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人学视域中的人性与人的本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄宏伟 《学海》2002,1(1):43-47
本文认为 ,人性与人的本质的原理 ,既是马克思主义哲学人学的基础 ,更是社会实践的前提。文章选择并运用马克思主义的实践唯物主义的研究范式及方法论原则 ,从哲学人学的视域将众多的人性界说区分为 :表层次的和深层次的、广义的和狭义的 ,认为人性中最高级的社会属性和精神属性是人类的本性 ,体现人类的尊严、价值和人格理想。文章以人生过程论来理解人性的形成 ,认为人类总是在一定的自然环境和一定的社会条件中求生存和求发展 ,人和人类在这些愈来愈错综复杂、愈来愈高级有序的社会场态中 ,其特性不断地得到丰富、发展  相似文献   

人文医学执业技能的培养必须以医学人文精神为核心;以医学人文教育为载体.要结合医学人文教育的目标和内容;建立理论与实践相结合的人文医学执业技能教育模块;结合医学人文教育的方法和途径;加强人文医学执业技能培养的连续性和终身性;结合医学人文教育的具体要求完善服务基层卫生保健的人文医学执业技能培养体系.  相似文献   

This essay explores some conceptual and diagnostic frameworks to advance epistemic decolonization in the US philosophical profession. A central focus is the distinction between those philosophies of formerly colonized peoples that are culturally alterior or, simply, alterior and those that are analectical in the Dusselian sense of emerging from a subordinated political position. The paper begins by reflecting upon connections between coloniality, the alterior, and the analectical to frame the discussion of epistemic decolonization in the philosophy profession. It then considers a knower's core theoretic reconstruction in the task of epistemic decolonization and identifies some ambiguities in reconciling alterior traditions with analectical theoretical reconstruction. The work of Charles Mills and Enrique Dussel are considered as case studies. The paper concludes with critical reflections on the institutional network of canon, curriculum, and other conceptual and credentialization structures that constitute institutional Eurocentrism.  相似文献   

潘兴明 《学海》2004,6(2):121-126
二战期间 ,英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔除了在军事、外交方面全力维护英帝国的利益之外 ,还亲自确定英国的战时帝国政策原则 ,并确保政策原则的贯彻 ,处理涉及帝国安危的重要事务。战时帝国政策的实施 ,基本上保证了帝国内部的安定 ,但英国政府对殖民地作出的让步或施行的镇压 ,动摇了英国的殖民统治 ,使得帝国内的离心倾向进一步加强 ;同时殖民地的参战和英国的战时宣传 ,促进了殖民地民族意识的觉醒 ,为二战后的非殖民化作了必要的准备。  相似文献   

Traditional pharmacy education emphasizes the biological processes of diseases and their pharmacological treatments. While the intense focus on biomedical aspects of disease is vital to educating pharmacy students, this focus is often insufficient in conveying what patients experience. The humanities, however, offer powerful characterizations of the disease experience for individuals as well as its impact on the human condition more generally. In this essay, I describe how using literary texts with pharmacy students provides them with a fuller appreciation of what patients face with their diseases. The goal of this endeavor is to make students more effective as pharmacists in detecting and responding to their patients’ problems and needs by connecting their biomedical knowledge to depictions and meanings of illness experiences.  相似文献   

功能性便秘   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
功能性便秘是常见的慢性便秘,罗马III提出了新的诊断标准。功能性便秘的一般治疗包括定期排便、增加活动、增加纤维素摄取,改变生活方式和调整情绪。慢传输型便秘的药物选择膨胀性泻药、渗透性泻剂、促动力剂、氯通道激活剂等。功能性排便障碍型患者可选择生物反馈治疗。治疗成功后应调节剂量,维持疗效。外科治疗应有严格的适应证。进一步研究结肠动力与排便生理,以提高对疾病的认识和提出有效的治疗。  相似文献   

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis -  相似文献   

Accepting as a given that the humanities disciplines are not product or "results" driven, this paper argues that the core of an interdisciplinary field of medicine and humanities, or medical humanities, is an interpretive enterprise that is not readily open to quantitative assessment. A more humanistically oriented medical practice can derive, however, from the process that produces new insights and works toward the development of a new, mutually shared, and humanizing language.  相似文献   

当下,医学人文正滑向空壳化,如果它无法融入临床路径和制度,就难以根植于临床大夫的观念与行为,推动临床医学人文从自发走向自觉,对医学人文关怀的临床价值,推动医学人文关怀进入临床的观念和路径等方面存在认知误区.剖析了造成医学人文悬空的诸多职业惯性与制度设计缺陷,极力推介丽塔·卡蓉的"叙事医学"范式,重点介绍了"平行病历",希望以此为契机推动医学人文关怀真正贴近临床,融入现代诊疗制度.  相似文献   

In her book Antigone's Claim: Kinship between Life and Death, Judith Butler reads the figure of Antigone, who exists as an impossible aberration of kinship, as a challenge to the very terms of livability that are established by the reigning symbolic rules of Western thought (Butler 2000). In this article I extend Butler's argument to reach beyond gender. I argue that African feminist scholarship shows that the kinship norms shaping the reigning symbolic rules of Western thought not only render certain gendered lives unlivable, but through the gendered working thereof also become key to the colonial process of the racial dehumanization of the colonized and the violent expansion of Eurocentric capitalism. I show how Oyèrónké Oy?wùmí, in her work on the Yorùbá people of Nigeria, provides, in a way analogous to Antigone, a glimpse of an order structured by kinship formations that are remarkably different from, and thereby bring into crisis, the normative versions of kinship that are posited as timeless truths. Through a reimagining or reconstruction of precolonial Yorùbá kinship formations, Oy?wùmí articulates a different scheme of intelligibility, which enables radically different ways of being human and existing in the world.  相似文献   

The definition of ??medical humanities?? may be approached via three conceptions??the humanities as a list of disciplines, as a program of moral development, and as a supportive friend. The conceptions are grounded by linking them to three narratives??respectively, the history of the modern liberal arts college; the history of Petrarch and the studia humanitatis of the early Renaissance; and the life of Sir William Osler. The three conceptions are complementary, each filling gaps in one or more of the others. Getting clearer on a definition of ??medical humanities?? is practically important if this field is to take its rightful place within health professions education and practice.  相似文献   

The call for a narrative medicine has been touted as the cure-all for an increasingly mechanical medicine. It has been claimed that the humanities might create more empathic, reflective, professional and trustworthy doctors. In other words, we can once again humanise medicine through the addition of humanities. In this essay, I explore how the humanities, particularly narrative medicine, appeals to the metaphysical commitments of the medical institution in order to find its justification, and in so doing, perpetuates a dualism of humanity that would have humanism as the counterpoint to the biopsychosociologisms of our day.  相似文献   

医学人文运动与知识考古--中国人文医学的战略与策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
后现代理论影响和刺激了医学人文学,医学人文学学科意义与价值更加显明,医学需要人文学,人文学需要医学,医务人员迫切需要人文医学教育。经济发展、高新生命科学技术入驻世俗生活、医学模式转变、医疗改革与价值论哲学影响,这五大因素构成中国医学人文运动的背景;中国医学人文运动正在兴起。研究医学人文学的知识背景对制订人文医学战略与策略有重要意义。  相似文献   

人文课程在医学教育中担负着培养医学生思想品德的重要任务.优秀的医学人才不仅需要较高的专业技术水平,更需要有饱含人文情感的人文素质,否则,就很难适应医学的发展及社会对医学人才的要求.因此,加强人文课程的建设,培养医学生的人文素质,使他们成为高素质的医学人才,是医学教育发展的必然和需要.  相似文献   

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