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The time-dependent change in photocurrent during illumination has been studied in amorphous arsenic tritelluride (a-As Te ), which is an amorphous 2 3 chalcogenide material with a narrow optical bandgap. No photodegradation in the photocurrent is observed in this material, although photodegradation occurs in most wide-bandgap amorphous chalcogenides.  相似文献   

A theoretical relationship for the dissolution kinetics of thin chalcogenide films is proposed. The influence of light irradiation on the film dissolution is taken into account. The theoretical curves are in good agreement with the experimental dissolution results obtained for As2S3 thin amorphous films.  相似文献   


New electron spin resonance (ESR) lines with g1 = 2·0017 and g2 and g3 = 2·0006 have been found in the ESR spectra of as-deposited a-Si1–x Cx:H films prepared by magnetron sputtering of silicon in the gas mixtures of methane and argon. Similarities between the observed spectra and those for the E′ centre in glassy SiO2 are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation with electrons having energies in the range 0.7–1.7 MeV on the dark conductivity and the network of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been studied. The dark conductivity measurements show that electron irradiation leads to a degradation in the dark conductivity, with the degradation being greater at lower electron energies. The Raman results suggest that the irradiation induces structural defects in the a-Si:H films, with the lower energy electrons producing more disorder in the amorphous network.  相似文献   


The contact potential difference (CPD) between carbon contamination (CC) layers and the several substrates on which they were deposited has been measured as a function of the film thickness by means of Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). The observed CPD trends may be divided into three categories:
  1. an increase, or decrease, in CPD with thickness up to a saturation value with sign inversion with respect to the substrates (Al and Si);

  2. an oscillation with no sign inversion (substrates, gold and platinum);

  3. an oscillation through sign inversion (palladium substrate).

Effects (ii) and (iii) seem to be typical of CC, since they have not been observed for other materials, including evaporated carbon. Several possible causes of the above two effects are examined, but a satisfactory interpretation has not been found yet. The sensitivity of KPFM is such that CC layers 10 nm thick are easily visible, whereas they are hardly detectable by topography.  相似文献   


This letter presents systematic experimental observations of fatigue damage and corresponding dislocation structures in thin Cu films as a function of film thickness made using transmission electron microscopy and focused-ion-beam microscopy. It is found that, in thick films and grains of at least 3.0 μm diameter, coarse surface extrusions and dislocation wall and cell structures occur whereas, in thin films or in small-diameter grains, finer extrusions occur but no clearly defined dislocation structures are present. This minimum required dimension of 3.0 μm for fatigue damage formation may be caused by constrained dislocation motion in small dimensions.  相似文献   

To understand the direct correlation between photodarkening (PD) and photoinduced defect creation (PDC) observed in amorphous chalcogenides, in situ simultaneous measurements of PD and photocurrent (PC) have been performed on amorphous As2Se3 films. The time evolution of PD and PDC during light excitations are empirically described by a stretched exponential function; 1 ??exp[?(t/τ) β ], where τ is the effective response time and β the dispersion parameter. The value of τ for the PDC is very much smaller than that for the PD, suggesting that there is no direct correlation between the two.  相似文献   


The puzzling existence of a sharp low-temperature (T = 400°C) H evolution peak in compact hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si : H) films deposited 'on the edge of crystallinity' is examined. From infrared absorption and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, we show that none of the standard methods used to explain the existence of this peak in a-Si : H materials is applicable to the present films. From the Si-H wag-mode peak frequency, we postulate the existence of very small Si crystallites contained within the amorphous matrix. While the crystallite volume fraction is too small to be detected by XRD in the as-grown films, crystallization is observed for this material at anneal temperatures as low as 500°C. It is proposed that these crystallites catalyse the crystallization of the remainder of the amorphous matrix upon moderate annealing, enabling H surface desorption and H2 out-diffusion to the sample surface along newly formed grain boundaries at low anneal temperatures.  相似文献   

Six motor tests and six nonverbal tests were administered four times to the same subjects. Subjective reports of the subjects are discussed, changes in mean scores and in variability and score correlations from trial to trial are surveyed, and factor analyses of results on the first and fourth trials are presented and compared. Implications of the findings with respect to correction for attenuation are pointed out.Thanks are due to Mr. Searles and his staff at the Henry Ford Trade School, who gave both suggestions and aid in completing this work; to Dr. L. L. Thurstone, who gave suggestions for certain aspects of the analysis; and to L. R. Tucker and Robert Blakey, who made the final factorial analyses and suggested various conclusions.  相似文献   

It is interesting to investigate the formation of He bubbles in amorphous alloys because point defects do not exist in amorphous materials. In the present study, the microstructural evolution of amorphous Fe79B16Si5 alloy, either irradiated with 5?keV He+ ions or implanted with 150?eV He+ ions without causing displacement damage, and then annealed at a high temperature, was investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Vacancy-type defects were formed in the amorphous alloy after irradiation with 5?keV He+ ions, and He bubbles formed during annealing the irradiated samples at high temperature. On the other hand, for samples implanted with 150?eV He+ ions, although He atoms are also trapped in the free volume, no He bubbles were observed during annealing the samples even up to 873?K. In conclusion, the formation of He bubbles is related to the formation and migration of vacancy-type defects even in amorphous alloys.  相似文献   

Background. The equiprobability bias is a tendency for individuals to think of probabilistic events as ‘equiprobable’ by nature, and to judge outcomes that occur with different probabilities as equally likely. The equiprobability bias has been repeatedly found to be related to formal education in statistics, and it is claimed to be based on a misunderstanding of the concept of randomness. Aims. The aim of the present study was to examine whether experimenting with random generators would decrease the equiprobability bias. Sample. The participants were 108 psychology students whose performance was measured either immediately after taking part in a training session (n= 55), or without doing any training exercises (n= 53). Method. The training session consisted of four activities. These included generating random sequences of events, and learning about the law of large numbers. Subsequently, the participants were tested on a series of equiprobability problems, and a number of other problems with similar structure and content. Results. The results indicated that the training successfully decreased the equiprobability bias. However, this effect was moderated by participants’ cognitive ability (i.e., higher ability participants benefitted from the training more than participants with lower cognitive ability). Finally, the training session had the unexpected side effect of increasing students’ susceptibility to the representativeness heuristic. Conclusions. Experimenting with random generators has a positive effect on students’ general understanding of probability, but the same time it might increase their susceptibility to certain biases (especially, to the representativeness heuristic). These findings have important implications for using training methods to improve probabilistic reasoning performance.  相似文献   

We present an hierarchical Bayes approach to modeling parameter heterogeneity in generalized linear models. The model assumes that there are relevant subpopulations and that within each subpopulation the individual-level regression coefficients have a multivariate normal distribution. However, class membership is not known a priori, so the heterogeneity in the regression coefficients becomes a finite mixture of normal distributions. This approach combines the flexibility of semiparametric, latent class models that assume common parameters for each sub-population and the parsimony of random effects models that assume normal distributions for the regression parameters. The number of subpopulations is selected to maximize the posterior probability of the model being true. Simulations are presented which document the performance of the methodology for synthetic data with known heterogeneity and number of sub-populations. An application is presented concerning preferences for various aspects of personal computers.  相似文献   

Séance-room and other large-scale psychokinetic phenomena have fascinated humankind for decades. Experimental research has reduced these phenomena to attempts to influence (a) the fall of dice and, later, (b) the output of random number generators (RNGs). The meta-analysis combined 380 studies that assessed whether RNG output correlated with human intention and found a significant but very small overall effect size. The study effect sizes were strongly and inversely related to sample size and were extremely heterogeneous. A Monte Carlo simulation revealed that the small effect size, the relation between sample size and effect size, and the extreme effect size heterogeneity found could in principle be a result of publication bias.  相似文献   

A solid-state random number generator is described, which uses the leakage across a reversed biased diode as the random source. Statistical tests carried out on sequences of numbers failed to show any biases from randomness at sampling rates up to 3 kHz.  相似文献   

We describe four broad characterizations of subjective probability calibration (overconfidence, conservatism, ecologically perfect calibration, and case-based judgment) and show how Random Support Theory (RST) can serve as a tool for representing, evaluating, and discriminating between these perspectives. We present five studies of probability judgment in a simulated stock market setting and analyse the calibration data in terms of RST parameters. The observed pattern of calibration varies with the outcome base rate and cue value diagnosticity, as predicted by case-based judgment. A similar pattern of calibration is found in real-world judgments of experts in various domains. Case-based RST—defined as RST with stable parameter values—provides a parsimonious account of the substantial changes in calibration performance observed across different judgment environments.  相似文献   

A very simple spatial model of memory storage and retrieval is described, analyzed, and discussed. The postulated memory is without organization in the sense that neither the place of storage nor the order of search during retrieval is influenced by the nature of the information being stored or retrieved. The memory consists of a three-dimensional space containing a large number of homogeneously distributed loci at which data may be stored. Data received near each other in time are stored at nearby locations. Access is by an undirected expanding-sphere search. The model exhibits a wide variety of quantitatively and qualitatively humanlike behavior with respect to both standard learning and forgetting paradigms and with respect to frequency effects and other phenomena in word processing.  相似文献   

This experiment was an investigation of the ability of listeners to identify the constituents of double vowels (pairs of synthetic vowels, presented concurrently and binaurally). Three variables were manipulated: (1) the size of the difference in FO between the constituents (0, 1/2, and 6 semitones); (2) the frequency relations among the sinusoids making up the constituents: harmonic, shifted (spaced equally in frequency but not integer multiples of the FO), and random; and (3) the relationship between the F0 contours imposed on the constituents: steady state, gliding in parallel, or gliding in opposite directions. It was assumed that, in the case of the gliding contours, the harmonics of each vowel would “trace out” their spectral envelope and potentially improve the definition of the formant locations. It was also assumed that the application of different FO contours would introduce differences in the direction of harmonic movement (common fate), thus aiding the perceptual segregation of the two vowels. The major findings were the following: (1) For harmonic constituents, a difference in FO leads to improved identification performance. Neither tracing nor common-fate differences add to the effect of pitch differences. (2) For shifted constituents, a difference between the spacing of the constituents also leads to improved performance. Formant tracing and common fate contribute some further improvement (3) For random constituents, tracing does not contribute, but common fate does.  相似文献   

Moderation analysis is useful for addressing interesting research questions in social sciences and behavioural research. In practice, moderated multiple regression (MMR) models have been most widely used. However, missing data pose a challenge, mainly because the interaction term is a product of two or more variables and thus is a non-linear function of the involved variables. Normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood (NML) has been proposed and applied for estimating MMR models with incomplete data. When data are missing completely at random, moderation effect estimates are consistent. However, simulation results have found that when data in the predictor are missing at random (MAR), NML can yield inaccurate estimates of moderation effects when the moderation effects are non-null. Simulation studies are subject to the limitation of confounding systematic bias with sampling errors. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analytically derive asymptotic bias of NML estimates of moderation effects with MAR data. Results show that when the moderation effect is zero, there is no asymptotic bias in moderation effect estimates with either normal or non-normal data. When the moderation effect is non-zero, however, asymptotic bias may exist and is determined by factors such as the moderation effect size, missing-data proportion, and type of missingness dependence. Our analytical results suggest that researchers should apply NML to MMR models with caution when missing data exist. Suggestions are given regarding moderation analysis with missing data.  相似文献   

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