of frequent use of alcohol or substances (female OR = 0.4, ns; male OR = 0.4, ns).  相似文献   

In the Province of Quebec (Canada), adolescents involved with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems committed at least one third of all completed suicides in their age group in 1995 and 1996. Their risk of suicide, standardized for age and sex, was five times that of the general adolescent population, and female juvenile delinquents had the highest relative risk of suicide (36.1). Cumulated risk factors may explain those results. Since 40% of those suicides did occur when subjects were still actively involved with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, those agencies should revise their suicide prevention strategies.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to ascertain suicide seasonality in the Greek population and to associate this seasonal variation with age, sex, and suicide method. Studying seasonality can be of help in establishing a public health policy, related with suicide prevention. This is an epidemiologic study based on forensic evidence. We studied the deaths caused by self‐injury (trauma), namely deaths by violent suicide (not self‐poisoning). Statistically significant suicide seasonality was established with a peak in May. This seasonal variation is attributed mainly to males. As for the method, suicide by hanging peaks in June and by shooting in April. It was also observed that seasonality for individuals above the age of 45 peaks in early May.  相似文献   

In recent years many suicidologists have based their epidemiological studies on suicide on theories assuming that people born within the same period of time will follow the same suicidal patterns throughout their lives, and that variations in the annual rate of suicide will, therefore, reflect systematic differences between cohorts. Cohort analysis carried out on Danish data showed, however, that although some differences could be found as to the course of events during the life span of the cohorts and also when the material was adjusted for sex, no significant differences could be found between various birth cohorts in the total rates of suicide. The authors argue that the reason for this is that a cohort effect is only one of three dimensions of an analytical tool, namely, Age–Period–Cohort (APC) analysis, and that the balance between the three effects changes over time.  相似文献   

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