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The effects of a peer-delivered Corrective Reading program (CRP) (Engelmann, Hanner, & Johnson, 1989) with repeated reading on the reading performance of at-risk high school students were examined. High school peer instructors and students in need of reading remediation were randomly assigned to dyads or triads. Peer instructors presented the CRP, conducted repeated reading trials, and took rate and accuracy measures. Pre to post test data were collected on vocabulary and comprehension subtests of the Gates–MacGinitie Reading Tests, oral reading fluency (words read per minute) and accuracy, number of repeated readings on initial and final lessons, and lessons completed. Results indicated that students' performance on the standardized reading assessment increased as did their oral reading fluency. In general, the number of repeated readings decreased from the initial lesson to the final lesson. Implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

字形信息在汉语阅读中具有重要作用。小学二年级是儿童阅读流畅性发展的重要时期,而对注视点右侧字词的预加工及所获得的预视效应是影响流畅阅读的重要因素。本研究考察了字形信息在二年级学生预加工中的作用。实验1采用副中央凹启动范式发现,在词汇识别任务中,二年级学生在100ms副中央凹启动时间下,表现出字形预视效应。实验2采用边界范式发现,在句子默读任务中,二年级学生能够获取副中央凹处的字形信息。结果表明,二年级学生在阅读中能够使用副中央凹处的字形信息,促进随后中央凹处的词汇加工。  相似文献   

闫国利  刘敏  孟珠  张莉  李赛男 《心理科学》2019,(5):1113-1119
字形信息在汉语阅读中具有重要作用。小学二年级是儿童阅读流畅性发展的重要时期,而对注视点右侧字词的预加工及所获得的预视效应是影响流畅阅读的重要因素。本研究考察了字形信息在二年级学生预加工中的作用。实验1采用副中央凹启动范式发现,在词汇识别任务中,二年级学生在100ms副中央凹启动时间下,表现出字形预视效应。实验2采用边界范式发现,在句子默读任务中,二年级学生能够获取副中央凹处的字形信息。结果表明,二年级学生在阅读中能够使用副中央凹处的字形信息,促进随后中央凹处的词汇加工。  相似文献   

常欣  赵登明  王沛 《心理科学》2007,30(1):145-147
通过回顾与总结CAI英语阅读教学程序由普适化向具体阅读技能转化的发展历程,总结了英语阅读中最重要的能力、技能和主要应解决的问题,阐述了CAI程序对于阅读教学的有效性研究成果:发现相关的CAI程序有五大范畴。最后就教学语言、课程设计、教师对CAI程序的运用等问题进行了探讨与展望。  相似文献   

This study examined whether the benefits of reading tutoring in first grade were moderated by children's level of attention problems. Participants were 581 children from the intervention and control samples of Fast Track, a longitudinal multisite investigation of the development and prevention of conduct problems. Standardized reading achievement measures were administered after kindergarten and 1st grade, and teacher ratings of attention problems were obtained during 1st grade. During 1st grade, intervention participants received three 30-min tutoring sessions per week to promote the development of initial reading skills. Results replicated prior findings that attention problems predict reduced 1st grade reading achievement, even after controlling for IQ and earlier reading ability. Intervention was associated with modest reading achievement benefits for inattentive children without early reading difficulties, and substantial benefits for children with early reading difficulties who were not inattentive. It had no discernible impact, however, for children who were both inattentive and poor early readers. Results underscore the need to develop effective academic interventions for inattentive children, particularly for those with co-occurring reading difficulties.  相似文献   

使用Eyelink2000型眼动仪,采用经典的呈现随眼动变化技术,对24名被试在不同窗口条件下英文阅读的眼动指标进行记录和分析,以考察小学五年级学生英语阅读的知觉广度。研究结果表明:小学五年级学生英语阅读的知觉广度的右侧范围是注视点右侧5-8个字符空间。  相似文献   

In this paper, the report by the Committee on the Prevention of Reading Difficulties in Young Children is discussed from a practitioner's perspective. The many and notable strengths are described, including the comprehensive review of the topic, the balanced manner of the report's conclusions, and the way in which the report was written. The weaknesses of the report also are presented.  相似文献   

旨在探讨英语阅读策略培训对非英语专业本科生英语阅读策略使用情况以及英语成绩的影响。对非英语专业大学生进行了一学期的英语阅读策略培训,使用几次英语阅读测试和自编的英语阅读策略调查问卷对实验组和对照组进行前后测。研究结果发现:(1)英语阅读策略培训能有效提高学生英语阅读策略的使用频率,帮助他们取得更好的阅读成绩;(2)与高水平学习者相比,中、低水平学习者可从策略培训中获得更大的收益。  相似文献   

左银舫  杨治良 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1346-1350
用眼动追踪仪对第二语言为英语的20名视力正常大学生阅读不同文化语境与难度英语材料的眼动过程进行了记录。结果发现:1.不同文化语境与难度下大学生英语阅读的理解成绩、阅读速度与阅读效率是有差异的;2.阅读材料的文化语境对大学生英语阅读的眼动模式构成影响,分别影响学生的注视次数、眼跳距离和回视次数;3.英语阅读材料的难度也影响到学生阅读的眼动模式。  相似文献   

通过考察高、低水平汉英二语者阅读难易英语句子的知觉广度,本研究发现二语水平和句子难度调节汉英二语者的英语阅读速度,但不影响其阅读知觉广度,均表现为注视词左侧1个词至右侧1个词。该结果表明汉英二语者采用相对固定的注意分配策略来阅读英语,与中央凹加工负荷假说不一致。  相似文献   

为探讨阅读动机和阅读活动在家庭社会经济地位与阅读成就关系之间的中介机制,采用问卷法对我国东部某省3所学校468名7~9年级学生进行调查,使用结构方程建模的方法对中介模型进行检验。结果表明:家庭社会经济地位、阅读动机、阅读活动及阅读成就之间呈显著正相关;家庭社会经济地位对阅读成就的直接效应不显著,但可以通过阅读动机和阅读活动的链式中介作用对阅读成就产生间接的影响。  相似文献   

中学生阅读动机与阅读时间、阅读成绩的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用问卷调查法对353名初、高中学生的阅读动机、阅读时间及阅读成绩进行了调查,结果发现:1.中学生的阅读动机是多维度的,包括内部动机、外部动机、社会性动机与自我效能,它们之间相互影响、相互联系;2.中学生阅读动机水平的高低与阅读时间、阅读成绩存在极为显著的正相关,其中,内部动机对中学生阅读时间、阅读成绩的影响要大于其它因素的影响;3.中学生的阅读动机发展特点具有性别帮年级差异,趋势是初中生优于高中  相似文献   

叶深南  廖结敏  莫雷 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1073-1076
本文探讨大学生论文自然阅读所采用的策略。包括两个实验,实验1对大学生在自然阅读,采用信息阅读策略与采用结构阅读策略等三种情况下把握文章信息的情况进行比较,探讨大学生自然阅读的策略特点;实验2对大学生在上述三种策略情况下把握文章重点信息的情况进行比较,进一步探讨大学生自然阅读的策略特点。研究结果表明,大学生自然阅读与采用信息阅读策略进行阅读两种情况下,无论是对文章一般信息还是文章重要信息的把握,都表现出基本相同的模式,而与采用结构阅读策略的结果不同,初步说明大学生论文自然阅读采用的策略是信息阅读策略而非结构阅读策略。  相似文献   

研究一测查了74名小学三、五年级儿童辨别、删除汉语和英语音节、首音-韵脚、音位等不同语音成分的能力以及英语单词阅读,考察语音意识不同成分与英语阅读学习的关系及母语语音意识的作用途径.研究二测查了83名英语阅读较差和73名英语阅读一般及以上儿童的英语语音删除和单词认读能力,考察阅读水平对于语音意识作用的调节效应.结果表明:(1)英语首音-韵脚意识对英语阅读具有显著的独立贡献;(2)汉语首音-韵脚意识和声调意识分别对英语单词认读和假词拼读具有显著的独立贡献,二者通过英语首音-韵脚意识的中介发挥作用;(3)阅读水平具有显著的调节作用.首音-韵脚意识是正常儿童阅读的有效预测变量,而音节意识是低水平儿童阅读的有效预测变量.上述结果与有关语音意识各成分在英语为母语儿童阅读学习中作用的研究结果不同,提示第二语言的学习具有特殊性,母语经验影响着个体第二语言学习的过程.  相似文献   

本研究用纵向实验的方法考察了分享阅读(故事教学)和传统教学(字母教学)两种拼音教学方式对幼儿园中班儿童的拼音水平和汉语语音意识发展的影响。研究结果表明:(1)相对于无拼音教学组,两种形式的拼音教学均可以显著提高幼儿的字母知识,但分享阅读拼音教学对幼儿字母知识的促进作用更大。(2)分享阅读的拼音教学可以显著提高幼儿的拼读能力,而传统教学对幼儿的拼读能力基本没有促进。(3)分享阅读的拼音教学对幼儿的首音、韵脚和声调意识的发展有显著的促进作用,对幼儿自然发展起来的音节意识的影响很小;传统教学对幼儿的语音意识基本没有促进。  相似文献   

The number of K–12 classrooms adopting blended learning models is rapidly increasing and represents a cultural shift in teaching and learning; however, fidelity of implementation of these new blended learning programs varies widely. This study aimed to examine the role of teacher engagement in student motivation and achievement in a blended learning environment. Reading skill data were analyzed from 19,366 students across 624 schools led by teachers defined as engaged users of a blended learning reading program (Lexia Reading Core5 [Core5]). Results showed significant improvements in reading skills during the analyzed period for the students of the engaged teachers in comparison to neighboring classrooms (171,850 students in the same 624 schools) of less engaged teachers.  相似文献   

The current study examined the effects of several combinations of instructional and motivational interventions on oral reading fluency in the context of small group reading instruction. A treatment package consisting of acquisition, fluency, and motivational components was examined and then dismantled. Results were evaluated individually for each participant using a multiple-probe design in order to identify the most effective, yet efficient reading intervention package for each member of the group. The results indicated that, although all potential combinations of the package were effective, the experimental analysis was able to identify an effective yet more efficient package that produced substantial increases in performance across all students. Results are discussed in terms of effective instructional components in small group instruction and how to adapt methods for the experimental analysis of behavior to make decisions about the effectiveness of small group instruction in reading.This study is based on a dissertation submitted by the first author in partial fulfillment of requirements for the doctoral degree.  相似文献   

We conducted four experiments using an alternating treatments design to assess the influence of several variables on children's acquisition of number facts during one-on-one flash card instruction. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the order of stimulus presentation; in most cases a higher percentage of correct responses occurred, and mastery criterion was reached in somewhat fewer sessions, when a missed problem was re-presented after the next item than when problems were re-presented in a sequential order. In Experiment 2 a comparison of error-contingent reprimands with no reprimands yielded similar results in favor of the former procedure. Experiment 3 indicated that a higher percentage of correct responses and more rapid acquisition occurred when the tutor and student were seated knee-to-knee than when a desk was positioned between them. Experiment 4 compared the rate of learning in the presence and absence of a treatment package consisting of all three variables identified as leading to more rapid learning in the previous three experiments. Children reached criterion in less than half the time when the treatment package was in effect.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对107名重点与非重点学校的小学、初中学生课外阅读时间、阅读时间分配进行了调查,并考察了它们与阅读成绩的关系。结果发现:(1)小学生与初中生课外平均每周阅读时间无显著差异,但其时间的分配有差异,小学生主要阅读文学类书籍,而初中生除了主要阅读文学类书籍外,增加了阅读娱乐类书籍的时间;(2)整体上看,中小学生课外阅读时间与阅读成绩存在显著相关,其中文学类书籍课外阅读时间与阅读成绩有显著正相关,娱乐类书籍课外阅读时间与重点学校学生的阅读成绩以及男生的阅读成绩有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

This randomized study evaluated two evidence-based reading interventions with 121 middle school students who presented with reading fluency deficits. One intervention was teacher-directed and utilized numerous evidence-based strategies; the other intervention, the Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies for Small Groups Program, provided a structured implementation protocol of evidence-based strategies and specific intervention materials. Students in both groups demonstrated statistically significant growth on standardized measures of reading fluency and comprehension, but there were no differences between intervention conditions for any of the dependent measures. Practical implications for using oral reading fluency interventions at the middle school level are discussed.  相似文献   

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