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女性主义神学兴起于20世纪60、70年代,是女性主义运动和解放神学投射到基督教领域而形成的一种神学思潮。如今,女性主义神学已经形成一个全球化、跨文化的神学思潮,受到越来越多的研究和关注,女性主义神学对于中国基督教的发展也具有借鉴意义。一、打破父权制思想辖制,建构性别平等的教会女性主义神学伴随着美国黑人民权运动和拉美解放神学同时产生。  相似文献   

本文通过对阿根廷神学家斯坎诺内著作的分析,讨论了解放神学的基本脉络,特别指出六八年世界范围内的革命这一事件对解放神学的重大意义,在教会内部则是有着长久历史的社会教义传统本身可以提供对解放神学的支持,这在解放神学的方法论问题上尤为重要,而在方法论上的不同使得第二代解放神学有别于第一代解放神学.最后笔者吁请关注六八年,关注拉丁美洲.  相似文献   

本文梳理了拉丁美洲解放神学和解放哲学的出发点、历史处境、基本特征和其发展的不同阶段,分析了解放神学和解放哲学内部不同派别的分野所在,并讨论了这些派别与马克思主义的关系,通过解放神学和解放哲学说明真宗教对拉丁美洲被压迫人民的解放作出了自己的贡献.  相似文献   

巴特的神学思想代表着二十世纪西方最富思想力度的神学言说。本文认为卡尔·巴特的神学思想由三种形态所构成一、危机神学;二、辩证神学;三、教义神学。从历史的角度,紧密结合时代,本文对巴特的神学思想历程作了一次初步的梳理和探讨。  相似文献   

本文基于基督宗教和马克思主义的对话,特别分析拉美解放神学在人类灵性方面的价值贡献,指出解放神学可以在一定程度上补充马克思对宗教的批判.  相似文献   

仲伟良 《学海》2003,1(6):61-67
解放神学有关“穷人”、“行动者”、“解放”等要义的意识形态问题 ,提示宗教不仅是人从当下境遇生发的终极追求 ,也是人 (以团契方式践履 )的现实关怀 ;作为遭受殖民统治、反对独裁与“资本”奴役 ,争取民族国家权益 ,瞩意宗教革新之特定地区特定历史阶段所形成的社会思潮 ,解放神学在与各色各样意识形态的冲突和对话之间 ,体现了基督宗教多元发展的文化—政治神学转向 ,其富有特色的释经原则、信仰理解和教会运动 ,别开生面地诠释了一些为无神论者所忽略的马克思主义立场、观点和方法 ,影响深远地透析出源于宗教政治中的马克思主义精神力量  相似文献   

王从友 《天风》2008,(21):24-27
中国基督教进行神学思想建设已经10年了,10年来,神学院校始终是神学思想建设的基地,在推进神学思想建设方面作出了不懈的努力。2008年9月23日至25日,全国各神学院校的代表相聚金陵,以"神学教育与课程设置"、"神学教育与中国教会"、"神学教育与中国文化"、"神学教育与社会责任"等主题展开研讨,勾画神学教育与神学思想体系的美好蓝图。本刊摘编部分与会者的真知灼见与广大读者分享。  相似文献   

丁光训 《天风》2004,(7):25-32
2004年8月5日,一个被海内外同工、同道称之为历史性首展的--"中国教会圣经事工展",将在香港国际会展中心揭幕,为了使海内外读者更多地了解中国教会圣经事工的发展,本期特刊发1990年11月丁主教在美国宗教学会和圣经公会联合年会上的演讲"中国基督徒怎样看待圣经"一文,以飧读者,希冀在"独特而令人向往的信息"中,使更多的中国教会的牧者,在处境发掘和宣讲圣经在新的时代的亮光和信息……  相似文献   

一、卡尔拉内的一生 今年3月5日正值卡尔拉内百周年诞辰,3月30日纪念他逝世二十周年。他的一生给我们后代人留下了丰富的精神遗产。他的一生是奉献给神学和教会的一生。 卡尔拉内是一位典型的德国人。他不苟言笑,经常处于沉思与考虑之中。他不大爱谈自己,只是随着年龄  相似文献   

王以诺 《天风》2003,(8):32-33
中国神学的出路,在于神学思想建设。下面我从三个方面加以阐述:一、进行神学思想建设的目的和意义1、在中国教会存在着不少消极的神学思想。进行神学思想建设就是为了引导的方式来消除这消极的神学思想,建立积极的,更符合圣经整体信息的神学思想。现在有不少的传道人,信徒喜欢讲的一个话题是,现在社会上的罪恶好像挪亚时代的罪恶、罗得时代的罪恶一样,说明主马上就要再来了;有一首在各地教会流行的诗歌也表达这样的意思,其中的一句歌词这样说:空中的异象,时代的潮流显明主快要再来。我认为作为  相似文献   

Mary E. Hunt 《Zygon》2001,36(4):737-751
This is a critical look at the question of design from a feminist theological perspective. The author analyzes James Moore's 1995 Zygon article, "Cosmology and Theology: The Reemergence of Patriarchy." Then she looks at the relationship between science and religion from a feminist perspective, focusing on the kyriarchal nature of theology itself in light of the myriad power issues at hand. Finally, she suggests that, instead of pondering the notion of design, scientists and theologians might more fruitfully look for new ground for dialogue since feminist scholars are asking very different questions, not just answering questions differently.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for a feminist theology of education based on reflection of women's educational experience in light of historical and contemporary theological works, especially the writing of Julian of Norwich. It argues for hospitality as a metaphor for theological education and suggests an understanding of the student, teacher, and environment of education that can create hospitality in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article submits feminist theology to a two-pronged theological critique. First, the article notes the overwhelmingly critical nature of feminist theology, and suggests that this concentration on critique at the expense of construction is itself a weakness of feminist theology. Further, it argues that the feminist critique tends to construe Christianity in a way which distorts the more complex realities of the faith, placing too much emphasis on the textual nature of Christianity. Second, the article argues that feminist attempts to construct new theologies are flawed because of their dependence upon the contentious notion of 'women's experience' and their consequent failure to engage with the traditional resources of theology. The article concludes with the suggestion that much feminist theology is dependent upon an influential post-Christian strand of religiosity, and that it uncritically appropriates the latter's unhelpfully individualistic, monistic and idealist stance.  相似文献   

Marit Trelstad 《Dialog》2006,45(3):236-245
Abstract : Luther's understanding of salvation can be summed up with the phrase “justification by grace through faith.” The doctrine of justification is the focal point for all theological categories in Luther's theology, including salvation. That said, this article examines various ways grace or salvation is understood to be conveyed in Luther's theology through: the cross, the resurrection or through God's election and covenant with humankind. Throughout the article, it evaluates these foci for salvation in terms of their ability to speak gospel to women's lives today. In particular, it evaluates the appropriate usage of Luther's epistemology of the cross.  相似文献   

The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust , Melissa Raphael, Routledge 2003 (0-415-23665-7) pp. xii + 228, Pb. £18.99  相似文献   

Melissa Raphael 《Sophia》2014,53(2):241-259
This article suggests that second-wave feminist theology between around 1968 and 1995 undertook the quintessentially religious and task of theology, which is to break its own idols. Idoloclasm was the dynamic of Jewish and Christian feminist theological reformism and the means by which to clear a way back into its own tradition. Idoloclasm brought together an inter-religious coalition of feminists who believed that idolatry is not one of the pitfalls of patriarchy but its symptom and cause, not a subspecies of sin but the primary sin of alienated relationship. The first moment of feminist theology’s criticism of patriarchal power is not that it is socially unjust, but that it has licence to be unjust because it is idolatrous. Yet, neither opponents of feminist theology who dismiss it on the grounds that it is a secular import into the tradition, nor feminist students of theology and religion, have paid sufficient attention to feminist theology’s counter-idolatrous turn as the religious ground of women’s liberation. Here, the freedom and becoming of women is dependent on the liberation of the religious imagination from captivity to a trinity of idols: the patriarchal god called God who is no more than an inference from the political dispensation that created him; the idol of the masculine that created God in his own image and the idol of the feminine worshipped as an ideational object of desire only as the subordinated complement of the masculine and as a false image that becomes a substitute for the real, finite women whose agency and will it supplants.  相似文献   

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