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The process of the unconscious transmission of trauma between generations has been written about within the psychoanalytic field since Freud. the concept was further developed by psychoanalysts in their work with second generation survivors of the Holocaust. the particular characteristic is that it is a transmission that takes place silently and in secret, but actively. It is especially found in families where there is an inhibition against thinking. It is suggested in this paper that the concept could be usefully considered in families where a parent is a survivor of child sexual abuse but has kept the trauma a secret. Clinical examples illustrate how children in such families may carry the unconscious dynamics which can emerge into consciousness through symptomatology in the child.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper1 I will discuss clinical material and make some hypotheses on how to work with patients for whom trans‐generational transmission of trauma is an issue. Basing my hypothesis on two clinical cases, I will propose a way of dealing with undigested facts, the fabric of trauma, which generate deadly ghosts and mental voids that are transmitted from one generation to the next. I will propose a way of formulating interpretations for the unthinkable to become thinkable and find a representation in the mind of patients who suffer from transgenerationally transmitted trauma. Some thoughts will be given to the maternal and the paternal transmitters of trauma in relation to child development issues.  相似文献   

Using the film Belleville Rendez-vous as a vehicle for discussion, this paper argues that whilst a traumatic complex may bring about dissociation of the psyche, this is not the only possibility, nor is dissociation necessarily to be seen solely as a difficulty to be overcome. If trauma is experienced within the context of support and validation, the experience of trauma may generate integration not only of the trauma but also of the growth potential that the trauma has previously inhibited.  相似文献   

Research concerning the impact of trauma history on individuals' ability to cope with subsequent events is mixed. While many studies find that trauma history increases vulnerability for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain, others reveal that there are benefits associated with moderate levels of stress (e.g. development of coping skills).

Objective: The present study investigated whether the experience of prior traumatic stressors would serve as a risk or resilience factor based on physical and emotional outcomes among patients recovering from total knee replacement surgery (TKR).

Design: 110 patients undergoing unilateral, TKR completed surveys before surgery, as well as one and three months following the procedure.

Results: Contrary to hypotheses, patients who reported more prior traumas experienced less severe pain and functional limitations at one- (β = ?.259, p = .006) and three-month follow-up assessments (β = ?.187, p = .04). A similar pattern emerged when specific types of traumas (e.g. interpersonal) were examined in relation to physical recovery. Further, patients’ trauma history was negatively related to symptoms of post-traumatic stress three-months following surgery (e.g. Avoidance: β = ?.200, p = .037).

Conclusion: Trauma history represents a source of resilience, rather than vulnerability, within the context of arthroplastic surgery.  相似文献   

心理韧性是指个体对不幸、逆境或挫折等压力情形的有效适应。以非人类动物为模型的心理韧性研究一般改称心理韧性为“抗逆力”, 本文也将沿用“抗逆力”来区分不同物种的韧性研究。近年来采用非人类动物模型对抗逆力神经机制的探索取得了重要进展, 内侧前额叶、海马、奖赏环路等脑区及其投射均参与调控抗逆力的表现, 操控其神经环路的影响与所面对的压力形式有关, 并且高抗动物拥有特异性适应机制。鉴于人类研究的伦理及实验手段等原因, 抗逆力的研究将为人类的韧性研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that humans are more resilient in the face of loss than has been previously believed. We begin by showing that historically the bereavement literature has tended to pathologize what are otherwise normal and natural reactions to loss. We then introduce a characterization of resilience during bereavement as the ability to maintain continuity in identity from pre- to postloss. We review various types of evidence consistent with this proposal, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between resilience and continuity in social identity. We then explore four possible mechanisms by which resilient individuals achieve identity continuity. We also attempt to extend the resilience-as-continuity link to the recent literature on continued bonds with the deceased and explore how this link manifests across different cultures. Finally, we review some implications of these formulations for psychotherapy with bereaved individuals.  相似文献   

The validity of the Couple Resilience Inventory was tested using 102 married or cohabiting firefighters. This instrument measures types of relationship behavior that often occur during stressful life events and that are expected to be associated with an ability to cope with employment in a stressful occupation. It includes scales measuring two nearly orthogonal dimensions, with one dimension pertaining to positive behavior and the other to negative. Firefighters completed an online questionnaire that included the Couple Resilience Inventory and measures of relationship satisfaction, exposure to traumatic events, and life wellbeing. In line with hypotheses, scales measuring positive and negative couple resilience were nearly orthogonal to each other, and distinct from a measure of relationship satisfaction, but both scales correlated positively with exposure to traumatic events, and both correlated in opposite directions with relationship satisfaction and life wellbeing. Results were consistent with the theoretical model and they supported instrument validity.  相似文献   

The author describes how brief therapy has evolved in the past 10 to 15 years from ecosystemic to solution-focused brief therapy. SFBT is characterized as a radically constructivist approach to personal problems which emphasizes how troubles and solutions are socially constructed realities.  相似文献   

李霞  张伶  谢晋宇 《心理科学》2011,34(3):680-685
摘要:职业弹性是指个体灵活应对变化的职业环境甚至是逆境的职业能力。在控制无关变量及同一方法偏差的基础上,本文考察了职业弹性的不同维度对其后效变量的影响。通过对某信息集团下属的59家电子相关企业中的324位管理人员的问卷调查,结果表明职业弹性会影响个体的工作绩效和职业满意度,管理者的职业弹性越高,其工作绩效越高、职业满意度也越高。  相似文献   

This investigation applied Zautra and colleagues’ Dynamic Model of Affect (DMA; Zautra: 2003, Emotions, Stress and Health (Oxford University Press, New York); Reich et al.: 2003, Review of General Psychology 7(1), pp. 66–83) to help understand resilience among a sample of middle-aged participants coping with the recent death of a spouse or child. We replicated and extended this model by examining interaffect correlations (individual correlations between negative and positive affect over time) in resilient versus symptomatic bereaved people. As predicted by the DMA, resilient bereaved had weaker (or less negative) interaffect correlations than symptomatic bereaved even when controlling for self-reported distress. These findings suggest that resilient individuals possess a capacity for a more complex affective experience and that this capacity serves a salutary function in the aftermath of aversive life events. The research described in this article was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Health, R29-MH57274 (George A. Bonanno).  相似文献   

Various theorists have explored how intergenerational transmission of trauma impacts minority groups. Intergenerational trauma theories suggest that trauma(s) endured by a community have long-standing effects that can be passed on through generations. However, much of the research has focused on indigenous populations or Holocaust survivors despite the historical experiences of the African American community. The minority stress model adds support to intergenerational trauma theories, in that racial minority groups might suffer worse health due to a variety of stressors. Racial minorities are also at greater risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Within military populations, PTSD is one of many mental health issues and has been labeled one of the signature injuries of the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) criteria for PTSD do not take into account the effects of intergenerational trauma, discrimination, or racism. This article proposes that intergenerational trauma theories and the minority stress model provide explanations for why many studies have found that African American military personnel have higher rates of PTSD compared to their White peers. Indeed, African American military personnel with PTSD might be better understood through more culturally inclusive frameworks (e.g., complex trauma, race-based traumatic stress), because the stressors they experience as racial minorities might exacerbate or lead to symptoms of PTSD.  相似文献   

The lived experiences of eight African American women college students were explored from an interpretive phenomenological analytic framework. The researchers identified six main themes about participants and their reported family dynamics: (a) collectivistic yet disconnected, (b) avoidance, (c) functioning in dysfunction, (d) gendered differences, (e) motivation to change the family's homeostasis, and (f) talking about generational trauma as a motivator to repair communication. Implications for culturally responsive counseling and generational trauma-informed counselor training are discussed.  相似文献   

University inductees may be increasingly vulnerable to stressors during transition into higher education (HE), requiring psychological resilience to achieve academic success. This study aimed to profile inductees' resilience and to investigate links to prospective end of year academic outcomes. Scores for resilience were based on a validated Connor Davison Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) drawn from 1534 inductees in a single UK university. A four-stage analysis revealed that incremental resilience was more facilitative of females' prospective academic attainment, but less functional and more convoluted for males. This large, distinctive study has implications for student support practices and highlights that the relationship between resilience and academic achievement requires further consideration in HE.  相似文献   

Past studies suggest that positive affect produces a wide range of desirable outcomes because it helps people build lasting resources. It may be assumed that these resources build on positive affect over time, which in turn may explain the beneficial effect of positive affect in stressful encounters. However, this assumption has not been directly tested by empirical studies. This question is important in that it helps clarify the underlying mechanism through which individuals with more positive affect might respond adaptively to adverse situations. Using a stressful task that included 20 rounds of risky investment choices, the current study examined whether psychological resilience, an important personal resource fuelled by positive affect, could account for the beneficial effects of positive affect. Specifically, we examined the relationship between individuals’ baseline levels of positive affect, their levels of psychological resilience, their choices in a risky investment decision task, and their levels of positive affect on the final investment task. The results demonstrate that psychological resilience could indeed help explain happier people's enhanced outcomes: They chose higher return although more risky investment options and experienced more positive affect at the end of the task. The current study supports the notion that individuals who experience frequent positive affect thrive through various challenges not simply because they feel good, but because they have resources that they can utilize to deal with these challenges. Findings from the present study support further investigation of the important relationship between specific positive affect, psychological resilience, and performance in risky investment tasks.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between stressors, resilience resources, and well‐being in adolescents with low socio‐economic status in Malaysia. The specific aims were: (i) to differentiate between resilient and non‐resilient adolescents in terms of their resilience resources; and (ii) to examine the role of resilience resources on the relationship between stressors and well‐being. In a sample of 197 adolescents aged 12–16 years (mean = 13.77, sd = 1.49), results of the k‐mean clustering technique identified 37.5% of the adolescents as resilient (high stressor, high well‐being), 31.0% as maladjusted (high stressor, low well‐being), and the rest, adapted (low stressor, high well‐being). Resilient adolescents were found to have significantly higher scores on all the identified resilience resources (personality, mother–child communication, social support, school coherence, and teacher support) compared to the non‐resilient maladjusted group. Results of structural equation modelling also showed that these resilience resources acted both as mediator and moderator in the relationship between stressors and well‐being. These findings are discussed with respect to the current literature on resilience and well‐being.  相似文献   

A case study is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of psychoanalysis and the persistence of its benefits 20 years later in a young woman with severe depression, professional inhibition, and difficulties in partner selection due to transgenerational mandate (TGM). The investigation was carried out with psychoanalytic interviews with the patient and analyst, which were evaluated by both psychoanalytic and non‐psychoanalytic judges following a methodology based on one tested in Germany by Leuzinger‐Bohleber et al. (2003). The psychoanalytic treatment began in the early 1980s in Monterrey, Mexico. The study concludes that the psychoanalysis was effective in assisting with the patient's character disorder and partner selection, mainly because of the therapeutic alliance, the analysis of transference and character, and the patient's increased capacity for mentalization as a result of the interpretation of the TGMs.  相似文献   

This investigation presents 1) a literature review concerning how adversity and resilience influence the development of youth from diverse cultural backgrounds; 2) an examination of measures of resilience with regard to cultural factors that relate to the nature of coping and resilience among young adults from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds; and 3) the exploration of aspects of cultural resilience: childhood stressors, global coping, adaptive coping, maladaptive coping, and sociocultural support. Results for 305 college age women indicated that cultural factors were related to measures of these five aspects of resilience. Childhood stressors were experienced differentially by individuals from different racial/ethnic and social class status backgrounds, supporting proposals that ecological aspects, notably cultural background and experiences, influence the development of resilience. A conceptual framework illustrating how culture contributes to resilience and coping is presented. Implications for the development of a measure of cultural resilience and its usefulness for developmental community interventions are discussed.  相似文献   


This article presents a brief overview of a family resilience conceptual framework, grounded in a multi-level developmental systems orientation. A family systems perspective broadens attention to resources for individual resilience throughout the family network of relationships. The concept of family resilience refers to the family as a functional system, impacted by highly stressful events and social contexts, and in turn, facilitating the positive adaptation of all members and strengthening the family unit. A research-informed map of key processes in family resilience is outlined, highlighting the recursive and synergistic influences of transactional processes within families and with their social environment. Varied process elements may be more or less useful, depending on different adverse situations over time, with a major crisis, trauma, or loss; disruptive transitions; or chronic multi-stress conditions. This perspective is attuned to the diversity of family cultures and structures, their resources and constraints, salient socio-cultural and developmental influences, and the viability of varied pathways in resilience.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims to explore the relationships between various coping types, resilience, and anxiety among older Australians. Particular attention is paid to whether resilience moderates coping's effect on anxiety. Method: A total of 324 Australians aged between 55 and 90 (M = 66.7, SD = 8.6) were surveyed as part of the study. Moderation was assessed using structural equation modelling and plots of simple slopes. Results: Significant negative correlations were detected between anxiety and both proactive coping and preventive coping. Higher levels of resilience were associated with lower levels of anxiety. Age moderated both proactive coping and reflective coping's effects on anxiety and gender moderated avoidance coping's effect on anxiety. Resilience was found to moderate the relationships between proactive coping and anxiety, and instrumental support seeking and anxiety. For those high in resilience, there was little association between anxiety and proactive coping or anxiety and instrumental support seeking. Among low resilience individuals, there was a negative association between proactive coping and anxiety, but a positive association between instrumental support seeking and anxiety. Conclusion: Resilience, proactive coping, and preventive coping are all important predictors of anxiety among older people. Among those who are low in resilience, proactively coping with stress may be particularly important for good mental health. The results of the study highlight the complexity of the relationship between resilience, coping, and anxiety among older people.  相似文献   

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