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男性不育患者的心理社会因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢弘  郭思颖 《心理科学》2002,25(4):492-492,491
男性不育是一个较为复杂的临床综合症。婚后同居2年以上,有正常性生活,未采取避孕措施,女方不怀孕,称为不育症。在中国10对夫妇中约1对发生不育,属于女方因素约为60%,单属于男方约40%,属于男女双方共同的约10%。欧美等国家不育症患病率约为15%—20%。不育是令人非常痛苦的事,它不仅严重影响患者的身心健康,而且还会带来一定的社会问题。因此,不育症的相关因素显得颇为重要。本文对30列男性不育患者和30例已育子女的健康男性进行心理社会方面的调查研究。  相似文献   

心理弹性是与个体经历重大应激事件后复原相关的心理健康素质。本研究依据第六次人口普查结果从全国28个省、直辖市和自治区中抽取6433名成年人样本,为中国成年人心理弹性量表建立全国常模,并对心理弹性在性别、年龄段、受教育程度上的差异进行了分析,结果发现:(1)心理弹性的维度均分存在性别差异,男性在内控性维度和注重问题应对风格维度的均分显著高于女性;而女性在支持维度和接纳性维度的均分要显著高于男性。(2)心理弹性会随着年龄的增高呈整体上升趋势,内控性维度均分、应对维度均分以及乐观性维度均分均在个体中年到老年时期的上升趋势均不显著;(3)随着受教育程度的提高,个体的心理弹性总均分、应对维度均分、支持维度均分、乐观性维度均分以及接纳性维度均分显著提高;(4)教育程度和年龄段在心理弹性量表总均分以及内控性维度均分上存在交互作用。  相似文献   

比较面孔、身材和人格特质因素影响大学生配偶选择的重要性。要求被试主观判断跟目标异性进行短期和长期交往的意愿,并且向被试同时呈现两个目标,要求被试迫选更愿意跟谁交往。结果发现,男性在长期和短期择偶中均最关注面孔,其次是身材,最后是人格特质;并且男性在短期择偶中对外部吸引力的重视程度显著高于长期择偶中。女性的长期和短期择偶偏好与男性的择偶偏好存在一致趋势。由此可知在大学生的长期和短期择偶过程中,面孔漂亮起到了最大的锦上添花效果。  相似文献   

情绪对危机决策质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨继平  郑建君 《心理学报》2009,41(6):481-491
为探究情绪在危机情境下对决策质量的影响,研究通过影片诱发实验情绪,运用实验室实验考察了以情绪变量为主导、包括性别和任务难度等在内的相关因素对危机决策的作用机制。结果发现:(1)随着危机决策任务难度的增加,个体用于决策的时间显著增长,且性别与情绪类型间存在显著的二次交互作用;(2)在危机情境下,男性的产生新方案率明显高于女性;(3)男性被试对危机决策过程的自信程度显著高于女性,且情绪与难度变量之间交互作用显著;(4)个体对于自身危机决策结果的满意程度,在性别、情绪和难度变量之间存在显著的三次交互效应。  相似文献   

本研究首次考察中国文化下伴侣身高性别二态性偏好,验证Pawlowski潜在伴侣身高偏好条件性假设,并探讨性别角色对身高偏好的影响。结果表明:(1)选择不同身高搭配组的男女身高均有显著差异,低个男性和高个女性会选择和自已身高接近的伴侣高度。(2)男性对伴侣身高要求比女性更宽容。(3)不同性别角色类型被试对身高偏好无显著差异。  相似文献   

正以1917年"新文学运动"为开始,至1949年新中国成立的"中国现代文学",通常被看做是在中国社会发生历史性变化的条件下,广泛接受外国文学影响而形成的新文学。在这个过程中,宗教文化受到特别重视,它为新文学的兴起提供了一个重要角度,因而在中国现代文学史上留下了独特的印迹。我们可以列举出很多与宗教文化有着不同程度关联的重要作家,如巴金、老舍、曹禺、周作人、许地山、丰子恺……他们根据自己不同的需求选择了切合自身的宗  相似文献   

采用爱荷华赌博任务(Behcara等人1994年版本)测量了8类共222名在监男性罪犯以及32名普通男性的决策功能, 并运用前景效用学习模型分析了不同类型罪犯在情感决策中的心理功能缺陷。罪犯组选择牌1的比例与控制组没有显著差异, 选择牌2的比例显著高于控制组, 选择牌3和牌4的比例显著低于控制组。暴力犯和涉黑犯对收益和损失都不敏感, 对过去的预期效用折扣很快; 吸毒犯(已戒除)、涉毒犯、盗窃犯和抢劫犯对奖赏加工正常, 对惩罚不敏感; 经济犯选择一致性最低; 性罪犯选择一致性最高。结果表明不同类型罪犯在爱荷华赌博任务中都具有决策功能缺陷, 但他们的决策功能缺陷由不同的心理功能缺陷所致。  相似文献   

陆文莺 《美与时代》2007,(12):77-79
古代中国比较重视现实社会,对今生的重视程度远远大于来世.古人在自身的进化过程中,逐渐将求生的本能演变成"祈福避祸"的吉祥观念,于是吉祥文化就在丰富多彩的民俗活动中产生了.  相似文献   

一以1917年"新文学运动"为开一始,至1949年新中国成立的"中国现代文学",通常被看作是在中国社会发生历史性变化的条件下,广泛接受外国文学影响而形成的新文学。在这个过程中,宗教文化受到特别重视,它为新文学的兴起提供了一个重要角度,因而在中国现代文学史上留下了独特的印迹。我们可以列举出很多与宗教文化有着不同程度关联的重要作家,如,巴金、老舍、曹禺、周作人、许地山、丰子惜……他们根据自己不同的需求选择了切合自身的宗教文化,将他们所理解的宗教文化的内在精神融入作品中,呈现在作品的结构、语言、意境上。  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨丧偶与抑郁水平之间的关系,讨论社会网络(包括家庭网络和朋友网络)在其中的作用机制,并比较丧偶与抑郁水平的关系及社会网络作用机制的性别差异,本研究对中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)2014年调查中7649名老年人(其中丧偶老人2149名,男性715,女性1434;在婚老人5500名,男性3398,女性2102)的数据进行分析。结果发现,丧偶对老年人抑郁水平有消极影响,但影响作用不存在性别差异;男性丧偶老人的朋友网络显著低于男性在婚老人,而女性老年人中无此差异;相对于在婚老人,家庭网络对男性丧偶老人的抑郁水平的缓解作用更大,而在女性样本未发现家庭网络的缓冲作用。应重视丧偶老年人,特别是男性丧偶老年人,家庭网络的建设与维护,从而缓解丧偶对老年人心理健康的消极影响。  相似文献   

Higgins  Louise T.  Zheng  Mo  Liu  Yali  Sun  Chun Hui 《Sex roles》2002,46(3-4):75-89
This paper reports a survey carried out among 505 university students in China and 338 students in the United Kingdom. The survey included questions on attitudes toward mate-selection preferences, marriage, and sexual behavior. The findings show that traditional values in mate-selection preferences persist more in China than in the United Kingdom and indicate that, despite a profound social revolution over the last two decades, a relatively conservative sexual culture still exists in China today. Traditional morality and attitudes prevail especially among women. Gender and culture differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Height is an important concern in human mate choices. Prior research indicates that people who live in areas with abundant resources differ from those who live in areas with scarce resources regarding height preferences. Based on a health‐maximizing principle, we propose a resource availability account for such differences. Compared with women's height preferences, men's height preferences are hypothesized to be more dependent on either financial or caloric resource availability. Specifically, taller females would be more preferred by males who are poor in resources than those who are rich in resources. Results from three studies supported these hypotheses. In Study 1, men from remote areas of China who had lower family income preferred taller women more than those from eastern China who had higher family income. In Study 2, men who were financially dissatisfied preferred taller women more than those who were financially satisfied. In Study 3, men with low caloric status preferred taller women more than men with high caloric status. In addition, women's height preferences in Studies 1, 2 and 3 were less determined by resource availability. These findings suggest that height preferences are changeable, depending on financial or caloric status.  相似文献   

Several evolutionarily relevant sources of individual differences in face preference have been documented for women. Here, we examine three such sources of individual variation in men's preference for female facial femininity: term of relationship, partnership status and self‐perceived attractiveness. We show that men prefer more feminine female faces when rating for a short‐term relationship and when they have a partner (Study 1). These variables were found to interact in a follow‐up study (Study 2). Men who thought themselves attractive also preferred more feminized female faces for short‐term relationships than men who thought themselves less attractive (Study 1 and Study 2). In women, similar findings for masculine preferences in male faces have been interpreted as adaptive. In men, such preferences potentially reflect that attractive males are able to compete for high‐quality female partners in short‐term contexts. When a man has secured a mate, the potential cost of being discovered may increase his choosiness regarding short‐term partners relative to unpartnered men, who can better increase their short‐term mating success by relaxing their standards. Such potentially strategic preferences imply that men also face trade‐offs when choosing relatively masculine or feminine faced partners. In line with a trade‐off, women with feminine faces were seen as more likely to be unfaithful and more likely to pursue short‐term relationships (Study 3), suggesting that risk of cuckoldry is one factor that may limit men's preferences for femininity in women and could additionally lead to preferences for femininity in short‐term mates.  相似文献   

Xudong Fang 《Dao》2003,3(1):121-141
Z{uphu} Xi (1130–1200) was one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Chinese philosophy. From the beginning of the fourteenth century until 1905, when the examination system was abolished, his and C{upheng} Yi’s interpretations of the Confucian Classics were regarded as orthodox and served as the basis of civil service examinations and intellectual standards for the Chinese literati. His influence was not limited to China, as his thoughts became orthodoxy in Korea and in some important schools of thought in Japan (see Chan). Because of his great contribution to culture, Z{uphu} Xi has been honored as Zhuzi or Z{uphu} Fuzi. This paper will review contemporary Chinese studies of Zhuzi, particularly of his philosophy, that have been conducted in mainland China since 1980.  相似文献   

Extraversion is positively associated with various indices of women’s mate quality (e.g., facial symmetry and attractiveness). Since such indices are thought to predict variation in women’s preferences for masculine men, we investigated the relationships between each of the ‘Big 5’ personality factors and women’s preferences for facial masculinity. Extraversion, but not the other four personality factors, was positively correlated with women’s preferences for masculinity in men’s, but not women’s, faces. Additionally, extraversion mediated the positive relationship between women’s self-rated attractiveness and their preferences for masculinity in men’s faces, suggesting that extraversion may play a role in condition-dependent mate preferences. Unexpectedly, openness to experience was associated with women’s preferences for femininity in faces of both sexes and this association was independent of that between extraversion and women’s preferences for masculine men. This is the first study that we know of to implicate personality traits in individual differences in women’s preferences for masculine men.  相似文献   

Extraversion is positively associated with various indices of women’s mate quality (e.g., facial symmetry and attractiveness). Since such indices are thought to predict variation in women’s preferences for masculine men, we investigated the relationships between each of the ‘Big 5’ personality factors and women’s preferences for facial masculinity. Extraversion, but not the other four personality factors, was positively correlated with women’s preferences for masculinity in men’s, but not women’s, faces. Additionally, extraversion mediated the positive relationship between women’s self-rated attractiveness and their preferences for masculinity in men’s faces, suggesting that extraversion may play a role in condition-dependent mate preferences. Unexpectedly, openness to experience was associated with women’s preferences for femininity in faces of both sexes and this association was independent of that between extraversion and women’s preferences for masculine men. This is the first study that we know of to implicate personality traits in individual differences in women’s preferences for masculine men.  相似文献   

Social role theory (Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000) predicts that traditional gender ideology is associated with preferences for qualities in a mate that reflect a conventional homemaker-provider division of labor. This study assessed traditional gender ideology using Glick and Fiske's (1996, 1999) indexes of ambivalent attitudes toward women and men and related these attitudes to the sex-typed mate preferences of men for younger mates with homemaker skills and of women for older mates with breadwinning potential. Results from a nine-nation sample revealed that, to the extent that participants had a traditional gender ideology, they exhibited greater sex-typing of mate preferences. These relations were generally stable across the nine nations.  相似文献   

This research examined women's and men's social comparison preferences when evaluating the fairness of pay. Subjects were assigned randomly to work on a job described as masculine, feminine, or sex neutral and were told that they would be paid for their work. After working on the job and privately receiving identical payment, subjects rank ordered their preference for seeing the average male, average female, and average combined-sex wage paid in each of the three jobs. Despite the availability of the combined-sex wage, subjects preferred to maximize similarity in their wage comparisons, with the majority choosing to see the pay of a same-sex and same-job group first. Regardless of the sex linkage of their job assignment, subjects selected a same-job comparison first. Sex linkage of job did affect same-sex preferences; whereas subjects in sex-appropriate and sex-neutral jobs showed a significant preference for seeing the pay of same-sex others first, subjects in sex-inappropriate jobs did not. Results also indicated that both men and women assigned to the feminine job expected somewhat less pay and thought their obtained pay was more fair than did those assigned to the masculine job. Furthermore, women thought they deserved less pay for their work than did men, regardless of their job assignment. Implications of these results for gender differences in outcome evaluations are discussed.  相似文献   

Jie Zhang 《Sex roles》2014,70(3-4):146-154
The gender (male to female) ratio of the Chinese suicide rates is different from those found in the rest of the world. None of the other societies with known suicide data has had female suicide rates higher than those for the males. While we investigate the factors that contribute to the relatively high suicide rates for Chinese women, we also need to ask what makes the relatively low suicide rates for Chinese men. In this study we try to examine some social and cultural variables in rural Chinese youths in order to identify the factors that account for the relatively low rate for men and relatively high rate for women. In rural China, 392 suicides (both men and women) aged 14–35 years consecutively sampled from 16 counties of three provinces were studied with 416 community living controls of the same age range and from the same locations. Case–control psychological autopsy method was used for the data collection. It is found that believing in Confucianism and being married are both protecting the rural young men from suicide, while the two same variables are either risk or non-protecting factors for the Chinese rural young women’s suicide. In rural China, social structure and culture may play an even more important role determining a society’s suicide rates as well as the gender ratios. Thus, suicide prevention may need to include culture specific measures.  相似文献   

Sprecher  Susan  Toro-Morn  Maura 《Sex roles》2002,46(5-6):131-147
This study contributes to the literature on gender differences (and similarities) in relationship beliefs by comparing men and women on several relationship beliefs, by comparing men and women from two different cultures (North America and China), and also by examining gender differences in more than 1 subculture within the American sample. In the American sample (n = 693; 73.3% White, 11.7% Black, 8.5% Hispanic/Latino; 80% of middle or higher social class), men, as compared to women, were more willing to marry without love, scored higher on the idealization component of a romanticism scale, were more ludic and agapic but less erotic and pragmatic in their love styles, and were less likely to view emotional satisfaction as important to the maintenance of marriage. Although men were also more agapic than women in the Chinese sample (n = 735; Asian ethnicity), the other gender differences found in the Chinese sample were different from those found in the North American sample: Chinese men were more romantic (particularly in the belief that love can overcome any obstacle) and storgic than Chinese women, but less likely to believe in destiny or fate concerning love. Chinese men were also more likely than Chinese women to view physical pleasure as important for maintaining marriage. Overall, culture explained more variance than did gender in love beliefs. In general, the Chinese had both a more idealistic and a more practical approach to love than did the Americans. Gender differences and similarities did not vary across subcultures within the American culture, although main effects for race/ethnicity and social class were found for a few relationship beliefs.  相似文献   

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