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《周易》乾坤两卦卦爻辞五考   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文对《周易》乾坤两卦的6处卦爻辞作了新的解释,认为《乾》卦九三爻辞“君子终日乾乾,夕惕若”之“惕”应训为止息;“用九”、“用六”之“用”本字为“通”,应训为全、皆;《坤》卦卦辞应“东北丧朋”在先,“西南得朋”在后,其次序与“先迷后得主”有内在联系,是建立在八卦卦气说基础上的;六二爻辞应断为“直方,大,不习,无不利”,“习”本字为“摺”,即折,是说做到正直而方正,就能宏大,就能不失败,就能无所不利;上六爻辞“血”本字应为“率”,即首领,“玄黄”应训为病。这些新的训释对理解《周易》乾坤两卦的思想有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

用<说卦传>的八卦方位说或汉易卦气说去解说<周易>坤卦卦辞,都会遇到岁时和方位逆行的问题,这是违背八卦方位与卦气原理的.这表明有学者据帛书<易之义>中"岁之义"的说法推断<周易>本经中有卦气思想的看法是行不通的.细考帛书原文,其"岁之义,始于东北,成于西南"一句其实本非解说坤辞"西南得朋,东北丧朋"的,而是解说初六爻辞的.而就爻辞"履霜坚冰至"一语本身而言,我们无法从中看出什么方位问题,传本<易传>亦无此类解读,故帛书有关"岁之义"的说法只能视为帛书制作时代的观念.  相似文献   

1976—1977年,陕西周原出土带字卜甲190多片,其中有6片刻有用六个数字组成的易卦。经考定,数字卦用阴爻一、阳爻一表示,则在《周易》中有相对应的卦。其中周原85号卜甲刻有数字卦及卦辞,其数字卦与《周易·蛊卦》相对应。本文进一步考证,其卦辞也与《周易·蛊卦》初六爻辞“厉终吉”相合。又,周原9号卜甲有卜辞“大出于川”,可考与《周易·蛊卦》卦辞“元亨,利涉大川”为同一件事。在结合周原卜甲及其它典籍相互参证的基础上,本文对《周易·蛊卦》卦辞爻辞进行新的诠释,并对相关的商周史事进行考述。  相似文献   

《周易》是用“隐”的手法所构成,它以“象”表达思想,许多文字类似今日的“密码”,卦、爻辞虽然简短,而它却能容纳很多内容。如《周易·上经》之首的《乾·坤》二卦,其中就有四、五个系统。作为《周易·下经》之首的《咸·恒》两卦,虽然次于《乾·坤》两卦,它们也蕴藏不少系统。这些系统都具有很高的思想水平,代表着我国古代文明的高度。没揭发这些系统之前,首先分析一下《咸卦》卦辞:  相似文献   

帛书《衷》篇"《川》之详说"章,是研究孔子《坤》卦思想的重要文献.从目前对此章的校释研究看,很多疑难辞语未得其解,需要进一步疏通解读.在此章中,孔子以灾异观念释《坤》卦辞"先迷后得主","学人"当训觉人,使人觉悟之义;孔子以周代"保傅"制度释《坤》卦辞"东北丧朋,西南得朋,吉",以及初六爻辞"履霜,坚冰至";"非吉石也,亓口口要诚与贤之胃也","吉石"当训告所,言不是告诉方所的,而是讲得贤的;"小事时说","时"当训待,言待时而说;"知勿过数","知"当训交接,指文柔之人与君主交接,不急迫,不促狭;"文人内亓光,外亓龙","龙"训宠,荣光之义,言文柔之人内藏光华,自然外显而有荣光;"隐文且静","静"当训情,言内隐文德,中心笃实.  相似文献   

通行本和<集解>本蒙卦卦辞"初筮告,再三渎,渎则不告"中的"告",帛书本和汉石经皆作"吉".自帛书<周易>出土以来,有许多学者开始脱离传统的看法,而越来越倾向于以帛书本和汉石经的"吉"字作为正解.然而.从蒙卦卦辞的文意来看,还是以作"告"字是;从赞同以帛书作"吉"为长的各种观点来看.他们其实也并没有提出可以站得住脚的论据.虽然帛书<缪和>的确已将蒙卦卦辞的"告"解作"吉"字,但这种解法实际上是对蒙卦卦辞的篡改、曲解或误读;就笔者有限所见,在各种主要传世文献中,至少从西汉时代起,就基本上是将蒙卦卦辞解作"告",而非解作"吉"的.说明作"青"解读的帛书本和汉石经本并非主流版本.  相似文献   

“纳甲”是两汉易学象数学的基础,特别是虞翻说《易》,更以“纳甲”为重要依据,贯串于《周易》六十四卦。尽管历代易学家对“纳甲”毁誉不一,但“纳甲”在汉代易学中,又确实占有重要地位,对后世有较大影响,因此要了解汉代易学,就不能不对两汉的“纳甲”说作必要的研究和探讨。为此笔者谈谈个人的浅见,就教于方家。“纳甲”说始于何时,众说不一,或论始于西汉京房,似不尽然。考之《周易》的卦爻辞:言“干支”的如《蛊》卦“先甲三日,后甲三日”,《巽》卦“先庚三日,后庚三日”。《革》卦“已日乃孚”;言“方位”的如《坤》卦“利,西南得朋,东北丧朋”,《蹇》卦“利西南,不利东北”;言“时候”的如《小畜》卦《归妹》卦的“月几望”,《复》卦的“先王以至日闭关”等等。这说明以“干支”记时和东西方位之说,在我国已有悠久历史。据史书记载,早在三千多年前的夏、商时期,我国先民已经注意到对天象的观测,并以太阳主阳属天,极以“天干”(甲、乙、丙、丁、  相似文献   

细考《说卦传》、帛书《缪和》与《说文段注》之相关内容及"川"字形体演变之历史,可知帛书将卦名"键川"之川写作"川"并非误抄问题,坤卦之"坤"亦确系由"申"得声而非土申会义,无论其于古文献中书写形式有何不同,其名为"坤卦"且取名于地义是可以确定的。坤卦之"坤"的"土在申位"说出自许慎,又只能与《京房易占》的说法相吻合,故其说显系出于汉人的知识。改动传本《周易》坤卦卦辞的语序,以适应与传本经文卦序不同的八卦方位说,再增入汉易卦气说中才有的十二支,用这种方法论证《周易》本经中已有卦气是不妥的。  相似文献   

一、整体观念整体观点是系统方法的核心。华夏民族的整体思维传统发祥甚早,其滥觞可以追溯到原始社会去。到《易经》成书时,整体地观察世界已经成为一种牢固的思维方式。《易经》的整体观点,鲜明地体现在它们的医学思想中。艮卦卦辞说:“艮其背不获其身,行其庭不见其人。”李镜池先生和高亨先生都认为这段话是批评“只顾部分而不护整体”的作法。李镜池先生更指出此卦“反映了医学上的整体观念”(《周易通义》)。这种理解是正确的,但  相似文献   

一、卦变问题的提出卦变是《周易》研究中的一个重要问题。《易·泰》卦辞云:“小往大来。”《否》卦辞云:“大往小来”。《周易》所讲的大小往来,也就是阴阳二爻的变化往来。孔疏说:“阴去故小往、阳长故大来。”是正确的。而《周易》所谓的卦变,也就是由于阴阳二爻的往来变化所引起的六十四卦卦象的改变。孔子作《易传》对于《周易》的卦变思想进行了系统地阐述和发挥。清代学者黄宗羲说:“卦变之说由《泰》《否》二卦小  相似文献   

采用朋友提名和Beck抑郁问卷,以73个班级3034名大学生为被试,考察班级朋友网络中不同连接步数朋友的抑郁水平对个体抑郁的影响。结果发现:(1)互选朋友数量对抑郁存在显著的负向影响;(2)在控制了互选朋友数量的影响后,互选朋友中是否存在抑郁者,对个体自身的抑郁不具有显著的预测作用;(3)提名与被提名的直接朋友和两度距离朋友中,抑郁朋友数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(4)同性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用,而异性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁则不具有显著的预测作用。综合上述结果可以得出以下结论:抑郁朋友在班级朋友网络中的影响范围仅限两度距离以内(包括两度),且这种影响不受朋友关系方向的限制。随着抑郁朋友的数量增多,个体抑郁的风险也显著增加,然而抑郁朋友对个体抑郁的影响,可能更多的是受到同性抑郁朋友的影响。  相似文献   

Friendship constitutes an important facet of human behavior, and the current research investigated the reasons that motivate people to make friends. First, a combination of qualitative research methods were used to identify 41 perceived reasons why people make friends. Using a sample of 1,316 Greek‐speaking participants, these reasons were classified into five broad factors. Participants indicated that the most important reasons for making friends were to receive social input, support, and because of someone else's good qualities. Sex differences and age effects were found in most factors. Finally, the five factors were classified into two broader domains, the first reflecting motivation to make a true friendship and the second to gain opportunistic benefits.  相似文献   

Sex segregation (the separation of boys and girls into same-sex groups in their friendships and casual encounters; [Thorne, B., & Luria, Z. (1986). Sexuality and gender in children’s daily worlds. Social Problems, 33, 176–190]), has typically been viewed as a childhood phenomenon. In the present paper, we review research that suggests the phenomenon of sex segregation persists across the life span. We draw from a social-constructionist model to synthesize literature documenting sex segregation in friendships and aspects of individuals’ socio-cultural contexts in childhood, adolescence, and early and later adulthood. We consider developmental continuities in mechanisms that may be associated with sex segregation, including behavioral compatibility, communication styles, third-party resistance to other-sex relationships, and institutional barriers to other-sex relationships. We discuss how these factors may, through a reciprocal process, contribute to and result from sex segregation. Finally, we offer recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Second-, third-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children evaluated relationship qualities of a self-nominated friend and a self-nominated very best friend over a 6-month school year period. Results demonstrated that 76% of the friend relationships and 50% of the very best friend relationships were maintained over the course of the study. Children in maintained friendships evaluated their relationships more positively and also reported having larger friendship networks in general compared with children whose friendships did not endure over time. Thus those with unstable relationships are having difficulty initiating new friendships as well. For very best friends, positive relationship qualities (e.g., caring) did not change over time for children in maintained relationships, while positive relationship qualities decreased over time for children in nonmaintained relationships. Further, no differences emerged between children in maintained and nonmaintained very best friendships on perceptions of negative relationship qualities (e.g., conflict).  相似文献   

Three categories of potential moderators of the link between best friend's deviancy and boys' delinquency during early adolescence were investigated: personal (i.e., disruptiveneness profile during childhood, attitude toward delinquency), familial (i.e., parental monitoring, attachment to parents), and social (i.e., characteristics of other friends). Best friend's and other friends' deviancy were assessed during preadolescence through the use of peer ratings. Potential moderators were assessed at the same age period with teacher ratings or self-reports. Finally, delinquent behaviors were assessed at ages 13 and 14, as well as age 10 for control purposes, with self-reports. Results showed that boys' disruptiveness profiles during childhood, attachment to parents, and attitude toward delinquency moderated the link between best friend's deviancy and later delinquent behaviors. Other friends' deviancy and parental monitoring had main effects but no moderating effects. These results help clarify the conditions under which exposure to a deviant best friend can influence boys' delinquent behaviors. They also help to reconcile different theoretical explanations of the role of deviant friends in the development of delinquency.  相似文献   

Research with ethnically diverse women has found that friendships can enhance women's health and mental wellbeing (Greif & Sharpe, 2010 Greif , G. L. , & Sharpe , T. L. ( 2010 ). The friendships of women: Are there differences between African Americans and Whites? Journal of Human Behavior In The Social Environment , 20 ( 6 ), 791807 . doi: 10.1080/10911351003751892 [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Sister friends can be crucial in assisting African American women and women of ethnically diverse backgrounds to face, address, and overcome, major transitions including stress and traumatic stress. Through a reflection and analysis of the relationship with a sister friend, the author explores the strength and challenges of sister friendship as well as therapeutic value. Recommendations are provided for sisterhood as a clinical intervention as well as for women therapist's self care. A case study of an African American woman in need of mutual sister friends is summarized. This exploration is shared through a womanistic psychology.  相似文献   

儿童的两种亲密人际关系:亲子依恋与友谊   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于海琴  周宗奎 《心理科学》2004,27(1):143-144
以城市三所普通小学四、五、六年级的505名学生为被试,用问卷调查、团体施测的方式,探讨儿童亲子依恋与其友谊的关系,结果发现:在儿童友谊质量方面,父、母均有影响,在友谊的数量,如好朋友提名分方面母亲的作用也是显见的;亲子依恋特质的两成分(信赖、亲近)对儿童友谊质量的积极特征和冲突水平有相对不同预测力。  相似文献   

Prior research examining maintenance in cross-sex friendships focuses heavily on platonic (i.e., nonsexually active) friendships with limited research examining sexually involved cross-sex friendships (i.e., “friends with benefits relationships”). In this study, we investigated differences in relational maintenance behaviors between sexually and nonsexually active cross-sex friendships types. In an online survey, 531 emerging adult participants from large southwestern and southeastern universities identified either a friends with benefits or platonic opposite sex friendship and then completed items asking them to report the frequency with which they enacted each of 36 relationship maintenance behaviors. Overall, participants involved in casual sex friendships engaged in the least, and those who transitioned from a friends-with-benefits relationship to a romantic relationship engaged in the most frequent relationship maintenance. Platonic friendships employed more frequent maintenance than casual-sex friendships but less than either true friends with benefits or participants who transitioned to a romantic relationship.  相似文献   

The present research longitudinally evaluated the association of group and dyadic peer relation factors to the stability of aggression. Beginning in grades 2 through 5, children (N = 212) completed peer nominations for aggressive behaviors, sociometric ratings, sociometric nominations (like most and like least), and friendship nominations for 2 successive years. Children were classified into four Stability of Aggression Groups: Never Aggressive, Stable Aggressive, Discontinued Aggression, Became Aggressive. Aggressive children were evaluated as more disliked at each time of testing (i.e., Stable Aggressive and Discontinued Aggression at Time 1; Stable Aggressive and Became Aggressive at Time 2). Furthermore, sociometric ratings of children at Time 1 who became aggressive by Time 2 foreshadowed this transition. Children who discontinued aggressive behaviors were friends with children who were evaluated by peers as significantly less aggressive than the friends of children who continued aggressive behaviors. These findings suggest that early identification of children at risk for developing aggressive behavior may be possible through group‐level peer evaluations, and identification of those at risk for continuing aggressive behavior may be possible through the evaluation of special dyadic friendships. Aggr. Behav. 26:277–290, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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