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From 1975 through 2003, because of the use of safety belts, an estimated 180,000 deaths from traffic crashes have been prevented. In order to assess the gains that have been made in safety belt use across the U.S., in individual states, and in communities, belt use surveys are conducted at regular intervals to determine use rates. The most valid method for surveying safety belt use is through direct observation. Direct observation surveys are conducted along roadways by trained researchers looking into passing vehicles and recording safety belt use. This method of data collection has been effective in the past through the use of paper-and-pencil data recording, yet it could be improved through the use of electronic and communication technology. Reported here is a study designed to compare electronic data collection, using personal digital assistants (PDAs), with collection using the traditional paperand-pencil method during the annual statewide survey of safety belt use in Michigan that we have been conducting since 1984. The goals of the study were to develop a PDA database program for data entry in the field, to directly compare the PDA data collection process with the paper-and-pencil method on both accuracy and speed, and to assess mechanical and environmental factors, such as battery life, screen visibility, and reaction to adverse weather, that may act as limitations to the PDA method, in comparison with the paper-and-pencil method. In a direct comparison of methods, two observers collected data at the same roadway intersections, one using paper and a pencil and one using a PDA equipped with our custom software. The study showed that the PDA method was as fast and as accurate as the paper-and-pencil method. There were no adverse effects on the PDA caused by environmental conditions. The PDA was superior to the paper-and-pencil method in rainy weather and for data collector supervision. In addition, the use of the PDA obviated the need for entry of paper-recorded data into an electronic format. We conclude that the use of PDAs for safety belt field data collection is superior to the paper-and-pencil method. A Web address is given where the custom PDA safety belt data collection software can be obtained free of charge.  相似文献   

Advances in computer technology have led to the development of a number of semiautomated systems for collecting real-time observational data. We conducted a survey of 15 developers of computerized systems and summarized the features of each system. Many of these systems have incorporated laptop or handheld computers as well as bar-code scanners. Most systems used IBM-compatible (DOS or Windows) software, although a few were designed for either the MacOS or some other operating system. The range in prices started from free to more complete systems costing over $1,500. Data analysis programs were included with most programs; however, only about a third of the systems included a program to compute interobserver agreement.  相似文献   

Recent computer technology has led to the development of a number of software applications that have been specifically designed for collecting and analyzing observational data in real time. Behavioral Evaluation Strategy and Taxonomy (BEST®) is an innovative software program that provides users with an effective way to collect, store, and analyze real‐time observational data. The program is comprised of two distinct applications: BEST Collection® and BEST Analysis®. The purpose of the current article was to provide a critical review of BEST Version 4.1.6 for the Windows® (95/98/NT) operating system. The basis of this review was our use of BEST to collect and analyze data for several studies over a 2 year period. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Portable electronic data collection devices permit investigators to collect large amounts of observational data in a form ready for computer analysis. These devices are particularly efficient for gathering continuous data on multiple behavior categories. We expect that the increasing availability of these devices will lead to greater use of continuous data collection methods in observational research. This paper addresses the difficulties encountered when calculating traditional interobserver agreement statistics for continuous, multiple-code scoring. Two alternative strategies are described that yield interobserver agreement values based on the exact time of behavior code entries by the primary and secondary observers.Work on this paper was supported in part by NICHD Grants P01HD15051 and R01HD17650 and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services Grant G008302980.  相似文献   

Innovations in software for the analysis of eye movements have not kept pace with the development of hardware for collecting samples of eye position (Scinto & Barnette, 1986). Eye fixation and duration have been the primary measures for gleaning knowledge of subjects’ performance while the subjects are engaged in cognitive visual tasks. The program Cluster was developed as a means of investigating the dynamics of target examination characteristics that do not lend themselves to traditional methods of eye-movement analysis. This tool has proved to be a valuable means of assessing visual activity at a micro level, in comparison with the gross measures of distribution of visual attention in various areas of the visual field. In this report, we describe the history surrounding the development of Cluster as an analytical tool, the source of input required for its execution, the mechanics of the execution as an interactive process, the replicability of raters’ judgments, the program’s products of visual displays and data file output, and the potential application of such a tool for analyzing visual activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline the development of the Multiple Option Observation System for Experimental Studies (MOOSES), a flexible data collection package for applied behavioral research. Several data collection options are available to users of MOOSES. Event-based recording, interaction-based recording, duration recording, and interval recording are available to the users and can be used individually or together, depending upon the research question. The collection program can incorporate any of the keys on the keyboard. Function keys on the top or side are used for toggle (duration states) type data collection. Types of analysis include frequency and duration of discrete events, frequency of general behavior states, frequency and duration of events within behavioral states, percent interval analysis, sequential analysis, and interobserver agreement. Data obtained from MOOSES is easily incorporated with other data for further statistical analysis with standard statistical packages or popular spreadsheet programs. Applications of MOOSES and its uses in social interaction research are presented. Comparisons with other similar systems are provided.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Macintosh-based instructional software. The programs that are discussed can be used as laboratory exercises for data collection and data analysis, or for computer-assisted instruction. Some suggestions for state-of-the-art software in each of these categories are made along with some comments regarding instructional objectives for each set of programs.  相似文献   

This article presents a new database of 2,654 German nouns rated by a sample of 3,907 subjects on three psycholinguistic attributes: concreteness, valence, and arousal. As a new means of data collection in the field of psycholinguistic research, all ratings were obtained via the Internet, using a tailored Web application. Analysis of the obtained word norms showed good agreement with two existing norm sets. A cluster analysis revealed a plausible set of four classes of nouns: abstract concepts, aversive events, pleasant activities, and physical objects. In an additional application example, we demonstrate the usefulness of the database for creating parallel word lists whose elements match as closely as possible. The complete database is available for free from ftp://ftp.uni-duesseldorf.de/ pub/psycho/lahl/WWN. Moreover, the Web application used for data collection is inherently capable of collecting word norms in any language and is going to be released for public use as well.  相似文献   

The reliance of traditional job analysis on job incumbents as the primary source of work-analytic data is critically examined. It is argued that the sole use of incumbents is practically and theoretically unjustified. The incorporation of non-incumbents to the work analysis process is advocated, especially when abstract human attributes and strategic requirements are evaluated. The time and resource savings afforded by the use of mechanical estimation of work dimensions are also discussed. A revision of traditional formats of data collection in job analysis such as paper-and-pencil surveys and face-to-face interviews is proposed. Instead, the potential work-analytic uses of electronic records of work information nowadays available in electronic performance monitoring systems are outlined.  相似文献   

The Observer Video-Pro is a system for collecting, managing, analyzing, and presenting observational data. It integrates The Observer software with time code and multimedia hardware components. It extends the functionality of a conventional real-time event recording program in various ways. Observational data can be collected, reviewed, and edited with synchronized display of the corresponding video images. For optimal visual feedback during coding, one can display the video image in a window on the computer screen. Video playback from either a VCR or a digital media file can be controlled by the computer, allowing software-controlled jog, shuttle, and search functions. Besides a wide range of VCRs, The Observer Video-Pro supports all major digital video file formats. The software allows the user to summarize research findings in numerical, graphical, or multimedia format. One can create a time-event plot for a quick glance at the temporal structure of the observed process, or run specific analysis procedures and generate reports with statistics. An Event Summary function is available for exploratory and qualitative analysis. Video material can be summarized in a Video Play List, which allows on-screen summary presentations or the creation of highlight compilations on tape, CD, or other media. Video images can be captured and saved as disk files, for use as illustrations in documents, slides for presentations, and so forth. In this paper we describe the design and operation of the system, illustrated with a case study from research on Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).  相似文献   

The present paper provides a task analysis for creating a computerized data system using a Pocket PC and Microsoft Visual Basic. With Visual Basic software and any handheld device running the Windows Moble operating system, this task analysis will allow behavior analysts to program and customize their own functional analysis data-collection system. The program will allow the user to select the type of behavior to be recorded, choose between interval and frequency data collection, and summarize data for graphing and analysis. We also provide suggestions for customizing the data-collection system for idiosyncratic research and clinical needs.  相似文献   

Although direct observation has provided much information regarding caregiver-care recipient interactions, our understanding of the applications of this technique remains incomplete. This study expands upon earlier observational work by examining adults with mental retardation (MR) and their family caregivers in the home setting. Specialized computer software was used to conduct real-time observation and recording of interactional styles of maternal caregivers of eight younger (M = 23 years old) and eight older (M = 49 years old) MR adults during two cognitive tasks: block design and card sorting. Differences in the amount and type of assistance provided by the caregiver were examined by coding the occurrence and duration of seven interactional behaviors. The results demonstrated that the caregivers of the younger adults used more positive statements and modeling/gestural prompts, whereas the caregivers of the older adults provided more physical assistance and performed more of the tasks themselves. More importantly, this project provided information regarding interactions between MR adults and their maternal caregivers and demonstrated the utility of computer-assisted data collection technology with a community-based, nondemented population.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview and task analysis for creating a continuous ABC data‐collection application using Xcode on a Mac computer. Behavior analysts can program an ABC data collection system, complete with a customized list of target clients, antecedents, behaviors, and consequences to be recorded, and have the data automatically sent to an e‐mail account after observations have concluded. Further suggestions are provided to customize the ABC data‐ collection system for individual preferences and clinical needs.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown evidence for mode differences between computer-assisted self-administered interviews (CASI) and paper-and-pencil interviews, especially in the case of sensitive questions. Some of these differences are explained by higher degrees of self-disclosure for CASI than for paper-and-pencil interviews, due to the more private situation with CASIs. This analysis examines the existence of different degrees of self-disclosure for CASI versus paper-and-pencil questionnaires and whether these differences can be reduced by the use of a specific response format. Judgments of items on a self-control scale with discrete 5-point (Likert-type) scales are compared with judgments on continuous visual analogue scales (VAS). Because a categorization effect for Likert-type items is assumed when pressure for social desirability is present, it is hypothesized that VAS compared to Likert-type response formats are less sensitive to mode differences.  相似文献   

The application of computer technology to classical conditioning requires: control software that will repeatedly generate stimulus events, and analog-to-digital (A/D) recording capabilities for the resolution of analog data from phasic response systems (e.g., nictitating membrane extension, leg flexion). An earlier software package implemented on a 4K PDP-8/E (Millenson, Kehoe, Tait, & Gormezano, 1973) successfully met these requirements. However, the program’s capabilities were restricted to the presentation of only two unique stimuli with a maximum of 4 sec duration, and data reduction in only uniphasic response systems. The present program, employing the same hardware, relaxed these previous constraints and extended the range of data analysis through the revamping of the interactive assembler, operating system, and on-line data processing routines.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a computer-based laboratory for collecting and analyzing real-time performance and eye-movement data by using video game-like tasks. These tasks assess skills that require the integration of varying numbers of perception and action components. Customized hardware and software are described for configuring tasks, collecting data, reconstructing performance, and organizing, editing, and reducing data. General design considerations are emphasized for solving several of the problems encountered in constructing a real-time data collection system. The paper concludes with examples of data that illustrate the system’s usefulness for studying complex perception-action skills.  相似文献   

The Observer is a general-purpose software package for event recording and data analysis in behavioral research. It allows any IBM-type personal computer to serve as an event recorder. In addition, The Observer can generate dedicated event-recording programs for several types of non-IBM-compatible portable and hand-held computers and transfer files between the PC and such computers. The user specifies options through menus. The configuration can be either used directly for event recording on the PC or passed on to a program generator that creates a program to collect data on a hand-held computer. Observational data from either type of computer can be analyzed by the program. Event-recording configurations can be tailored to many different experimental designs. Keys can be designated as events, and modifiers can be used to indicate the limits of an event. The program allows grouping of events in classes and distinction between mutually exclusive versus nonexclusive events and duration events versus frequency events. Timing of events is accurate to 0.1 sec. An on-line electronic notepad permits notes to be made during an observation session. The program also includes on-line error correction. User comments as well as independent variables can be stored together with the observational data. During data analysis, the user can select the level of analysis and the type of output file. The Observer calculates frequency of occurrence and duration for classes of events, individual events, or combinations of events. For analysis of concurrence, one can select the number of nesting levels and the order of nesting. Output can be generated in the form of sorted event sequence files, text report files, and tabular ASCII files. The results can be exported to spreadsheet and statistical programs.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the Internet provides a wealth of new research opportunities for psychologists. Internet data collection methods, with a focus on self-report questionnaires from self-selected samples, are evaluated and compared with traditional paper-and-pencil methods. Six preconceptions about Internet samples and data quality are evaluated by comparing a new large Internet sample (N = 361,703) with a set of 510 published traditional samples. Internet samples are shown to be relatively diverse with respect to gender, socioeconomic status, geographic region, and age. Moreover, Internet findings generalize across presentation formats, are not adversely affected by nonserious or repeat responders, and are consistent with findings from traditional methods. It is concluded that Internet methods can contribute to many areas of psychology.  相似文献   

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