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This study examined the spatial distribution of urine marking by sexually inexperienced male rats under six odor conditions: minimum odor (baseline), conspecific male urine, conspecific female urine, an animal's own urine, male gerbil urine, and amyl acetate. The gerbil urine and amyl acetate conditions were included to test the theory that marking, rather than being elicited by and directed as a display to appropriate conspecifics, occurred to the introduction of any novel or disruptive odor. The subject's own urine was used to test the theory that the animal marked to maintain an optimum level of its own odor in the environment. The results showed that marking was directed predominantly at objects in the environment over which the animal could readily pass. All odor conditions except "own odor" sharply increased marking over baseline levels. Marking decreased with repeated exposure to particular stimuli. The results strongly supported the theory that urine marking, at least in sexually inexperienced male rats, is produced by novel odor stimuli introduced into a familiar environment.  相似文献   

Male hamsters were tested for their responses to areas that had been scent marked by intact or vaginectomized females to determine the effects of naturally deposited vaginal secretions on male behavior. In the first experiment males produced more ultrasonic courtship calls when investigating areas marked by intact females than areas scented by vaginectomized females, demonstrating that vaginal marks facilitate such calling. In a wind-tunnel preference test situation in which scent-marked alleys and clean alleys served as sources of odor, males approached the scented alley first if it had been freshly marked by intact females but not if it had been scented by vaginectomized females or other males. Thus, the odors of vaginal marks are sufficient to attract males over short distances. After males entered these alleys they showed a preference for odors of both intact and vaginectomized females over no odors, but still spent significantly more time investigating the odors of intact females than those of vaginectomized females. These experiments indicate that vaginal secretions are one of the primary cues that elicit male courtship calling, and the small quantities of vaginal secretions deposited by females in vaginal marks are sufficient to elicit ultrasonic calling and attract males over short distances. Thus it is likely that vaginal scent marking and ultrasonic calling by females interact to facilitate attraction and location of mates during courtship.  相似文献   

Responses to male conspecific odors (soiled bedding) presented in an alleyway were compared among five groups of adult male albino house mice with different rearing histories. Both isolated mice that had as pups been fostered onto a rat mother and normally nursed mice that had been group housed since weaning showed reduced attraction to conspecific odor. Preweaning paternal presence, a factor known to affect the development of response to male conspecific scent in rats and gerbils, had no reliable effect with mice.  相似文献   

After repeated exposure to receptive and nonreceptive females, male golden hamsters were tested for olfactory preferences in a four-choice olfactometer. Males discriminated between the odor of anesthetized females in different stages of their estrous cycle when the airstreams carrying the stimulus odors were diluted. Previous failures to demonstrate such an ability were probably due to ceiling effects resulting from laboratory testing. Males preferred the odor of females on the day before receptivity (a day coincident with maximal scent marking by the female) and least preferred the odor of females on diestrus-1 (the day on which females attacked and chased males during pretesting encounters). Detection and quick response to an impending estrus would be especially important for males of a solitary and promiscuous species in which there is a first male mating advantage.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the authors used habituation techniques to explore similarities and differences in the qualities of individual odors from hamsters. In Experiment 1, male Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) treated flank-gland odors of 2 males from 1 litter as similar compared with the odor of a male from another litter, whether the odor donors were familiar or unfamiliar. At the same time, the Turkish hamsters discriminated between the subtle differences in the individual odors of their familiar brothers. In Experiment 2, male Turkish and golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) treated the flank-gland odors of 2 unfamiliar, unrelated conspecifics as similar compared with the flank odor of a heterospecific individual. The results suggest that similarities in individual odors are related to genetic similarity of the odor donors. These similarities could provide a basis for different types of social recognition, including kin and species recognition.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was undertaken to investigate the effects of removal of several scent glands and scent-producing organs of female hamsters on the copulatory performance of male hamsters. In the first experiment it was shown that males engage in less copulatory activity toward females lacking vaginal secretions than toward females with these odors. Eliminating visual cues by observing pairs under infrared illumination did not change the performance of males toward these two kinds of females. The results of Experiment 2 indicated the importance of flank, ear, and Harderian glands as well as vaginal secretions--males showed the highest levels of copulatory behavior toward females with a full complement of odors and the lowest levels toward those lacking three of four sources of scent. Similar results were obtained in the third experiment in which anesthetized females were used as stimulus animals to increase the importance of chemical cues and to reduce variability due to the behavior of females. The sexual behavior of males was greatest toward females with all sources of scent present, lower toward those lacking vaginal secretions, and still lower toward those lacking vaginal secretions and other sources of odors. In the fourth experiment we asked whether any one of the nonvaginal scent glands was particularly important in stimulating male sexual behavior, but we found no differences in male performance toward females that lacked vaginal secretions or that in addition lacked one of the other scent glands. In the fifth experiment males displayed higher levels of sexual behavior toward vaginectomized females than toward vaginectomized females that had been deodorized by a cleaning procedure, again indicating the importance of nonvaginal odors in stimulating copulatory performance. Thus these experiments demonstrate the importance of vaginal secretions in the sexual arousal of male hamsters, a role for nonvaginal odors in sexual arousal of males, and the lack of necessity of these odors for male copulatory behavior. These results have implications for theories of olfactory communication in mammals and for interpretations of experiments in which lesions of the olfactory system lead to deficits in male copulatory performance.  相似文献   

Female rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations during copulation. Female vocalizations are associated with darting and other proceptive behavior. In addition, females frequently call while approaching the male. A series of experiments was undertaken to determine whether female rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations in response to other rats or to their odors. Females were exposed either to bedding soiled by males or females or to devocalized conspecifics separated from the subject by a barrier. Females vocalized more to male cues than to female cues, regardless of whether the odor cues were from soiled bedding or from a devocalized conspecific. In addition, subjects vocalized more when presented with a devocalized female rather than a neutral stimulus. Furthermore, devocalized adult males, separated by a barrier, were more effective than either devocalized castrated or juvenile males in eliciting vocalizations; in turn, castrates and juveniles were more effective than neutral stimuli. Female calling was likely induced by odors from the male. In one experiment, the female subject was positioned in such a way that she could neither see or touch the stimulus male. Presentation of tape-recorded male vocalizations did not affect calling by the female. Vocalizations emitted by females in response to male odors may attract males or may facilitate subsequent copulatory behavior by the male.  相似文献   

Responses of adult female rats to male and female pup urine were examined in three experiments. Investigatory sniffing of male and female pup urine deposits by maternal rats was compared in a series of simultaneous choice tests given at 3-day intervals between Day 2 and Day 17 postpartum. Male urine was consistently preferred. Introduction of male, but not female, pup urine to the nest was also found to significantly elevate maternal licking of anogenital regions of pups. Thus, urine from pups of various ages contains sex-identifying odors that differentially elicit spontaneous maternal interest. The odor of male urine may provide a sufficient stimulus to account for the greater anogenital licking that males of this species normally receive. Nonmaternal, naive, adult females behaved like maternal rats, preferring male urine in the choice test. This indicates that the maternal condition of a dam is not necessary either for the olfactory discrimination or for the male odor preference.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between male and female gerbils reared by ventral gland-excised and intact patents. Repeated measurements before and after puberty failed to reveal an effect of gland odor exposure on body weight, ventral gland size, open-field defecation, and time of vaginal opening. Exposed animals were more attracted than nonexposed animals to a strange male's gland odor during preference tests involving "marked" and "unmarked" paper strips. Opposite-sex pairs of exposed animals engaged in more social behavior than did nonexposed pairs, but there was no difference in fighting frequency or, during extended cohabiitation, in fecundity. While early exposure to gland odor apparently does not affect physical maturation, it may enhance later responsiveness to stimuli (gland odors) that are useful in locating conspecifics and that facilitate social interactions between previously unacquainted gerbils.  相似文献   

Male hamsters approach sources of odors from female hamster vaginal discharges and spend significantly more time around these odor sources than around control locations in the test box. This preference for female hamster vaginal odors appears in sexually inexperienced as well as experienced males, even in individuals isolated from females since the time of weaning. Castration significantly reduces the sex odor preference, and treatment with testosterone propionate partially restores it.  相似文献   

Some studies have shown that pleasant scent encourages the prosocial behavior of people requested for help. However, the effect of pleasant ambient odor on spontaneous helping has never been tested. Male and female confederates accidentally dropped a glove on the floor while walking in places with pleasant ambient odors (e.g., pastries) and in places with no odor. The confederate continued his/her walk, seemingly unaware of his/her loss. It was found that passers-by helped the confederates more favorably in the pleasant-smelling areas. Positive mood induced by ambient smell was used to explain such results.  相似文献   

Sex recognition is based on color signals in many species of lizards. However, olfactory stimuli are also clearly involved, and many species might rely primarily on chemoreception. We aimed to examine whether color pattern or odors, or a combination of both factors, induce the aggressive response of males of the lizard P. hispanicus. We experimentally manipulated the coloration and odor of male P. hispanicus, thereby creating groups with all combinations between coloration and odor of males or females. Using data from staged encounters, we compared the responses of resident males to the experimental groups of manipulated males and their response to unmanipulated individuals (males and females). Responding males reacted significantly more aggressively to intruders with male odors independent of their coloration, whereas intruders with female odors did not elicit aggressive responses but were preferentially courted, irrespective of their actual sex and body coloration. In addition, intruders with female odors elicited a higher number of tongue‐flick explorations than male odor ones. Comparisons with unmanipulated male and female intruders agreed with these expectations. Therefore, at least at close range, odoriferous cues seem to be more important than color patterns in sex recognition and intrasexual aggression by male P. hispanicus. We suggest that this might be a pattern commoner than expected in many species of reptiles.Aggr. Behav. 28:154–163, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported designed to test the hypothesis that female rats might discriminate between males that differed in the quantity of odor deposited by scent marking. Male odor donors were selected by prior screening for high or low rates of scent marking in an open arena. Females were then tested to determine whether they showed any preference for males that marked at a high rate. It was found that female rats did discriminate, but that they preferred to remain near males selected for low rates of scent marking.  相似文献   

Female mate choice based on male phenotypic traits is controversial in lizards, particularly in territorial species. In this study, we examine female choice of male scent marks in a territorial lacertid lizard (Podarcis hispanica) in which scent marks have been shown to signal male size (i.e., an important determinant of competitive ability in this species). Females were simultaneously exposed to three naturalized 4 m2 choice areas bearing: (1) no scent marks (i.e., control), (2) scent marks of large males, and (3) scent marks of small males. Although female lizards preferentially associated with scent marked choice areas, we found no evidence that females chose territories marked by large males. Furthermore, in response to experimentally induced dusk at the end of choice trials, females preferentially took shelter in refuges scent marked by small males. Our results suggest that, like males in this species, females are able to use male scent marks to assess the body size of resident territorial males, but do not show a preference for territories occupied by large males.  相似文献   

Receptive female Syrian hamsters were significantly attracted to the odors of other hamsters but not to odors obtained from certain foods. Estrous female attraction scores were larger in response to male Syrian flank gland sebum (SMFG) than to estrous hamster vaginal discharge (HVD) obtained from either Syrian (SHVD) or Turkish (THVD) hamsters. On Day 3 of their estrous cycle, nonreceptive Syrian hamsters were significantly attracted to food-related odors but not to the odors of other hamsters (SMFG, SHVD, or THVD).  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether male and female mice, selectively bred for high (TA) and low (TNA) aggressiveness, react in different ways when exposed to odors from males of the same strains. The effects of losing or winning fights on odor preferences in the TA males were also studied. The low aggressive TNA males were found to avoid areas soiled by the highly aggressive TA males. The TA males, on the other hand, were most interested in the areas soiled by other highly aggressive TA males. Along with decreasing aggressiveness, losing fights radically changed the odor preferences of the TA males, the soiled bedding from winner TA males now having a strong aversive effect. TNA females preferred the odors of TA males, while the TA females preferred the odors of TNA males. The genotype of the receiver of odor cues is important for the preference choices; this effect can, however, be changed through experience.  相似文献   

This study examined whether an ambient odor can act as a contextual cue for retrieval of verbal stimuli. Subjects (N = 47) learned a list of 24 words while exposed to one of two odors (either jasmine incense or Lauren perfume) and subsequently relearned the list with either the same or the alternative odor present. Superior memory for the word list was found when the odor present during the relearning session was the same one that had been present at the time of initial learning, thereby demonstrating context-dependent memory. There were no differences in initial learning between the two odor conditions. No differences in pleasantness or intensity were found between the odors.  相似文献   

The resident-intruder paradigm was used to examine the effects of social dominance and individual recognition on odor preferences and urine-marking in male rats. Resident males were significantly more aggressive than intruders and spent more time investigating the odors of familiar intruders. Resident males urine-marked most over the odors of females and familiar intruders while intruders marked least over the odor of the familiar resident. Intruders did not avoid investigating nor marking over the odors of familiar resident males or other conspecifics. These results suggest that individual odors of male rats may be more salient than a general odor of dominance, and that the dominant males increase their investigation and marking over the odors of familiar subordinates but not unfamiliar subordinates. The importance of olfactory learning during aggressive interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Olfaction is crucial to spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta), yet there are no controlled studies of their reactions to odors. In Experiment 1, the authors examined responses of captive hyenas to various environmental (prey, nonprey animal, and plant) odors. Subjects approached and sniffed all odors equally but preferentially licked prey odors, scent marked next to odors, and rolled in animal-based odors. In Experiment 2, the authors examined the function of rolling by applying odors to the pelts of captive hyenas. When hyenas wore carrion, they gained positive social attention (increased investigation and allogrooming) from pen mates, but when they wore camphor, the normal social greeting ceremony was curtailed. Thus, olfactory stimuli elicit specific responses, influence where behavior is directed, and can be used to affect social interaction.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine 70-kHz ultrasonic courtship vocalizations by adult male mice (Mus musculus) to novel odors following exposure to these odors in infancy and/or adulthood. The research was performed in hopes of better understanding the experiences giving rise to vocalizations to naturally occurring chemosignals. Experiment 1 demonstrated that adult males normally do not vocalize to the urine of female rats but would come to do so if adult female mice odorized with female rat urine were repeatedly encountered postpubertally. On the other hand, encountering their own mother odorized with female rat urine from birth until weaning did not promote vocalizations to the urine of female rats. Experiment 2 was designed to examine vocalizations to the urine of female mice whose urinary odor was altered by the ingestion of fenugreek, a spice. Although the magnitude of the effect was smaller in this experiment, greater amounts of vocalization again were seen by males that as adults encountered females that had ingested fenugreek. Males with such experience also showed a small but significant elevation in vocalizations to the fenugreek odor itself. Again, experience with the novel odor during infancy was not associated with elevated vocalizations during adulthood either to fenugreek-altered urine or to the fenugreek odor itself. Thus vocalizations to two different novel odors occurred only after an adult male had encountered an adult female odorized with the novel odor. On the other hand, none of the novel odor experiences eliminated vocalizations to the naturally occurring chemosignal in female mouse urine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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