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The results of previous studies on the factorial structure of Wechsler Intelligence Scales are somewhat inconsistent across normal and pathological samples. To study specific clinical groups, such as developmentally disabled persons, it is useful to examine the factor structure in appropriate samples. A factor analysis was carried out using the principal component method and the Varimax orthogonal rotation on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) in a sample of 203 developmentally disabled persons, with a mean age of 25 years 4 months. Developmental disability ranged from mild to moderate. Partially contrasting with previous studies on normal samples, results found a two-factor solution. Wechsler's traditional Verbal and Performance scales seems to be more appropriate for this sample than the alternative three-factor solution.  相似文献   

A major criticism of the Wechsler Memory Scale-III Faces subtest is the number of items, which can be daunting and time-consuming for an impaired client or boring for a normal client. An analysis of several versions, with data from a sample of 50 clinical referrals, revealed that a 32-item subtest was best overall. Using this version, 100% (Faces I) and 94% (Faces II) of the predicted raw scores were less than 4 points away from the actual raw scores, whereas 66% (Faces I) and 70% (Faces II) were less than 2 points away. Limitations of this procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

Equations for prorating the Wechsler Memory Scale--III (WMS-III) Index scores were derived and validated on a sample of 252 mixed clinical cases. Regression equations were performed using age-scaled scores as predictors and the sum of age-scaled scores for Immediate Memory (IM) and General Memory (GM) as the criteria. Including Logical Memory and Verbal Paired Associates with either Faces or Family Pictures resulted in estimated scores that accounted for 95% to 97% of the variance for IM and GM. Over 80% of these cases had estimated sum of scaled scores that fell within 3 points of actual sum of scaled scores, within 1 standard error of measurement. When only Logical Memory and Verbal Paired Associates were included, estimations accounted for only 87% of the variance, and only 60% of the estimated scores fell within 3 points of actual sum of scaled scores. The regression equations are presented, as are the confidence intervals derived from a bootstrapping procedure that created 15,000 different samples.  相似文献   

Although serial administration of cognitive tests is increasingly common, there is a paucity of research on test-retest reliabilities and practice effects, both of which are important for evaluating changes in functioning. Reliability is generally conceptualized as involving short-lasting changes in performance. However, when repeated testing occurs over a period of years, there will be some longer lasting effects. The implications of these longer lasting effects and practice effects on reliability were examined in the context of repeated administrations of the Wechsler Memory Scale-III in 339 community-dwelling women aged 40-79 years over 2 to 7 years. The results showed that Logical Memory and Verbal Paired Associates subtests were consistently the most reliable subtests across the age cohorts. The magnitude of practice effects varied as a function of subtests and age. The largest practice effects were found in the youngest age cohort, especially on the Faces, Logical Memory, and Verbal Paired Associates subtests.  相似文献   

Dori GA  Chelune GJ 《心理评价》2004,16(2):146-154
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Third Edition (WAIS-III; D. Wechsler, 1997a) and the Wechsler Memory Scale--Third Edition (WMS-III; D. Wechsler, 1997b) are 2 of the most frequently used measures in psychology and neuropsychology. To facilitate the diagnostic use of these measures in the clinical decision-making process, this article provides information on education-stratified, directional prevalence rates (i.e., base rates) of discrepancy scores between the major index scores for the WAIS-III, the WMS-III, and between the WAIS-III and WMS-III. To illustrate how such base-rate data can be clinically used, this article reviews the relative risk (i.e., odds ratio) of empirically defined "rare" cognitive deficits in 2 of the clinical samples presented in the WAIS-III--WMS-III Technical Manual (The Psychological Corporation, 1997).  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on Wechsler Memory Scale‐III (WMS‐III) performance. Since poor effort potentially contaminates results, effort was explicitly assessed and controlled using two well‐validated cognitive validity indicators, the Portland Digit Recognition Test (PDRT) and Reliable Digit Span (RDS). Participants were 44 mild TBI patients with good effort, 48 mild TBI patients with poor effort, and 40 moderate–severe TBI patients with good effort. A dose–response relationship between injury severity and WMS‐III performance was demonstrated. Effect size calculations showed that the good effort mild TBI patients did not differ from normal (average Cohen's d= 0.07) while moderate–severe TBI had a moderate effect on WMS‐III scores (average Cohen's d=?0.52). Consistent with previous literature, the moderate–severe TBI group scored the lowest on WMS‐III Visual indices. Effort had a larger effect than injury severity on WMS‐III scores (average Cohen's d=?1.27). Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined parallel-form reliability of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) in a population where such forms are particularly useful, that is, among patients who are suspected of having some type of dementing illness. Comparative analyses were made for total raw scores. Memory Quotient (MQ) scores, and individual subtest scores. Thirty geriatric patients originally referred for neuropsychological testing because of suspected dementia were given both Forms 1 and 2 of the WMS. The results yielded high overall reliability coefficients for MQ and total raw scores. Individual subtest scores also yielded rather high coefficients, and only one subtest (Associate Learning) had a significant mean difference. Apparently, the two forms have sufficient parallel-form reliability to be considered clinically interchangeable. Thus, the WMS may be a useful tool for repeat evaluations of memory functioning in a demented population.  相似文献   

A specific recommendation of the 1999 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education is that test publishers report estimates of the conditional standard error of measurement (SEM). Procedures for calculating the conditional (score-level) SEM based on raw scores are well documented; however, few procedures have been developed for estimating the conditional SEM of subtest or composite scale scores resulting from a nonlinear transformation. Item response theory provided the psychometric foundation to derive the conditional standard errors of measurement and confidence intervals for composite scores on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition.  相似文献   

Studies of graduate students learning to administer the Wechsler scales have generally shown that training is not associated with the development of scoring proficiency. Many studies report on the reduction of aggregated administration and scoring errors, a strategy that does not highlight the reduction of errors on subtests identified as most prone to error. This study evaluated the development of scoring proficiency specifically on the Wechsler (WISC-IV and WAIS-III) Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities subtests during training by comparing a set of 'early test administrations' to 'later test administrations.' Twelve graduate students enrolled in an intelligence-testing course participated in the study. Scoring errors (e.g., incorrect point assignment) were evaluated on the students' actual practice administration test protocols. Errors on all three subtests declined significantly when scoring errors on 'early' sets of Wechsler scales were compared to those made on 'later' sets. However, correcting these subtest scoring errors did not cause significant changes in subtest scaled scores. Implications for clinical instruction and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two diary studies investigated the prevalence of memory conjunction errors for real‐life events. In both studies, participants completed detailed diary pages over the course of several weeks. Participants in both diary studies committed memory conjunction errors on a later recognition memory test. In the second diary study participants also made remember/know judgements. For a large proportion of their memory conjunction errors participants indicated that they “remembered” the event occurring in that context. These diary studies demonstrate that memory conjunction errors do occur for autobiographical memories, and these errors can seem compelling.  相似文献   

Two diary studies investigated the prevalence of memory conjunction errors for real-life events. In both studies, participants completed detailed diary pages over the course of several weeks. Participants in both diary studies committed memory conjunction errors on a later recognition memory test. In the second diary study participants also made remember/know judgements. For a large proportion of their memory conjunction errors participants indicated that they "remembered" the event occurring in that context. These diary studies demonstrate that memory conjunction errors do occur for autobiographical memories, and these errors can seem compelling.  相似文献   

Conjunction faces are formed from feature sets learned across different faces. In previous studies, false alarms (“old” responses) to conjunctions have been very high, approaching hits to old faces; this is surprising, because, perceptually, upright faces are processed configurally, with strong integration of parts into the whole. We test the idea that the atypical reliance on unrelated parts could be due to using unnatural line drawings as stimuli, and to forming conjunctions across external features (e.g., hair) and internal features (e.g., eyes, mouth). We used realistic face stimuli and conjunctions made entirely from internal features. Results were, as expected, consistent with configural processing for upright faces (hits to old faces much greater than FA to conjunctions) and not for inverted faces (hits to old = FA to conjunctions).  相似文献   

The memory-strengthening manipulations of increased presentation duration and increased number of times items were presented were manipulated in the memory conjunction paradigm. Participants viewed parent words once or three times during the study portion of the experiment for 250 ms, 1000 ms, or 3000 ms. After an old/new recognition test participants were asked to give explanations for their answers from the recognition test. The results of true and false recognition as well as recall-to-reject responses (e.g., I know I did not see blackbird since I saw blackmail) indicated that both familiarity and recollection were influenced by the memory-strengthening manipulations. The results provide evidence for dual-process theories of recognition memory and the opposing processes of familiarity and recollection.  相似文献   

Male-female differences on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence were examined for 1200 children aged 4–6.5 yr. Results provided fundamental support for previous work with older children showing better female performance on memory and psychomotor tasks and better male performance on spatial tasks, although the distinctions in performance were not as clear as with older children.  相似文献   

The authors recently proposed that adverse effects of material rewards on Wechsler subscale performance may be the result of a reward-produced developmental regression. The present study further explores that idea through an attempt to replicate earlier findings with adults and to extend the inquiry to children. Selected Wechsler subscales were administered to 32 subjects at each of three ages (5, 10, and 18 years) under either reward or nonreward conditions. Subscales were chosen to represent both algorithmic and heuristic types of tasks. Reward and nonreward groups (8 males and 8 females per group at each age) were matched initially on age and ability. For adults, consistent with earlier findings, reward had an adverse effect on performance on the heuristic subscales and tended to facilitate performance on the algorithmic subscales. However, rewards generally had no effect at the fourth-grade level and had a reverse effect at the nursery school level, i.e., rewards facilitated heuristic and hampered algorithmic performance. These findings appear to be more consistent with an explanation based on developmental regression than on any available alternative mechanism.  相似文献   

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