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Recent developments with the Rorschach invite research concerning cognitive and coping styles of learning disabled students. This study, based on an N of 25 (12 learning disabled and 13 controls), was designed to assess group differences in perceptual accuracy, self-concept, and reactivity. Analysis showed that learning disabled students represent a diverse population for which highly individualized understanding is required if appropriate schooling strategies are to be devised. Such students, compared with controls, were more inclined to have lower self-confidence, to be more reactive, to avoid emotionally-laden stimuli, to manifest a higher proportion of responses involving perceptual inaccuracies, and to be less spontaneous and less inclined to take risks. Some curricular implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a modified version of procedures outlined by Shapiro and Wild (9), this study evaluates the use of a Family Rorschach technique as a means of distinguishing families of schizophrenic patients from those of psychiatrically hospitalized, nonschizophrenic individuals. The patients were diagnosed using Research Diagnostic Criteria, and families were matched for age, intelligence, and socioeconomic characteristics. Results showed that the families with schizophrenic offspring scored significantly lower (that is, they had more communication and attentional difficulties) than those with nonschizophrenic offspring; offspring gender and family constellation had little effect on scores. Subsequent analyses indicated that lower scores were not simply a reflection of the psychoticism of the patient. These findings suggest that families of schizophrenics have interpersonal communication difficulties that compromise their ability to maintain a shared focus of attention. The findings are consistent with the suggestion that deviant patterns of family communication in interaction with genetic vulnerability in an offspring may result in the development of a schizophrenic disorder.  相似文献   

Rorschach records were obtained by 10 examiners from 59 preschool children. These records were reliably scored and interpreted. Interpretation consisted of preparing a list of Rorschach concepts for each child. An additional number of Rorschach concepts of equal frequency in this sample were added to each child's list of concepts. Half of the concepts on each child's list were checked for agreement by school personnel. The children were described with consistency across judges and over time by the same judges. The school personnel were able to differentiate concepts that described each child from nonrelevant concepts. The Rorschach concepts provided data that was validated by teacher perception of these children. This methodology for Rorschach validation makes use of interpretive concepts derived directly from data rather than from reports.  相似文献   

To date, research about feeding disorder (FD) has focused almost exclusively on the mother–child dyad, ignoring fathers' roles. The current study investigated father–child interactions with children having FD. The sample consisted of 67 children (1–3 years old) and their mothers and fathers. Thirty‐four children, diagnosed with a nonorganic‐based FD (FD group) and 33 children without an FD (control group) were matched for age, gender, birth order, and maternal education. Data were collected during home visits. Mothers were interviewed about their and the father's involvement in childcare. In addition, mother–child and father–child interactions were videotaped during play and feeding. Both mothers and fathers from the FD group experienced less positive parent–child interactions than did parents in the control group. Furthermore, mothers in the FD group reported greater maternal versus paternal childcare involvement than did control group mothers. Finally, FD group mothers exhibited more parental sensitivity than did fathers during feeing interactions; however, this difference was observed only when coupled with low paternal involvement. In families where fathers were highly involved, no difference was evident in paternal and maternal sensitivity. These findings highlight the importance of fathers' involvement, especially in families with children exhibiting an FD.  相似文献   

This study has discussed two distinct relational patterns which can occur between parents suffering from a narcissistic disturbance and their children: the instrumental and the focal child syndromes. Individual and intergenerational dynamics were examined. The typical outcomes for the child were outlined.  相似文献   

A consensus Rorschach was given to the families of 36 male schizophrenics, 13 psychiatrically hospitalized nonschizophrenic controls, and 38 normal controls with the goal of discriminating the families of schizophrenics from the other two groups of families. After the family agreed on a response, each member was asked to write the response on a separate sheet of paper. This study focused on these written responses, the product of the interaction, rather than on the process of reaching agreement. A system was developed to score the responses based on the degree of shared meaning achieved by the family. Adequate interscorer reliability was obtained. The scores significantly differentiated the three groups. More families of schizophrenics had low scores indicating lack of shared meaning than families of hospitalized and normal controls. In the normal control group, more upper-class families had high scores than lower-class families, wheras in the schizophrenic group there was a trend in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that Rorschach indicators of psychological instability and perceptual sensitivity are predictive of therapeutic outcome in a child psychiatric inpatient service. Thirty-four children, matched for age, were divided into two groups, Improvers and Decliners, based on changes in behavioral problems over 60 days of hospitalization. The groups were not distinguishable by scores on intellectual tests, sex, or the initial quality or severity of psychological disturbance. Analyses of Rorschach protocols indicated that children who obtained higher ep, ep-EA, Blends, Zf, and Z sum and lower Lambda had improved in treatment. The results suggest that children who are less stabilized and manifest perceptual sensitivity do achieve the greatest gains.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on respite care utilization, describes a respite care program in Arkansas, and reports on a study of utilization initiated by the Arkansas Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS). Among the 89 families qualifying for respite services, 70 consented to participate, and 66 were surveyed in a phone interview. Users (n=54) and non-users (n=12) were compared relative to a variety of staff, child, geographic, and budget differences. Also, respite use was examined relative, to the aforementioned variables based on level of use, (i.e., none, low, moderate, high). There were no differences in use according to age, the number of family members, family income, or needs of the child. A larger percentage of non-use and low use of respite care was evident among those families receiving Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) benefits. There were no significant differences between races related to perceived barriers to care. Differences in expectations/experiences with respite care among rural and urban groups were limited with rural respondents expressing, concern about travel/distance issues. Overall, the program as a whole received positive ratings by parents, and no clear factors were found to be related to non-use in the small sample (n=12) who did not take advantage of respite services.  相似文献   

A two-part study was conducted to investigate the uniqueness and interpretive meaning-fulness of Rorschach reflection responses. In Part I, 80 Rorschach protocols were collected from overt homosexuals, character disorders, depressed patients recently suicidal, and a control group of college students. Homosexuals and sociopaths gave significantly more reflection and C and CF responses than did either of the other two groups. In Part 2 of the investigation two groups of 40 subjects each were selected from a population of college students and industrial workers on the basis of their score on a sentence completion test, especially devised to focus on the self. The high narcissism group gave a significantly greater number of reflection responses, pair type responses, and C and CF responses than did the low narcissism group.  相似文献   

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