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拙文<中国传统思想中的父子关系及其诠释的面向--从"父为子隐,子为父隐"说起>(<中国哲学史>2003年第1期)刊出后,引发了一些反响(包括疑问或质疑).其中有的学者指出,该文引述和处理了大量的史料,充分而翔实地展示了问题本身的历史与文化脉络,也扼要地清理出当代视野中几种可能的诠释理路与"面向",但作者本人的观点似乎语焉不详,特别是对于相关讨论在当代伦理与文化建设中的意义,没有展开论述.  相似文献   

何谓迷信?词书上开列的含义有两条:①信仰神仙鬼怪等;②盲目的信仰和崇拜.这在中国恐怕早已是家喻户晓的了.可是,如果再问一句为什么要信迷信,也许就不是三言两语就能解释清楚的,要不,为什么词书上也没有加以说明呢?然而,在一次与神汉、巫婆的偶然相遇中,他们对迷信一词的解释,却不禁使我莫名惊诧起来.  相似文献   

正在封建社会,登科出仕是读书人的唯一出路,没有考取功名的白丁难有一番作为。但在晚清时期,却有一位叫徐寿的"白丁",他毅然放弃科举另辟蹊径,自学成才创造了中国科技史上多个"第一",成为公认的近代科技巨匠。1818年,徐寿出生在无锡的一个地主家庭,自幼聪明伶俐,  相似文献   

<正>俗话说"公说公有理,婆说婆有理,清官难断家务事",事实上的确如此。本人接待了很多前来咨询婚姻家庭心理等问题的来访者,发现他们都有一个共同的特点,就是固执己见,认为自己有理,一味指责对方,认为对方是无理取闹。为什么处于同一事件的夫妻,针对相同的事件会有这种"公婆争理"现象的存在呢?笔者作为一名心理咨询师从情绪ABC理论、认知协调理论、心理投射理论以及印象管理策略等四个角度分别对之进  相似文献   

李老师: 男人和女人都应该有自己的事业,这是个简单常识。可是,我真不知道,为啥自己升职后,会使家庭矛盾突现! 我和丈夫的认识,颇有一见钟情的味儿,之后的恋爱和婚后生活,几乎都一帆风顺。丈夫精明能干,很快就从科长升到公司经理,而我那时全身心投入在带孩理家中。他在位谋事,事业有成,得到上级和职员的赞许。这可苦了我。他完全把家当旅店,早上一起床就不见人,深  相似文献   

北京的女儿要买房子,她相中了地处昌平区的某一楼盘,我问她为什么,她说: “广告上说‘地处龙脉,上风上水’,不少人都说那里好。”并找来了地处回龙观的一份售楼广告给我看。果然, “地处龙脉,上风上水”八个字居然成了房地产商推销楼盘的“卖点”。  相似文献   

肿瘤治疗:以人为本,从"过度"到"和谐"   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
肿瘤的综合治疗,以往过分注重疾病本身,强调彻底杀灭肿瘤的根治性疗法,必然会导致过度治疗.随着对肿瘤演变过程了解程度的提高和临床实践经验的总结,"肿瘤是一种慢性病"成为越来越多的人们的共识.对肿瘤细胞的镇压是必要的,但一定要适可而止,要让健康的细胞、组织、器官修养生息,实现机体与肿瘤的"和平共处",达到长期带瘤生存.  相似文献   

Rose S 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1999,22(5):871-85; discussion 885-921
There are many ways of describing and explaining the properties of living systems; causal, functional, and reductive accounts are necessary but no one account has primacy. The history of biology as a discipline has given excessive authority to reductionism, which collapses higher level accounts, such as social or behavioural ones, into molecular ones. Such reductionism becomes crudely ideological when applied to the human condition, with its claims for genes "for" everything from sexual orientation to compulsive shopping. The current enthusiasm for genetics and ultra-Darwinist accounts, with their selfish-gene metaphors for living processes, misunderstand both the phenomena of development and the interactive role that DNA and the fluid genome play in the cellular orchestra. DNA is not a blueprint, and the four dimensions of life (three of space, one of time) cannot be read off from its one-dimensional strand. Both developmental and evolutionary processes are more than merely instructive or selective; the organism constructs itself, a process known as autopoiesis, through a lifeline trajectory. Because organisms are thermodynamically open systems, living processes are homeodynamic, not homeostatic. The self-organising membrane-bound and energy-utilising metabolic web of the cell must have evolved prior to socalled naked replicators. Evolution is constrained by physics, chemistry, and structure; not all change is powered by natural selection, and not all phenotypes are adaptive. Finally, therefore, living processes are radically indeterminate; like all other living organisms, but to an even greater degree, we make our own future, though in circumstances not of our own choosing.  相似文献   

全球化时代的文化是多元共生的,不同的节日文化可以相互融合,取长补短,通过吸收和借鉴外来节日的优秀文化因素,为本土节日文化补充新鲜血液和营养成分.我们应当在保持和巩固中国传统节日文化主导地位的基础上,从其他国家和民族的节日文化成果中汲取营养,并有机融合、补充到中国传统节日文化体系中,改进和革新中国传统节日中那些不适合现代社会需要的过节理念与运作模式,进一步丰富和创新中国传统节日文化.  相似文献   

通过对学生社团重要性的阐述和对学生社团发展存在问题的分析,提出"123"即坚持一个中心,抓好两支队伍,注重三个方面的工作方法,为基层共青团组织指导学生社团建设和发展提出有效的途径,为学生社团的发展创建和谐的校园环境,实现学生社团的可持续发展.  相似文献   

中国人在重视子女教育的时候,过去注重.棍棒之下出孝子"的理念,强调责罚的重要性;现代家庭大多在对独生子女的教育中,又时兴一种完全反对责罚,提倡"赏识教育"的观念来.  相似文献   

2004年12月26日发生在印尼苏门答腊北部的印度洋8.9级大地震引发的海啸,给印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、泰国、印度等东南亚、南亚和东非共十几个国家的沿海地区,造成了人员重大伤亡和财产巨大损失。在这次地震海啸灾害中,这些国家的沿海受灾地带,房屋化为废墟,公路、铁路、桥梁、机场被毁,成群成群的灾民无家可归,多达17.5万人丧生,十几万人失踪。灾害发生后,我国举国上下踊跃捐献赈灾,为受灾人民渡过难关尽力。我国宗教各界,除踊跃捐献,还按各自的宗教仪轨,举行超度、消灾、解厄、祈福和弥撒等活动,为受灾的生者、亡者献爱心。在宗教那里,为了显…  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在党的十七大提出"弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园"的宏伟目标使每一个关心中华文化前途与命运的炎黄子孙备受鼓舞,更使人文学科研究者感到振奋.  相似文献   

尼采在《人性的,太人性的》的序言中写道:“我的书已被称为怀疑学派……”正如尼采所预料和所希望的那样,怀疑时代似乎的确是刻画那个刚结束的世纪的最好标签之一。作为征兆,几十年以后,在法国怀疑时代被用来刻画作家们对作为文学体裁的小说的质问。他们质问小说的技巧与手法、随便的决定论以及小说家过度的造物主式的权力。是否有必要提醒大家回想一下,纳塔莉·萨罗特写于20世纪30年代的新小说的先导其实就是以《怀疑时代》为名?无论怎么强调这种哲学探究与美学质问之间的紧密的一致性———特别是思考知识与政治复兴不可缺少的先锋(avant …  相似文献   

We present evidence that the supposed processing advantage for an SVfinO word order over an SOVfin word order in German argued for by Weyerts, Penke, Münte, Heinze, and Clahsen (2002) is supported by neither experimental nor theoretical evidence. Specifically, we show (a) that the frontocentral negativity for an SOVfin in comparison to an SVfinO word order in Weyerts et al.'s Experiments 2 and 3 is reducible to more general differences in the electrophysiological responses elicited by nouns versus verbs in a sentence context, and (b) that the P600 difference between the two word orders in Experiment 2, as well as the reading time differences in Experiment 1, result from the fact that the two supposedly ungrammatical conditions actually differ in their degree of ill-formedness. We conclude that there is no evidence for a processing disadvantage for SOVfin, thus reconciling Weyerts et al.'s results on German sentence processing with the grammatical regularities of German.  相似文献   

In 1957, Skinner, in his "Verbal Behavior", proposed an explanation on how a language is learned. In 1959, Chomsky strongly argued the non-learnability of language, establishing in the field of developmental psycholinguistics the substitution of the term "learning" for that of "acquisition". Currently, the constructivist models describe language acquisition as a process of ontogenetic, gradual, complex, and adaptive change. This new theoretical framework has been especially useful for rereading Verbal Behavior because it facilitates recovering the Skinnerian learning mechanisms. This can be observed in the recent research trends that recapture reinforcement and imitation (echoic responses), although they are now located in the initial phases of the process and are included in a cognitive dynamic that, by gradually increasing its complexity, can achieve grammar. The new constructivist theoretical framework, by retrieving the functional and referential aspects of language, can also take advantage of the classic Skinnerian proposal about the pragmatic types of verbal behavior, providing it with new meaning.  相似文献   

联合国大会于1989年通过决议,宣布1994年为"国际家庭年".1993年联大特别会议则确定从1994年起每年5月15日为"国际家庭日".其宗旨就是呼吁各国重视家庭的作用,反对家庭暴力、性别歧视等不良风气,促进家庭和睦与幸福,推动家庭为社会和谐作贡献.  相似文献   

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