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《易·彖传》说《颐》、《大过》等十二卦时,分别用到"时"、"时义"、"时用"三个概念,此三者内涵实可作为六十四卦卦义之通例。若详绎此《周易》"大时之义",对认识儒学《易》理乃至全部儒学思想体系,意义所关至大。  相似文献   

结合四库提要所勾勒的"变卦解易"这一易学史上的重要线索,本文考述了<易小传>与<易变体义>、<易纂言>与<易象义>、<易象正>与<易原就正>的关系及其思想特色,澄清了其间的一些误传与误会.同时指出变卦解易这一思想流派早在四库之前的丁易东那里就已有所总结;指出以动爻变卦解<易>的思想发轫于<左传>中的古老筮例,明确于南宋沈该的<易小传>和都絮的<易变体义>,经宋元之际吴澄的<易纂言>和丁易东的<易象义>,到明代黄道周的<易象正>达到其高峰,清代包仪的<易原就正>受到黄道周<易象正>的影响很大.  相似文献   

吴澄的《易》学成就,主要体现于其卦统说、卦主说和卦变说。吴澄"卦统说"反映了尚中、尚阳、尚礼的思想,可以比较理想地解释《周易》古经卦序和上、下分篇之由的象数依据,对后世影响深远。吴澄"卦主"说,逻辑推理十分严密。乾、坤、否、泰四卦之外,先看是否有坎、离。有坎、离,则以坎、离定卦主; 无坎、离,再看震、巽、艮、兑。卦中有艮、兑,先看是否属十二消息卦。如属十二消息卦,则艮、兑以中爻为主; 如非十二消息卦,则艮、兑以上爻为主。震、巽、艮、兑自相重之卦,以上卦定卦主; 震、巽、艮、兑互相合之卦,除颐、大过、中孚、小过外,皆以下卦定卦主。吴澄"卦变说"充分反映了中国传统的类比逻辑思维。与此前虞翻、朱熹等人的"卦变说"相比,吴澄"卦变说"的卦变来源更加整齐划一,能够更好地满足诠释卦爻辞的需要。吴澄的"卦统"、"卦主"、"卦变"说,总体而言,足成一家之说。通过对吴澄《易》著的研读,可以认为,皮锡瑞等先生对元代《易》学的宏观评价有可商之余地。  相似文献   

李贽《九正易因》着力于阐发文王、孔子"神圣心事",其"文王之卦"说继承发展了传统"三陈九卦"说,以《明夷》、《困》等十六卦为具体内容,深入阐发文王忧患之事、处困之道、尚贤养贤之道、风化天下等内容。"文王之卦"是李贽《易》学思想的核心内容,体现了《九正易因》独特的《易》学史价值。  相似文献   

漳浦县黄道周纪念馆中的天方盘和黄道周<易象正>中的天方图大同小异,本文细致分析比较了二者结构的区别和相似,对其方圆数度关系作出考释.天方图是黄道周易学体系的重要基石,在其易学著述中,很多易、历、律的象数关系,都要根据天方图来说明.方以智一家三代对黄道周的天方图都很欣赏,黄道周的天方思想实有进一步深入研究的必要.  相似文献   

卦变说是理解项安世易说的关键,其卦变说接续了李挺之的相关识见,分反对卦与不反对八卦。反对卦皆自消息卦来,不反对卦皆自坎离来。以坎离作为主变之卦,既是对汉代易学重视坎离传统的接续,又融合了丹道思想,更是对当时理学家体用思想的认同与接纳,这使得项氏卦变说既具有深厚的传统积淀又有鲜明的时代认同。项氏卦变说的理论动机是从易象本身开显易道之变易,以弥补程颐仅从义理一面揭示易道变易之不足。  相似文献   

在继承东汉魏伯阳<周易参同契>和五代宋初陈抟图书学派的象数易学思想的基础上,对内丹修炼中所涉及的炉鼎与药物、采药、火候等要素及其间关系的处理,张伯端在论述时均用<周易>理论直观地解说,如以乾代鼎,以坤代炉,以离指元神,以坎指元精,以纳甲法阐述颠倒坎离翻卦象的采药过程,以十二辟卦、十二辰、二至二分说明进阳火、退阴符,把握时机即火候炼成金丹的过程.富有特色.<悟真篇>所借用的易卦,如乾坤、坎离、震兑、否泰、屯蒙、复垢等及其卦象,往往已脱离<周易>中本原的卦象内涵,都有<周易>中所没有的特殊内涵,赋予了新义.<悟真篇>通过易卦、易象阐述丹道,为易学思维的发展,提供了新的启迪.  相似文献   

陈坚 《周易研究》2002,(2):56-62
晚明高僧智旭所撰的《周易禅解》是易学史上首部系统地以佛解易的佳作。本文探讨了其中解《大过卦》的一节。在这一节中,智旭通过对《大过卦》的佛学解读,依傍《大过卦》中的易学原理阐明了佛教修行中“定”与“慧”的互利关系,指出只有“定慧兼济”、“定慧双修”才能最终修成正果,并告诫要防范因“定”或“慧”太过而造成的“增上慢”或“枯木禅”现象。最后笔者指明了智旭以佛解易对现代易学解释的启示。  相似文献   

从文王卦图到五行、十翼赵缊一、《周易》与文王的关系当我最初接触《周易》文王演卦作易的传说时,认为那不过都是孔子为依托圣王立说的溢美之词而已。在以后结合先秦史的学习研究中,我对文王于《周易》有重大影响的观念反而是越发坚定了,这种认识变化大体基于如下原因...  相似文献   

丁若镛是李朝朝鲜时期的易学家。他通过解释《易传》和汉宋卦变而提出"推移说"。此说的基本内涵是以汉代卦气说十二辟卦和中孚小过闰月卦之推移,变出其他五十衍卦,融卦气与筮法为一体,整合了汉易中的卦变法尤其是清代毛奇龄移易说,又吸收了宋代以朱熹为代表的卦变说。应该说其学是在融合汉宋卦变说基础上而建构起的一种具有新意的学说,是对于中国古代卦变说的整合和发展,拓展了象数易学研究的思路。此说以独特的符号话语阐发了易学中阴阳聚散、升降、消息、推移等变化思想,客观呈显了自然界阴阳变化的不同形式和表现特征,深化了中国古代以变化为核心的自然哲学思想。  相似文献   

The Constitution is considered as an informal axiomatic system. The strategy proposed by the authors rests on the following propositions: (1) axioms are considered as contextual definitions of those concepts by means of which they are formulated; and (2) the main requirement for this type of system is internal consistency. The first proposition is necessary for considering the Constitution as an informal axiomatic system, while the second is sufficient, because the approach proposed, apart from consistency, must certainly consider the requirements for formal axiomatic systems, such as independence and completeness. The authors argue that the Constitution can be compared to axiomatic constructions in modern science in the sense that is given in the research on the logic and methodology of deductive sciences. This analogy is appropriate to the extent to which constitutional provisions are interpreted as the basic elements of the legal system, just as in the formal sciences axioms are regarded as basic principles that define the main features of the formal system. This means that the Constitution itself is seen as coherent, consistent discourse that contextually defines the meaning of the basic terms of the legal system.  相似文献   

The Immune System as a Sensory System: Implications for Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The brain and immune system form a bidirectional communication network in which the immune system operates as a sense organ to provide the brain with information about infection and injury, thereby allowing the brain to coordinate a defense. Activated immune cells release proteins called cytokines, which signal the brain by both blood and neural routes. Information that reaches the brain across this sensory channel produces large changes in neural activity, behavior, mood, and cognitive functioning. Appreciation of the functioning of this network may illuminate poorly understood aspects of stress, depression, and intraindividual variability in behavior, mood, and cognition.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):115-134
In this article, I argue that affordances are properties of the animal-environment system, that is, that they are emergent properties that do not inhere in either the environment or the animal. I critique and review the formal definition of affordance offered by Turvey (1992). Turvey defined affordances as properties of the environment; I discuss some consequences of this and argue that Turvey's strategy of grounding the definition of affordance in terms of dispositional properties is problematic. I also suggest that Turvey's definition of affordance may lead to problems for the specification and direct perception of affordances. Motivated by these problems, I propose a new definition of affordance, in which affordances are properties of the animal-environment system. This definition does not rely on the concept of dispositional properties and is consistent with direct perception.  相似文献   


J. J. Gibson (1966) rejected many classical assumptions about perception but retained 1 that dates back to classical antiquity: the assumption of separate senses. We suggest that Gibson's retention of this assumption compromised his novel concept of perceptual systems. We argue that lawful, 1:1 specification of the animal–environment interaction, which is necessary for perception to be direct, cannot exist in individual forms of ambient energy, such as light, or sound. We argue that specification exists exclusively in emergent, higher order patterns that extend across different forms of ambient energy. These emergent, higher order patterns constitute the global array. If specification exists exclusively in the global array, then direct perception cannot be based upon detection of patterns that are confined to individual forms of ambient energy and, therefore, Gibson's argument for the existence of several distinct perceptual systems cannot be correct. We argue that the senses function as a single, irreducible perceptual system that is sensitive exclusively to patterns in the global array. That is, rather than distinct perceptual systems there exists only 1 perceptual system.  相似文献   

Present research attempted to demonstrate the effect of response delay and the presence or absence of the experimenter on the performance of nonreinforced imitative behaviors in retarded children. A multiple baseline design, counterbalanced for conditions, was used. The results indicated that the degree of control exercised by the experimenter's presence or absence was partially determined by the response delay. Other variables that may have affected the imitative performance were (a) other nonimitative behaivors displayed by the subject(s); (b) additional stimuli generated by the experimenter; and (c) the subject's pre-experimental history with the experimenter.  相似文献   


We propose a theory of how the speech gesture determines change in a functionally relevant variable of vocal tract state (e.g., constriction degree). A core postulate of the theory is that the gesture determines how the variable evolves in time independent of any executive timekeeper. That is, the theory involves intrinsic timing of speech gestures. We compare the theory against others in which an executive timekeeper determines change in vocal tract state. Theories that employ an executive timekeeper have been proposed to correct for disparities between theoretically predicted and experimentally observed velocity profiles. Such theories of extrinsic timing make the gesture a nonautonomous dynamical system. For a nonautonomous dynamical system, the change in state depends not just on the state but also on time. We show that this nonautonomous extension makes surprisingly weak kinematic predictions both qualitatively and quantitatively. We propose instead that the gesture is a theoretically simpler nonlinear autonomous dynamical system. For the proposed nonlinear autonomous dynamical system, the change in state depends nonlinearly on the state and does not depend on time. This new theory provides formal expression to the notion of intrinsic timing. Furthermore, it predicts experimentally observed relations among kinematic variables.  相似文献   

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