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Basic symptoms, as defined and described by the Bonn Scale, were assessed by means of a new self-report inventory, the Rome Basic Disorders Scale. On all the subscales, psychiatric outpatients (n = 105; most frequent diagnoses: Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, and Mood Disorders) scored significantly higher (p < .001) than nonclinical controls (n = 105). Psychiatric patients with at least one diagnosis on the psychotic sets of Foulds' hierarchical inventory (n = 45), compared with the rest of the psychiatric sample (n = 60), had significantly higher scores on nearly all subscales. Two groups of inpatients with Schizophrenia (n = 20) and Mood Disorders (n = 20) were tested on Day 2 and 9 of hospitalization in an emergency ward. Schizophrenic patients had significantly higher scores on most of the subscales, but only on Day 9; on Day 2 depressed and manic patients scored significantly higher on four subscales. Until now basic symptoms had not been studied during the intrapsychotic phase, mainly because of their transformation into first-rank symptoms; present findings suggest that basic symptoms are active also at the height of the psychotic breakdown and that they are more responsive to treatment in Depression and Mania than in Schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Sherry Blackman 《Sex roles》1986,15(1-2):33-41
The purpose of this study was to contrast women who enrolled in college mathematics courses at the level of introductory calculus and beyond, with those who did not, on the two-dimensional plane of masculinity-femininity. Data were gathered from 179 female undergraduates. Differences between the two groups were explored with respect to masculine-feminine personality traits, attitudes, and role behaviors. It was found that the math group women differed from the non-math group women on a number of variables, including background and vocational interests. There are data in this study that may be interpreted as providing evidence for the importance of social and psychological factors in women's choice of mathematics courses at the college level.This paper is based on the author's doctoral dissertation at New York University. The author wishes to thank William L. Zlot, who served as dissertation advisor, and Robert G. Malgady who served on the committee. The study was carried out at The College of Staten Island. The author wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of the administration, faculty, and staff of the college. Special thanks are due to Dean Barry Bressler for his support.  相似文献   

Recent research on homosexual partner preferences has focused on sexual attraction, but little attention has been paid to stable, long-term relationships in this population. The present research is concerned with the roles of similarity and complementarity in relatively durable relationships. One-hundred and eleven homosexual males completed a questionnaire describing themselves, including their masculinity and femininity (Bem, 1974), and characteristics of their ideal partner. Results indicated a desire for a partner who was logical and expressive, similar in age, and similar in masculinity—femininity. No special features of homosexuality nor sex roles seem necessary to explain these results.  相似文献   

Two studies of the effects of partial information (initial-letter cueing) on amnesic and normal performance are reported. In Experiment I the beneficial effects of partial information on the performance of patients treated with ECT were confirmed. In Experiment II normal subjects were tested after different retention intervals with yes-no recognition and initial-letter cueing. With the yes-no recognition data corrected for guessing, an interaction between method of testing and retention interval was obtained. It is argued that the beneficial effects of partial information are not conclusive evidence of retrieval deficits in amnesia.  相似文献   

Although perseveration is a recognized sign of disturbed brain function, it also occurs in normal individuals. Determination of the frequency of perseveration in normal subjects would enable clinicians to use perseveration as a marker of possible pathology. The purpose of this study was to document the extent of perseveration in normal young and older subjects. Thirty young normal individuals between the ages of 20 and 35 years and 30 older normal individuals between the ages of 60 and 75 years were given four tasks on which perseveration has been reported in brain-damaged individuals. Four percent of all responses were perseverative. No age or gender effects on frequency were observed. Of the four neuropsychological tasks, the Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test elicited the greatest number of perseverations.  相似文献   

Do self-monitoring processes influence (1) the correspondence between assessed personality and expressive masculinity-femininity, and (2) the cross-channel consistency (face, body, voice) of expressive masculinity-femininity? To answer these questions, 36 male and 36 females completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and Snyder's Self-Monitoring Scale, and then were videotaped as teachers. Five groups of naive judges rated these stimulus subjects on expressive masculinity-femininity, basing their respective ratings on: video pictures and voices, just pictures, just faces, just bodies, or just voices. A sixth group of judges rated subjects on physical attractiveness. The results indicated that judged physical attractiveness was significantly correlated with judged masculinity-femininity, with men being judged more masculine and females more feminine the more attractive they were. BSRI femininity correlated strongly with judged masculinity-femininity, and BSRI masculinity, less so. Finally, self-monitoring did prove to moderate the correspondence between personality and expressive behavior, and the cross-channel consistency of masculinity-femininity cues: however, these moderating effects were different for males and females.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships of masculinity and femininity with concession in an experimental collaborative eyewitness testimony task, using the MORI technique. Participants formed same sex or mixed sex pairs and watched a videotaped event. Their eyewitness memories were assessed three times: immediately after watching, after discussing the event together, and individually 1 week later . The participants' self-confidence in their recalled memories and percentages of concessions were also examined. The Masculinity-Humanity-Femininity Scale was administered to the participants at the end of the experiment. The results showed that masculinity negatively correlated with concession, and that both masculinity and femininity were associated with inaccuracy in collaborative memory recall.  相似文献   

Groups of naive judges rated 18 videotaped stimulus persons on masculinity, femininity, “dominance, assertiveness,” and “compassion, sensitivity to others.” Stimulus persons were broken down by sex and sex-typing—half were male, half female—and within sexes one third were classified as masculine, feminine, and androgynous on the basis of their scores on the Bem Sex Role Inventory. Two experiments are reported in which groups of judges rate stimulus persons on the basis of such different expressive information as videotaped pictures and recorded voices, videotaped pictures alone, videotaped bodies, videotaped heads, recorded voices, and still photos. The results showed: (1) Judges reliably rated masculinity-femininity from largely expressive cues: (2) judgments of masculinity-femininity were not predominantly determined by judgments of sex role-related traits: (3) the naive judgment of masculinity-femininity significantly corresponded to stimulus subjects' assessed sex roles; (4) stimulus subjects (particulary males) showed a consistent display of masculinity-femininity across expressive channels; and (5) judges used different expressive cues in judging masculinity-femininity in males and females. These results are related to broader questions concerning the relation between expressive behavior and personality.  相似文献   

In this paper I have endeavoured to draw attention to what is meant when we refer to a patient as psychotic. It is argued that it is not enough just to be ordinarily sensitive to our patients; we need to tune into the psychotic wavelength with all its implications for understanding and management. Illustrative case-histories are presented from everyday psychiatric work.  相似文献   

Using multiple regression techniques, this research examines the relationship of gender and of masculinity— femininity to self-reported emotional intimacy in same-sex friendship among male and female college students, a segment of the population for which friendship is thought to be of particular salience. Findings indicate that, as hypothesized, males report significantly lower levels of emotional intimacy in same-sex friendship than do females. Masculinity, defined in terms of instrumental qualities, has little effect on the degree of reported intimacy, while femininity, defined in terms of expressive qualities, is positively associated with intimate friendship. Findings for differences among individuals classified on combinations of masculinity and femininity are also presented. Results are interpreted in view of sex-role expectations which appear to prohibit displays of emotional vulnerability among men.The author wishes to thank Frank Bean for his many contributions to the research on which this paper is based. Appreciation is also extended to Susan Marshall for comments on an early draft.  相似文献   

Writing is a complex process requiring visual memory, attention, phonological and semantic operations, and motor performance. For that reason, it can easily be disturbed by interfering with attention, memory, by interfering subvocalization, and so on. With 16 female third-year students (23.4 +/- 0.8 yr.) from the University of Trieste, we investigated the production of errors in three experimental conditions (control, articulatory suppression, and tapping). In the articulatory suppression condition, the participants produced significantly more linguistic impairments (such as agrammatism, unrelated substitutions, sentence omissions, and semantically deviant sentences), which are similar to linguistic impairments found in aphasia. On the tapping condition there were more perseverations, deletions, and substitutions of both letters and words. These data suggest that writing is not an automatic skill. Only after many years of experience and practice of processing information (through cortical to subcortical channels) can writing be considered an automatic skill. Limited experimental conditions can disrupt the writing system of normal subjects, probably interfering with the cortical to subcortical loops, and link normality to pathology.  相似文献   

A word association test was administered to a group of 316 undergraduate students. Word stimuli were balanced according to frequency of occurrence in written English language usage (frequent, infrequent), word length (short, long), abstraction level (low, medium, high), and grammatical class (noun, verb, adjective). Responses were analyzed according to a syntactic classification system. The factorial nature of the word list used enhances its value as a research tool.The authors wish to thank Professor Louis J. Gerstman, Department of Psychology, City College of CUNY, New York, for his assistance in preparing the statistical data in this study.  相似文献   

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