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测验垂直等值是指将测试同一心理特质的不同水平的测验转换到同一个分数量尺上的过程。IRT与MIRT是实现垂直等值的主要方法。IRT无需假设被试的能力分布, 参数估计不依赖于样本, 是构建垂直量表的有效方法, 但测验不满足单维假设时其应用受到限制。MIRT结合IRT和因素分析的特点对IRT进行了拓展, 可更有效估计多维测验的项目参数和被试能力参数, 在垂直等值中有重要应用。已有研究主要探讨IRT和MIRT在垂直等值应用中的适用性、标定方法和参数估计方法, 比较研究两种方法的特性。未来研究应纳入更多变量条件进行比较研究, 拓展方法的应用。  相似文献   

等级反应模型下项目特征曲线等值法在大型考试中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在中国最大的资格考试之一的经济专业资格考试中,为保证不同年度间考试的可比性、进行题库建设和为计算机自适应考试做准备,应用项目反应理论中等级反应模型下的项目特征曲线等值法,采用铆测验等值设计,实现了4个年度考试资料的项目参数和能力参数的等值,并成功地组建了经济专业题库。在此基础上,利用等值技术对不同年份试卷的划界分数进行了比较,为经济考试的合格标准制定、确保考试的公平性提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

一种新的等值准则及其适用范围的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受假设检验方法的启发,该文引出了一种基于项目反应理论的新等值方法——平方根等值准则。它具有一些特点:定义式中答对、答错概率同时出现而不能互相替代;极易从0—1评分模式的版本转换到多级评分版本;它可以看成是Haebara等值准则的加权形式。以等值系数估计值的误差大小为衡量标准,以Wilcoxon符号秩检验为依据,大量的Monte Carlo模拟结果显示了一种有趣的现象,即等值方法的运用范围既与项目参数估计精度有关,又与等值系数A的范围有关,但与另一个等值系数B的范围无关。当项目参数估计精度较高或中等而A取值在0.9~1.3之间,新方法往往比Stocking_Lord方法和Haebara方法的估计误差小且有显著性差异,当项目参数估计精度较低时,而A从1.0~2.0时新方法都有优越性。  相似文献   

吴锐  丁树良  甘登文 《心理学报》2010,42(3):434-442
题组越来越多地出现在各类考试中, 采用标准的IRT模型对有题组的测验等值, 可能因忽略题组的局部相依性导致等值结果的失真。为解决此问题, 我们采用基于题组的2PTM模型及IRT特征曲线法等值, 以等值系数估计值的误差大小作为衡量标准, 以Wilcoxon符号秩检验为依据, 在几种不同情况下进行了大量的Monte Carlo模拟实验。实验结果表明, 考虑了局部相依性的题组模型2PTM绝大部分情况下都比2PLM等值的误差小且有显著性差异。另外, 用6种不同等值准则对2PTM等值并评价了不同条件下等值准则之间的优劣。  相似文献   

In standardized testing, equating is used to ensure comparability of test scores across multiple test administrations. One equipercentile observed-score equating method is kernel equating, where an essential step is to obtain continuous approximations to the discrete score distributions by applying a kernel with a smoothing bandwidth parameter. When estimating the bandwidth, additional variability is introduced which is currently not accounted for when calculating the standard errors of equating. This poses a threat to the accuracy of the standard errors of equating. In this study, the asymptotic variance of the bandwidth parameter estimator is derived and a modified method for calculating the standard error of equating that accounts for the bandwidth estimation variability is introduced for the equivalent groups design. A simulation study is used to verify the derivations and confirm the accuracy of the modified method across several sample sizes and test lengths as compared to the existing method and the Monte Carlo standard error of equating estimates. The results show that the modified standard errors of equating are accurate under the considered conditions. Furthermore, the modified and the existing methods produce similar results which suggest that the bandwidth variability impact on the standard error of equating is minimal.  相似文献   

采用锚测验非等组设计的数据收集方案,对4种基于经典测量理论的等值方法进行了比较研究。研究数据取自TIMSS1999数据库,兼用等值标准误和交叉验证方法作为各等值方法比较的检验标准,利用CIPE程序对实验数据进行分析。研究结果表明,针对本研究所设置的等值情境,线性等值优于等百分位等值,其中Tucker线性方法比Levine观察分数线性方法更好一些,Braun-Holland线性方法不宜采用,频数估计等百分位方法等值误差较大,亦不足取。  相似文献   

There are a growing number of item response theory (IRT) studies that calibrate different patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, such as anxiety, depression, physical function, and pain, on common, instrument-independent metrics. In the case of depression, it has been reported that there are considerable mean score differences when scoring on a common metric from different, previously linked instruments. Ideally, those estimates should be the same. We investigated to what extent those differences are influenced by different scoring methods that take into account several levels of uncertainty, such as measurement error (through plausible value imputation) and item parameter uncertainty (through full Bayesian IRT modeling). Depression estimates from different instruments were more similar, and their corresponding confidence/credible intervals were larger when plausible value imputation or Bayesian modeling was used, compared to the direct use of expected a posteriori (EAP) estimates. Furthermore, we explored the use of Bayesian IRT models to update item parameters based on newly collected data.  相似文献   

对15种测验等值方法的比较研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
谢小庆 《心理学报》2000,32(2):217-222
此项研究通过试验方法对4种基于经典测验理论的等值方法和11种基于项目反应理论的等值方法进行了比较研究。研究数据为HSK正式考试的数据,研究采用了较为可靠的检验标准。研究结果表明,在有些情况下,进行等值处理并非是最好的选择;在题库建设中,某些IRT方法是可行的;至少对于HSK数据,不论是单、双、三参数,不论是ms方法和mm方法,IRT参数转换等值方法的误差都较大,均不足取。  相似文献   

This study examines separate and concurrent approaches to combine the detection of item parameter drift (IPD) and the estimation of scale transformation coefficients in the context of the common item nonequivalent groups design with the three-parameter item response theory equating. The study uses real and synthetic data sets to compare the two approaches based on IPD flagging rates, type I error and power rates, and recovery of scale transformation coefficients. Results indicate that the two approaches render similar outcomes with stable anchor sets. However, they can produce dissimilar results with unstable anchor sets because of differences in the performance of their IPD components. Further, the findings of this study caution about working backward from equated cut scores to motivate the selection of an anchor set.  相似文献   

在项目反应理论框架下,根据已有文献提出了开发新的测验等值准则的方法,即许多准则都可以看成是通过对锚题上作答反应概率分布进行变换而导出。据此揭示了两个著名的等值准则——Haebara方法和Stocking-Lord方法之间的联系,并且导出了一个新的等值准则——余弦等值准则。为了讨论余弦准则的行为表现,开展了一系列Monte-Carlo模拟研究。模拟结果表明,余弦准则在多级评分模型GPCM上表现比Haebara方法和Stocking--Lord方法都好,而对GRM和2PLM,其表现不如Haebara,但可以和Stocking-Lord方法相提并论。这一发现提醒我们等值准则的选用是否恰当,不仅与等值系数所落的范围有关,而且还与项目反应函数(IRF)有更密切的关系  相似文献   

对从HSK题库中计算机自动生成试卷稳定性的试验检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由计算机从题库中自动生成的试卷能否保持难度的相对稳定?根据IRT进行的等值误差范围有多大?为了回答这些问题,本文以共同组等值作为标准,对基于IRT之上的共同题等值误差进行了试验检验。试验中,采取一定措施保证了考生的动机水平。结果显示,IRT等值的校正方向都是正确的。在4个分测验中有3个分测验的的等值校正效果较理想,1个分测验的等值校正效果不够理想。计算机自动生成的试卷与原有人工命制的试卷在得分方面比较一致,分数相关达到0.931,获得证书的情况也是比较一致的。  相似文献   

检验项目功能差异的两类方法-CFA和IRT的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前在验证性因素分析(CFA)和项目反应理论(IRT)两个领域,都有一些检验方法来识别项目功能差异(DIF)。该文主要针对单维的多级计分项目,分别介绍CFA和IRT检测DIF的方法,并进行二者的比较。  相似文献   

Many item response theory (IRT) models take a multidimensional perspective to deal with sources that induce local item dependence (LID), with these models often making an orthogonal assumption about the dimensional structure of the data. One reason for this assumption is because of the indeterminacy issue in estimating the correlations among the dimensions in structures often specified to deal with sources of LID (e.g., bifactor and two-tier structures), and the assumption usually goes untested. Unfortunately, the mere fact that assessing these correlations is a challenge for some estimation methods does not mean that data seen in practice support such orthogonal structure. In this paper, a Bayesian multilevel multidimensional IRT model for locally dependent data is presented. This model can test whether item response data violate the orthogonal assumption that many IRT models make about the dimensional structure of the data when addressing sources of LID, and this test is carried out at the dimensional level while accounting for sampling clusters. Simulations show that the model presented is effective at carrying out this task. The utility of the model is also illustrated on an empirical data set.  相似文献   

自编235个图形推理测验题目。采用铆测验等值设计,以72个联合型瑞文测验题目为铆题,对初中到大学各能力层次的1733名男性进行了测验。使用BILOG MG3.0(边际极大似然估计)对实测数据进行了分析,采用Logsitic 3参数模型。剔除数据与模型拟合不好的题目以及信息函数最大值小于0.3的题目,最终建立一个包含181道题目的题库。该题库可以用于淘汰智力较低的应征青年  相似文献   

余嘉元 《心理学报》2002,34(5):80-86
运用联结主义中的级连相关模型对于小样本条件下的连续记分项目反应理论 (IRT)模型的项目参数和被试能力进行了估计。一组被试对于一组项目的反应矩阵作为级连相关模型的输入 ,这组被试的能力θ或该组项目的参数a、b和c作为该模型的输出 ,对神经网络进行训练使之具备了估计θ,a ,b或c的能力。计算机模拟的实验表明 ,如果测验中有少量项目取自于题库 ,就可以运用联结主义方法对IRT参数和被试能力进行较好的估计  相似文献   

In high-stakes testing, often multiple test forms are used and a common time limit is enforced. Test fairness requires that ability estimates must not depend on the administration of a specific test form. Such a requirement may be violated if speededness differs between test forms. The impact of not taking speed sensitivity into account on the comparability of test forms regarding speededness and ability estimation was investigated. The lognormal measurement model for response times by van der Linden was compared with its extension by Klein Entink, van der Linden, and Fox, which includes a speed sensitivity parameter. An empirical data example was used to show that the extended model can fit the data better than the model without speed sensitivity parameters. A simulation was conducted, which showed that test forms with different average speed sensitivity yielded substantial different ability estimates for slow test takers, especially for test takers with high ability. Therefore, the use of the extended lognormal model for response times is recommended for the calibration of item pools in high-stakes testing situations. Limitations to the proposed approach and further research questions are discussed.  相似文献   

A method of estimating item response theory (IRT) equating coefficients by the common-examinee design with the assumption of the two-parameter logistic model is provided. The method uses the marginal maximum likelihood estimation, in which individual ability parameters in a common-examinee group are numerically integrated out. The abilities of the common examinees are assumed to follow a normal distribution but with an unknown mean and standard deviation on one of the two tests to be equated. The distribution parameters are jointly estimated with the equating coefficients. Further, the asymptotic standard errors of the estimates of the equating coefficients and the parameters for the ability distribution are given. Numerical examples are provided to show the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

Creativity has been well studied in the past several decades, and numerous measures have been developed to assess creativity. However, validity evidence associated with each measure is often mixed. In particular, the social consequence aspect of validity has received little attention. This is partly due to the difficulty of testing for differential item functioning (DIF) within the traditional classical test theory framework, which still remains the most popular approach to assessing creativity. Hence, this study provides an example of examining differential item functioning using multilevel explanatory item response theory models. The Creative Thinking Scale was tested for DIF in a sample of 1043 10th–12th graders. Results revealed significant uniform and non-uniform DIF for some items. Differentially functioning items are able to produce measurement bias and should be either deleted or modeled. The detailed implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for constructing indices as linear functions of variables such that the reliability of the compound score is maximized. Reliability is defined in the framework of latent variable modeling [i.e., item response theory (IRT)] and optimal weights of the components of the index are found by maximizing the posterior variance relative to the total latent variable variance. Three methods for estimating the weights are proposed. The first is a likelihood-based approach, that is, marginal maximum likelihood (MML). The other two are Bayesian approaches based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computational methods. One is based on an augmented Gibbs sampler specifically targeted at IRT, and the other is based on a general purpose Gibbs sampler such as implemented in OpenBugs and Jags. Simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the procedure and to compare the three methods. Results are very similar, so practitioners may be suggested the use of the easily accessible latter method. A real-data set pertaining to the 28-joint Disease Activity Score is used to show how the methods can be applied in a complex measurement situation with multiple time points and mixed data formats.  相似文献   

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