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张田  傅宏 《心理科学进展》2013,(9):1660-1666
在儿童心理咨询与治疗中,儿童享有获得治疗权、同意治疗权、拥有隐私权和个人名誉权等权利。在心理咨询与治疗中,对于来访者权利的保护已经得到了公认,但作为特殊的群体,儿童在心理咨询与治疗中的权利常被忽视。就中国文化而言,中国传统的价值取向是造成这一现象的原因之一。研究者认为中国人在日常生活中的适应方式是偏向社会取向的,这种社会取向有4个内涵,分别是家族取向、关系取向、权威取向和他人取向。因此,当以西方理论为主要指导的儿童心理咨询运用到中国社会时,必然会受到中国传统价值取向的影响,这些传统价值取向通过对儿童父母或民众观念的影响,进而冲击心理咨询与治疗中儿童权利的保护。  相似文献   

对中医文化研究现状的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 中医文化研究的现状1 1 中医文化研究取得的成果1 1 1 收集整理了大量非医学典籍中有关中医药的内容[1] ,为继续研究提供了一定的素材与线索。1 1 2 对药物器械、技术方法、理论形式、思维逻辑、心态结构、价值观念等中医文化各层次内容与西方医学文化中相应的内容进行了大体上的比较 ,并在对两者作出一定价值评判的基础上 ,批判了中医科研工作中存在的或者将中西医理论概念简单对应 ,或者以西方医学为价值标准的研究倾向 ,肯定了中医学在疾病观、治疗观、用药方法等方面确实有契合生命特征的合理因素。1 1 3 对中医学与其他中国传统…  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化重要源头的齐鲁文化,其实体是由儒、道、法、墨等文脉构成的,它们揭示了人类社会生存与发展的脉络,并以多元理论诠释了实现普遍和谐与稳定的思想。基督教是西方传统文化“基因图谱”的根源,它以宗教的方式阐释了上帝是造就人类社会至善至美的始动者,信奉上帝所言而行是创造和谐的必然。本文通过对不同文化生态模式的比较,析离出中西方和谐观各自产生的本源及对当代世界和平与发展的深刻影响。  相似文献   

在近代百年的文化论争中,论战的各方都在哲学思维层面接受社会有机思维方式,这种思维方式把社会各组成部分看作是紧密联系和不可分离的,正是这个理论教条使时人看不清楚传统文化在工业化过程中的重要作用。传统文化是工业化之弊的解毒剂,这是传统文化在当代社会的最重要的价值。由于思想家没有对传统文化进行点化,使中国工业化的思想资源严重缺乏,这使中国失去一个和谐发展的机会。当务之急是破除社会有机思维方式的理论教条,并对传统文化进行点化,从而使中国走出一条与西方社会不同的工业化发展道路。这是百年文化论争的最后解决。  相似文献   

试析后现代心理学影响下的心理治疗与咨询   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
叶浩生 《心理科学》2003,26(4):578-582
后现代心理学强调心理现象的建构特性和心理学知识的文化相对性。后现代背景下的心理治疗和咨询接受社会建构主义的认识论主张,认为病理心理是语言的社会建构,并没有客观的意义。所有的治疗和咨询理论都是一种“建构”或“叙事”,而不是所谓的“真理”。承认这一点,将有助于在后现代多元化的基础上,实现各种治疗和咨询理论的整合。  相似文献   

中国本土化心理治疗的回顾与思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
心理治疗的理论建构、价值取向和具体操作,受到社会文化的深刻影响,而现代的心理治疗理论及操作技术多产生于西方,所以应该研究创立中国本土化的心理治疗理论及操作技术。通过对中国古代传统心理治疗和现代西方心理治疗中国化的回顾,分析中国文化和哲学对本土心理治疗的影响,探讨发展中国本土化心理治疗的途径。  相似文献   

上海宗教历史悠久。中国第一个佛教团体孕育在上海,中国伊斯兰教新型一管理机构上海清真董事会诞生在上海,中国基督教三自爱国运动的发起在上海……上海是一个开放的移民城市,是一座国际性大都市,在文化方面兼容东方与西方、南派与北派、传统与现代,形成了独特的海派文化。上海宗教作为构成海派文化的要素之一,具有兼容并蓄的文化品性,上海的宗教理论和宗教文化研究拥有深厚的基础。  相似文献   

心理治疗的理论建构、价值取向和具体操作,受到社会文化的深刻影响,而现代的心理治疗理论及操作技术多产生于西方,所以应该研究创立中国本土化的心理治疗理论及操作技术.通过对中国古代传统心理治疗和现代西方心理治疗中国化的回顾,分析中国文化和哲学对本土心理治疗的影响,探讨发展中国本土化心理治疗的途径.  相似文献   

西方心理学中两种文化的对立及其思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方明 《心理学探新》2000,20(2):8-11
西方心理学中科学文化与人文文化的对立由来已久,构成了西方心理学的发展史。两 种文化的冲突表现在心理学科学观、人性观、本体论和方法论四个方面,这种冲突造成了西方心理学目前的困境。作者认为,西方心理学中两种文化冲突的存在揭示了大力发展理论心理学的必要性和紧迫性,也是心理学统一的前提,并对心理学的本土化有可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

中医体系文化模式论概要   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
中医学做为中国传统文化的一部分,是在中国传统文化的母体及孕育发展起来的。正由于些,中国传统文化就不能不对其产生重要而深远的影响。本文依据文化人类原理,以中国传统文化为背景,从中医学的理论特点,整体观念2,思维逻辑,诊察方法,治疗思想以及中处理天人关系问题年的等六个方面展开讨论,对呀知体系的文化模式作了一个大致的勾勒和描述。  相似文献   

Proponents of multicultural counselling and therapy have emphasized the difficulties of cultural and racial minorities in relation to mainstream cultures. However, multicultural counselling and therapy is an even broader and more complex area than this. Prior to discussing therapeutic goals, this article draws on anthropology, to discuss the terminology of culture, and demography, to present population change statistics for Britain, Australia and the USA. Twelve goals for multicultural counselling and therapy are presented and discussed: reconciliation, support, coping with post-traumatic stress, assisting acculturation and assimilation, avoiding further marginalization, addressing racial and cultural discrimination, assisting clients to manage close cross-cultural relationships, assisting clients to manage intergenerational conflict, assisting long-stay transients and expatriates, assisting with gender role and equality issues, attaining higher levels of development, and the good society. As the world gets more interconnected, addressing each of these areas of multicultural counselling and therapy is going to become increasingly important.  相似文献   

Service planners and providers of mental health services (including therapy and counselling) claim that their services are being restructured so as to become more sensitive to the needs of users—irrespective of race and cultural background. This paper is one step towards that goal. It aims to (i)challenge assumptions and beliefs held by mainly white, mainstream therapists and counsellors; (ii) question the therapeutic practice which is based on white, middle-class ideology; (iii) raise awareness of a ‘black’ perspective in therapy and counselling and (iv) provide some practical guidelines for transcultural counselling.  相似文献   

When immigrating to a new society individuals typically have different behavioural patterns and cultural values than the host country. These differences often lead to acculturation difficulties among immigrants. The purpose of this study was to examine how behavioural and value acculturation affects cultural adjustment problems among Korean immigrants living in a Western host country. Results of a multiple regression analysis revealed that a model combining fewer years living and being educated in the host country, less behavioural acculturation, and more strongly held traditional Asian values predicted increased cultural adjustment difficulties. Stronger adherence to traditional Asian values most significantly predicted adjustment problems among Korean immigrants. Implications for counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the emerging practice of online counselling. Although the traditional practice of counselling involves face-to-face interaction between counsellor and client, a growing number of practitioners are providing counselling or therapy services via the Internet. In the present study, a total of 67 online counsellors completed a questionnaire exploring the backgrounds, services, fees, and communication technologies of practitioners offering online counselling to the public. Results suggest that online counselling is conducted by relatively experienced, primarily Western-based practitioners and is characterised by the use of email. Online clients are mainly female and receive relatively short-term interventions. Although the field appears to be evolving as its popularity increases, some ethical concerns raised by early research remain inadequately addressed.  相似文献   

While clearly upholding the value of the helping professions, this article presents an analysis of alleged shortcomings of present forms of counselling and therapy. Arguments are presented for a New Look in counselling. Counselling, it is claimed, would benefit from redefinition as a culture of healing. It should be conceptualised as a cultural practice rather than as a scientific undertaking. Drawing on new intellectual resources would help re-align counselling epistemologically and practically in order to achieve sensibility in the face of social and historical transformations which have taken place in the second half of this century and which continue radically to alter both social life and our ways of understanding social life.  相似文献   

The issue of what constitutes a skilled human being is fundamental to counselling and psychotherapy. Furthermore, multicultural counselling and therapy is based on the two primary assumptions of common humanity and cultural diversity. However, nowhere have I seen in the psychotherapy theory and the multicultural literature the issue addressed of whether there are universal human being skills that underlie and transcend cultural diversity. By 'universal human being skills' I mean skills that characterize the good or effective person regardless of the culture or country in which they live. Arguably the widespread possession of such human skills throughout the world is fundamental to creating happiness and avoiding suffering on a daily basis. Furthermore, the survival of the species depends on the existence of sufficient good or skilled human beings to protect the interests of future generations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the notion that marginalized clients through their socio-cultural and geo-political histories are positioned “outside” the masculine cultural metaphors and conventional theoretical epistemologies of counselling, psychology and psychotherapy. In other words, these minoritized clients are “outside the sentence” of the texts and contexts of therapy. The discursive practice of therapeutic reconstitution and restoration produces a particular set of vocabularies and sentences that facilitate transformation and psychic equilibrium consistent with the process of individuation and self actualization. However, for marginalized groups, such as black and other visible minority, women, deaf, gay and lesbian clients the hegemonic masculine narratives of counselling psychology and psychotherapy only make it possible for these clients to be “outside the sentence”, not just grammatically and metaphorically of the therapeutic project, but in the external reality of how the practice is clinically governed. In other words, the social and cultural marginalization outside the clinic room is in a dialectical relationship with the therapy dyad. For the minoritized client being “outside the sentence” produces the effect of being “inside” another process, i.e., the history of subjugation, domination, diaspora, and displacement. This paper explores this issue and argues that the only way for counselling, psychology and psychotherapy to bring the diversity client “within the sentence” of therapy is to assign and re-inscribe the history, memory and pain of “the Other” voices to the “inside” of the therapeutic space, to interrupt and disrupt the hegemonic masculine narratives, thus transforming “non-sentences” into sentences and paragraphs, and eventually into essays of the discursive subject.  相似文献   

Culture influences conceptualizations about illness, health and healthcare. In this article we argue that Western-oriented health care models have limited success when applied to health conditions of people of non-Western cultures and contend that culture is an important factor in health, illness and healing. We present two cultural modes of illness and healing to illustrate that many health conditions are meaningful and can be effectively managed with consideration of the cultural contexts of the communities concerned. We illustrate, by case examples, how these cultural conceptualisations influence the treatment of illness in three different cultural settings. In addition, we identify some of the key challenges to integrating traditional healing into counselling and psychotherapy. Integration of different cultural healthcare models is a best practice in comprehensive context sensitive delivery of healthcare.  相似文献   

The rhetorical/discursive turn, in its multiple disciplinary masks, is here to stay. Even psychology is giving in to its charm. The Sophists can smile again, the agora is back and the solipsistic self is in retreat. Dialogical, narrative and cultural psychologies, as well as the counselling profession, triumph the return of the social, the contextual, and the historical to the conceptual realm of the autonomous individual. Though we encourage and enjoy critical views of modern perspectives, such as that supported by poststructuralist and postmodern perspectives, we wonder whether orthodoxies might not be more inclined towards relocation than to eviction. Based on our conviction that a positivist/relativist dichotomy is a poor exchange for older modern dichotomies (self/other), the paper critically reviews the poststructuralist turn in therapy and counselling, and discusses the implications for counselling theory and counsellors' work.  相似文献   

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