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以洛克菲勒基金会为切入点,讨论了基金会与医学教育发展的关系,内容包括洛克菲勒基金会在20世纪对医学教育与研究重大项目资助等的回顾,讨论了洛克菲勒基金会对医学教育与研究资助及其对医学教育影响以及以洛克菲勒基金会为开端的基金会制度对医学教育发展影响,提出基金会制度与中国医学教育发展关系的设想.  相似文献   

台湾中山医学大学教育的宗旨是以医学暨人文发展为导向,致力建构一个崇尚人文价值与尊重生命、医学人文兼容并蓄的医学大学,强调"先学做人,再学当医师"。开设的医学人文课程非常有医学针对性,按核心能力要求整合医学人文核心课程,分为文化与社会、人际关系与沟通、医学伦理/法律三个主轴,贯穿于1年级~6年级的学习中,而且与专业课程学习紧密相联,教学方式多元、务实和潜移默化。其教育模式无疑为我国的医学人文教育改革带来全新的视野。  相似文献   

台湾中山医学大学教育的宗旨是以医学暨人文发展为导向,致力建构一个崇尚人文价值与尊重生命、医学人文兼容并蓄的医学大学,强调“先学做人,再学当医师”.开设的医学人文课程非常有医学针对性,按核心能力要求整合医学人文核心课程,分为文化与社会、人际关系与沟通、医学伦理/法律三个主轴,贯穿于1年级~6年级的学习中,而且与专业课程学习紧密相联,教学方式多元、务实和潜移默化.其教育模式无疑为我国的医学人文教育改革带来全新的视野.  相似文献   

现代社会的发展为当前较为滞后的高校医学人文素质教育提出了新的要求.同时,大学的合并又为大学生人文素质教育提供了诸多优势.合并大学的医学高等教育应利用合并优势,从转变教育观念、优化课程设置、加强师资力量、构建人文校园四个方面着手,积极应对时代挑战,加强对医学生的人文素质教育.  相似文献   

西班牙巴塞罗那大学医学院将医学毕业生的学习结果界定为3个领域(技能、学术和个人发展),580个具体的学习结果,并以此为标准评价毕业生的能力,启动课程改革.从中可获得以下借鉴:认识到学习结果的重要性,明确界定学习结果是课程改革的前奏,应形成科学民主的课程决策机制和程序.  相似文献   

创新职能:大学教育管理的缺陷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类社会的发展依赖于人们的创新活动。教育管理职能是指教育管理的职责和功能。当今世界各国积极探索的培养创新型人才,首先是指一种教育思想及其指导下的实践,理应作为教育管理的职能。但是,根据现有的教育管理学理论,教育管理并不具有创新职能,仅是对现已确定的秩序的?..  相似文献   

大学是人类传承和创新知识的主要场所,自诞生以来就一直以科学理性为至高原则。在我国大学教育中,一定程度上存在着科学理性的缺失,不断加强的人文素质教育也没有改变这种状况。当前开展的大学科学理性教育,就是要帮助大学生确立科学理性信念,掌握科学理性知识,培养科学理性思维,激发科学理性追求。  相似文献   

张真 《宗教学研究》2016,(1):219-224
英国传教士、汉学家苏慧廉终生从事传教、教育事业,他有在中国办大学的理想和实践,艺文学堂就是苏氏在温州传教期间创办的.但艺文学堂的办学层次问题长期被人们忽视,普遍认为只有中学层次,其实该校是一所具备从小学到大学兼有女校的完整体系的教育机构.艺文曾经举办过大学课程,颁发过大学文凭,是近代温州第一所、也是唯一一所教会大学,这不仅与该校的英文校名相吻合,也可与若干文献记载相印证.  相似文献   

吉首大学伦理学学科始建于1995年,2001年成立伦理学研究所,2003年获硕士学位授予权。该学科现已有一支科研能力较强、结构较合理的学术队伍,成员共15人,其中教授7人,副教授5人,讲师3人,学科带头人为易小明教授。  相似文献   

父亲到了上学的年龄,情愿盘腿坐在炕头帮祖母纺线,也不肯进学堂。父亲不上学,也就不汉字,连他自己的名字也不认得。而读过书的大伯三叔四叔,无一例外地成了“公家人”,  相似文献   

This article is both a historical and contemporary analysis of the Rockefeller Foundation's changing role in rice research over the past 50 years, and though there are many overlaps between them, focuses on three broad periods: first, the RF's early work in rice research, particularly through the establishment of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Green Revolution era of the 1960s and 1970s; second, the development of the RF's rice biotechnology program in the 1980s; and third, the RF's focus on agricultural research in Africa, with rice research as a subset of their programmatic efforts, during the 1990s and beyond. Rice research in each of the different periods was driven by different framings of problems and potential solutions, incorporating wider ideologies, epistemologies, and key actors and networks, with the RF at the center. Viewed in this way, the Rockefeller Foundation's involvement in rice research cannot be seen ‘simply’ as an agricultural modernization project, but rather as simultaneously a sociopolitical project that extends particular modes of governance through homogenization and paternalism.  相似文献   

Simon效应是指与反应要求无关的刺激位置和反应位置在同侧时, 个体反应更快更准确的现象。对于Simon效应的产生机制, 大多数研究者认为, 在不同实验情境中获得的Simon效应有共同的产生机制。但是, 越来越多的证据显示, 在刺激形式、排列方式、刺激—反应规则以及反应方式等因素的影响下, 存在两种不同性质的Simon效应, 即视觉运动Simon效应和认知Simon效应。视觉运动Simon效应源于刺激位置自动激活其同侧反应所产生的影响, 认知Simon效应源于转译生成的编码间的相互干扰, 两者分别与背侧通路和腹侧通路的加工有关。  相似文献   

医学模式的转变与胃食管反流病的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胃食管反流病(GERD)是消化科门诊最常见的疾病之一,具有慢性复发性倾向,严重影响人们的生活质量。目前认为本病是一种多因素的心身疾病,随着传统生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,要求我们要自觉地运用辩证唯物主义观点,从系统论出发,应用发展的观点,注重医学模式的转变,审慎制定治疗方案。  相似文献   

赵亚军  张智君  刘炜 《心理科学》2012,35(2):304-308
采用注视-西蒙范式探讨了注视方向知觉的空间编码机制。实验一让被试采用双手交叉的反应方式,发现注视-西蒙效应并不随反应手的交叉而反转,说明它涉及抽象的空间方向编码,而非基于以手为参照系的半侧优势效应。实验二采用纯音音调辨别任务,发现了典型的注视-西蒙效应,结合实验一视觉通道的结果,说明注视-西蒙效应并非特异于视觉通道,它可能发生在晚期的反应选择阶段,而非早期的知觉阶段。结果支持注视线索能够自动诱发观察者形成抽象的方向表征的观点。  相似文献   

马庆国  尚倩 《应用心理学》2013,19(2):119-125
西蒙效应(Simoneffect)是动作反应机制研究中的经典效应。基于微观分析的视角,动作反应机制可以用来解释和衡量操作效率。本文以22名大学生为被试,采用实验研究的方式,应用启动一靶(priming—target)范式探索情绪对水平和垂直西蒙效应的调节机制。结果表明,情绪影响西蒙效应的强度,相比中性和正性情绪启动,负性情绪降低了西蒙效应。同时,情绪对西蒙效应的调节作用仅表现在水平西蒙效应而不是在垂直西蒙效应中。本文为情绪对西蒙效应的调节机制提供了行为学实验研究证据。  相似文献   

为了探讨非反应手对标准Simon任务改装的go/no-go任务的影响,被试只对其中一种颜色进行按键反应,通过指导语来操控非反应手的状态,结果发现:(1)实验一中当不提醒非反应手如何放置时,不会产生Simon效应;(2) 实验二中要求非反应手放在固定的桌面位置上,产生了视觉运动Simon效应,其随反应时的增大而减小;(3) 实验三中要求非反应手放在固定的非反应键上,却产生了认知Simon效应,其随反应时的增大而增大。这说明非反应手的状态影响Simon效应的产生及其性质。  相似文献   

The authors examined clockwise and counterclockwise wheel-rotation responses to high- or low-pitched tones presented in participants' (N = 96, Experiment 1; N = 48, Experiment 2; N = 48, Experiment 3) left and right ears. In Experiment 1, a Simon effect (fastest responding when tone location and direction of wheel turn corresponded) was obtained when participants' hands were at the top or middle of the wheel but not at the bottom. With line bottom hand placement, a Simon effect was induced by instructions emphasizing hand movements but not by instructions emphasizing wheel movements (Experiment 2), and by a visual cursor controlled by the wheel but not one triggered by the response (Experiment 3). The results of the experiments showed that the nature of the task and the instructed action goal influence the direction of the Simon effect.  相似文献   

蒋军  张庆林  王力  陈安涛 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1333-1337
本研究采用双长方形框范式的变式将注意分离为基于空间和基于物体的注意后,探讨了注意对Simon效应的调节是否由基于物体的注意引起。结果发现,在长方形框水平排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应增大,而在长方形框垂直排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应没有显著变化。这表明,在长方形框水平排列时基于物体的注意可以对Simon 效应进行调节。实验结果部分支持了动态版的参照编码假设和物体文件整合假设。  相似文献   

When a graspable object’s handle is oriented to the same side as the response hand, responses are quicker and more accurate than when it is oriented to the opposite side. This effect has been attributed to the affordance of the object’s handle (Tucker & Ellis, 1998). Recent findings suggest this effect results instead from an abstract spatial response code (i.e., Simon effect; Cho & Proctor, 2010). However, the stimuli used in these previous studies differ in the amount of object and environmental depth information they contain, which may be critical to conveying an affordance. This information could explain these disparate findings as well as dissociate Simon and affordance compatibility effects. Four experiments demonstrate that the Simon effect results from the absence of this information, as in a silhouette, and the affordance effect results from its presence, as in a photograph. A fifth experiment confirmed that modifying information associated with the affordance, rather than the modification itself, produced the effects observed in the previous experiments. These findings support the following: (a) the internal details of an object and environmental depth can dissociate Simon and affordance compatibility effects, (b) this information is necessary to convey the object’s graspable affordance, and (c) the outer shape of the object is not sufficient to elicit an affordance effect. These findings are discussed in relation to the theory of embodied cognition.  相似文献   

In a Simon task, participants show better performance when the irrelevant stimulus location corresponds with the response location than when it does not, and this effect is typically greater for older adults than for younger adults. To study the effect of cognitive ageing in the Simon task, we compared young and old adults using two versions of the Simon task: (a) a standard visual Simon task, for which participants respond with left and right key-presses to the red and green colours of stimuli presented in left and right locations; (b) a go/no-go version of the Simon task, which was basically the same, except that the shape of the stimulus in one third of the trials indicates that no response is to be made. In both tasks, both age groups showed the Simon effect. The magnitude of the effect for the standard Simon task was greater for the older adults than for the younger adults. Nevertheless, the two groups showed an equivalent Simon effect in the go/no-go version of the Simon task. Reaction time distribution analyses revealed basically similar functions for both age groups: a decreasing pattern of the Simon effect in the standard task and an increasing pattern of the effect in the go/no-go version of the task. The results suggest that older adults find it more difficult to suppress an automatic activation of the corresponding response, though this automatic activation was reduced in situations where the response was frequently inhibited.  相似文献   

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