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意雯 《天风》2016,(9):59-59
[中国经济网]近日,云南安宁市的一男子自称“玉皇大帝二儿子”,凭着漏洞百出的拙劣表演,骗得3名90后年轻人深信不疑,5个月间,家境并不好的三人共计交给骗子20余万元供其做法事,希望“大神”能够帮助他们保平安,改变命运,飞黄腾达。专案组民警表示,在其二十余年的从警经历中,还是首次遇见这样的情况。  相似文献   

专家们兴奋不已,声称在伊拉克南部发现刻有基督教“十诫”的原作石碑,而且认为碑文是用激光束方法雕刻的。 以色列文物部一名专家比科说:“这些石碑是在3300年前由上帝首次赐给摩西的。”耶路撒冷大学的物理学者阿伦斯检验过石碑后说:“尽管几千年的侵蚀已遭磨损,但碑文笔划清晰有力,没有一名石匠能造到如此水准。” 阿伦斯和其他来自欧洲的科学家们便对石碑采用X光线和计算机分析等各种  相似文献   

毛竹是生长在中国南方湘粤一带的竹子,漫山遍野,质地平凡而拙朴。当地竹农们告诉我,它和普通的竹子不一样,在它一生最初的五年里,你几乎察觉不到它的生长,在别的竹类争先恐后地攀比高度时,只有毛竹似乎不动声色。  相似文献   

以前,老树村的人们把一门子心思全用在顾吃顾穿上了,并不曾想到这棵老树有什么用处,只以为它不过是棵奇形怪状的老树而已.自打肚子饱了身上暖了以后,心思就宽松了,也就有了悟性和雅趣.不知哪一天,有人到这棵老树下转了半天,便像哥伦布发现新大陆一样有了新发现:这是一棵夫妻树!  相似文献   

2009年年末,美国一家媒体在网络上公开评选“准是最火辣的国会新生代”,该活动的消息一经发布,就得到了数万名网友的投票支持。然而,当评选的结果出来后,却让所有美国人大吃一惊,原来,当选“最火辣的国会新生代”的不是别人,  相似文献   

神话故事在世界各国各民族的艺术宝库中都占有一席之地,对研究各民族的艺术发展起着不可替代的作用。神话传说也是文化产生的原始形态,神话研究对文化研究和艺术研究具有奠基性的意义。把中希神话中女娲和赫拉进行比较,可以看出,中国神话往往重视人的社会责任,注重整体利益,追求和谐;而希腊神话更重视个人利益和个性,追求反抗。这揭示了中希民族在不同时期具有不同的历史背景、价值观、美学追求和思维方式等。  相似文献   

婆罗门教和佛教都起源于古代印度,它们在发展过程中,既互相斗争,又互相影响,其神话世界从一个侧面反映了二者之间相互斗争和相互影响的情况。作为正统的婆罗门教在印度人民心目中已有深刻影响,在此情况下,佛教要想求得发展,就不得不吸收婆罗门教成分,到密教时期,佛教与婆罗门教更趋一致。如果婆罗门教的神形象已很发达,佛教则直接继承;如果婆罗门教的某些神形象还不大发达,佛教则予以改造和发展。  相似文献   

2002年12月15日至2003年3月1日,中国佛牙舍利赴泰供奉76天。为此,中国佛教协会组织中国佛学院、中国佛学院栖霞山分院、闽南佛学院的法师、学僧分别组成护法一团、护法二团、护法三团前往泰国护侍佛牙舍利。护法团法师们在守护佛牙舍利的过程中,写下了自己真切的感受,从一个侧面反映了佛牙舍利赴泰供奉的盛况和意义。为使大家对这一佛门盛事有更深入的认识和了解,本刊特从学僧们的护法日记中摘录一些片断,以饷读者。河和碧绿的草地。到了早上七八点钟,成群结队的信士开始排队等待瞻礼佛牙,直到下午六点钟才离去,煞是热闹。瞻礼佛牙的人群,可谓人山人海,保安警卫也是随处可见。我在护法之余,也了解到一些“佛国”的历史与风情。泰国,全称为泰王国,古称暹罗。自公元1238年以来一直是一个独立国家,也是南亚和东南亚国家中唯一没有被外国殖民者统治过的国家。国旗是由红、白、蓝三色构成。其中红色象征国家,白色象征宗教,蓝色象征国王。泰国是佛教国家,全国90%以上的国民信奉佛教,佛寺佛塔众多,有“千塔之国”的美称。佛教对泰国政治、经济、社会生活和文化艺术等领域都有着重大影响。泰国于1932年废除君主专制政体,实行君主立宪。现在的国家元首是国王普密蓬·阿杜德。他1946年即位,1950年加冕,是曼谷王朝  相似文献   

当哲学本身在两个连续的阶段中变成反身的时,会使我们回想起现代性中存在着神话结构的可能性。首先,由于康德批判的转向,哲学丧失了本身的“清白”,并且对其自身的可能性的条件发生了质疑。其次,由于“后现代的”转向,哲学研究变成了“实  相似文献   

我们可以接受这样的假设:失掉的著作往往不是最重要、最有影响的圣典。表现或寄托了一个民族基本精神的典籍,最易流传下来。因为它是由一切民族(文化圈)的历程所表明的。 这样,当我们对各种文化圈中产生出来的神话进行比较时,就可以发现古代中国(以汉民族文化圈为核心)的神话传说与此外所有民族遗留下来的神话传说有一个重大的差别。  相似文献   

Therapies for grief and loss have traditionally focused on the work of grieving. The goal was to reach an endpoint, now popularly called closure. There are, however, many people who, through no fault of their own, find a loss so unclear that there can be no end to grief. They have not failed in the work of grieving, but rather have suffered ambiguous loss, a type of loss that is inherently open ended. Instead of closure, the therapeutic goal is to help people find meaning despite the lack of definitive information and finality. Hope lies in increasing a family's tolerance for ambiguity, but first, professionals must increase their own comfort with unanswered questions. In this article, the authors, one a poet, the other a family therapist and theorist, offer a unique blending of theory, reflection, and poetry to experientially deepen the process of self‐reflection about a kind of loss that defies closure.  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion -  相似文献   

Kristy Coleman 《Religion》2013,43(3):247-263
Cynthia Eller, The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Won’t Give Women a Future. Boston, Beacon Press, 2000, 304pp., $26.00 (hardback) ISBN 08070 6792 X; 276pp., $16.00 (paperback) ISBN 08070 6793 8.  相似文献   

The Divorce Myth     
This article argues that counselors need to disengage themselves from the prevailing cultural attitude that divorce has inherent power to make people unhappy. Within this context, consideration is given to counseling couples with children.  相似文献   

Myth and Therapy     
In the context of psychology, myth takes on a therapeutic aspect that moves it beyond the negative connotations of common usage to a position of religious significance.  相似文献   

The mediation myth is the false belief that mediation is actually estimated in the typical mediation analysis. This myth is based on a trifecta of shortcomings: (1) the typical mediation study relies on an inadequate design; (2) the researcher uses a flawed analysis strategy; and (3) there is scant attention to assumptions that are required when estimating mediation. These problems stem from overgeneralizing the classical product method for estimating mediation and overreliance on statistical significance testing as a decision criterion in mediation analysis. The goals of this article are to (1) raise awareness of these difficulties among researchers and (2) provide a roadmap about design and analysis options for a more rigorous and scientifically valid approach to mediation analysis.  相似文献   

In the context of debates about what form a theory of meaning should take, it is sometimes claimed that one cannot understand an intersective modifier-head construction (e.g., ‘pet fish’) without understanding its lexical parts. Neo-Russellians like Fodor and Lepore contend that non-denotationalist theories of meaning, such as prototype theory and theory theory, cannot explain why this is so, because they cannot provide for the ‘reverse compositional’ character of meaning. I argue that reverse compositionality is a red herring in these debates. I begin by setting out some positive arguments for reverse compositionality and showing that they fail. Then I show that the principle of reverse compositionality has two big strikes against it. First, it is incompatible with all theories of meaning on the market, including the denotationalism favored by neo-Russellians. Second, it explains nothing that is not already explained by its venerable predecessor, the principle of (forward) compositionality.  相似文献   

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